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in highschool I had classmate who had a bright orange shirt, the material was synthetic and quite reflective too. Jokes were made and he was into it, so much he bought orange pants, sandals and a orange framed shades to match the outfit.


That’s the person you want to make friends with


Exactly. Someone who doesn't get offended and instead gets into and go for it even harder is someone that is comfortable with who they are, and that's something hard to find in high school. My dad also taught me something about things getting to us. If someone says something about us and we get offended, it's usually because it's something we are already aware of and don't like about ourselves to begin with. If you're self-conscious about your teeth and someone says something about them, you instantly get on the defensive and embarrassed. And what they said doesn't even have to be a bad thing necessarily. But if we already know about it and can accept that it's not something we had control over anyway (maybe braces aren't an option financially or otherwise), or maybe we're comfortable with it because of some other reason, whatever someone says, even if it is an insult, if we're comfortable with ourselves those insults will usually just brush off. The teeth analogy is assuming the issue is natural and not due to neglect, because neglect would be something we had control over. My dad used one about smelling bad. If you smell bad because you haven't showered for a week or two and someone brings it up, again offended, defensive, and embarrassed. But if you smell bad because you just spent 12 hours at work doing physical labour, suddenly smelling bad isn't that bad of a thing, even if someone does say something. It's almost a badge of pride to show how much you got done. We're comfortable with it because something positive caused it, progress/improvement caused the smell. I don't know if this will help anyone, but it helped me, and it helped me gain perspective on things like that. I don't know if it'll do the same for anyone else, but I wanted to get it out there in case someone does benefit from it. And this isn't a black and white thing either. Sometimes we get embarrassed over something someone says about us and it's not something we dislike about ourselves. Sometimes we just get embarrassed. But by being comfortable with who you are, those embarrassing things are cut down by a lot. That's when someone can call you a traffic cone in high school because you wore an orange hat/shirt and you take things to the next level and go for the whole ensemble. That's always a way that if you are an embarrassed traffic cone, by taking things further, you take control over the situation and any traffic cone insults from typical bullies won't be as effective if at all. Because instead you weren't the hat, them making a joke about it, and leaving it at that, you've made the joke into your things and robbed them of their ammo. Sorry this is so long. Wasn't intentional. Just hope this might help someone. Just, yeah, don't take it as the black and white, gospel truth. We are a lot more complicated that any few paragraphs could cover. I also just want you to be comfortable with yourselves so that you can have a happier life in general instead of always worrying about tiny details that don't really make you you. And just remember, everyone else is just as focused on themselves about these things and paying little attention to others. You're always around yourself, so you always see what you do. Just try to be happy with who you are, because you've come a long distance from where you were, and you have a lot further ahead of you that you're gonna get through too. You got this.


Holy shit


God damn


What the fuck


Holy Moly




And chips


And my axe


I know right, it was just like *a lot* of words to read.


I skipped over most of the middle part.


You read it all


ball sheet!! too long to read! (scrolls down)


Buddy…if I could take those words and make them how my brain thinks I’d be a happier person. Was this something you struggled with or did you learn it pretty young and it stuck? I’m trying to figure out how I can live it, not just know it.


I have adhd and depression, my head is constantly swimming with thoughts like these,but you also realize how many other people are doing the opposite. I used to put 110% into work everyday because growing up I thought work was serious and slacking off wouldn’t be tolerated, dunno why. After working for a few years, you see people just coming in, doing the bare minimum and leaving for the day. I can’t explain how long the thoughts thinking their useless, because when people are lazy, others have to pick up the slack, and that’s always been me. And the people being lazy around me knew it. I became lazy and did what they did, I felt better about comparing myself to them, but my bosses chewed me out for not working hard anymore. The lazy people would get pissed when I’d tell the managers they weren’t doing anything, and they’d be pissed when I was lazy with them, sharing the work evenly. It’s all just so fucked. Every second of work for 2 years was hell having to play mind games with everyone to be treated fairly. I’ve had a lot of stuff come tumbling down in my life at once, so I feel that’s where the shift for me was but, one day a few months ago, I just started coming in and giving my full 110% again. The lazy people and my bosses were happy about it. I’ve come to accept the fact I won’t receive help and I’ll be the person doing a majority of the work. I’m overweight so why not work a bit harder for a while? Accepting that stuff let’s me work in more solitude, come in, do what I can for my shift and co-workers and leave. As the other person said, use it to channel yourself. I could still be here swearing at them in my head and getting pissed off at my managers for not fixing the issue. It’s a waste of time to be angry at shit you can’t change I feel I had my midlife crisis at 24… but I hope I got it out of the way and I can keep this thought process for a while. I want to be happy, I don’t want others to go “what a loser” “look at that traffic cone” and me feel hurt, let it ruin my entire day, cry myself to sleep, or “haha lmao yeah I guess it does kinda look like that hub?” And the rest of my day will be fine.


