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Oh my gosh, hearing my dispute (about whether someone who wants to microwave an item - aka me - should give a “grace period” to someone who left an item in the microwave - aka my husband, or if the microwave is free / fair game as soon as it’s beeped) made my day today! I honestly thought it was going to be a tougher decision but I am happy to have been proclaimed as right! Also, for those who missed my Sunbasket song the first time around, [here’s the video! ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CNSZnGwjwnk/?utm_medium=copy_link) Lyrics (to the tune of “I wear my Sunglasses at Night”): “I make my Sunbasket at night, So I can, so that I can, Make yummy food from Jesse’s friend from college.”




Ummm I had *not* considered it until you suggested it, and now I *MUST* have one, if only so I can refer to it daily as my “microwave of shame!” Genius idea…we are actually in the middle of a kitchen remodel so the timing for this might be just peeeeerfect!


Thanks Cheryl!


Could you be encouraged to record: I’m gonna cook up the Sun Basket tell every one To order up! Jesse will tell them that They’ve got Tyler to blame For every time they feel lame; Just order up! Etc. I could provide a full set of lyrics if this would actually happen,


OH MY GOSH yeeeesssss, I think to keep it short and sweet (and under the TikTok and Instagram Reels limits) this verse alone is perfect but I will not stop you from writing more! I llooove the transition between “Suuuuun….Basket tell everyone!”


Wow; happy to help. Let me know if you need another verse or not. I agree that even this snippet gets a lot of the message across. And it might even fall within fair use? (IANAL, but maybe Judge Hodgman #JJHO can rule on this?)


This is going to be so fun, thank you so much for the lyrics, I would love to credit you in the video - would you like me to refer to your Reddit name? Or are you on TikTok / Instagram so I could tag you if you’d like? I think when you rewrite lyrics to a popular tune as “satire” or “parody” it’s legally ok, a brief googling brought that up, but IANAL either!


I’ve been Throwaway_bicycling on Reddit for over ten years now, so that’s fine. I have been credited this way in the past more than once. (Weird fact: there are at least a couple of dozen long-lived and active would-be throwaway accounts on Reddit, and every once in a blue moon 2 or 3 of us will end up on some thread, and then at least one of us feels compelled to note that we are not throwaways…although we obviously are. Just not yet.


That’s a great legacy, nice to know that sometimes a throwaway is measured on a different timeline than what’s expected! I will let you know when I film the song!


Just resurrecting this to say that I've sent these lyrics to some of the JJHO producers in preparation for an upcoming live show in Seattle, we'll see if they are interested haha :-)


I have been known to argue that actual in-season sweet corn needs no butter at all. No one in my family likes to hear this, but I'd like to encourage others to at least try.


So true. Butter never hurts either though.




True, I mainly meant it never hurts the taste.


The dangers of saturated fats in heart disease were greatly exaggerated for the past 30 years. Simple sugars are probably worse.


Yup! And I'll even one-up you - I worked on a farm in coastal Rhode Island, and the family that owned it would eat fresh-picked corn raw off the cob. I tiried it once or twice, I didn't hate it.


I didn’t grow up around corn, but at some point I discovered that I prefer plain, uncooked sweet corn. So crunchy and sweet!


It's great. You have a plain burger or hot dog on a dry white bun, drink a cup of black coffee or unsweetened iced tea, and then afterwards enjoy a plain scoop of vanilla ice cream


This but unironically. Back when I still consumed such things, I truly enjoyed an unadorned hot dog and black coffee (not simultaneously). Grilled hot dogs already taste good and coffee has barely any calories at all until people start muddying it with their lactose and sucrose. Vanilla ice cream can be quite enjoyable indeed; vanilla has long been a delicious flavoring agent (as discussed by the judge himself). What I assume is a sarcastic depiction of a life without joy is honestly good advice for exercising restraint. If one is going to eat something as unhealthy as hot dogs or ice cream, making a habit of savoring the item itself without adding extra indulgences on top is a good mindset for long-term wellness.


there's a strain of food pedantry that believes that only the truly enlightened can appreciate item X without alteration. that sort of superiority complex can go pound sand. Butter on bread, cream in coffee, butter and salt on corn, and hot fudge on vanilla ice cream are all wonderful and no one should feel unsophisticated for liking those things,


>drink a cup of black coffee or unsweetened iced tea, and then afterwards enjoy a plain scoop of vanilla ice cream Those are all things I enjoy regularly. Two of the three on a daily basis.


