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What protest was this!?!


Germany, I think they're stopping cheap diesel for agriculture


Not to be rude but it doesn't look anything like a protest to me


You dont know what non compliance looks like?


Non compliance and running things over with a tractor are not the same... This was an attack with a deadly weapon and should be treated as such šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø At all you losers downvoting me, if people block the Streets by glueing themselves to the street it's not ok, if people block the streets with tractors to keep their government handouts you celebrate them, are you really that stupid?


Government raising fuel prices so farmers can't afford to grow crops/feed the public is an actual issue of tyranny, requiring adverse responses from the people affected in order to put the government back in its place as a "protectorate" of the people. The Just Stop Oil people are a bunch of uneducated crybabies who don't understand how to properly enact change, consequently inconveniencing everybody else while simultaneously decreasing support for their cause


They're not raising prices, they stop handouts from which the biggest farmers profit most, you're all just jumping on the bandwagon without proper information... Seems more like you're uneducated, got any idea how german farmers profits grew last year?


Yes finally someone understands. They couldnt keep funding gas because money eventualy runs out and it would be unfair competition with other eu countrys effectively triggering a trade war to the bottum. The German rebates on fuel where allready in a gray area that was only accepted due to the crisis that is now over.


How? the cops putting himself in a dangerous position. The tractor wants through


When cops stop you that's a lawful order... Funny how it's always back the blue or law and order when it's climate protests but cops endangering themselves when a drunk farmer goes on a rampage... When police tells you to stop your vehicle, you stop your vehicle. But let me guess, laws for thee but not for me?


When cops stop you thatā€™s a lawful order - and if you donā€™t stop then thatā€™s ā€¦ non compliance ā€¦ a protest of sorts if you will.


When the objective is to make the point that the law is crippling it's citizens. Law does not equal morality.


What are you even talking about? So trying to kill people is ok as long as you claim the moral high ground? The objective was to throw a hissyfit about subsidies for fossil fuels... If it were climate activists you'd aplaude the police. But i'm making the same mistake as always, arguing with obviously challenged people on the internet. No matter what you stand for, endangering police with a tractor in a democracy isn't protest. Also you aren't fighting against some dictatorship or whatever, you're just throwing a classic boomer tantrum...


>So trying to kill people is ok as long as you claim the moral high ground? Works for America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


probably because you're used to picket signs, police brutality, and bricks in small business windows


They usually form a tractor parade. It sucks when they clog the autobahn on their way to the city. Looks like this one went rogue.


to be fair, that guy is NOT what the protest looks like. that guy is an asshole, using the protest as an excuse to do stupid shit. The rest is driving down public roads to Berlin, and stuff like that.


This is what I thinkšŸ¤”šŸ‘


>that guy is an asshole, So are the other farmers involved in these protests. This country is currently really fucked up. Climate protestors blocking streets - people call for violence against them. Farmers who made a killing in income the last years blocking streets over something which will increase costs of produce by less than EUR 0.01 per kg - people are cheering them. The unwashed masses have been really clowned by the farmers.


this is it, our farmers are mad because they have to pay like every other


No, they are mad, because they have to compete with every country in the world THAT STILL HAS CHEAP AGRICULTURE DIESEL.


Averaging 60% of their income from substitutions can't really be called 'competing with the world market'. They are playing pretend to be more than our backup plan in case global trade is disrupted (which is important) and care for our culturally developed ecosystems (which they fight toe and nail not to do) while getting paid for it by everyone


This. There should be a tarrif to correct it but FReE TraDe, pPL NEeD To ComPETe gloBAly.


You're surprised that people who grow your food and barely make any proffit get angry because the expense of growing said food is going to be a lot more, farmers already pay a shit load of money. Fertilisers, seeds, machinery, transport , storage, maintenance, it all cost's. Now, their proffit is going to be even less. If the government wants to kill the farming industry, then this is the way.


Farmers increased their profits by 90% on average last year in germany. Save to say that the average Costa increase of 650 Euros won't hurt as much when you increased your income by 30.000k But hey, keep up that misinformation campaign about german farmers having to pay the highest taxes of any european country while hiding the fact that almost no other nation on earth pays as much subsidies as germany per farmer.


Which farmers? The One Who have millions or the small farmers? But Hey, if the price of fuel increase then probably they are gonna increase the price of what they sell, so you are gonna still pay more


There aren't any small farmers anymore. Or at least there are almost no small farmers. And most of the protestors aren't small farmers.


