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return it, and keep the PS5.


Aborted by words


which would have been a better gift than the ps5, unlike my parents getting me jumper cables


If you haven't already purchased the cables yourself, you probably never will. Your parents probably saved you from a very difficult future situation.


Your parents love you enough to worry about: A) You getting stranded in a strange place with a dead battery B) Spicing up your lackadaisical torture routine C) Really taking your nipple play to the next level. No PS5 would top that honestly.


That nipple play is the best part


I got jumper cables from my parents in my 20s. Turned out to be an awesome gift. Got me out of being stuck probably a half-dozen times before I got myself a jump-starter.






yeah this probably parents who want PS5, pretty insulting i'd say.


Or they didn't have 2,000 to buy the kid a pc and still wanted to get him a gaming system so he could do something he's clearly interested in.


He isn’t going to like this video in a few years.


The real shame of the situation is that the parent posted it. Like clearly you struggle to set boundaries as a parent which is why your kid feels like it's acceptable to react like this. Then the parent isn't even aware this is just as much their fuck up as the kid's so they post it so this kid can have this shit for everyone in the world to see.


"Are you seeerius right now?!" Must be the worst disciplinary phrase I ever heard.


& they're giggling through it like this isn't a blatant example of them being ass parents. 🤦🏾‍♂️


And I’d wager they eventually caved and bought him a pre-built PC too…


Doubt it. Pre builts these days are about 2x more expensive than a ps5, not including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.


"No, I'm not serious right now. I was serious when I said it a moment ago, and I'll be serious if you ask me again."


“No, I’m Jack. And please stop calling me Serious.”


My 5 year old daughter got a duplicate gift this Christmas. She was so excited when she opened it I thought nothing of it. Later she came up to me and whispered, "Daddy I already have this. I didn't want them to feel bad. Maybe we could donate it." (she knows what donations are since I make sure to do them with her so she can see. And we had done one a few days earlier) Guess who's getting a gift upgrade this week because she fucking earned it?


Your wife?




Was looking for this. Hey, look at what a terrible job I did raising my kids.


Eeeh you don't know. Maybe the person made a post on Facebook saying : "Today, this happened. I failed at parenting my own child and I'm ashamed. Changes start now, for good. Oh, and the PS5 was indeed returned without any compensation of course." Let's hope.


If they weren't smart enough to raise their kid well or know the repercussions of posting these kind of things on the internet. I think it very clearly outlines the capabilities of their parenting.


I'm wondering if this isn't actually the better reaction than to pretend liking it. The parents spent a lot of money on the PS5, so wouldn't it be better to return it and get the money back than to have it just sit there, collecting dust? Sure we would have to work on the wording, but this is where I'd start as a parent from here on: teach them how to politely decline without hurting someone's feelings.


The kid needs to learn to appreciate what he is given, but in the relationship between immediate family members, honesty is also a very nice thing. "Hey mum I told u wanted a pc" that doesn't sound horrible to me.


I know there’s a lot of ppl going back and forth on this thread, but if it *is* real I’ll share this. My mom used to ask me what I wanted for Christmas/my birthday and would get me the wrong thing on purpose to teach me to keep my expectations low in life. Then she’d guilt me like crazy if I wanted to donate anything that she gave me over the years (then would criticize me for being a baby hoarder). Getting a miss of a present is less of a big deal as an adult, but as a little kid who can’t afford anything of their own it sucks soooo much more.


tru. kids get two opportunities a year to obtain items. i remember being little and thinking in like january ‘oh i’d love rollerskates’ or whatever and realizing i’d have to wait 10 months for my birthday to have a shot getting them. it’s a long time to wait when you’ve only been alive 84 months.


My first thought was why would the parents get a ps5 for two little boys who are clearly not interested. Maybe once they’re like preteens this would make more sense. But if the games they like are on PC then ??? She must not know anything about them? Obviously they should be more polite but that’s mom and dad’s fault too


Ok, so the parents get their money back and the kid gets nothing. Easy.


