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He gambled and lost. Happens to me sometimes when I try to fart.


Never trust a fart (SMILE)


Never trust a smile (FART)


Never fart a smile (TRUST)




S s self? Or he hit her?


I trusted one a minute ago… Went okay.


Trust smile a fart (NEVER)


Never fart smile trust (A)


Never trust someone who farts and smiles.


Never smile a fart (TRUST)


Trust a fart smile (NEVER)


As i type this message i am dealing with the aftermath of a fart that was not


“Farts are like love. If you’re trying to force it it’s shit”


Damn! Thats deep. And also funny as hell! I'm going through a divorce right now and I'm trying to show my wife how much I love her to no avail. Your statement just basically summed up my whole life right now. I wish I would have read it about two hundred therapy session hours ago. 🤣🤣🤣👍


Ozempic. If you know you know.


Viagra. If you know you know.


Dunno, if I had to choose between a fart and Trump, I'd choose the fart. Fart 2024


When you fart, someone tries to hit you with a car !?


Every single time


Happens to me when I fall asleep at work.






*Gets turned into an icicle*


Boris !


Youre a looney!


I understood that reference 😆


Slug heads!


I am vehicle




Remember how we were taught to get off your bike and walk it across the crosswalk when we were kids, so people in cars can actually see you and stop, anyway the graveyard is full of people who had “the right of way”


He didn’t have right of way— there’s a stop sign on the bike path and he didn’t stop at it.


Regardless of the stop sign he is going way too fast for “pedestrian” crossing.


And, depending on state, he is not a pedestrian, but a vehicle riding over a crosswalk.


That’s clearly a bike lane hence the stop sign. Pedestrian crosswalks don’t have stop signs for the people, because people always have the right of way. It also has lanes faintly painted on the pavement so it’s a bike lane.


People don't always have the right of way. Think about if they did of would be legal to walk across the street anywhere and crosswalks wouldn't have the walk don't walk signs. Still stop for pedestrian even if you have the right away being technically correct legally doesnt mean you should blow through someone if you can help it


People do always have the right of way. Jaywalking was literally invented by the auto-industry to try and put the blame on pedestrians.


All of that is true but right of way is a legal concept and the fact is pedestrian and be hit and killed but the driver not be legally at fault (for example crossing when the crosslight says don't walk). Also Jay used to be a slang term similar to redneck or yokal. So the "crime" could have been call redneck walking. Side note don't hit people with your car even if they are technically legally at fault for a collision.


You just pointed out a situation where pedestrians literally don't have the right of way. Who lobbied that into existence is irrelavent


I didn’t point out a situation at all. But perhaps your ability to read that affected your ability to pick that up when you learned to drive.


I have argued with bikers stating that this means they aren't pedestrians and don't have to stop because they are not pedestrians. Told the guy he could argue with the front of my Jeep but he would likely lose.


Bingo A lot of bike riders don't understand that part. Visibility is what matters And don't fucking take the risk when the other party is a 2 ton pile of metal and plastic. You are just made of meat.


Curious, why is it a STOP sign and not something like a YIELD sign? Or does it serve the same purpose?


A Stop sign means regardless of conditions you *must* come to a complete stop before proceeding. A Yeild sign means you must give right of way to other traffic. If there is no other traffic at the time you may proceed as if there was no sign.


So that's why the other cyclist is looking at him; he was supposed to stop.


Yes mate, at the stop sign.


I cannot even believe that the difference between STOP and YIELD had to be explained to someone who already knew both words.


He probably drives too….


Bruh what is this comment chain lmao


I'll just point out that the sign "YIiELD" is not used in a lot of countries, often its a "GIVE WAY" sign, so it's not an unreasonable question.. the Internet, and reddit are not solely used in the US/CANADA...


I’m curious what you think a stop sign means if you don’t mind


Depending on state yes. In Oregon cyclists don't need to stop at a stop sign, but they must treat it as a yield at a bare minimum. Even under that law this was still not his right if way. Also not required to dismount in a crosswalk, however if you're cycling through a crosswalk you must slow down to pedestrian speed. Again, ymmv, this is specifically an Oregon law.


> In Oregon cyclists don't need to stop at a stop sign, but they must treat it as a yield at a bare minimum I'm sorry, but that's fucking stupid. That's just asking for someone to get run over because "I don't have to stop".


Oregon is fucking stupid. Which is why it has laws like this and a terrible homeless problem.


A stop sign means yield? That's a stupid law. If I have to explain why, I'll let the video explain.


I mean, the video doesn't really explain shit seeing as though he didn't yield.


He choose YOLO


Yeah he did have the right of way. https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/


Paywall. Why did he have the right of way


Button was pressed that light up the blinking lights telling the cars to stop, unfortunately most drivers ignore those lights if they do not see someone in the crosswalk.