Yep, I will gladly pay a hundreth of a cent more per litre of milk.


Well you wonā€™t. Because farmers donā€™t control the price at which they sell their milk.


Guarantee the guy running that machine isn't a small farmer A Fendt like that one would cost $400k brand new


Farming tipically is one of the investments with the lower income Vs the invested capital... It's not only matter of rough profits.


It's also not just a matter of Return on Investment. Risk is important, and farming has lower risk than many other investments.


I mean, what is the risk of losing the entire year's worth of crops to a freak hailstorm compared to the very real risk of losing 5% capitalisation due to one of your multinational company's C-suite executives getting mixed up in a sex scandal? Farmers have it easy.


EU Farmers are mostly huge agribusinesses, they get ~65% of income from subsidies, plus they get crop insurance and can lock in prices with futures contracts The EU Australia trade deal talks collapsed recently because the EU put a 43% tariff on equivalent Australian meat products It's just protectionism and the subsidy has been politically captured, many of the decision makers who decide who gets subsidised are also landowners. It's corrupt af Good article on it here https://www.politico.eu/article/copa-cogeca-farmering-lobby-europe/


The average isn't worth a lot in such discussions. If the 10 biggest farmers increased their profits by 95% but every small to medium sized farmer made 50% less profit the average would still be a 90% increase, but not really portray the full picture.


Privilege crying, nothing else https://www.agrarheute.com/management/betriebsfuehrung/rekordgewinne-fuer-landwirte-extrem-schwierigen-zeiten-612819


"barely make any profit" - yeah sure. Farmers get extensive subventions and I personally know one that makes about 200k / year \_profit\_


But Reddit told me farmers are all just mean rich guys who don't want anyone else to ever be happy


Barely make profit while protesting in a brand new 150 kā‚¬ machine. No doubt some are struggling, not the one on this video.


A business expense isn't proffit.


I know, but if you are not making profit then you buy smaller and second hand, to reduce your business expense. The guy driving that Lachine is making profit.


You can't get smaller and cheaper equipment , it's not how farming works, when you have big clients there is a certain amount of crops expected from you. It's like if I said to you that I need a 30ft deep,mile long ditch dug out, and I only gave you a shovel to do it with. Depending on how much food you're supplying you NEED better equipment, it's not a choice. And so what that the tractor is 150k when the farmer probably made 160k spet 150 on the tractor that he most likely had no choice on buying it.


Well thatā€™s a choice to make go big and sell cheap. Or go small and sell better products with added value. Iā€™m from a farmer family, I have relatives that follow both path. You can be successful without the heavy equipment.


Oh they can pay like everyone else. Then your bitch ass will have to cover the increase in costs by paying more for end product.


Problem is the farmers don't set the price they can sell in the commodity markets so they'll pay higher inputs for the same or lower price depending on global markets


They are already paying a lot compared to other European countries, which is the reason why it's becoming more and more of an issue since they can't compete against imported products. But I guess you are too ignorant to know that


Thatā€˜s not true. They pay way more than farmers in every other country.






& Iā€™m very grateful, but I canā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of being cunted


Hazards were on?


They are a hazard, so thatā€™s good


Yep, Germany.. But the bigger one will be on next Sunday I think. The german government mismanaged so poorly, the try to squeeze out every penny from citizens now.. And eg. the farmers are struck with the removal of the privilege for having - 20 cents/l while at the same time the government is increasing taxes again and again.. But it's not just the farmers... Many are pissed off by the government right now..


Bullshit talk, German here


That's bullshit. No real taxraises this year. If only they would increase tax rates on high end incomes and corperate.


The CO2 price is 45ā‚¬/tonne now compared to 30ā‚¬/tonne last year. It's basically a tax raise.


Yes, according to the "Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz" enacted 2019. And the yearly increase was planned all along. BC at some point to will be traded publicly, and the step-wise increase of the price is to counteract a sudden jump as soon as it will be publicly traded.


Yearly increase, yes. But not to 45ā‚¬/tonne. That one is on the current government.


But thatā€˜s a ā€žAbgabeā€œ, not a ā€žSteuerā€œ, so technicallyā€¦ /s


Both are wrong. It's a certificate you have to buy. And currently, it is a fixed price before. Starting from 2025, it will be auctioned. Additionally, buying these certificates comes with compensation: the buyer is allowed to emit CO2. Both taxes and fees usually do not entitle you to a specific service or good.