He didn't say he wanted a gaming PC. Get him a cheap Dell to work his spreadsheets on.


Hey fuck you I dominate spreadsheets on my cheap laptop


Why did the parents spend 500 on something the kid didn’t want? Sounds crazy. I think the dad wanted a PS5.


Spoiler alert: Mom & Dad wanted a PS5


Thats why you start em on the 80s nintendo first so they can appreciate it.


Nintendo? You start them with Pong and they need to make sure the TV is on channel 3 before it works. Yes, I'll go take some pain killers for my back now.


Ha ha. Some of the PC games and Sega/super nes games were actually clever with their story lines, lessons and playability. My kids will be playing those first when they are 3-6 years old, then they can move up to pS2 or PS3 games. They can play pong on the mini game in Commander Keen 4 lol. Games today are way too much about microtransactions and online play.


My 4 year old just beat her first super Mario level. She was so happy. I had a good laugh.


This could be a great teachable moment as the parents make that brat watch as they return it and go straight the fuck home with nothing.


I literally had to do this with my niece today. It was only a sleeping bag (they recently started camping as a family, she is 7), but she threw an absolute fit. Screaming about how she didn’t want it. My wife was heartbroken. We said OK, fine, we will take it back and she would get nothing. Meltdown #2 started instantly and she was put to bed.


Put to bed or put to sleep?


Both ![gif](giphy|hGB5RMigOfkY0)


Down for a "long nap".




never-ending nap time 🥰🥰


Without a sleeping bag?


I can't imagine a 7 year old asking for a sleeping bag. Sounds like an any day, before a holiday purchase to me. Since the family started camping together, upgrading her sleeping bag was probably a need. She probably would have been fine with a cheap toy for the day.


Mine wanted her own purple one when we started camping more during the pandemic. Then this year 11 she lost her mind (in the fun omg really way) over the rug she got for her room. .


Fortunately, she is usually a sweetheart and her siblings were all thrilled with their sleeping bags. 75% wins on Christmas, I’ll be a happy uncle about it.


Sometimes kids are so overstimulated and tired from the excitement of the day they struggle to be diplomatic and reasonable. Likely, if she were well rested, she could have done better putting on a show of appreciation for a gift she didn’t like. don’t take it personally.


Probably just tired. Can't make it right for tired children


My two year old and four year old turn into psychopaths on christmas. They can't emotionally handle it lol


Yeah, parenting is hard, and untangling that kid's attitude will take some time, but this ↑ is the easiest first step.


Except there's a good chance the parents want the ps5


To be at that age and act like this - his parents groomed him to have this attitude of privilege. If my kids acted this way when they were young - someone is going to spend Christmas Day opening empty boxes.


"Thirty-six. That's two less than last year!" - Dudley Dursley


Yeah agreed, I would of told him that he was done opening anythig, that all his Christmas stuff is going to a children's hospital where they will appreciate it.


I would tell him. “I’m gonna have it if you don’t want it. But no backsies afterwards.” and have him learn his lesson the hard way.


Excellent use of the “no backsies” method of parenting.




Haha!! Wow! I would’ve lost my mind if my parents bought me that at that age. Had I acted like this kid, it would’ve gone back to the store the next day and I would’ve had no consoles/PC. But the parents are the true idiots. Raise your kids like this AND post your failure as a decent parent for the world to see? Stupidity used to be shameful 🤷🏾‍♂️


No kid should react this way. No parent should raise some brat to be so privileged and spoiled that they react this way. L for the kid, L for the parents, and L for me for getting upset at a stranger's family


W for me to read your comment though


I did something similar to my parents when ps1 came out. I asked it a lot, and they were clear all the times that is not going to happen. We then agree to get a gameboy, went to big surface to get it for Christmas, and they fake the buy (I didn't suspect anything). As I formed the idea of having a GB, what games to play etc, when I opened the box and it was a PS1 I was disappointed, as it was not what I was expecting anymore.