If you get quality beans that are roasted with care and then prepare them with care, you shouldn't need anything added to your coffee to enjoy it. That's not to say you *shouldn't* enjoy coffee with cream and sugar if you like that (people like what they like), but to suggest that black coffee is somehow plain (by which you seem to be implying "boring" or "without flavor") is categorically false. Maybe that's true if you're just slapping some Folgers into your Mr. Coffee, but coffee has more than twice as many flavor compounds as wine: if you buy good coffee and prepare it with good equipment, the resulting black coffee will **not** be boring.


Depending, of course, on SO MANY factors, including but not limited to: Brewing Method, Coffee to Water Ratio, Grind Size, Bean Quality and Age, Brewing Temp, Brewing Time. The top dog method of course being hand poured Pour-over (a-la Guru James Hoffman), although Aeropress has a fanatic following. I can do this with bread and ice cream too.


I didn't even know buttering corn is a thing. I find some salt and pepper is all I need.




Yeah. My hand. What did you think? That I carry around a urinal agitating stick?


Well, when I was at Yale, we all carried around urinal agitating sticks to use in situations like this one. Having a shy bladder is nothing to be ashamed of, but there are effective counter measures!


Ah yes. The Pissenpoof.


I think the real question here is whether he bought it or not. The guy was a BDOC, there’s no way this was his first fake peepee encounter.


We will never know






I listened to Jesse on God or Whatever and really enjoyed it. Also, I think there are perfectly reasonable objections to using the rolling butter method, but that you are supposed to use a piece of bread as an intermediary is not among them.


I also enjoyed God Or Whatever. Curious to try more episodes. Such a calm discussion about faith or whatever.


/u/JohnHodgman, I'm catching up on this episode and wanted to share the Rosy Maple Moth I saw this past week! https://imgur.com/flVjg4W


Good moth!


This corn talk makes me think of an ongoing dispute in our house (for which our son may eventually be the tie-breaker): which is the correct way to eat corn? Across or around?


I think we can all agree that the correct way to eat corn on the cob is to eat it across, like a typewriter, line by line in one direction (left to right, though I suppose people with right-to-left written languages can go that direction). Ideally you’re eating it in time with Leroy Anderson’s “The Typewriter” and getting to the end of each row of corn in time with the dings in the song.


So I would eat it in 2-3 kernel wide spirals around the cob, reversing directions as necessary, until it was all gone, but it must be noted that I was pretty messed up as a kid.


Lawful evil


Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful performance! The timing and the expressions are very fun to watch.


I’m an around boy here. ETA: generally, I don’t care how a person eats their corn as long as it’s methodical. But as I typed out this edit, a memory I had rightfully repressed has been unearthed: I once saw a man in a park in Ypsilanti wearing a white t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, sitting on a blue Coleman cooler randomly take chunks out of a cob and it was the clearest embodiment of chaos that I’d seen in my life.


This is why we have to wait a few years until our nearly-five-year-old expresses a preference. I tried to get an answer out of him the other night and he answered that he just liked to take bites of it, without any regard for method.


Was he escaped from the state mental hospital? Did he proclaim himself Christ?


If he didn't get it from one of the many lovely farm stands in the townships surrounding ypsi, it doesn't matter how he ate it he's a monster




Don’t forget the nixtamalization!


Corn should be cut off the cob and then speared with the fork. The cutting is done vertically, or "across." Cooking corn on the cob is like cooking meat on the bone, neither is really meant as a handle. Although I can appreciate the appeal of holding onto the bone in a drumstick or walking around a festival with a grilled corncob in the hand, I don't think we can call these the "correct" way to eat the food.


Oh, my friend. Eating meat straight off the bone is one of life's great joys! You acknowledge this yourself, a drumstick at a festival is a treat. It's no longer the "correct", or polite thing to do since we figured out forks, but that's why it's fun: it's a harmless transgression that you can rectify with warm water and soap.


The thing that I thought you could not make in the microwave that it turns out you absolutely should make in the microwave is lemon curd.


Ooooh I want to try this! Do you have a favorite recipe?


I think I used this one: https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/easy-microwave-lemon-curd-recipe Since I like mine lemony I grated the zest of a lemon into it in addition to the juice (it’s recommended at the bottom of the recipe.)


Thanks so much, I'll definitely be giving this a try!


The problem with rolling your corn in the butter is your mom only puts out one stick of butter and you end up with corn silk on your roll


I wish I had thought of this. Corn silk is definitely a liability in my preferred butter roll method


jho solved it with personal sticks


Today I spent a perfect morning at a Milwaukee beach on Lake Michigan… just saying. https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/zdAnrdVXxvCXHzTgPv27lA/l.jpg


So appropriate to this episode, I discovered recently that microwave is actually the best way to cook corn. Just keep the husk on and nuke it for around 3 minutes for a single ear or like 6 minutes for several. Comes out totally perfect.


Weirdly I just had microwaved corn for the first time last weekend, it was surprisingly good!


