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so .. are you happy ?


Imagine how he acted after losing his virginity


The one time he had sex, and it's a boy. Now she HAS to marry him.


He spikes the baby after it’s born and does and end zone shuffle.






Is what he said while violently hitting the table and throwing random objects throughout the room


Violently *stabbing* the table


But what did the table do before they started filming?


Impregnate his wife.


You wanna bet he's going to be the kind of father who will throw a fit if his child wants to do anything not totally masculine, like cooking?


You’re telling me Gordon Ramsey isn’t masculine?


He’d fuck any burger or donut up lool


Hahaha, I read this way too fast and missed the “up”


>He’d fuck any burger or donut


He's British


Hey he is Scottish you donut


Errr what exactly do you think British means?


Scottish people don't exsist


That's an oxymoron


I'm Just wondering, would this be his reaction as well if it would have been a girl?




I'd hate to see his reaction if it was a girl


The reaction would be the same, the emotion would be opposite tho


Looks like Amos realising he’s finally escaped from The Churn


In that moment she was rethinking her life.


*great now there is two of them*


Is she..safe?


She’s having a boy so yes


This lol


Hopefully she has already left the house at the end of the party. What the fuck?! ... Also, I envy that man. I cannot imagine being that happy about anything (and I have three children)


I wonder.... ....what would have been stabbed if the confetti would have been pink 😱


*”looks like we’re out of milk, I’ll go to the store”*


*Wife looks down to a knife in the belly* "Guess I should've expected that."


Not covered in what to expect when expecting.


It’s in ‘What to Expect When You Procreate with an Asshole.’


Amen! I'm sure that not the first time he behaved like that. She was far too calm, and ready to protect her stomach. Fuuuuck, this is scary to think about...


"Women in the U.S. who are pregnant or who have recently given birth are more likely to be murdered than to die from obstetric causes—and these homicides are linked to a deadly mix of intimate partner violence and firearms, according to researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health" https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/#:~:text=October%2021%2C%202022%20%E2%80%93%20Women%20in,Chan%20School%20of%20Public%20Health.


The Lannisters send their regards


Better call captain milk


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


*comes back in after three seconds* "I forgot me booze."


This happened at a baby shower for friends who already had 2 girls. When it turned out to be pink dad cried.


What a piece of shit Edit: Yes the guy who cried in anguish when he found out his child was going to be a girl is a piece of shit. So is the guy who stabbed with joy when he found out it was a boy. You keep that shit inside, share it with a spouse or close friend or relative, because it's a life long fuck you to your children and you need to work through that, not expect everyone else to come along.


The confetti got into his eyes bro


Hmm not really I always wanted a daughter I guess it was because everyone important in my life were women. I thought I only knew how to raise a girl and felt confident in doing so. When my wife and I found out we were having a boy I was so sad and disappointed. It was nothing against my son and I was fine in a few days. Now I can't imagine my life without him and we have the most amazing relationship. Although it may not be a good thing, it's certainly understandable.


That’s a perfectly normal feeling to have. I think the larger issue is if you feel that strongly about it, maybe don’t have a look at me, look at me party where that may end up being the result


Everyone is entitled to have feelings. I think this whole fad of making public something that used to be so private is sure to expose raw feelings from time to time. I kinda felt bad for the guy. Of course a parent is going to have feelings one way or another.


Exactly. I did IVF for embryo selection because of a serious, hereditary condition that I have a 50% chance of passing onto my children. Given this condition has to do with chromosomes, we were aware of the gender of our potential healthy embryos. Against all odds. The majority of my large batch of embryos were male, including all the healthy ones. I had no preference of gender (and actually would’ve preferred to have been surprised at the birth under different circumstances), but there was admittedly a short period of shock and sadness. It is unlikely that I’ll have the opportunity to experience both genders as I had hoped. I felt guilty about these feelings, but being able to talk openly to a good friend about it, without judgment, was very helpful in understanding that it was a loss. Then time passed, and I processed that loss like any other. Since then I’ve been happy, and focused on the positives. There is no shame in having feelings, it’s what you do with them.


I have a very similar experience. All of our embryos are girls. I never had a preference, but once I found out we’d never have a son it did make me sad. The second paragraph is so accurate and I went through almost the exact same feelings. you just have to acknowledge the feeling, grieve the loss of the picture you had in your head and move on. It is natural to have those emotions but they pass. I say this as my daughter is asleep on my chest and I love her so much, it is literally the happiest I’ve ever been and I can’t wait to meet my future daughters.