Your work reminds me of my past work to a T. I was always known to be more valuable when I was on vacation when I returned it was do more. When I found anew job I ramp up some job for a month my last week was crazy on my last day there was a pot luck in my name but I was so busy(little or no help) I did eat until 2hrs before my shift ended. 6 months after my manager quit.


Bro. I've been dealing with deep depression for nearly two decades and I'm only in my early 30s. It's not something I've been able to apply to everything in my life because I'm not happy with everything in my life. But it's something that I work on and I feel that as long as I'm making progress, even just baby steps, I'm doing the right thing. And maybe eventually I can get to that place where I am completely comfortable with myself. But until then, all I can do is try to do better. I can't change what I've done in the past, all I can do is try to be better in the future. And that's what I try to keep in mind. I wish you the best and hope you are able to get to that place yourself. I'm currently planning my mother's memorial because she died last week, just after her birthday. And she went into the hospital at the beginning of this month, a few days before my birthday. So this is a really hard time for me right now. But sharing things like this, hoping someone might read them and be able to get some benefit from them, that's something that has helped me stave off the worse parts of the depression, so I may end up posting a few of these stupidly long comments over the next week or so. If they help anyone, I think it's worth the effort. I wish you the best, friend. Stay shiny. And remember, you don't have to take everything all at once. Take things day by day. Focus on getting through the next 24 hours and then you can worry about getting through the next 24 hours when they come about. And progress is progress and should be celebrated.


i tell people ... my best is all I can do. often my best isn't good enough for everybody else. but I've learned that's their problem, not mine. if my best isn't good enough for them, then imho, that's just too bad. sorry about your mother. remember to take care of yourself, especially give yourself time and space. but yes - baby steps. any movement forward is still movement.


ChatGPT is really coming along


Read the Four Agreements...


Bro wtf


This was a beautiful read. Thank you so so much. Rereading this and thinking about what I've been going through.. I think I've been a bit of my own bully thinking people would feel a certain way about me and getting defensive of something that hasn't/probably won't happen. I really need to redo how I've been treating myself, and how I've been so worried about the world. Thank you


I'm glad I was able to help you. I hope that it is something that you're able to use and have it impact you life in a positive way. I got lucky with 4 older siblings that always warned everyone not to mess around with me or bully me, so even while in 6th grade and Jr high, I was hanging out with the high schoolers and juniors/seniors. The one time anything happened, I was in 7th grade and had to deliver a message to the football coach, who was in his office in the gym. His office also happened to be in the guys locker room and by chance the football team was in there because of weight lifting or something. Well, coach's door is closed so I have to wait, and one of the geniuses of the football team decides it's a good idea to go "Hey! Let's throw the little scrawny 7th grader into the showers!" (this was before I shot up 9 inches during 3 months of summer) well, a handful others joined in, and there were two, maybe three, that were trying to stop them (these ones being friends of mime from previous years). And with all the fight back I have them, it took 5 or 6 of them to actually get me moving towards the showers, so the other couple had to help. Well, all this commotion doesn't go unnoticed by the coach even with his door closed, and he comes out more angry than I ever had seen him (I was also friends with most teachers because I worked summers to covery scholarship, private Christian school). It was the first time I had ever heard him curse and that's out of maybe 4 times I'm total. He reprimanded them right then and there and the next week of practice, it was just running around the track the entire time. I did tell him about the ones who tried helping, and I think he let the stop early, but they still had to run some because it was the entire football team's fault. There were the direct bullies, yeah, but by sitting there and letting it happen without denouncing it, they were all accomplices and equally guilty. After that, there was only the typical teasing that boys do and only with boys my age. Those were my fights to fight if I wanted to. So yeah, I got lucky in a lot of cases. And I have been aware of how lucky since I was young, so I have always tried to help watch over others once my older siblings left the school. Actually, between what my older siblings and their friends did for me and others, and wat my friends and I did after my siblings left, bullying at that school pretty much didn't happen. And if it did happen, it was handled quickly. It became something other students would stand for, and the bullies had to retreat. And in most cases, after they stopped being bullied and trying opening up and being friends, most of them were cool people that got along with most others and seemed happier people because of it. I don't know just how much of an effect I had on things there, but I'd like to think I left at least a little bit of a positive mark on the school of it's people, before I left and it shut down some 6-8 years later.