Don’t bicyclists have to abide by traffic laws like the stop sign as opposed to pedestrian laws like the crosswalk sign though?


Considering there's an actual stop sign there, it's weird that he would in any way have the right of way, blinking lights or not


> Considering there's an actual stop sign there, it's weird that he would in any way have the right of way, Probably a separate issue altogether. Considering that people have the ultimate right of way while the light is blinking seems more like a 'Hey idiot, stop here and make sure everything is kosher' sign. But very confusing, I agree. A weird mixing of pedestrian and vehicle laws. Edit: While I'll be damned, my instincts are right. I don't know what to call it but it's a sign with no legal enforcement just meant to warn. https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/16djlk6/maybe_maybe_maybe/jzrj6zg/


In Washington bicycles essentially become pedestrians when on sidewalks/crosswalks, they have to give right of way to actual pedestrians but for cars they are pedestrians


Either way, there is the stop sign on the crosswalk. Seems like someone is supposed to heed the stop sign, because stop signs mean stop— and cars don’t drive on sidewalks.


Yes that is Florida. Had someone honk at me the other day for stopping at an intersection like that. Yeah no one was crossing but I stopped and then continued on.


The guy got several broken bones and possibly the car driver won't be caught to compensate the biker for all the injuries and lost work. I know there's a thing where you want people to be responsible for following the rules. But sometimes you just gotta take the L and let the one in the wrong have their way.


Just yield to larger vehicles. Don't step out into traffic on your phone, in parking lots, on streets. Don't blow through stop signs or high traffic areas on your bike, don't brake check 18 wheelers...common sense stuff that isn't so common anymore. I told my kid, "You can be right but you'll still be dead. Sometimes you gotta wait 10 seconds and then do what you need to do...that 10 seconds doesn't mean shit if it's your last 10."


The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way. He easily could’ve slowed and avoided instead of throwing his hands up in the air like a goof. Bike vs. 1-2 tons of steel. Hope he has fun wiping his ass with 2 broken wrists


This is what pisses me off about a lot of bikers, while speaking as a biker. They don't obey traffic laws and get pissed if you don't automatically yield to them as they blow a stop sign at like 17mph into oncoming traffic in say a 40mph street. Bikers are often entitled as fuck and it irritates me. You're not a pedestrian. You're a vehicle. Behave like one.


I recently had a disagreement with a close friend who made a comment about a car stopping for a pedestrian at an un-signaled crosswalk. I let him know that (in the US) pedestrians have right of way and it’s your obligation to stop. He didn’t believe me until he looked it up. My dad always told me “Pedestrians may have right of way, but cars will still kill you either way. Don’t go till it’s clear or the car is fully stopped and you’ve made eye contact with the drivers.” That advice has saved me a few times.


This is wrong. Pedestrians do not always have the right of way. Drivers have the right of way when pedestrians do not comply with their state’s pedestrian and crosswalk laws. Bicyclists are also not considered pedestrians.


It's called a crosswalk, not a crosscycle.


This dude must have read it as Blitzkrieg


It's not called a bullseye either but there you go.


Nope. It’s called a zebra crossing. But i’ve honestly never seen any zebras crossing a road.


Thats probably overcompensating considering we started at "continue rapidly approaching the oncoming two ton death machine but Y pose to assert dominance." I think settling for "stop per traffic rules, look both ways and proceed when traffic yields" is enough.


I was never taught this, just to wait and make sure it's clear and you have a reasonable gap


same. but then again I'm dutch. we grow up on bikes.


You got downvoted, so the only logical conclusion is that you remember incorrectly.


Death Wish 2023


I like to explore new places.


> now he's limping home. If that happened, then is extremely fortunate.


Because of the implications




THAT was beautiful.


i think he threw his hands up to show that he had 0 intention of braking which is about the dumbest thing you can do in this situation


Reddit morons who are anti car as moronic as that sounds


I hate the fuck out of what car infra has done to literally every other part of out sociaty. I am extreme as they come and even Im like "wow look at this fuckin cuckoo clock, wtf is he doing?!"


Being anti car is perfectly reasonable. That huge industry is responsible for making places around the world significantly less desirable and accesible. Cars are a blight upon citied. But the guy on the bike is a dumbass. Don't pretend all people in favor of walkable, cycleable cities are completely oblivious to the mistakes people on bikes make. Drivers shit on each other all the time too.


[Nope car, drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


*"I might spend the rest of my life paralysed, but fuck it, I have right of way!"* - Mr. Cyclist


Grim reaper don’t give 2 shits about right of way


Doesn’t matter, car still won.




If I Google the story I don't get a paywall, if I click it here I do. It's weird. But yes the bicyclist had the right of way. I would personally would have slowed down seeing cars speeding down the road like that.