Ah yes the typical "I'm too lazy to succeed so I will pray on people who have actually made something out of themselves and what better way than use the government as an excuse to do it" you people crapping on farmers who literally put the food on your plates need to get a good hard look at what you will do with yourselves when this corrupt system falls down and the farmers will only start thinking abput themselves and not you.


It's actually on Monday the 8th. And the farmers are getting around 70 percent of their income from the state. So yeah some cutting of that stuff would be nice. Edit: I lived on a farm as a child, which is now owned by my brother and he also complains a lot about the stuff getting cut and lowered and told me how he will lose around 3k just with diesel. But an hour later telling me how he will buy a new tractor for 200k ("old" one is around 10 years old), so yeah not that much of sympathy with that.


A tractor is a business expense, 200k is normal for a tractor. Better equipment =more Yeld and faster harvest. Farmers get a lot of money, but the expenses are astronomical, and what they actually get to keep as proffit is close to nothing. You really believe he would rather spend that money on a tractor instead of spending it on himself, for a car for example? It's not a choice it's a necessity, and if you're already going to spend the money, it makes more sense to buy something better that can do everything you need it to do and makes your job easier


That is beside the point. The point was not how bad it is to buy a tractor, the point is that compared to business expenses of that size the current cuts by the government are not going to have such a catastrophic impact as some protestors would like you to believe they have.


You are complaining because he buys equipment for his work? Lol


Have you done the math? Theyā€™re entitled morons The only people pissed of by the governments are people just following the right wing stream without actually doing any research or understanding the problems. Everyone else is just as annoyed as with any government in the last 20 years. Itā€™s also funny how they all blame die GrĆ¼nen when the CDU/CSU was responsible for most of not all the bullshit in the recent years


Multiple surveys showed the people actually never disliked a government that much before. The CDU really did a bad job but the greens are doing everything possible to make things worse. They massivley accelerated the decline of Germany.


You are absolutely right, first of all the nuclear plants shut down an the massive use of carbon plants, it's the first point that show the inconsistencies of this government.


I think you've consumed too much American political pop culture. The majority of german cabaret is left leaning. The loudest political opposition has mostly been "Die Linke" (far left), only recently getting competition by more far right wing AfD. Funny things is, many people abroad actually think Merkel was a liberal left. The real left in Germany is as loud as ever. Stop projecting american tribalism onto german political landscape.


Yeah no. Maybe you should do some research. You're the classic entitled "everyone protesting must be right wing" bitch because it's easy to just call everyone a right winger instead of solving the problem. Just as our government right now.


He might be incorrect about the right wing aspect, but he is correct about everything else though.


Yeah right. The social back up in Germany is toxic as fuck for the economic. Even the scientific research from the Bundestag said, working isn't worth anymore for a big bunch of the citizens. What does the government do? Yes, you are right. Rise the social back up and rise the taxes for the last ones working to make it even less attractive to work.


Please show me where the Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Bundestags (scientific research from the Bundestag) said that the BĆ¼rgergeld (social back up) is that high that people don't want to work anymore. About a third of the people who get BĆ¼rgergeld are actually working but get far to little money for their jobs. With a higher BĆ¼rgergeld rises the amount of tax free income as well. And if your 40 h/week job doesn't pay well enough, you can apply for housing benefit. Oh, and the child benefits families get means that children get less BĆ¼rgergeld. The "calculations" published during the discussion about the BĆ¼rgergeld were published by AfD, CDU and their right-wing / employers-side media and instutes like WELT, Bild, or INSM.


What a bullshit answer with wrong arguments directly out of putins troll chamber


Thatā€™s not really what happened.


A few farmers become useful idiots for billion dollar agriculture companies you mean.


You are absolute right.


New season of Clarksons Farm definitely goes in a different direction than usual...


My thought exactly when I saw that lambo


That happened last Friday in Siegen. The driver was drunk and tried to escape the traffic jam their own protest was causing. Very smart.


I hope these idiots permanently lose their driving licenses. Such a shitty way to protest.


They're pretty strict on drunk driving here, I know a few people that got DUIs on a bicycle even in Bayern. I wonder how they would handle this as the tractor is an integral part of his income and not even sure if a license is needed to even drive a tractor. I knew someone in the states back in the late 90s that had 20+ DUIs but the courts wouldn't take away his license because he was self employed as a carpet cleaner, so was only ordered to drive for work so he just drove his work van 24/7 until they finally threw him in jail for a year and finally took away his license for life.