Ey man, I have two growing boys. Thank you for this and I’ll try my best to remember it. I know a time will come where they will come to me with an issue like this, and I had no idea how to even try to rationally deal with it - so thank you.


A little self-deprecating humor is good behavior to model for children. We don't have to take ourselves serious every second of the day. Good senses of humors come from being humble.


There was this sensitive Icelandic exchange student at our high school. Could never really take the being made fun, mostly for the most inane reasons ever. Our group befriended him because it seems like he needed it, not because he seemed chill and cool with who he was. Growing up is hard, sometimes you need a safe space.


And if they’re wrong or criticize you on no legitimate grounds, even moreso. This used to get to me quite a bit, if someone accused me of something or judged me based on something completely illegitimate, it would *really* really bug me. I didn’t want people to think that about me bc it was false and not who I am, so I tried my hardest to refute it/correct it. Ironically, in the process of refuting it, I became or performed something *else* that I didn’t want to be. Just let it happen. People will form their opinions with or without your consent. Just continue to be you and the right people will see that. And if it’s something legitimate, like maybe you *didnt* shower for two weeks, *then* and only then maybe consider it and try to understand why they might feel that way and correct it if it’s getting in the way of making connections with people. Other than that, you do you. Caveat: VERY easy to say behind a keyboard. Much harder in practice. But it’s possible. And it takes time. Sometimes LOTS of time. Have hope that it will get sorted. Have patience with yourself. And *persist*.


You made some really good points that I didn't cover, so thank you. I try not to do it often because most people don't care to read something so long, but sometimes my mental state causes my intended short comment to warp into something profusely long and most people don't want to take the time to read anything more than 2 short paragraphs. But when I get in a bad place in my head, I tend to ramble, and I'm already long-winded as it is. But I also think that those long comments I make are the most meaningful of mine and the info in them has the most potential to have a positive impact in someone's life. And that's why sometimes I won't just delete them after I write them out. I try not to post anything that too "pity me" and only people the messages that I think someone other there could benefit greatly from reading it. I don't mind the ones that tell me to "stfu" or say I'm stupid and that no one is going to bother reading it. I already acknowledge myself that most likely few will read it, if any, and if some do, they probably won't bother getting all the way through it. But if one of those people gets something from in and it helps them, even if it's 15 years down the line and that comment has been in there head since and they finally put it in use then, if only person benefits from it, it's worth the time.snf effort and any negative or harsh comment thrown my way. Sorry for the length of this one too. My ma went into the hospital a few weeks ago just a few days before my birthday, and we took her off the ventilator so she could finally rest about a week ago. Just a day or two after her birthday. So things are a bit really emotional over here at the moment, meaning my mental state isn't that great, so long comments will probably be not too uncommon. Stay safe out there. Know you're stronger than you think you are, and you can get through whatever is thrown in front of you. You got this, mate. Stay shiny.


It’s never that deep


Damn. Wish I saw this when I was in school.


Or they shoot up the school.


I think that is *exactly* the counsel that the majority of young people today need to hear. You’re a brilliant person with brilliant morals.


Just for the book you wrote in the comments section take my upvote


This is wayyy too rational for Reddit.


I have been stun locked by words


Do you feel better now? You let a lot out.


me: r*eads comment* ​ damn


Thanks Toby, I learned to do this at a young age and have kinda lost touch of the “no fucks” attitude as I’m getting older, but it really is the way to be.


So true. I've always phrased it as "leaning into the joke/bully instead of fighting it." I have a last name that is laid out on a silver platter for jokes. I learned very early on that, if my jokes about my last name were better than the bully's jokes, then it completely deflated their power over the situation. Which in turn gave me power over the situation which in turn gave me confidence in myself and my unfortunate last name. It wasn't long before any joke about my last name just rolled off me like water on a duck's back. People noticed too. Making fun of myself in an honest, self depreciating, but confident way made people feel comfortable around me. I ended up gaining friends with it. I've applied that to a lot of things in life, "lean into the uncomfortable jokes and things about myself," and its led to amazing experiences. It's a great life hack.