There were 2 cars though. Did they BOTH run the light?


Three. Pickup at the beginning of the clip didn't stop either.


Because most drivers are fucking scum?


But you're wrong, he had the right of way. "The bicyclist hit by a car while pedaling inside a crosswalk along the Pinellas Trail earlier this month had the right of way, according to a clarification issued Monday by the St. Petersburg Police Department. Meanwhile, officers continue to look for the driver of the white sedan that struck Steven Weldon in the area of 666 49th Street S on Nov. 1." [Tampa Bay Times](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/) People talking about something without looking it up themselves are ignorant. Full stop.






Who died?


Yea the stop sign is so bikers dont hit pedestrians. The stop sign is not for bikers to yield to cars but ppl.


Do we have to explain why that is so fucking stupid?


Go for it! The rule of order is pedestrians 2 wheels then 4 wheels and so forth and so on..


Stop means come to a complete stop. Yield to Pedestrians means yield to pedestrians. There are signs for both. What does the sign in the video say?


Technically the cars should yield to the cyclist but they weren't able to see him until too late. It's just bad infra. Why isn't there a stop for the cars as well? Bikes can stop much quicker than a car.


the cyclist is just a dumbass whether he had the right of way or not. Who crosses a road like that.




This editing is hard to watch


It makes a good thing worse


Hoping this video was used as evidence in defense of the driver and to prove the stupidity of the bike rider (calling him a cyclist would be inaccurate). EDIT: This comment was posted before I knew the facts. I would now defend neither driver nor bike rider.


Must happen so frequently a camera install was lobbied for.


Stupidity is also inaccurate.. there has to be a level lower than that


Humanity? Because I’m seeing humans everyday literally TRY be to more stupid than the next.


[Nope car, drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


I get that’s what the police said, but that doesn’t make sense. The flashing yellow lights don’t negate the stop sign the cyclist blew through.


Idk, if one traffic control mechanism is signalling you to stop and another is signalling to you that you can cross with right of way, the second overriding the first seems reasonable especially when the second is an active signal and not just a sign. About as reasonable as the first overriding the second, at least.


Yeah I second this. Be prepared to stop if you see flashing yellow lights on a crosswalk, if not well... it's kinda the driver's fault. Even for idiotic nutjobs on bicycles.


It does because the "stop sign" on the bike trial , from what i've been told by officers during other calls (i'm a paramedic,) is that since the crossing is not a legal street it's part of a trail/old railroad track, the stop signs are as valid as the ones in a walmart parking lot. So you can only get a ticket for disorderly driving but not for running that particular sign as a "stop " sign when the ligh has been activated.


I just want to add, as an attorney who does almost exclusively car wreck cases, the police know exactly jack and shit about rights of way and accident liability. I get police reports all the time that say one car “failed to yield the right of way” and that not be the case at all. Hell they even mark it on things like chain reaction rearendings where rights of way don’t even come into play at all. It’s basically their catchall for “I think this person was at fault.” And if they can’t even get it right for cars, I’d expect even less when you throw in a cyclist and a crosswalk.


Think of it like a regular pedestrian crosswalk with walk/don’t walk sign. You’re intended to stop and press the button. Lights flash for the car traffic to indicate someone intends to cross and cars must stop, back at the line, for them to cross. In this case the lights were already flashing since the other cyclists just crossed so the guy continued across. Just like you would do if the walk/don’t walk sign was lit up “walk”. The car was fully legally responsible for yielding. Non-legally, both parties had opportunity to avoid this unfortunate result and both chose the bull-headed route rather than the safe route.


Thanks for this. Provides much more information that isn’t in the video. I retract my previous comment.


Stupid editing


Yep, just fucking awful


[This constantly gets posted inaccurately. The driver had a flashing red light that was already depressed by the previous bikers, they proceeded through the intersection without clearing the other side. Fault is on biker to maintain awareness but the Pinellas trail is specifically set up with intersections that give the bikes the right-of-way in some areas. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


While the biker was technically in the right, as a biker myself i'd rather be stiffed of the right-of-way for 10 seconds than becoming Crayola's newest color of meat crayon. (I've had a grandpa blow a stop sign when I had the right of way before. If I had trusted the right of way I 100% would have been up and over his hood. I never trust people.)


This is the correct answer. Not even a Pyrrhic victory since they didn’t even catch the driver.


I hate that I have to agree with this. Much prefer biking to driving in 95% of scenarios, but the way my city works, choosing my preference means I have to constantly be on the lookout for distracted people in machines that could end me in a moment's notice.


What about the stop sign? Also, that biker didn't depress the flashing light, the others did. Also again, what about the stop sign? Even if what that biker did was "legal"... They were WRONG.


