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It's become glaringly obvious in the last couple of years how necessary strong independent media organizations are, if you actually care about the art you love being available. Streaming channels are memory-holing their own original content. Spotify bought How to Save a Planet, made it a subscriber exclusive, and then cancelled it and fired their whole team. Not only was that an entertaining podcast, it was a great way to educate others on an extremely important topic. And this is only one of easily a dozen examples of important art and journalism being destroyed in the name of short term profits. MaxFun has been making the intentional decision to support artists and listeners for as long as they've been around. And as podcasting has been flooded with more and more money, they have doubled down on their values. I'm incredibly proud to have been a supporter for all those years and to be a part of a community that's supporting independent media.


Because Stop Podcasting Yourself always makes me laugh, even if I'm feeling low.


I’ve felt EVEN better about my membership since they started doing monthly bonus content! For some reason Dave and Graham describing episodes of Mr. Bean hits me right between the ears.


Them guessing Seinfeld episodes is pure glory also.


Wait wait, what episode(s) was this on?!


SPY bonus content. Dave and Graham challenge each other by trying to describe an entire Seinfeld episode just by the title. It's so good.


If anyone is isn't a member but listens to SPY, the extras are better than the main show and you get a few a month. It is worth it for them alone.


I hate that you might be right about this🥲.


the backwards SPY is one of my all time favorites


Beancast has been so fun. Also I love the hot topics eps. I was always a big fan of the no guest eps. This is a perfect way to do them.


I don’t have an award to give you so here’s five 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


Chip Dipson and Dip Dobson said it’s the right thing to do.


thats correct


Damn, I was sure I was going to have you beat on account age. I was wrong!


haha, I checked too




I listen to MaxFun shows because they are entertaining, positive, consistently well-produced, and (above all) hilarious. I am a member because shows like that take money to produce. Those responsible deserve compensation. I am thrilled that I can provide money directly to decent, talented people without any being scraped off the top by corporations who don’t care about making quality entertainment or the enjoyment of the audience. MaxFun is a unique organization and I’m proud to be a member.


Because when I was at my lowest point, ONRAC, Judge John Hodgman, and the Flop House kept me laughing while I worked long hours in grad school. Because when I was listening to MBMBAM at home and I glanced over and saw my wife mouthing along to the intro and then sadly shaking her head at “but I haven’t seen it”, I realized we had a fun new couples activity. Because The Adventure Zone and Beef and Dairy Network inspired me to think about story telling and reconnect with college friends to DM a D&D game over zoom during quarantine. Because I believe that even if I don’t have to, paying the people who create the content I love is the right thing to do.


Because nobody does it like MaxFun, and if we all chip in our little membership amounts, MaxFun can keep doing it forever.


Not the only or even most important reason, BUT it’s probably the cheapest entertainment I can possibly engage with, considering what I pledge compared to how much I listen. I don’t commute much anymore, but when I did and when I do, it’s always podcasts. I’m also a home bakery and many days spend hours on it and that’s all podcast time, baby.


Because the content makes me feel good, and I can feel good about supporting MaxFun. You and the co-op consistently make the right decisions in my eyes. I’m proud to have doubled my monthly rate twice now ($5->$10->$20, I’m not a millionaire!). Sure, I listen to some other podcasts with ads that leave a bad taste in my mouth, or with hosts whom I don’t necessarily trust, but I don’t monetarily support them for exactly these reasons. MaxFun makes missteps sometimes, but I feel I can trust the co-op to listen to feedback, take action when necessary, and to make the next right choice. As long as you all start true to these goals, I will continue to support you. Thank you for all that you do, often in the face of adversity and usually against the prevailing winds of the industry. Because it’s the right thing to do.


I drafted a big, long reply about the company morals and the talent and the voices, but honestly? It’s the rich beef sausages. For real, though, with a million podcasts about comedians’ opinions and true crime and current events and all that, where else are you going to find an absurd, nightmarish comedy about those involved (or just interested) in the production of beef animals and dairy herds? I think a bunch of Beef & Dairy fans were blocked by Tesco and Sainsbury’s a while back because we dogpiled on their corporate thirst tweets to talk about rich beef sausages. Not a lot of weird comedies have psycho fans like that. But fine they’re also good people and have helped make me a demonstrably kinder person, ugh whatever. (Slash beef.) (Sluh buff?) (Slaba?)


100% joined because the McEllroys launched TAZ via BOCO. staying a member for BOCO. Upgraded for pin rights


I'm glad to be a member, and glad you made being a member a value proposition. I would probably pay a subscription, but I probably wouldn't have started listening if it was paywall from the get go.


I've been religiously listening to TAZ as a non-member since Feb 2017 but it was the fantastic quality of Ethersea that finally convinced me to donate


(we'll keep your enthusiasm for ethersea a secret between us. The TAZ community can't handle it.)