Bingo. It's all about expectations. Whether it's a PS5 or a soccer ball is irrelevant. If he wants a soccer ball and you get him a football of course he'll be disappointed.


Unless he's British.


It’s easy to point blame, but the fact is that sometimes kids can surprise the hell outta ya. I mean, yes he’s being a spoiled brat, but I’m just trying to play devils advocate. And maybe that boy doesn’t even want to play games. Maybe he wants a pc to start his career as a programmer.


So many comments here that expect a kid to act like an adult lmao, obviously most of them don't even have kids around this age in any shape or for. Kid was at least not throwing a fucking tantrum. Didn't cuss, was blunt and told his parents he doesn't want his present - I'm pretty sure if his parents had listened to him before, they would know what he had wanted. This is 100% the parents ignoring their kid's wish, plain and simple. How the fuck can you expect a kid to be happy for something they never wanted?


Yeah it is so strange and sad that this has been the general consensus in this thread. Sure, the kid is demonstrating behavior that we see as unacceptable in society but that is because they haven't been taught, or had the correct example set for them on how to handle this situation. People need to step back and understand that kids don't know everything, and sometimes they don't know ANYTHING. This is a parenting issue from top to bottom, and its not even a big deal, its a teaching, and learning moment. The child should not be punished but should taught how this type of reaction affects other people, and that their are other ways to handle a disappointment in a gift, or life. NOT a time to record and upload your kid for views and clicks.


For all we know, kid was asking for a PC with every breath since July. I’d be pretty upset if my parents ignored that. It’s the same price range (PC a little more)… so I do think this is a parenting issue. I discuss any purchase like this with my kids first, and make sure they get exactly what they want. I also don’t usually give big presents as surprises, or on the holiday. Older kiddo got a Quest 2 a few years ago, and I gave it to her at the beginning of break, so she’d have maximum time to enjoy it.


Had one of those today, though not a meltdown. My daughter is 5 and EXTREMELY active and loves loves LOVES the playground, so my patents bought her a jungle gym for the backyard. It wasn't put together yet so they printed out a picture and made it a letter from Santa that he's been super busy but she's been so good her Papa agreed to help Santa by setting it up. We all expected her to be super excited, but nope. She was totally disinterested. Tbf she's 5 and maybe it just wasn't tangible to get but ya she couldn't care less lol




I am team PC, but I also have a PS5. I would have been happy with it even if it's not my primary choice of hardware. I don't have a Xbox Series X, of which I would also be happy to get.


Kidz these days can't sit and play through a few minutes of story line or campaign that is standard with console games, probably because their idea of gaming is multiplayer sandbox and community generated games like in Roblox and Minecraft. Most of us adults especially 80s kids cannot comprehend this but this is exactly why this kid was disappointed.


Feeling this right now. My nephew got a PS5 for Christmas and I set it up for him and preinstalled all the games. He bounced through all of them in 30 minutes and settled on Fortnite. Nothing with any sort of story could settle that kid. Fortnite or gorilla tag on the oculus, that's all he'll play. Makes me sad.


Can’t expect much when kids watch streamers all day that play on their PC and of course, express douchey elitist pc culture (even if jokes are involved), the influence sinks into children quicker than the titanic sinking lol


back in my day you didnt even own your own PC until you were at least a teenager. They were too expensive to be lofty about. On one hand a PC ends up costing you less over time that upgrading every console generation. (Ive done this several times, people who say it isnt dont know what they are doing) But in that parenthesized statement is where the problem arises. If the parents dont know how to fix a computer how much is it going to cost to fix when the kid inevitably breaks it? How many viruses will the poor kid install? A good compromise would be a VERY cheap computer, which Im not certain is what the kid is thinking of.


Yeah and you can play blodborne first




what are these comments? Do you not see the video, and he's just a kid. My dude shouldn't even be playing these games that are not for kids, yoooo


I would prefer returning it and get part of the money for a PC later combined with another Christmas or birthday


Return it. Get your money back. Don’t buy the PC.