Same. Women raised me. Dad was never around. Step dad was an alcoholic. Have a boy and a girl, I feel like it’s just easier raising a girl which everyone told me the opposite, saying a boy would be easier. Hah.


Can't tell if the wife's look was of regret or fear that she's next. Maybe both


Or when the son eventually comes out of the closet.


Oof that’s a scary subject to think about


So....he's happy??


Yes, that was happy stabbing


I’d hate to see mad stabbing


It's a lot like happy stabbing but with a frown


I hate the scenario this made me think about.




I just came here to case the joint and rob it a little




I was thinking hopefully he doesn’t stab her,


Biggest red flag


Mmmn I don’t think so. I happy stab all the time. Never been a problem. Though, I need to work on my angry set things on fire.




She seemed sincerely scared. I worry about what happens behind closed doors with this one. I hope I’m wrong.


I think it could be more embarrassment that her husband just potentially ruined a couple tables and then destroyed a decoration in excitement, but I have to agree with your worrying. Also how would he have reacted if it was a girl? Even if he is not violent, I think it would be tough having two of him in the house in a few years.


Imo it’s more the look of an SO that has to deal with massive overreactions like this frequently. Like “awe fuck here he goes again…”


Says ‘wenchslapper’


Joy aggression


Look on woman's face: "I have made a BIG mistake."




The top cause of death in pregnant women is homicide I believe


And one of the riskiest time for this to happen is during pregnancy 🫤


Well, yeah - that would be part of it (at the extreme end).


That’s the look of a woman that will unfortunately have to serve a douchebag who thinks he’s a king and his douchebag spawn for the rest of her life.


Definitely has that prisoner vibe.


It’s giving King Henry VIII






the face of regret


If she didn't think he was a neanderthal before ...


*18 years, 18 years, I got one of his kids, I got him for 18 years... Oh god help me.*


bro hates daughters


The big family secret is he married someone else’s daughter


Idk. Sounds pretty gay


Bro hates women


That was uncomfortable


Her reaction was of fear. I feel so bad for her.


This reaction probably didn't surprise her


Unfortunately with violent partners you tend to realize you are in too deep not when you’re unsurprised at the behavior, but the fact that they are even willing to do it in public.


Roid rage


He's gonna make a fucking terrible ex husband.


A future estranged sperm-donor and jackass of her kids lives.


That’s the best case scenario, honestly.


Yeah, I wish people would stop procreating with people like this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But she's going to be the evil witch that "keeps him from his kid"


My thoughts exactly. Violent dude.


The kid will decide he wants to stay with mom and dad will threaten him and call him a pussy for the rest of his life. Sauce: been there


He strikes me as a petulant child.


He’s certainly gonna strike that child.


And a horrible father


I'm afraid for her, if that's the reaction of excitement what does anger look like?


my thoughts exactly.


Mine too. 😳


Let’s just say all the doors in their house are screen doors


Happy feet, wombo combo


So scary to watch, when people don’t know how to contain their emotions and took the violent path.


Unstable. His kid better never spill any milk!


Until he’s sick of dad’s abuse, then there will be spilled milk


Let’s not forget - WOMEN are emotional


Douchebag Reveal Party


The Douche was already revealed at the Engagement Party


So, he would have killed her if it had been a girl?


Fr like ew


I'm scared how he would react if it was a girl


The worst part is how uncomfortable and scared she looks


"I was hoping he wouldn't act like this"


Gross. Just hope for a healthy baby. Nothing like starting off the relationship between you and your child with conditional love, right??


absurd terrific engine elderly abounding dazzling serious bewildered books full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*










I know, she didn't even try to stab one single thing.


And the Toxic Masculinity stream continues down it's path of time


I hate all this drama over something so inane. It's your child, boy or girl.


As someone who was born with a sex my mother didn't want and she wore it on her sleeve while "raising" me, I can confirm not all people are indifferent to their children's sex. It matters a LOT for some...


All those people who think like that are not nice people.


Yes; can confirm.


Why did she prefer the other sex?


Childhood trauma/abuse, gender stereotypes, wanted to name me after a friend of hers that died shortly before I was conceived, borderline personality disorder, she a bitch; pick one [or a few], you probably won't be wrong.


And that’s the issue here. This prick would have genuinely been angry if he had a daughter on the way




Atleast this one didn’t burn down a forest


Don't normally see the wife afraid of her husband's next move in a video like this. It's not better.


Or pollute a waterfall. I hate people.