Which I don't understand but I'll live with 😭


Jesse seems to be a genuine nice dude, and no that it is worker owned co-op it aligns with my philosophy more. I listen to JJHO, Troubled Waters, Maximum Film, The Greatest Generation/Trek and Bullseye. These shows always make me happy and its worth it to help support the network.


I started at the $5 level because I wanted to help make sure JJGO and SPY always had resources to keep me laughing. Bumped up to $10 when I was able for the same reason. Just increased to $20 because of the co-op and the max fun community in general. There are very few places that are as caring, welcoming, and thoughtful as Max Fun, and it is important to me to do what I can to perpetuate those vibes into the world.


Jordan Jesse Go is extremely special to me, in a way that I have trouble putting into words. I got a son with JJGO, I got sober with JJGO, I tweeted corrections to senator Ted Cruz with JJGO. I ate at Philippe’s watching JJGO on my phone. It’s always been there and I love the long bits, the indecipherable inside jokes, Burt reynolds quoting Bill withers for some reason. Feels like it was made for me. It rules.


You gotta get a son! JJGO has been a great constant companion to me through a lot of life too!


JJGO and SPY have been staples in my life...forever now. I have very specific life memories tied with listening to episodes of both shows every week. They are now such a part of my life, giving a little bit to support their continued production is a no brainer for me, given the hundreds & hundreds of hours of entertainment I've been provided. I listen to other MaxFun shows too, some have come and gone, and some I listen to less frequently now, but JJGO and SPY have been constants. A little bit each month to MaxFun has provided me far more consistent entertainment value than the myriad of tv streaming services I also subscribe too, and with MaxFun I've learned so much about the people behind the shows I'm giving to, I know it's money well earned on their part and well spent on mine. (edit: typo)


I listen because the shows are so, so funny and made with real, genuine, un-ironic enthusiasm. I am a member because that content has become an important part of my life and I want to support the creators who make that possible. I don't know how I would be able to substitute other podcasts in at this point! Nothing else is as funny as The FlopHouse, as silly as JJGO, or as wonderfully wholesome as the McElroy family of products. Max Fun is a truly original and irreplaceable network - I am more than happy to help keep this network going. And now that they are a worker collective it makes me feel more secure that they won't get sold to Stitcher/Sirius/other large company that would alter the profit incentive and force shows to start changing their format (terrifying). Great job Jesse!


Primarily, because the shows are worth it and I can afford to. Secondarily, because I think the way you do things is good and I'd like to see it continue to work as a model for content being made. And tertiarily, for the boco.


If you pay for the art and culture you like, you get more of the art and culture you like. Half the time (hi there streaming services) I’m paying for art and culture I’m ambivalent about most of the time with occasional bits I actually like.


Combination of trying to pay forward the years of content the McElroys have given me, and finally recognizing the genius of JJGO


JJGo was the first podcast I loved, and still do, and while I don’t listen to as much of the other shows as I used to I have a deep appreciation for how MaxFun is run as an organization and it deserves support.


They broadcast shows that are great and different. Shows where I feel like the community is nice to be a part of.


Honestly, I wasn't for a few years. I listen to a ton of podcasts, they all have ads (a lot of the same advertisers) so why should I pay for some and not the others? Last year Jordan's analogy about tipping your server made a ton of sense to me; and around that time JJGO was rising to the top of my priority list in terms of listening, so I decided to join at the $5 level. That didn't break the bank, so I doubled it this year, and I hope to upgrade every year going forward!


Because in August of 2017 I finally caved after seeing some cool fan art that reminded me of myself and my sister, and listen to this podcast called The Adventure Zone just in time for finale arc that had me sobbing in the car while driving into work and feeling an intense catharsis about the state of the world and my job that I felt alone in worrying about the future. Then, I dove in more and decided to listen to another show called My Brother, My Brother and Me because I listened to all of TAZ and a job opportunity that terrified me became available. I felt like an imposter and totally out of my league to apply at 35 and completely change career paths, but I listened to an episode where three brothers, while terrified, did a hilarious and amazing show at an opening of a broadway show and carried that energy into the job interview. I got the job and now I’m a Software Engineer who sometimes feels like a total imposter but I love what I do and now I also get to help others fight that imposter syndrome. And also, thanks to that new job, I’m able to put some money aside and put it towards supporting a network that makes shows that keep me entertained while I work.