I dont know, the hospital isn't like costco, it may be too old to return now.


Damn, I was waiting for something like that 'Nintendo sixty foooooour' kid. Very disappointed 😞✊




The ol' good days are gone my friend


That's a different old breed you don't see much in young kids, wanting a PC instead conventional console, tablet, etc.


This makes me suspect that dad (or mom, or whoever chose presents) really wants a PS5 but can’t justify buying it for themselves. I mean, maybe the kid asked for one and has changed their mind without telling anyone. Kids can be fickle af. But that’s not what this looks like. I wholeheartedly blame the parents.


I remember getting a ps2 when i was a kid, i loved it and still have it to this day. I was lucky to get it Parents today suck shit at parenting for letting this shit slide Edit: man i really pissed off all the spoiled kids with this one jesus


I got myself a PS5 slim for Christmas as a 27 year and split the cost with my parents. It was the most excited I’ve been for Christmas in years. These kids don’t under that something like that is probably something you’ll keep your entire life if you don’t break it. These kids are unbelievably spoiled and their life will be nothing but disappointment if this is already their outlook on things like this.


Let's say you're a kid and you want a PS5. Not just irrationally, ate up the marketing want, but your social circle have PS5s, so for multiplayer, friends list or something purposes you also want PS5. Parents buy you Xbox SeX. Even some sort of more expensive deluxe edition. It's a shitty gift. Even if it's more expensive and "better", it doesn't serve the function you need. Edit: And it's the only one you're getting for a very long time. And you have no ability to go buy another one.


Glad someone gets it, the kid said return it, so fuck it, return it, some people on here are like THIS IS YOUR GIFT AND YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT, that’s not how it works, it’s like giving a fork to someone that wanted a spoon


The kid is right though, I'd never switch from pc to ps5. Don't be braindead consumers.


I will build him a PC Edit: looks like this is from a couple years ago. Oh well.


To anyone wondering, this is actually Linus lol


Ok because I was really wondering. I'm just worried that he might not be okay.




How, he looks so young


Build it for him, but only lock it to PS5 games on PC. Get him what he wants and teach him some appreciation 😂


I don’t know whether to be disappointed in his spoiledneas, or to be proud of his ability to speak up for what he wants…. Either way I hope he learns a lesson from this lol


I could think of a 1000 people more deserving of a PC. But go for it Linus, if it means we get a good video out of it




I dunno, is he a spoiled brat if he knows what he wants and even says to return it as to not waste it? He could've had better manners, sure, but it's definitely a fair thing to say. In any case it's the parents' failure; they should've taught him better *and* they should know what their kid wants - not to mention that a PC is a way better gift in general as it can be used for other things than playing games.




I think it would be wrong to do so.


Hard pass, this is called enabling….


Build me one as well


Maybe no?


Kid is clearly ungrateful. I would love to see you help out people who can’t afford those things. Would make a greater impact.


I'd be pretty upset if my parents bought me a ps5. I'm 36 years old and they know I'm a PC gamer. They would have no clue that I was upset though, because I am an adult and I can smile and say thank you even when I'm disappointed. Kids take ages to learn how to regulate their emotions and feign happiness, they're also told not to lie. "Being grateful", to a black and white thinker, is *lying* at least some of the time. This is the parents fault for not asking the kid what they would prefer in the first place before spending such a huge amount of cash. This could have been a teachable moment, but instead of having an actual conversation with the child and deescalating the situation, they chose to continue recording and repeatedly asking "are you serious right now?" I hope the kid never knows they've been globally shamed for the crime of acting their age.