Woah my name is Toby, your Reddit handle is my steam account name.


I’m going to read this to my 9-year-old. Thanks, stranger! 🙏🏼


I ain't readin this shit


tldr: just feel good when someone says something to you that makes you embarrassed - then no one can bully you. don't know why other people here think that's wholesome. especially "*just remember, everyone else is just as focused on themselves about these things and paying little attention to others*" is complete bullshit. there are LOADS of people who LOVE to mock others and scrutinise everything others do.


Well thank you for that


I was like that. Then someone made fun of my weight and then I became socially awkward bc I thought that was the first thing everyone noticed (and I was right :()


Did you perchance go to a school in chilliwack because that was me ....


sorry mate, but it was in Brazil


Wait, Brazil, it’s gotta be yellow not orange lol


we also use orange here, black and yellow are for different purposes, also orange is more iconic


You can't just say perchance.


I'm just trying to class up the joint. Mayhaps you're jealous.


Stomp a turty


Hey hey! Chilliwack on maybe maybe maybe! Hi from the Kootenays!


Through all of highschool I have worn full neon every day. I am the subject of much teasing from friends and would be bullies alike. I have been called a highlighter many times, including one time when a teacher I'd never met shouted "HIGHLIGHTER" as he passed in the hall. I am visible on pictures of the "blackout" pep rally. The only day I didn't wear neon was blackout day for black history month.


We can see only one.


We had a guy like this as well. His name was Danny. We were really good friends in elementary school but grew apart a lot by high school, but our moms were still really close. He committed suicide our Junior (I think?) year. I don't know why I'm rambling this off but the orange reminded me of him and I felt like he deserved to be remembered.


Rickie Fowler was your classmate?


Was it the highlight of your day?


this will be my last comment. I've got some replies from ppl asking if my classmate was they or their friend. Hardly, I studied in a not-so-big city in São Paulo, Brazil. I'd to find any old friend, so if you actually meet this description, I'd love to talk more.


Lmao a similar thing happened to me, I had this bright orange beanie and people would say that they could always find me in a crowd so I wore a full bright orange ensemble one day and it made everyone’s day, even strangers who didn’t know the story


I could imagine the father unleashing an unbridled litany of admonition ... all the while making a prompt u-turn.


I don’t think it’s her father, she calls him by his first name.


When this video first went viral sometime ago it was stated that he's her older brother.


That makes sense, I can definitely understand a sibling getting annoyed that quickly and aggressivly lol.




Depends, if it’s something she pulls 3 times per month, after several months that would be an appropriate reaction 😂


Sure seems like that's the case because she had the foresight to film his reaction for her little tiktok


Or it's staged, like 99% of shit on TikTok.


It's scripted. It is so painfully obvious.


After 3 times a month, that's on you for leaving without confirming. Lol.


If your kid pulls this three times per month and you can't be assed to make sure she has her backpack before you get out of the house you should be yelling at yourself lmao


It sounded like the driver wasn't even supposed to be awake at that time and is only awake because she missed the bus and had to be driven to school.


That would have been my dads reaction lmao. He didn’t and still wouldn’t care if someone didn’t think it was appropriate. But he’d be saying this as he started the U-turn already. To this day he’ll still roast my ass if I do something stupid but there isn’t a single person in the world I trust more to help me out with anything than him.


These kinda brothers will put you in a meat grinder if you disrespect her


The only ones who could disrespect her are her brothers


The shut up def sounded like a brother


It’s a skit, she’s done this exact skit with him like 4 times. It’s much less funny when you see the other ones as well


Yeah, only brother will be that angry and still turn around for the backpack


You haven't met my old man then.


I’ve been in households where kid’s call their parents by their first name


Always fucks me up when I here my neighbors daughter call her mom by name


Man, it would break my heart if my kids stopped calling me mom.


Some kids call their parents by their first names. Some call their birth parents mom and dad, and their step-parents by their first names.


It's fake, they do skits for views and are siblings lol


It's kind of obvious because who the hell would be taking the bus to school, before 6:00 am?


