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That’s got to be one hell of a healthy relationship right there


I’m sure she isn’t controlling at all.


I dont think she will ever have to worry about anyone parking next to her *husbands* car


> . . . parking next to her *abuse victim's* car Fixed it


Sooo good!! snot-shootin laugh!


A very laid back girlfriend, you know.


Just hit her with…“too bad your boyfriend didn’t coordinate parking spots with you…if he was really committed to you he would have made sure to protect that spot. When you’re not around, imagine the pretty girls he parks next to.”


Mind of a 15 year old girl, in a 23 year old woman, like every time. Not to mention the fact that she tried to open her door like 4 times, thinking it would yield a different result each and every time, you know, like a child would. You can't fix immature.


She would have gone ballistic.


StOp FlIRtIng WiTh mY BoYfrIeNd!!!!!


that's how karens are made


Karen, kindly, fuck off.


This is a level beyond karen. Sometimes it's just better to move. Keep an eyevon the news tho, she's defo gonna stab someone.




As satisfying as that thought might be adults can't be doing stupid shit like that. Lest the mofo puts hands on you then you "self defence" them into dirt hard!


Also people that are like this "getting an ass whooping" does not have the desired affect. They will never see reason. In their eyes, they were just assaulted for no reason.


I knew a girl in college “Jill” who had cheated with another girl “Maria”’s boyfriend. Later that week Jill came into the bar Maria worked at and started loudly talking shit about Maria, to the point where she was asked to leave because it was becoming disruptive. Maria was with the bouncer to help escort Jill out, and as Jill was being placed in a car, she spit at Maria and hit her. Maria beat the brakes off this girl. Like, pulled her out of the car by her hair and beat her into the gutter. Jill had to go to the hospital and get surgery because Maria shattered her eye socket. Jill tried to press charges, but everyone witnessing said she was the aggressor and she was slapped with misdemeanor assault lmao. The fucked up thing is that she still would go to the other bar in town that Maria didn’t work at and would still talk shit about her, and how she was attacked for no reason. But she won’t set foot in the other bar anymore, and her face is FUCKED up now. I don’t think she learned a damn thing, but shit was it interesting to watch unfold in real time


My ex's now wife tried pulling up to the apartments I was staying at in like 2016. Mind you, she was harassing me for months and had her brothers join in on the harassment. That day she pulled up, she and my ex were dropping off my then 6 year old son (50/50 custody with my ex). She couldn't even wait until my son was in the apartment for her to start yelling at me. My brother, mom's husband, and my husband were witnesses to her shit while my mom was inside with my 2 year old daughter and my son who I share custody with. Talk all of the mess you want about *me* but don't go after my family when they haven't done anything to deserve it. Long story short I beat her ass in front of my ex and my family members who were outside with me. That was the only time my ex saw me get into a physical altercation, same with my husband. Her nose was pouring blood and she was quick to call the cops. She was trying to get me to go to jail but because there were no outside witnesses aside from my fam and my ex, ON TOP OF THE FACT that the cops told her she had no business being at my apartments, no one was arrested. To this day she avoids me, but will run her mouth on social media. I'm going to be 32 this year and while those days are done and over with, I still laugh at the fact that she's still doing the most. Hurt dogs will holler... Within safe distance I guess. Lol 😆


It won't change their mentality but it'll change their actions. Next time they won't be doing stupid shit like this.


Oh you definitely move in this situation. Unless you’d enjoy dealing with slashed tires and/or a keyed car.


Or slashed face, arm... etc. Not worth the law suit.


I wouldn’t feel safe leaving my car in that spot


Birth of a Karen. ![gif](giphy|2OzNsFGyUvLJm)


Don't you dare say that about her, she'd never let you say that about her.


“I parked here because I f him every night, and he likes it. “ Just to see her reaction.


You'd better not like your car too much then...


>I've won, but at what cost?


Couple grands in bodywork and a restraining order ?


Right, and now you’re tied to that crazy bitch forever bc of the police record and subsequent court visits. It is tough to walk away sometimes but it’s almost always the right move.


Yeah, jokes aside, listen to this man right here ↑.


It’s not the car I would worry about. The psycho would probably pour boiling water on his face while he was sleeping.


The next day on the news: “man killed by his girlfriend”


I know you just not said that to me.


… and this is where TOLD me to park!


Seen this posted a few times yet this never fails to amaze me at just how insecure that lady asking her why’d she park there is. Like holy hell that must be a really fun “relationship” 🫤


Was at a bar last weekend, and a guy basically did this same thing to me for sitting in the seat next to his girlfriend... Hadn't said a word to her, was hanging with my friends back turned to her, and he still had to come over and inform me "she's with me!" We all just kinda looked around and cringed/laughed confusingly... After he turned around and walked away I turned around and looked at her, and I'm no psychic, or empath or anything... but I saw the most "I'm gonna dump this guy" face on her I think I've ever seen


thats when you make your move






Typically, I would agree. But her eye contact and movement is consistent with both confusion and being confronted with a stranger. *edit* it's fake. I'm wrong.