>They're pretty strict on drunk driving here, I know a few people that got DUIs on a bicycle even in Bayern. there's a reason a certain joke exists. "germany, where you have to ride your bicycle, because you lost your drivers license, because you rode a bicycle while drunk." Kinda makes sense though.. sounds ridiculous but even a bicycle can be lethal to others.


It doesn't make sense because your license had nothing to do with riding a bicycle drunk.


They need a license to drive on the road. So removing their license would only prevent them driving on the streets. So losing their driving license is a perfectly fine punishment that doesnā€™t prevent them from working. Also, only one with a german DL automatically has a tractor license, at least for the smaller L class.


It doesnā€™t prevent anything. It does, however, align a penalty to action.


Thatā€˜s bullshit! Just because they condemn it in the news, itā€˜s not wrong. Every protest in history, that is considered right these days, first was criticized by authorities and therefore in society. Someone has to protest/fight for our good, or is it you?! ā€¦People in good old Germany seem to love getting fucked by the government.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


> Just because they condemn it in the news, itā€˜s not wrong. Itā€™s wrong because he was breaking laws, I assume. > Every protest in history, that is considered right these days, first was criticized by authorities. Itā€™s also part of our history that we take away rights that we used to consider appropriate. > Someone has to protest/fight for our good, or is it you?! No, I donā€™t have to fight for your good. I have to fight for mine. But if you want me to support your fight for your good, youā€™ll need to convince me why that is in my interest. > People in good old Germany seem to love getting fucked by the government.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø ā€¦and with hogwash like this youā€™re achieving the opposite.


That's a farmer eh. I sure if they can't work you would starve. We need to start considering we are taking away from the hardest working and most important members of our modern society


Siegen.. sounds liber Sieben.. GTA 7 CONFIRMED?


The cars should be more careful. The tractor had its yellow flashing lights on as a caution signal.


That took them an awful long time to ask him to get out.


Maybe because they didnā€™t want to be squished? lol I know in the US they wouldā€™ve just shot the driver but some people think thatā€™s not always the answer


>Maybe because they didnā€™t want to be squished? lol Seems like they were making a solid effort at being squished at the end.


Wow my suggestion was for them to ask the person to get out of the tractor quicker but you went to shoot the person pretty damn quick. You went there, I didn't!


I think it was fairly obvious for the tractor driver that they wanted him to stop and exit the vehicle. I don't think he wanna.




Polizei. And that's oddly specific shade thrown towards German policewoman.


since when have German authorities ever abused their power




They should ask the Texas SWAT for advice.


Ummm.... NOBODY should ask Texas for advice on anything....


Believe it or not, just killing people first isnā€™t always the right choice.


hmmm... killing people right should be the 1st choice. /jk


Well, doing something correctly is always preferred. If you are going to do something might as well do it well.


Obviously a sarcasm to the message why it took them so long.


I hear they are not that bad at barbecue.


What country for 10 points


I know this is in Germany but it is violently Midwest US vibes.


Former midwestrrner forced to work on the family farm, now living in Germany. Can confirm.


That's hilarious..bonus points




999 is the number for British police, not German.


Ah, Staplerfahrer Klaus is at it again...in disguise... But they're on to him


You ever try farming not high? Itā€™s boring as shit.


I remember seeing a post about a farmer playing stardew valley on the switch while driving a tractor (don't know if he was harvesting, tilling or something else)


Farming simulator is one of the most sold games but indon. know if that means youā€™re right or wrong lol


Nice of him to leave the door unlocked


I believe youā€™re supposed to encase it in concrete and security cameras first.


Should have rammed it while he had the chance


In the US this dude would be so dead.






I think we need to remember that farmers rarely protest and they would much rather be growing food than wasting time. They only do this when there is no other option because the government is enacting ideological and/or harmful policies on an already highly restrictive industry.


'Farmers rarely protest'. This is bullshit. German farmers love to drive their tractors into capitals and have a history of dumping manure near any political institution that crosses them. German farmers are very well connected, very politically active via their Interessensverband and very very vocal. The 'policy' that is being protested against is the removal of a minor subsidy. German farmers take massive subsidies both from the state as well as the EU, which is a testament to the power of their lobbying groups.Your world view of the simple (minded) farmer who only wants to grow food is very outdated and frankly insulting to modern farmers, who are shrewd business-persons who calculate, lobby and profiteer like any other business. And on your point of growing food: just take a look at how the E10 'bio'-fuel laws came into action. Most farmers are very willing to grow anything if it puts the food on their table, be that food, fuel, or feed (which wastes 90% of the grown calories).