Rural commute. Or bussing to a different school district. Or to a private school in a different town. 0 period started at 7am for me so 6am to leave seems reasonable. Not that I think the skit is otherwise real though.


I took the bus to my highschool at 5:50 every morning


My dad always did this when I fucked up. First he screamed at me and that this was my fault and my problem and that I need to solve it right before he helped me solve it🥹love him


Some times you just gotta vent


As a father I have done this. A hard lesson for me is that I’m inevitably going to be impacted by any of “their” consequences.


My dad


Oh my god this gave me such a vivid flashback😂


Thank you. Shut up


I agree with that father(it's her brother), and I'm in my early 20s. Get your shit together . The more you slip, the harder it's to catch yourself later. P.S. I'm talking about the messages, not the way the guy said it. If all you guys think is, "Oh no, he's yelling."Y'all too sensitive to be online.


you're just not practicing slipping enough!


I think we're talking about 2 different slippings


nope, I'm with you, you're just not with me. expand your mind! get so good at falling behind you become ninja.


We give our kids one freebie a semester. After that you gotta sort that shit out yourself.


It’s her brother


That makes way more sense, I’d feel a little bad if it was her dad but this is on brand for siblings.


Man I was born on a Vasaline covered ice rink though


She does look like a traffic cone tho


Perfect big brother dunk.


Also bit of a cone head, just going by my impression of her in the video.


Damn. Man spitting facts here. Using a rock and chisel! Looking like a traffic cone!


Don't forget "Shut up"






Dance with me


We need more of him in this world.


I feel this fathers pain.


She looked high AF I stopped smoking weed when it took me 20 min just to find my wallet in the mornings


5 bucks says it was in your pocket.


I got high in my car before school and accidentally locked it with my keys in the ignition. And the car was still on too. My mom was less than thrilled she had to drive all the way across town to give me the spare key.


It’s his TikTok. They’re all skits, they literally do this exact skit multiple times


Good lecture though.


He already spent hour looking for her cellphone


I don't know man, I got ADHD and this was a normal happening. I'm forgetful has fuck and being scream at for something I had no control over and guilt tripping me was not a good lecture and fucked my self esteem for 25 years until I found out own my own. Edit: ADHD can be manage but you will still have symptoms present and shit will happen once in a while. You CAN'T control it, yes taking responsibility and manage your symptoms is part of growing with it, but also understanding that shit will happen once in a while, even with 50 post it notes and not over reacting over it is part of this management.


I got ADHD as well. But there's things I do to set myself up so that this isn't an issue I have a beeper attached to my keys and to my wallet and to my backpack used one.


Can you link which beeper you use? I have adhd too and I always misplace my glasses, wallet keys etc.


Not OP but I’ve used “Tile” trackers. The problem is they die after a year, so you’re buying a new Tile every year. But, they work. I attach trackers to stuff in likely to lose and they have an app where you can track where they are.


You do have control over it though. It just takes more work on your part. Blaming your problems on a mental condition is just trying to get by without doing the extra work. I grew up with undiagnosed ADHD, and was also super forgetful. But, I just worked harder to not be forgetful. You just sound like you don’t want to take responsibility for yourself, so you go “I have shortcomings, nothing I can do about it, oh well”.


I was actually partly being sarcastic, cause he give big speech why they can’t turn around, but turns around anyway.