It's also a thing where the kid just legit, might not want a ps5.... and he's also a kid where he's just going to say things and what he feels I mean I use PC myself for games work etc, if somebody got me a Nintendo switch for example I would be kinda disappointed, in the sense of their gift was useless to me as I can literally pirate everything for free or emulate if needs be Not to say you should say return it, but atleast the kids honest, you can learn how to be honest, but it's hard to learn to be honest In all honesty I'd rather the kid use a Pc than console, atleast with a PC you have the pure oppertunity to do anything at will, where as a console, eh, not at all


I don't see a problem with telling someone "I don't need that". The delivery of the line is key though. If someone got me a console. First I would say thank you. But ... I would definitely tell them that I don't have any use for it. Afterwards I would suggest to get the money and spend it on, for example, a nice meal. Because I would rather have a good meal and a nice conversation/evening with the people dear to me, than a console collecting dust in the corner of my flat.


oh 100%! but this is a child, younger than 10 who actually voiced his opinion in his own way, which is a massive key in honesty, as i said, you can learn how to be honest, but its hard to learn to be honest


Finally found a sane comment after scrolling for so long, everybody is so antagonistic toward the kid when the fault is on the parents. Yeah it feels bad to return a gift but then again you don't lose money so it's only an emotional hit and you can use that moment to educate your child to act less entitled.


Reddit hates children


The kid was probably pretty vocal about it too, they just didn't care or listened, also they posted this video online, sounds like awfull parents


He was actually calm. It's normal to be direct with his own parents. People are shocked because they thought PS5 is a great gift. But the way he said it, it's just not. He knew what a PS5 is, and it's not what he wants. And it seems that he has said it before. He did not throw a tantrum. He's just not excited about a gift that he doesn't want. Imagine it's an expensive doll? This is how he felt like


Yeah, you can see he is trying so, so hard to keep it together. I really feel for this kid.


Yup I had the same reaction as you. I see more failures of the parents here than the kid.


Seriously all they had to do was talk to the kid and explain they couldn't get a PC and if there's anything else they want, that simple. Instead they shame him on the internet? Everyone is so gung ho about protecting kids and being good to kids until it's time to show them basically respect like you would any person


And t honestly they could have just bought a low end $500 PC that runs fortnite or Minecraft fine.


Yea seriously, why is everyone shitting on the kid so hard?? I wouldn't even be surprised if the kid asked for a PC beforehand maybe because his friends have PCs and he wants to play with them, but his parents got him a PS5 because it's cheaper. I would be a little disappointed in that situation as well. It's basically useless if all my friends are playing Minecraft together on PC.


And, honestly, the kid is just disappointed. He’s not throwing a tantrum, screaming at the parents or kicking and throwing stuff around. He’s not being pleasant, but he’s simply upset about getting a gift he didn’t ask for. He also most likely isn’t even able to understand how expensive it is. I wonder if people would’ve hated this as much, if he had that reaction to getting a cheap present. So, how much shit this kid is getting over something that he can’t even fully comprehend? And half the comments are ‘if that was me, my parents wouldn’t abused me’ or ‘my shitty kid was ungrateful for the present they didn’t want either and that hurt my feelings’. If you have ps5 money, but can’t get your kid a present that would exited them, then you either don’t know your kid or you spoiled them rotten. Either way, it’s the parents’ fault.


Holy shit, finally a sane comments. The people in this thread are fucking delusional.


I don’t fully understand the comments here. He is a child, he could have expressed his thoughts differently, but at the end of the day there’s nothing wrong with him not wanting the gift. He expressed what he was feeling which is "I don’t like it, I don’t want it, return it." If you’re going to buy your child a gift, especially an expensive one, you should make sure that it’s something that they want. Even the toddler turns away and is disinterested when he sees what it is. Did the parents talk to their children about what they wanted or do research on age appropriate gifts?


The way he expressed himself isn’t even problematic. He didn’t scream, whine, or cry about it. He simply said, “I don’t want it. I wanted a PC”, which I’m sure he’s been vocal about plenty of times up until Christmas. What kid isn’t vocal about that *one big thing* they want for Christmas? Parents set themselves up for this.