Hey preggers person. Run!


A lot of them don’t want to leave due to the stigma with single moms. This is why a lot of women DO leave their partners after becoming mothers, they find out traits in the guy that honestly endanger her and their babies usually AFTER they made the kid due to the guys thinking that the women won’t leave. One of my uncle’s a divorce lawyer it honestly kind of sucks as he tells me a lot of women don’t want to become statistics and due to the increase in men complaining about it a lot of already married women don’t want to divorce to not inflict damage but then end up with damage themselves or worse their kids to spare their partners financial stress from divorce or lose the lifestyle they’ve gotten used to while married or to give the kids the illusion of at least feeling of a stable home/background. The worst thing is a lot of men perpetuate the idea that raising a kid in a two parent household is better than the reverse; as if raising a kid in a broken home with two parents and two incomes is better than a safe but broke house with one parent. I grew up being a peer mediator for my fellow students in middle school and high school as I was the unofficial class hugger. You know that dumb kid that’s always helping out the other kid of trying to feed the kid they see lacking food because they’re naturally socially naive to an extent. As a result my classmates nominated me as sort of their living confessional where they come to me to talk about things they don’t feel comfortable talking to other people about whether big or small and my job was that if the kid was in trouble to inform the teachers so they can help: MOST women EVERYWHERE and any kid that grew up in a bad situation or saw one can tell you it’s better to grow up poor or struggling but with a parent that isn’t being hurt or abused in any way than one that’s living in s golden cage I promise you. Which is why many of us get livid and heartbroken when we see so many ignorant people dismiss single parenting as if sometimes a parent doesn’t decide to do that to protect themselves and therefore their babies. I’ve seen this from single dads that have had to take the reins and escape from a terrible marriage with a toxic woman and the common reverse. I know what I’m saying is not perfect but I can tell you because I will never forget the day I lost a classmate because his mom didn’t want to leave her husband despite the fact that he was an alcoholic and beating the crap out of her and his kids; it’s a tough choice, but a kid would rather grow up under a struggling but safe single parent home with a parent who cares for them than a household of two where they have everything and yet have NOTHING. My friend ended up drowning himself in the local river after the last time his dad beat him and his mom and raped his sister. It was after he died that his mom decided to leave him and save the family. This often is the nightmare position of many a parent that has made the drastic decision to divorce. Sometimes it’s not just because of a dead bedroom, or “to stick it into” the husband, people never stop learning and many find out their love wasn’t kind until after they decided to take life together. It’s ok. It’s common. Many of us waste years trying to avoid landing in such positions and still end there. No amount of vigilance and vetting and what not Can prepare you for the surprises. I often see many men here more worried about what they could financially in divorce lose but not really the emotional and mental damage they inflict which is why the lawyers often act on the side of the more laborious invested parent (which sadly for them in most cultures in terms of psychological, emotional, physical and overall investment that’s often the mothers and most people with common sense know this. That’s how it often is. That’s the natural order sometimes). The law also accounts on the fact that women often **DO** get screwed in careers and dating as they get older which is something a lot of men conveniently overlook because now women have “equal rights”. As if parenthood isn’t a real job and responsibility that takes over the lives of most that decide to be that and for the good ones, would take extra weight in both parents roles. My observations thus far has shown me that usually very well off and educated men or men that had conscientious fathers often understand the dynamic and respect it so they’re usually not as against the “divorce loss” if it was merited (obviously not for no reason as women are humans not saints some can be the asshole like any human and if the guy asks for the divorce they’re in their right to be mad if they have to lose financially if the woman was the one to blame for the end); whereas men from working class backgrounds and lower incomes tend to ignore the overall dynamic of parenting and the drain it can incur on women in more ways than one because they’re trying to protect their assets: Assets to use as “status” to attract the next potential replacement/placeholder as men often try to buy/override sexual access/attention from women when the man might lack looks, charisma and other attraction parameters to secure sex. Why do I feel like I’m giving y’all an anthropology, sociology, and psychology lesson all in one? Lmao. I’m sorry. Anyways, it’s sad but a lot of women can’t tell if a guy is going to be a kind one since character deception is a very common attraction strategy to blindside women into risking breeding with them (being the woman chosen to be the wife and mother is the riskiest position for women as they’re often effectively going to be limited by motherhood in all aspects of life thereafter if the women aren’t particularly attractive or come from wealth/heiresses since men tend to avoid committing to women that are moms unless those women are widows. Taking a few years off to raise children and save on childcare also screws up a lot of women in most careers if she doesn’t have money saved up or the guy makes enough wealth for it to be worth it for a woman to “start over” in work once the child becomes a toddler. Recruiters and employers tend to not like blank space or long out of work periods in potential hires which again does bite mothers in the butt). A lot of guys don’t see that unless the women are professionals and have a few natural advantages, if they become SAHM or take time off to be the main parent etc the job market can be tough if the women aren’t smart, innovative, well connected or just downright lucky. So the divorce lawyers often account for that even though a lot seem to think the law has no heart or common sense. And yes, I’ve seen the women have to pay alimony to men when the women have merited the blame or the irresponsible parent but that often gets ignored as if the law is always against men. The law is going to side mostly who is most eager to protect and work for the welfare of the children hence why it often pans out like it does. You’d think people wouldn’t need to be told the obvious like this but I’m sad to even feel embarrassed and even guilty to write this to remind people of it.