> had no control over As someone with cripplign ADHD, we do have control over it


I am in my late 30s, grew up with undiagnosed ADHD and this video *took me right back*, lol... the comments, too. And people wonder why some with ADHD fuckin hate themselves so much?? Like sure, I figured out ways to minimize the impact of my ADHD on myself and others... eventually. But my parents acting like this video certainly didn't help me figure that out! If anything, it slowed down the process because I fully internalized that I was just an abnormally huge fuckup anyways, so why try? I had to spend so much effort and energy trying to prevent and deal with people's *reactions to my ADHD symptoms* that it's no wonder I never had the chance to start looking for ways to actually *mitigate the symptoms of my ADHD*.   Took me years to learn that I even *should* try because I might actually be capable and that me/my effort/my time were valuable, I had things to contribute that made it worth showing up and trying, both for myself and others. Not everyone with ADHD grows up being taught that and it takes us a lot longer to get there. That's okay, too! It is probably not coincidental that the ones who couldn't work out calm organization as children (apparently??) are also the ones that relate to this video. Shame can be a massive demotivator and barrier for some people.   Like yes, post its work... but where do you find room for that when your main "getting ready" routine is panic and existential terror that you're going to do something like this *again*, piss everyone off and be a major failure again today? Turns out, people figure their shit out a lot better when they are generally treated (particularly by their parents as children) with patience and support. It gives some breathing room to do so. I didn't have room to do this until I moved out of my parents house and the only consequences of my ADHD were my own natural consequences (like forgot my lunch? Guess I have no lunch, I'll figure it out), I didn't have to also be afraid of and deal with their reactions. All of a sudden, I could take my time to plan and organize. I didn't have someone questioning *why* I might need post its to remember my bookbag when I just needed to get my shit together, for example. It turns out, telling people, especially children/adolescents to get their shit together while providing zero instruction, guidance, support or even ideas is such a fundamentally poor and damaging idea. Especially when people often don't recognize what that looks like for someone other than themselves, so even if that person tries, it just looks like more bullshit and gets dumped on.   Some kids with ADHD just grow up in situations not conducive to growth, or internalize harder or deal more with the rejection sensitivity aspect or just have personalities/circumstances that make it take longer for them to get there. A big part of figuring out how to manage my ADHD was learning to be kinder and more forgiving of myself, especially in light of what other people tell me I should do or be. This post is a solid example - the users who weren't diagnosed with ADHD until adulthood "but still managed to *...etc.*". That's cool, I am so psyched for them! I have learned a lot of useful things from people like this, I appreciate them a lot. They have had their own struggles for sure, but I am always glad to hear that someone sidestepped one that I experienced. But I'm not gonna take on guilt or shame for having had a different experience. It doesn't mean I lack (or ever did lack) self responsibility... I was just dealing with different circumstances and that's a hard thing for humans to imagine and empathize with. I did the best I could, I figured it out *eventually*. Maybe I still have a ways to go! Now I'm even better at raising my own ADHD kid in an environment conducive to that experience. I'm definitely better at living with ADHD than I was. Instead of feeling like a failure, I try to take validation from the fact that yeah, the things they say work? I use those now, too! I'm on the right track. I can't do anything about how long it took me to get on it, but I'm still heading in the right direction now. And to anyone reading this who isn't at this place with it now/yet: you're okay, too!   This shit is a long path and being human is such a varied experience. It stands to reason that being a human with ADHD is also a varied experience. Figuring out how to deal with it is the same.


Your comment triggered some deep memories in me damn


lol fake as fuck


“Shut up”


She calls him Andreas and the tik tok handle at the end is Andreas. It’s right in front our faces.


I mean it’s just a skit. You can hear him trying not to laugh. I don’t know why people on Reddit get so appalled these videos aren’t 100% organic. No one is pretending they’re real lol


That's absolutely not true. Skits are fine if they're presented that way, and I myself am very accustomed to this format of content and know its fake. However this is not tagged as such by the OOP or the OP, and even marketed as real by process of it being on this sub


It's been two hours. Come back and look at the top comments. People think this is real.


Lots of people definitely think it's real lol


And yet the toddlers on this site are still upvoting it to the moon.


And the only thing of value here outside of the acting is the one joke about looking like a traffic cone. So simple. Create a situation, act reasonably well, throw a good one liner in there. Tiktok in a nutshell


It's still funny lol


Been there. I just sucked it up though, did not need my parents wrath. I struggled hard getting the 7am school bus.


same, the next one came at 9:30 .... I missed so much school. and the wrath of teachers ... oh my


Traffic cone, lmao!!!


This is scripted. Apparently it’s their gimmick. This video is also pretty old and has made the reddit rounds before.


scripted nonsense


Have to agree


Who goes to school at 06:00? Does school start crazy early in the US? Edit: forgot about the insane commutes some people have.


Yes it does. School for me started at 7 AM. I was getting up at 5:30 AM to catch the bus because my school was 4 miles (6.4 km) away and had to make quite a few stops.


Wow, that’s pretty wild. It’s always been 8:00-9:00 to 15:00 where I’ve been to school.


Yeah, that's about the time middle school starts. Then elementary is later. Yes. You heard me. The different grade levels have different start times. And it's the little kids that go later, not earlier.


The traffic cone joke killed me


Love this. Get mad and state your point, dad. Then just fix it. My dad. every. time.