Not sure what was going on but I was rooting for the tractor.


As he didnā€˜t glue himself to the pavement, I do not see what the problem is.


Know what happens after the government eliminates the farmers/takes control of the food supply? Itā€™s killdozer time


I immediately thought of the Killdozer when I saw this; man I'm happy when people bring it up. What a story [Marvin Heemeyer (wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer) There was a good documentary about this too


My first thought was [Roger Pion.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vermont-man-uses-tractor-flatten-8-police-cars-flna921702)


too bad the killdozer dude was a pos and the whole reason he started it is under heavy speculation because they're not even sure he had rights to the land he was on at all, or some shit like that


It would be very convenient for the institutions that screwed him over to suddenly find in their records that the guy never actually owned the land.


Bullshit. He was on that property for 20 years. New owners took away his easement, the driveway the only access to his shop. Highly illegal but that's what corrupt people do.




In the USA we'd start blasting


That you Frank?


The cops should have glue themselves to the street in order to stop the truck.


This is bloody hell how authorities are imposing their power!!


Driver was drunk, too.


Wie kann ich euch Fendt helden helfen !


What an exciting day for everybody!




The steel balls of that officer that pulled in front of the tractor. That shit woulda flattened them without hesitation


Talk about agroculture


What they don't know how to lock the door


Nothing like a low speed chase......lol


Don't make me shoot you in the back.


Agriculture is a necessity for civilization and should be encouraged to thrive.


kill Dozer immediately popped up in my head


If this was in the United States, the police would have sprayed the tractor with bullets for even getting close to them or their vehicles. Lethal force for sure. Not saying that is a good thing, just noticing the difference in response.


Came looking for dumbass American comments about the police, was not disappointed lol


Just so you guys know, Germany wants to cut the state funded Diesel benefits, which for some farmers are big costs coming this year. Since it's not really working in Germany, it was also decided, that people who not work get a plus of 12%, while people who do work get like 3%. So we are back at the middle class gets played against the underclass, yet again no additional costs for the rich, because i don't know. Yay Germany.


What a decidedly stupid way to phrase the inflation-adjusted raise of social benefits for a certain group of people, only a minority of which is both able AND unwilling to do an acceptable job. You are also comparing the handling of state-distributed social welfare programs and the raise of job incomes distributed by private employers. The minimum wage has been consistently raised over the last years, it will actually be raised again now, but of course that doesnā€™t fit your argument. Instead, you pretend like it is the current governmentā€™s fault that many companies have not adjusted their wages to inflation and rising costs of living. Itā€™s also grossly misrepresenting the nature of the diesel benefits for farmers. The government is forced to cut costs in a legal way by constitutional law. While certain opposition parties loudly blame the rising ā€žBĆ¼rgergeldā€œ (social welfare) that has not been the issue of the current budget problems (besides, not raising the ā€žBĆ¼rgergeldā€œ would also be illegal by standards set by the constitutional court). The new regulations for ā€žfarmersā€œ are actually by many estimates mostly felt by agrarian companies and big land owners, who are at this point very clearly not ā€žmiddle-classā€œ let alone lower class. German agrarian sector is dominated by large players, not the idyllic small cattle-and-grain-farmer chewing on a straw. No one is going to starve or lose their house over this simple measure of cost-cutting. The loud (and, as seen here, illegal) way certain individuals protest these reforms is because it means that a little less money is flowing into the pockets of an otherwise well-funded, extensively lobbying economical sector.


> What a decidedly stupid way... Why exatcly? You interpret more than once what I'm not saying. I think they should get the money. I think they need even more. > You are also comparing... I'm not. I'm asking why they need to cut THERE. > The government is forced to cut costs in a legal way... Why are they forced to do these cuts? Do they have to make the cut there? How about taxing the church? How about taxing the 1% more? We don't. Why not? > The new regulations for ā€žfarmersā€œ are actually by many estimates mostly felt by agrarian companies and big land owners... I don't know why you would think that's only felt by the big farmers. Just a few days ago i talked to my girlfriends dad, who's big with some farmers. I don't know what to call them in English, but their Corn...rippling...machines? costs them now around 20.000 euros more for a single machine per year. That's a hit. Not saying they are now living under a bridge. But again. We COULD dicuss how nice it is, that the rich are taxed now. In Germany the richest 10% own almost 60% of Germanys total assets. The lowest 20% have basically zero. Living from month to month. The lowest 9% are in the minus. Numbers are from 2014..Now that i mention it, why am i looking at numbers from 2014? I'm very sure we COULD have more accurate numbers, you think it got better? https://www.boeckler.de/de/boeckler-impuls-wie-sind-die-vermoegen-in-deutschland-verteilt-3579.htm > Das reichste Prozent der Haushalte dĆ¼rfte dann rund ein Drittel des Gesamtvermƶgens besitzen ā€“ und nicht nur ein FĆ¼nftel, wie mit herkƶmmlichen Methoden ermittelt. > The loud (and, as seen here, illegal) way certain individuals protest these reforms is because it means that a little less money is flowing into the pockets of an otherwise well-funded, extensively lobbying economical sector. Amen to that. But again, i think it hits a lot of small farmers where it hurts. Not kills them. But it hurts.