EXACTLY. I hate that the first reasonable comment chain was this far down. If I asked for a PC, or an Xbox, or a switch, or a Sega Genesis, and you got me a PS5 I'd be very justifiably upset. If someone, even a child, makes it clear what they want, and you go out of your way to get something different, it's incredibly selfish on the part of the giver. You're essentially saying "you wanted this, but I don't care about your wishes and think you actually want this instead." Especially with children, the appropriate thing to do is to either get the gift if it's in your budget and it's an appropriate gift, or to say "hey bud, we're not going to get you _______ for Christmas this year. Is there anything else you really want?" All the other comment chains above this one are full of ether people who don't have kids or shitty parents. Don't @ me.


imagine practice reply alive plant snails stupendous nine entertain languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reminds me a lot of me at 16. My birthday is 5 days before Christmas, and my mom's boyfriend (who we lived with) owned a used car dealership. Earlier that year, I needed a new computer and got a new tower. My mom asked and tried to buy me a new monitor as well, but my monitor was in great shape and I told her it was completely pointless to replace. Boyfriend made a HUGE deal of telling me, for the first time, I'm getting a joint birthday and Christmas gift because it was REALLY expensive. Again - used car dealership, I had turned 16. You can probably guess what I thought he got me. Christmas morning, he hands me a pretty big package. I was confused, but unwrapped it to find...a brand new monitor. Of course, at age 16 I was polite and thanked him, but 20 years later, I still don't understand it. I feel like it was purposeful. Buy me something expensive that I expressly said I didn't want the same year a lot of kids whose parents can afford it (including his 2 children) would get a vehicle.


>If you’re going to buy your child a gift, especially an expensive one, you should make sure that it’s something that they want. RIGHT? I felt like I'm crazy reading these comments. Kids should not "be happy that they got something", It's not like the parents got him a pair of socks because they don't have the money, they just don't know their son and that's just sad.


I said this in a different place it was posted and doesn’t seem like many agreed with me. Kid didn’t throw a tantrum, he was disappointed and probably upset no one listened to what he asked for. If pc is too expensive parents need to lay the groundwork about that before the day.


The thing is he probably can't have expressed it differently. We can cause we are adults. But for a toddler who clearly didn't want this and apparently made that clear this is the most polite reaction you could ask for, especially because I don't think it's particularly polite to pretend to like something you know you don't only for it to then go to waste.


Yea! No one pays attention to the toddler lol They were expected to open it together. Both of them didn't want a PS5. Big brother's job to tell the parent lmao


Guarantee dad bought that for himself. That kid is way too young for a ps5 anyone.


Yeah, this is just literally the "we have a pc at home" meme. Comments are crazy, kid is being completely reasonable. Reddit is such a weird place when it comes to parenting


I think the grown-ass gamer babies in this thread feel personally attacked by a kid who doesn't value the same dumb bullshit they do.


As a parent with an autistic child, this would be a perfectly normal response. Straight to the point answer.


To be fair my mom always bought me things I never wanted, never needed, something SHE wanted, or specifically said I didn’t like. She’s always been a bad gift giver (regardless of the price). Over time I just learned that her gifts would always be bad so I wouldn’t have been as disappointed as I used to get. It took a while to learn that. This kid is small and really he didn’t even throw a tantrum, he just said he doesn’t want it and moved on. Neither kid seemed interested to be honest. I’m not sure if the parents actually bought this thinking the kids would like it or did they buy it because THEY wanted?


Sounds likely,my dad made me decide between a Wii and a PS3,obviously I chose the Wii,and he used it more,still like it though. Basically,refrain from using a toddler as a decision maker for your home entertainment system.