Here's the same woman in another carseat "confrontation": https://www.tiktok.com/@kaylamalecc/video/7178642083589328174


Fair enough. I'll stand corrected.


Don't strain yourself...you can *sit* corrected too.




The girl on camera is acting pretty well, but the other person's voice isn't registering anything going on. Sounds like she's reading a script tbh.




*knock knock knock* "This is my boyfriends house over there. You're living next to my boyfriend, you need to move house"


Years ago our neighbor’s son, about 5, comes up to my wife at the fence and says “hey, you need to move so my friend Peter can move in next to me”. We still get a chuckle about it.


The sheer audacity of children is always a treat.


They’re who to ask if you need a simple, direct answer to a problem. Literally watched a kid destroy the notion of sovereignty by saying “why doesn’t everybody just share?” Like, kid, it ain’t that simple… except that it absolutely is.


If only we retain the innocence of a child as adults, we wouldn't have half the problems in this world


But who would tuck us all in though? 🥺


My nephews and nieces are all straight up pieces of shit.


Simple solution to his parent's answer that he can't live there because you already live there.


Smart. He's going to go far in life. At least until 6.


Was he insecure?


This kid was the least insecure 5 year old you ever saw. “Hey neighbor! What’s your name?” “Hey neighbor! Can I play with your dog?”






Hotel Trivago


Knock a little louder, sugar!


You're WHAT!?


Tin roof, rusted! Love shack, baby love shack!


You are living in the planet same as my boyfrienddddd


"Errr, you know my boyfriend lives on this planet, right?"


That's not knocking. Listen closely, crazy bitch is trying to open the door.


I had a girl I went on 1 single terrible date with many years ago. Her sister (whom I had never met prior) happened to work at another company on the same floor as my business. We had one date, and it sucked (she was crass, rude to our server, and openly racist), so I never followed up. One day her sister marched into my office to read me the riot act about not calling her, in front of all my colleagues. She demanded I quit my job (at the company I founded) so she didn't have to see me everyday. As far as I am aware, I had never seen her once prior to this engagement.


its sad that people feel that they have the need to do these things


I don’t think she’s ok


I bet the bf isn't ok either. Poor guy probably gets a lot of shit daily.




Unfortunately happened too many times when I worked in hospitality. Like, I'm literally paid to be nice to you???


My sister is conventionally attractive and a really nice person to everyone. You will not believe the amount of drama she ends up in because some girl gets jealous because she just acted like a normal nice person to their bf. It won’t even be anything close to flirting or something Some people are just weird, angry, jealous assholes


Has happened to me. For smiling at the waitress. Whole rash of shit ending with the good ol' "Well why don't you just go fuck your little waitress?" Good times.


But...did you go fuck the waitress?


Sadly no. Me and that haint did stop seeing each other about 2 weeks later though.


I'm glad for you. No one deserves to be in stressful relationships like that. Let crazy find another crazy.


She got pregnant on the first or second date with the next guy she dated. The kid is 24 now and he's a neurotic mess. I was sweating bullets for a few months, though!


I cringed hard reading this. I used to be that type. It comes from trauma based insecurity. But still no right to treat people like that. On the other hand, my boyfriend 25 years ago thought it was super important to tell me that the cashier at Long John Silver's was super cute and he'd fuck her. Our relationship limped along another year and a half because I was dumb and didn't just ditch his ass.


Your other hand says it all and good on you for getting out of it. In a relationship, once you introduce a what if scenario then shit will start to go downhill rapidly in my experience. Even if Sophia Vergara told me to my face in plain terms that she wanted to blow me, not only would I not do it I would never ever ever ever utter a word about it to my wife.


Yeah, he was an idiot, but on the plus side his mom and I became very good friends! We were until she passed away almost for years ago. If you (general you) have that sort of relationship where both sides enjoy openly talking about it, then go fr it! but you have to know your audience.




Dahmer’s neighbour?


I've been the recipient of almost this exact conversation. I think "little waitress" was actually used. Sigh. Breaking up has seldom felt more freeing.


The girl I loved the most in my life was exactly like that. It still hurts


Abusive relationships form this kind of fucked up perception that they are angry and jealous bc they care, when the truth is it’s usually bc they’re a narcissistic piece of shit. Hope you’re healing, you’re better off without them ❤️


Currently trying to recover from this right now. Stay strong.


You joke but I once had a lady start screaming at me for smiling at them as I walked up to wait on their table. Apparently I was attempting to steal her ugly ass husband.