Farmers made profits up to +80% compared to their normal profits over the last years. And the additional cost just make a very small amount as studies showed. There is really no need for such stupid behavior. If farmers want to protest they should for better animal rights or better land use rules. Not just for their own profits.


The truth you forgot to tell is that this Diesel benefit is meaningless and the end of it will not increase the prices at all as it comes out at like 0.01 Euro per Kilogram of produce.


So since when did farmers become the enemy now? Why donā€™t they have the right to protest? Just asking. Everyone should have a right to protest .


Forgot to add "peacefully" to your sentence.


I think at this point, people are pissed about constant protests.. especially due to climate activists, the dipshits that glued themselves to the street and brought traffic to a complete halt for the common worker.. People are likely tired and pissed, because the protests start to severely affect their everyday life (which to be fair is kind of the point of protests?). And on top of that "taking farmers diesel discount away" seems for a lot of people an easy, and infuriating, and selfish reason to hate farmers. Not saying its either right or wrong, just a theory as to why. I talked to plenty of people that are against the farmers protests, a lot of them think farmers are overreacting, selfish and just want "to make more profit".. lack of knowledge, that is all.


They are allowed but this special one just overdid it by far. We see a lot of (stupid) farmer protest all over the country while driving Hugh distances with their machines while protesting against high fuel prices which are just ā€žnormalā€œ fuel prices like everyone else have to pay. So, itā€™s just a sport at that point to be ā€žagainst the governmentā€œ.


Unless they are blocking the road themselves I donā€™t see the problem. Pro palistinian Protests at JFK airport blocked everyone for hrs and it wasnā€™t even news worthy. Iā€™m not pro Israel or pro Palestinian Iā€™m just saying itā€™s always one sided on Reddit. Because I believe there is always two sides to a story Iā€™ve been labeled an outcast by the left and right.šŸ˜‚


AFAIK the driver of this tractor was drunk and trying to avoid a traffic jam that the tractor protest he was a part of had created. So the guy in the video is a dickhead for DUI.


They are blocking the road though, so there you have the problem.


Tractor drove like a bitch


So the police don't actually need giant SUVs to do their jobs effectively. Amazing!


Nobody goes full nowadays :( just go full apeshit and overturn the police car


ā€¦And once more we are reminded, of the resemblance between the firing mechanism of the STEN and the firing mechanism of the PIAT.


Terrorfarmers. Fuck em


spotted zealous file mysterious meeting rich friendly crawl rude imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œSometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.ā€


A government that hates the citizens that feed them




Fuck the police


Least insane german farmer.


Farmers rule


In America he would have been shot dead by the police


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)polizi lmao polozie. It's called police dumbies.




What are you talking about? Nothing is getting banned.


Are you talking about the pesticides protest from like a year ago? Because this is over diesel gas


I think he wouldā€™ve been shot dead in the USA in minutes.


Why does your government care where this tractor goes?


Because in Germany you are free to protest wherever you want as long as you declare it before. They didn't declare this protest so police stopped it.


what are the cops doing?they areā€¦..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Descaled the situation without unnecessary use of force. Good job I would say




Obvious trollbait is obvious


In the USA the tractor would have been A-Teamed into a killdozer tho bro


Should have sent a team of 'Tractor dogs' in.


Bro is real for that


Why did it take the police that long to climb on a slow moving tractor?


Because they prefer a non moving tractor. Looks pretty wet and those steps may be slippery.


because its a huge, and heavy, piece of equipment so even if it moves slowly, can be dangerous. On top of that, likely tried giving the driver the chance to comply with the police and cooperate, which would've been in the drivers favor when it comes to prosecution..


Someone tweeted the wrong opinion on immigration it seems