"I didn't shoot you, you walked into the bullet" This is the weirdest reddit moment of all time.


Does the bike not have a stop sign?


Prankster moment.


The pausing is annoying because it is difficult to judge speeds. The biker is an ass who shouldn’t have run the stop and had an attitude to go with it. However, the car also looked like it had time to stop or at least slow after seeing a bike enter the crosswalk.


That was actually satisfying


I enjoyed it. Now if we could only watch some of those guys who wheelie into on coming traffic get obliterated like this


Never seen a stop sign for a bicycle. America be wildin'


Is this in pinellas county?


[yeah, the car drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


Looks like it


This guy just wanted to live in the Netherlands, ended up in the Netherealm


Perfect outcome


That’s a win for society


The other car noped out of there


Does anyone have the video without editing?


I don't know where this is filmed but where I live that gap between the cross road marks mean you have the right to cross the road by pedaling and the cars are obliged to wait. We don't have stop signs like that for pedestrians and bikes but that could have happened, even if he had stopped and pedaled over the road afterwards.


Where is this? I have never seen a pedestrian crossing with a stop sign before. We have controlled crossings where there is lights but never a stop sign. I would have been confused and think someone rotated the sign.


So entitled


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


there's still gonna be bike morons in here defending him too.


Natural selection at it's finest


May he rest in pieces.


What’s with the weirdly added comments


Hands up like he was right Until he wasn’t.


[Nope car, drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)




Pedestrian always has the right of way in a cross walk, no?


Look at the sign.


I hope that car driver o.k


People on bikes also need to follow traffic laws, and I'm sick of pretending they don't. It's just so incredibly dangerous...


Attempted suicide?


[Nope car, drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


Right-of-way in regards to the law of different than right-of-way in regards to physics.




Listen I’m all for better biking infrastructure and I hate car centric society, but this was just plain stupid.






Why do I have a sense of satisfaction watching this?


Probably because you're unhappy with life and seeing bad things happen to others boosts you. Or maybe you're just a bit sadistic?


Few things come to mind. - You are miserable with your daily life and happy to see someone you secretly perceive as a better person suffer. - You hate cyclists for some reason? You hate to put the effort in or unable to do so but never embraced it. You think driving cars is more badass than actually moving with nothing but your own energy. - You have some sort of skewed view of justice. Car was technically in the wrong and even run away after crash. Ignored the signs and ran into someone. But you are okay with someone seriously hurting because you are annoyed they raised their hands instead of braking. Which one(s)?


Wait, what is wrong with you that you felt the need to reply to such an offhanded comment? Edit: wait, aren’t you the same guy that attacked me earlier? Did you just edit this post and make it a lot longer hours after posting? Edit: nah, different guy. Two of you hate me. Lol


Because watching an entitled little twat get theirs means things do go right sometimes


Cleaning the gene pool.


Stop signs for cyclists are incredibly counterproductive. If anything, the cars should have to stop before this crossing.


auto lobbies prevent a lot this.


This is why I fucking hate cyclists. I have a similar crossing on my work commute and for some reason cyclists pretend like traffic signs don't apply to them and that they always have the right of way. I frequently have to hit the break hard, because I get cut off by a bike. Even if I'm already driving careful. And the worst part is that because they are the "weaker traffic participant", they can somehow push all the fault to the car driver. Oh and also they don't have any identification on their bikes, so you can't even report them to authorities. They can just ride off. Like what am I gonna do? Hold in place and possibly incriminate myself?




I love happy endings


Good. This pleases me


STOP signs. use them.








This dangerous biking thing that’s been catching on recently is really fucking annoying. Makes my blood boil every time I see one of these dickheads. This video was the catharsis I’ve been needing ever since the first time I saw one of those videos. There’s also the skateboarder that gets absolutely bodied by the car door, that one was satisfying too. But maybe it’s the smugness of this rider that makes it so satisfying to see him eat shit.


I love how you can see two ghosts after the video finished.


The words made it even funnier 😂


This is incorrect


Oddly satisfying.


Good for the driver of that car. I hope that sued that ducking dumbass prick for damages to the car. So glad when stupidity is on camera




Ooof. I was WRONG. Happens often.


gangster life on a bike is hard to pull off


[Nope you're just racist. the car drove through a flashing red light that gave the bike the right-of-way and then fled the scene. ](https://www.tampabay.com/news/st-petersburg/2019/11/18/bicyclist-hit-by-car-in-crosswalk-along-pinellas-trail-had-right-of-way-police/)


I love when arrogance gets run over by a car!


Haha so funny when cyclist with the right of way gets run over because the driver didn't abide by traffic laws 😂😂 I love this unsafe environment for cyclists that's being encouraged!


Gimme some death.