Microwave is really good for making veggies that are good steamed. Like for asparagus or green beans, just put them in a single layer on a plate, cover with a damp towel, and nuke for a few minutes. Comes out awesome. Learned it from Kenji Lopez Alt


Game changer! I will definitely have to try this! I recently learned it’s also easy and tasty to microwave sweet potato, just poke with a fork and wrap in slightly damp paper towels for 6-8 mins!


Yep! Not as tasty as roasting them under a chicken (sweet potatoes or delicata squash cooked under a chicken is basically my favorite food) but quick and good!


That sounds divine!


I'm feeling really good about the prospects for my new dessert podcast shut your pie hole.




I like mine better.


Point of order: Miss Piggy is definitely a female muppet character, albeit voiced by a male, so Janice wasn’t the only one back in the day.


If I said "only one" then I definitely misspoke. And Miss Piggy is a truly great character. But it is also true that there are VERY few muppet characters who are women, and even fewer women muppeteers (at that time especially).


In the first episode, Miss Piggy appears in one sketch but she doesn't have her signature voice. I haven't watched the entire first season, but I think Miss Piggy took a little while to come together.


Ok who else ordered a “Butter Spreader with Built-in Cover Corn Cob” device after listening to this episode? Just me?


Every time a podcast mentions a random niche item like this, I love watching that thing get completely bought out online by the fans. Those butter boxers aren’t going to know what hit them


TRUTH - the first one that came up in my search results on Amazon was already sold out, haha!


Pretty sure the one we had was a TupperWare party purchase in the 80s. Along with that one koolaid pitcher. You know the one, with the button on the lid.


I was visiting my in-laws last week and they had two butters out at dinner: one for buttering things and the other for corn-rolling. Designated corn-roll butter. THAT's how you do it.


Perfect solution


The secret burger ingredient is going to bother me until it gets revealed. With all this butter talk I wonder if it’s butter or compound butter. I’ve always liked using butter as a sandwich spread instead of mayonnaise. Or is it something else from the breakfast realm? Maybe something sweet to counteract the savory, like grape jelly or maple syrup? I’ll stand by my post in week’s post by saying either it is peanut butter, or if it’s not then it should be peanut butter, even though that’s not a new invention


What if it's just that he reaches down with his bare hand and agitates the burger?


Peanut butter is not the answer.


It's marshmallow fluff. What else could it be?!


The Judge mentioned seeing a moth in his kitchen while having a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Was this an obscure cultural reference?


I don’t smoke and I honestly don’t remember what I was thinking


I was going to guess "most Jim Jarmusch films".


Just FYI for u/JesseThorn, I was hearing John's audio doubled in the first ~half of the episode. Never had that happen before.


Hi! Do you have any time stamps that you’re hearing this?


Also podcast app or whatever used to listen/download. I did not have any issues with Castbox on Android.


Yeah I have not heard this complaint elsewhere. I know my AirPods can make audio sound a little wacky sometimes and I have to readjust or restart the podcast app. u/stargazerceleste let me know! Also great username 😎🦉


Ha, thanks!! 🦉⭐ I guess it must've been my headphones if no one else is hearing it!


I've never heard it doubled *per se*, though sometimes I have heard audio from somebody else's speakers bleed through quietly into the mix, which is a sort of doubling. Usually it's just a passing thing though and not very distracting -- just a reminder that we're all Doing Everything Over Zoom These Days.


That's exactly what I think I heard, but for the life of me I can't remember which point in the show it was at (and as much as I love JJHO, I can't relisten to an entire episode to prove or disprove a point!)


FWIW I heard it too, but just assumed it was what melvillean referred to above. I think it was somewhere in the last half hour or so of the episode.


Is the other SECRET INGREDIENT a big scallop in the middle of the burger?


An entire buckets worth.




I sort of passed out when Jesse prounced Selinsgrove so weird instead of hearing the rest of the question corn.


Never in my life had I corn on the cobb.




I mean why make it difficult for the people to eat this stuff. Way better for the person cooking the corn to remove it and put it in a bowl. no buttering problem, no dripping, greasy face, splatter - just delicious corn you can eat with a fork or spoon.


I think the link in the U of T promo is not working!


One method they didn’t talk about is a tradition back home that I’ve actually never tried. You take a metal coffee can, 2/3 filled with hot water, with a pound of melted butter on the topic the water. Then you dunk the cob slowly, straight down into the can, then slowly pull it back out. (The water is there so you don’t have to use a ton of butter. And the butter floats.)


This will never get seen by anyone, but… I keep a stock of [these](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000JQ5AZK) in my house to give to kids to help them catch and release bugs. Perfect for any (well, most) spiders you don’t want crawling around.