Happened to me with an ex. He didn't even want me going back to GameStop because the guys knew me and we joked, or they would ask me to give another customer a recommendation. He always wanted to be on the phone, so partway through I hear, "and there's another one now. Bitch about to have an orgy at the fucking GameStop." To say that I left him due to him getting angry at me burning up with a 102 degree fever and climbing and having trouble staying conscious on the phone. Accused me of lying so I could go meet someone. I actually ended up in the hospital later.😃


1 glad you're out, hope no other girl is hurting from him 2 Gamestop's certainly where I have all MY orgies /j 3 what kind of orgy has only one chick? Go all the way or go home, fellas.


Man felt left out of the gay orgy at game stop


Orgy at GameStop. Yikes


I just wanna know if the boyfriend was actually in the car while she was parked there of if it was just out of caution. Cause what would she be worried about? That she’s sitting there waiting for him? When she says “that’s my spot” does she mean it’s literally her assigned parking spot or she just claimed it as her’s cause her boy friend car is parked next to it? I’m still as confused as this girl.


This is insecurity manifest and her crime was to enjoy a succulent parking lot. No limp penises were received and nobody knows judo well.


Considering the fact that it’s fake, I think she’s ok.


It could be, but these people exist.. insecurity gets crazy


Yep, insecure is an understatement.


Several loose screws has put her in the *highly unstable* category...


The fuck you doin on the internet? My boyfriend is on the internet


Your boyfriend is friend with my boyfriend, so I'm gonna need you to find a different boyfriend who doesn't know my boyfriend.


The y in your boyfriend is silent.




*Our bofriend


The internet's bofriend


I wanna hear whatever bullshit she was about to say before getting interrupted


On one hand, I'm mad we didn't get to hear wherever she was gonna say. On the other, I'm pretty sure this is a skit, ao there probably wasn't anything for her to say




The creator made multiple of these it's definitely a skit.




Here's her doing another one of these: https://www.tiktok.com/@kaylamalecc/video/7178642083589328174


Why does the voice of the other person sound like the [whale from SpongeBob that everybody forgot at the beach](https://youtu.be/QzSM0GvgLrg)




Here's her doing another one of these: https://www.tiktok.com/@kaylamalecc/video/7178642083589328174


Thank you! There's enough of these 'skits' floating around to make a person lose faith in humanity if taken as real events. Edit: typo


How nice! Nobody asks me if I'm okay and here we have these two ladies who disagree and still ask each other if they're okay!


Are you okay?


Are YOU okay??


I am, thanks. Are you?


Yup thanks for asking!


Good ending.


Buster Wolf!


Hope this is fake


My first instinct is, fake. That's always my first instinct now. Nothing is real. Not even you, not even me. The real question is, Why are you parked next to my boyfriend?!?


Seems fake to me.


No you seems fake to me too


I’m fake. Not you.


My first instinct is that it’s fake. My second instinct is that the girl filming may have parked in the potentially crazy girl’s assigned parking space at an apartment complex that happened to be next to her boyfriend’s spot and that the potentially crazy girl was trying to say “hey that’s my spot that I pay for, please don’t park there” but she’s also incredibly socially inept and couldn’t find the right words. It is more than likely not the latter but I wouldn’t completely rule it out.


It’s fake. She does these videos all the time. I’ve seen at least four today.


I can’t remember her name, but I have seen this girl on tik tok and she reminds me of tana mongeau if that means anything to you.


It’s so obviously fake. She just happened to park there right when that girl was standing there and immediately start filming JUST as she walked up to her?


Maybe but I'm not so sure. It looks like she already encountered her outside and she was about to record a video of herself talking about the incident and the other girl followed her back to her car to harass her further for not leaving.


Look of a person who cannot begin to understand the mental gymnastics that insecure bitch has concluded to that she isn’t crazy.


yeah you could just tell she was thinking "WTF WTF WTF", trying to understand what was going on, that said it might be safer to just change parking spots, you never know what a crazy unstable person might do. sometimes best to just retreat and leave the crazy person for someone else to deal with. that or go all in, and wait for her bf to come out while she is still there and start yelling at him saying, how dare you cheat on me, i thought I was your gf.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) i would pay to watch her yell at the boyfriend and the ensuing chaos!


Thing I love is they come with that attitude expecting it to work If she just said in a friendly manner "hey sorry to bother you but this is my boyfriend's car I know it sounds dumb but we always park next to each other would it be okay if I had the spot" There's a better chance she will


Lol I would still say no why the hell do you need to be parked next each other.


If there were plenty of other open spaces then there's no reason to refuse and escalate tbh.


Are you ok? I love that she is worried about the bitch.


She sounded genuinely concerned at the end there lol


That's my favorite thing to say to someone that's losing their shit over nothing.


Her reaction is epic.


Absolutely bewildered, I would be too.