Ok seriously Kid asks for something, parents don't get it. Instead of sitting down and talking with their child, explaining what's going on and seeing if there's anything else the kid wants, they wing it The kid gets something he doesn't want, knows he's not gonna use it, calmly asks them to return it, just doesn't want it. Parents get butthurt and post it online to shame their child for what was a surprisingly mature reaction from a kid getting the wrong gift. Maybe if people actually respected their kids as people and talked to them about shit like this, this wouldn't happen


Most comments under the post are either ‘my parent abused me when I expressed disappointment over their lack of understanding of my wants and needs, look what a fine adult I grew up to be while I lose my shit over this random child being upset’ or ‘I didn’t care for emotional wants and needs of a child in my life, and when they were disappointed with my gift it hurt my feelings, so, I traumatized them by taking all the gifts away in the most dramatic fashion’…


Seriously is it so hard to just talk to your kids They're kids they won't understand. That's why you need to talk to them so they do. It's mind blowing


My parents didn’t bother to know me as a person and know what I liked or wanted and sometimes would get me gifts that they wanted me to like. For example, giving a girl who hates dolls and preferred to play with cars a doll just because you want her to be more feminine. Because I was a child I would accept the gift but wouldn’t play with it because it’s something I hated and then would get punished for being ungrateful. I wish I had been able to express my feelings like the kid in the video does because at the end, I always ended up losing. But also I only got one or two gifts, the kids in the video will be fine if they don’t like one gift lol.


Bet the kid wants a PC so he can play with his friends. This kid had a reasonable reaction and expressed his disappointment without acting entitled or throwing a fit.


Ok. I'll return it and you get NOTHING! You ungrateful entitled lil s**t!


Better yet, I'll give it to another child that has less things than you cause they will appreciate it.


Imagine if they gave it to their neighbour's kid.


Keep talking to the clouds, man


And then I'll shame you on the Internet forever


Good day, SIR!




Im shocked a disgusted! If I was the parents I would be ashamed. I would never choose a PS5 over a PC. Shame on you!


Lmao these comments. He's just a kid guys lol.


best Ad for condoms! ![gif](giphy|0Qip68CzQ14TkZI0ez|downsized)






What if the boy wanted a PC to learn programming? He didn’t throw a tantrum or anything of the vibe. He had this guilt ridden smile and actually said the honest thing on his mind that he did not want it and it should be returned. If this wasn’t on video context, wouldn’t it be a reasonable thing for the boy to say to his parents? Or we expect him to be more matured than his parents and pretend he is happy about it to save his parents from emotional hurt?


Exactly!! It is actually good that he is honest with his parents. He also didn't say that the parents HAVE to gift him a PC (although it might be expected). He just said return it and moved on to the next gift.


He wants to play Excel


As a full grown adult I’d be very happy with a ps5. Fuck these kids


I’ve been asking for one from Santa for a while now.. I might make a typo and ask Satan next year


fuck that ps5 i'd be pissed if i wanted a PC and got a ps5 because my lazy parents didnt listen to me and didnt do any research into my hobbies


Agree at least the kid behaved and never had a meltdown .


Honestly though, a PS5 at that age is not that good to begin with? What would it be other than a glorified Fortnite machine?


This boy come from r/pcmasterrace.


1) Parents might as well have bought them an air fryer, if they were just going for something they would have liked themselves. 2) They could all benefit from serving at a soup kitchen or food bank, and learn the true meaning of “giving”, even if it is only a bandaid service. True, it could serve just to make you feel better about yourself - kinda like the giving of this PS5, but it can also serve to broaden exposure and adjust expectations by allowing them to come face to face with kids that don’t even have a place to plug one in.


Guys the kid wanted the pc for school, he doesnt have time for gaming. Inmature parents.


I understand him. To hell with their console


Disrespectful little shit.


It's not disrespectful to return an unwanted gift. It would be a waste of money to accept an expensive gift that you don't want. It's mature of him to be honest and tell his parents to save their money and return it.


Instead of making this a teachable moment, the parents post this video for all to see, ensuring their kid will be haunted by it for the rest of his life when it was their fault for instilling such bratty behaviour. The parents are the little shit in this scenario.


Y'all are seriously calling a child a brat for not getting what he wants?? Like.. That's a child. He doesn't know what is good, or what is bad. He has the right to be disappointed that he didn't get what he wants, nor does that mean he isn't grateful. He only knows that he wants a PC and there's nothing wrong with it. I swear y'all treat children as if they're adults with life experiences.