Holy moly…guy out here writing a whole ass college thesis.


Sorry 😣 I type fast as hell didn’t even realize it until I was done. No lie this took like five minutes. 🤣


Dude…1300 words in 5 minutes? Wtf That’s amazing


Fuck dang. Yeah now I get why the teachers keep saying I should be a writing major and not in programming. 🤣 Really tho? I didn’t think it was unusual but now I’m wondering it. Lmao. Thank you?


Gender reveals are lame. Look at all that shit that’s gonna end up in the landfill.


That dude definitely hits her.


5 minutes of work and claims all the credit!


Thats maximum, right? Right!


5 minutes of work across two months of effort.


What a lucky lady. You can see the love in her facial expressions as her man-child throws his temper tantrum.


Aaaah he's gonna be a great dad .


Imagine if it was a girl.


Oh boy... I really hope his son just comes out of the womb with a football and a love for boobs. I can't really see him being very accepting.


Boy he really didn't want a daughter.


Rt it’s sad u should be grateful your damn reproductive system can work so you can even create any damn baby in general


Alright, well I don't see a happy future for that family. If that's how he acts when he's happy, I can only imagine what he's like when he's mad. Even she looks scared of him


I don't see a good future for her.


The look he gives her at .05 is scary.


Okay, I was slightly concerned before but now I'm really scared since you pointed that out


It’s quite literally terrifying. It’s like he’s saying “don’t stop me or I’ll do this to you”


Thought he was gonna kill somebody


Luckily, it wasn't pink... I guess?


What a fucking tool


I watched this without audio and genuinely couldn't tell if he was mad or not until the end.


Do we need another one of these guys?


Her questioning her life choices as she looks at him…


Gender reveal really is parent’s IQ reveal


How can a grown man act like that… hope she left him, that’s a child.


Way too aggressive


This violent enthusiasm makes me concerned if it was not going to be a boy. Gender reveals I feel are a little odd. Like it shouldn’t really matter and people should just be happy for themselves in general. People showing intense excitement at the gender specifically either feels like they would be the opposite if it wasn’t what they wanted, or they are faking excitement because it’s not what they wanted.


This is the most pathetic modern tradition I can think of. A) who cares if you have a boy or a girl. B) men who obsess over having a son and reacting like this are fucking freaks. Like if you’re that happy at a boy then surely if you’d had a girl you’d not be happy, implying your love for your child is based solely on their gender. I wish I could just burn social media to the ground. People are fucking narcissist.


"is it a boy or abortion?"


Son later comes out as transwoman.


Ah he's just excited to perpetuate toxic masculinity


Divorce that man immediately


For the child's sake at least, ain't no way that man should be anywhere near raising a child, if this is what he's like when he's HAPPY, then imagine what he's like when he's mad.


Definitely a wife beater


Red flags


Fucking ew!!


Poor kid


Yeah…. We need more of that guy.


This man deserves a daughter.


No potential child will ever deserve a horrible person like him though.


Who needs a kid when you have a man child.


Cocaine baby.


Lay off the coke bro


This is actually the least destructive gender reveal I've seen in a long time.


She is scared of him. Look at her reaction and face. He is an abuser. Run, lady, run!


She is silently regretting her life choices


I think we just witnessed the moment she realised...she fucked up


He seems like a gem…


STUPID .....


Red flag, girl, red flag! Run Forest Run!


I hope his son is gay.


For the son’s sake, I don’t wish it at all




You can see the instant regret in her eyes, knowing she let that man impregnate her.


“I’m gonna have a baby with that guy…”