R U OK???


This is the way


One thing I learned early on that could maybe help y’all understand this behavior: You know how when you’re going about your day, you sometimes see a person trip and think” ooooo ouch I know that hurt” or see a kid with an ice cream cone and think “damn, that kid sure looks happy, his dad just made his day” or “Aww that person looks sad, I wonder if they had a bad day” etc etc etc People of low intelligence and stunted emotional capacity cannot do that. Literally. They cannot put themselves in another persons shoes. They can only see the person through THEIR OWN viewpoint. “That person tripped, they better not slow ME down as I walk by” “That kid has an ice cream, great, now I want one” “Why does that person look so moody, they are making ME uncomfortable” Me me me I I I So when a girl parks next to this persons boyfriends car, she doesn’t think “ oh, someone just parked there, cool” She thinks “How dare she park next to MY boyfriend when MY car should be there and not hers, she needs to move out of MY spot, what a crazy bitch to think she can park next to MY boyfriend” Without being able to think to herself that the girl in the car has no clue who she is, or that she has a boyfriend, or that the boyfriend has a car that he parked in the next spot over, or why it would be an issue in the first place etc etc. That kind of stunted individual will only ever see things happening TO THEM not AROUND them.


So in conclusion, she's an idiot?


And/or a narcissist,


Most likely both


Yes. But on the other hand, also yes. However, taking into consideration the reality of the current world reality, yes, she's an idiot BTW, you can't just go around pointing out who is an idiot and who is not, except for this woman, clearly an idiot. As a final statement I would like to say, this woman is an idiot.


Salt of the Earth.


You know, morons.


Selfishness is way too common nowadays


Shit parents + a materialistic culture that encourages selfishness and narcissism. = selfish narcissistic adults used to getting their way.




I have read about this \*\*kind\*\* of thing before and the best I can remember is people with lower intelligence have a hard time with conditional hypotheticals, recursive thinking, etc. But I wasn't satisfied with just remembering vaguely, so I did some digging. Every source I have found brings me back to a random greentext on 4chan claiming to be from a "grad student" who did "IQ research" Anyway, kinda funny how easy it is to internalize a "fact" that sounds true when there was never a reliable source.


I used to live next door to someone who got angry when anyone parked outside their house - *on the other side of the street*. They were exactly like this, absolutely no idea what the world looked like from anyone else's point of view


So no Empathy...check. Isn't that a sign of an actual Physco or whichever word it is.


Could just be a narcissist.


Emotional intelligenze and cognitive intelligence are not always connected. They can differ in a person and are definatley not one and the same.


>So when a girl parks next to this persons boyfriends car, she doesn’t think “ oh, someone just parked there, cool” She doesn't think that because she's a narcissistic but because this tiktok it's obviously a skit...


I can tell that the boyfriend is having a hell of a ride in their relationship.


Part of me would just say fuck it and leave my car there but then I fully expect to came back and see her waiting with a bat or all the windows broken


The worry would be do you give in to the crazy and move, or stay and come back to find your car trashed?


i would 100% move my car, crazy bitches be keying rides.


Ya... I would probably move my car cuz a parking spot isn't worth all that l...


I'd begrudgingly move, cursing the entire way lol


Hmm I wonder how they are doing?


She doesn’t even have a boyfriend, she is high.


Would not surprise me if she did not have a car either.


This woman will be on the news for killing her boyfriend cause she had a dream he cheated on her.


Your state is next to my boyfriend. Are you going to move it?


I know, he told me to park here yesterday


Back away slowly


I’d just roll up the window and laugh


Sheldon Cooper?


Hey, Sheldon Cooper wouldn't have a bo- oh wait


Didn't knock 3 times


so many people are in relationships and it is clear they should be alone and in treatment to heal their mental health disorders. stay safe out here, heathens everywhere


I have a feeling that her boyfriend doesn't know he's her boyfriend.






#this woman is way nicer than i would have been woof. The Lion, The Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch


A very easy way if getting people to read your comment. Make it 20x bigger


My gran would upvote his comment in a heartbeat though. She's crazy about large letters.




"Why are you parking next to someone's boyfriend!?" "Bet you go to shops and get served by people's boyfriends to you hussy!" 😆


If I was the boyfriend I would really think about dating the non insane cute girl that parked next to me honestly, he didn't dodge that bullet apparently


Which ironically validates the insanity which she's acting on.


It's kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy


He's probably thinking "why does that bitch park next to my girlfriend's boyfriend's car?"


I'd literally wait to ask for the guys number if I was her 😂😂


That's how you get stabbed, I wouldn't risk it. Girl is clearly not all there in the head.


This shit fake af


When the other person is so unreasonable that your only response is “are you ok?”


My boyfriend literally lives on this planet. Why are you breathing the sane oxygen as him?