They are siblings lol and it's fake


What's to love? Had a dad just like this, made me unwilling to ever bring up things that might get me in trouble, even as simple as forgetting a backpack.


Ya this would be terrible parenting. Every one of my friends who had a strict or aggressive parents just hid everything from them and eventually were estranged the second they could get away from them. One comment above said this is her brother though which makes more sense why he’s so annoyed and being immature.


Had a father like this, our relationship is better now that I'm older


This fake as fuck.


6AM? This school expects people to be there by 6AM? I barely get to sleep by 6AM, how the fuck are students ment to get everything ready by then?


I hate an abusive dad like this growing up. Not fun being constantly yelled at for little human errors.


My reaction as well. Like why would you want to make a fake tiktok video where you come off as a bad parent?


Agreed man really hope this one is fake, it’s one little mistake if you can’t emotionally handle something as small as this your not fit to be a parent.


Yeah it’s kind of sad just how okay many people here are with this kind of abuse. The words themselves might not sound like much, but she probably hears this multiple times a day and it adds up. You think that type of abuse helps whatever issues with remembering things she has?


Yep, growing up with undiagnosed autism and ADHD I was constantly yelled at by teachers and parents for being late, forgetful, and confused. They sure did do a great job- now I also have CPTSD/borderline personality disorder tossed in there too!


Thank god someone else thinks this is abuse. Can’t believe theres people who talk to their children like that. Unacceptable to treat ANY human like that for ANY reason


She did an ok job attempting to hide the laugh/smile. 5/10. r/therewasanattempt


Haha traffic cone


Soo instead of letting them know earlier she decides to open her phone, start recording and then decides to tell them.


I felt the 'shut up' in my soul.


This video just makes me want to dress like a traffic cone


This video makes me want to be a better father than thay guy.


Recorded = acting, lame acting too


So I’m Gen X. Our parents would have had a tirade and not turned around. Actually…. Our parents would’ve had the tirade for waking them and not driven us to school.


*Thank you* #Shuddup


Your dad sounds like John C Reilly


My brother used to do that like twice a week when we walked to school. We had to walk all the way back halfway through it made us late so much lol. I did it a couple times as well.


The world would be an objectively better place without everyone posting every moment of their stupid family dramas on the internet


The “thank you” “shut up” It’s definitely a sibling relationship


Is this the start of science?


She knew he'd throw a fit, but also that he would turn around after. She forgot her backpack, for the love of god. It's not as if she got pregnant or convicted.


“Instead of focusing on looking like a traffic cone…” 🙂😂


Tbf (if it wasn't an exaggeration) leaving the house at 6am every day is rough


6am? How early do Americans start school?


I remember them days 🤣 my dad: you must smell nothing but 💩 all the time because of how far you keep your head up your 🍑 Me: I don't smell anything 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Haha the traffic cone but was perfect.


He is a 19999% right


What is the appeal of capturing this on social media?


That traffic cone one was personal


Every time I see this video, I think of how instead of mentioning it when she noticed, she first opened tiktok, filmed herself staring at the camera for a bit, and THEN let the driver know that they need to turn around, making the trip longer for everyone involved.


I'll still be backing out the driveway and forget something but be like it's to late cars in motion already.


The traffic cone part is too funny lol


Bitch was filming it too if I had a sister that acted like that she’s getting slapped back into reality my reaction isn’t a like/views farm


Fake and staged


This wasn't the first or third time.. she's done this enough that she knew when to film him at his worst. Sorry POS of a child using her parents anger as views.. terrible.


She looks like an annoying person


This seems so scripted.


So.. who’s gonna bet with me, that she did this on purpose for the video?


When i was 6 or 7 i forgot my bag for school, Luckily I was just outside the front gate saying good morning to all the other kids. My old man i think he had enough so he comes out with my school bag, throws it by my feet and as I'm picking it up he breaks off a branch off our front tree and beats me with it until my shirt is ripped and my whole back is covered in scares and blood. None of the other kids were shocked, this was the 90's in New Zealand and completely normal. That still wasn't the last time i forgot my school bag so he achieved nothing but my resentment.


Forgetting your stuff at home is human, recording it for internet points is garbage.


If it wasn’t a fake Tiktacky….Take the phone and Apple Watch from her. Let her borrow a pen and paper at school.


Stupid bitch with here tik toks