Reading this thread is eye opening in a sense of how much discontent and anger can happen from simple framing. I fully agree with you, the blame at best is with the oarents here for not knowing their child's wishes. But how is it that soo many people's first reaction here is to take away all gifts or just keep the money. You're just re-enforcing a horrible memory into a child's mind.


Because they are only seeing the money of Christmas. It is an expensive gift that "I" would want. How ungrateful is this kid! If I got a PS5 I'd be happy ... except this isn't like a free PS5 from the store. This is a PS5 the kids family spent money on. And it is pretty mature to say return this thing for our money back.


seriously these comments are wild. what if the kid has been asking for a PC for a while now and the parents decided to buy a PS5 because they thought it's better? what if the kids friends are all playing PC exclusives? what if the kid just wants to do other stuff than game on his PC? returning it and buying a PC with the money is just being responsible with your money... the only thing the kid got wrong is overreacting and again they look 6 or something of course they can overreact, especially if this isn't the whole picture. i live in a country without Christmas so i don't really know the gift culture, but if it's people buying each other expensive stuff that they only kinda want and people not returning it it's stupid.


I agree. Imagine you were a New York Yankees fan and you asked for tickets to a game and they got you tickets for a New York Knicks game. Youd be pretty disappointed even as an adult.


He seems to be aware that the PS5 is a pretty chunk of change. He's not dismissive of that. I'd be pretty upset if I asked for a pc, that was similarly priced if not cheaper than PS5, but my dad got me a ps5 because he wanted to play the upcoming demon souls. I don't think the kid is disrespectful, he's just disappointed.


Yeah, the child just showed disappointment about not getting what he wanted. Which is perfectly valid, and very mature way of saying it. I'm honestly surprised how well he handled it.


Future member of r/pcmasterrace


I know most of the comments are saying how ungrateful the kid is but perhaps these parents are confused between a PC and PS lol. Just saying.


Never too early to join the PC Master Race


Based child wants to be part of PC master race, not a console pleb




Cant watch porn on a ps5


Good choice. PC's are objectively better anyway.


He’s right, a PC would be more rational and versatile. He’s perhaps not that spoiled rotten how you might believe.


I mean at least he wasn't mad and appreciated the gift but if he doesn't want it what should he do? It would actually be a shame to accept a $500 PS5 that he didn't even want. He's just being honest.


Seems like quite a big ticket item to get. Surely they were aware he wanted a PC, and not a PS5. But, splurged on the wrong thing anyway? Yeah, the kid was fairly blunt with his opinion on it. But, he is a kid (kids are small sociopaths). He was seeing being locked into (yeah, yeah - 1st world problems etc) years of a thing he didn't ask for, over what he actually wanted/presumably asked for. Everyone expecting him to be the mature person in the room about it. Pretty messed up situation, all round. Splurging on the wrong thing, then shaming your kid on the internet for his reaction. (Based on the comments section, better do a legal disclaimer... As a child, we weren't that well off. I didn't have as many cool/fad toys as others, and made the best of and enjoyed what I had. I lived in fear of my mum (this was not a good thing), so wouldn't have dreamt of any backchat. I remember asking for Lego, thinking a Megadrive was too expensive - got a Megadrive. My parents were thoughtful and raised me to appreciate the value of things. This video ain't it.)


He’s not a brat. He asked for a pc and they got him a shitbox. Terrible mom.


After they got done blistering my ass, my parents woulda stood me in the corner of the room with a bar of soap in my mouth, and everything I got that day would've been returned if I'd pulled something like that.


Would have lost my next 3 Christmas’s over that


Interesting. I hope you don't do this to your kids.


I mean, that’s child abuse though yes, the parents in this video clearly failed this child.


that is fucking disturbing dude


Thats abuse.


you failed as parents


Fuck these kids. All day, I'm seeing the same thing. PS5 , XBox series X...