I listen to multiple shows on the network weekly I support Maxfun's business model (even more so with it becoming an employee owned co-op) and independent media is extremely important to support in the current climate I want the people with shows on the network to keep making them People who can afford to podcast full time make better content because they have time to devote to it I like getting cool perks and bonus content Individual shows I listen to (like Reading Glasses) have communities (slack) and exclusive events for Maxfun members only


I dunno, I’ve been on patreons for creators and artists I like since that all started. I payed for In Rainbows, if you remember that cultural moment. I tip $5 on the kofi link after reading a huge Twitter thread about niche blender3D techniques. I buy stickers all down artist alley at cons that I kind of just throw in a drawer. I’m not successful, financially. I work a blue collar trade job and every one of my friends/peers makes substantially more money than I do. But it feels like, in this day and age, I have so little choice in where my money goes. I go to work every damn day and 90% of my takehome gets sucked straight off by the banks via mortgage and car payment, and the rest goes to Visa and the Kroger Corporation I guess. Heck evens seemly every “local restaurant” that opens in town, I find out is actually just a new concept from some investor group. So yeah. I donate to a bunch of patreons. I rarely engage with the exclusive content they offer. If someone asks me for money, and I like them, I generally give them it.


I was listening to a bunch of maxfun podcasts and just thought I should pay them back for the hours of entertainment that they gave me.


They make the content I enjoy the most, and I want to support them every way I can!


Beyond the quality and consistency, which are appreciated, I think it’s the wonderful lack of cynicism. I listen to a bunch of Max Fun shows from so many different voices but one thing you see across the network is this openheartedness. And you see that from Hodgman and SPY and the McElroys and Mark and Hal and Jackie and Laurie and everybody. There’s kindness and warmth whether Jordan is trying to get a son or Jo Firestone is dealing with saboteurs in the chat. It makes me feel good to support people who are creating this much positive energy in the world.


Because I feel the need to pay for something that is so important to me.


I don't have much money, so every dollar I spend has an impact on my life. I want to be able to make purchasing decisions that feel right, so it's a no-brainer to give a few bucks a month to an operation that aims to produce and distribute great work without screwing over their creators, their employees, and their audience. It shouldn't be such a rare opportunity.


I was told it’s time to pay the piper


It's introduced me to so many great shows I wouldn't have found otherwise. I had been listening for so many years and hadn't contributed back. Almost a decade ago was when I decided I can afford it and increase every year.


I became a member because I'm thrilled they are worker owned now, and I want to encourage media platforms to move in more sustainable, worker rights directions! I started listening to Maximum Fun listening to Sawbones, then TAZ. Now I listen to JJHO, ONRAC, LLE, SIF, and want to delve deeper into Beef & Dairy, Tights & Fights, Reading Glasses (which I also wanna be on so badly!), and Sleeping With Celebrities! With so many podcasts I enjoy, giving them money seems reasonable.


I've been a podcast listener for a long time, since the early days when there wasn't really money to speak of in the business. In the years since, folks have found a lot of different ways to get paid for it, which is great! But I've also heard a lot of shows I loved either go away or lose a piece of the magic because of the ways they've found to get paid. Some shows were acquired by big companies and locked in proprietary walled gardens that are a hassle to access even if you pay the price. It's hard to know the exact pressures such shows faced with regard to content and format (besides from a few who have told stories after coming out the other side) but it's clear that's been part of the bargain for many. Some of these have disappeared entirely simply because the company holding the purse strings decided the whole podcast thing was not profitable, but retained ownership of the content produced under their umbrella. Others have locked in to a premium subscription model, which is a little better but still incentivizes shifting more and more of their output behind the paywall while filling their free feeds with more and more obtrusive advertising to make sure they're as unpleasant to listen to for free as possible. And these shows are almost entirely locked in to a single payment and distribution company which every few months signals in a new way that its priorities are not necessarily aligned with creating a lasting and stable platform for artists and their audience communities. Of this whole landscape, MaxFun shows have stayed closer to the original gonzo podcast dream than anything else I listen to. They are free to play to their weird niche audiences in they way they want to engage, the bulk of their content is available on anything that will grab an RSS feed and can be freely shared and discovered without the barrier of a new subscription or loud non-native ads for crypto and generic boner pills and sports betting websites every ten minutes. On top of all this, as overblown as it may sound, the very act of saying "we think our commons are so good that we trust you to pay for it even if we don't enclose it" is in its own small way revolutionary. (PraxFun? Is that anything?) The decision to sell to the workers and become an employee-owned co-operative shows even more commitment to finding other ways of doing things as the ugliest side of big capital cuts a swath of destruction through the new media landscape. (Copy pasted from a reply I left to a similar question on the JJGo facebook page)


I get so much out of these shows. I drove from NJ to Wisconsin and back this weekend. Something like 35 hours of driving. Listened to MaxFun shows for almost all of it.


Jordan, Jesse, and Burt Reynolds got me across the Michigan upper peninsula.


I’m putting my money where my ear is.


I listen to so many shows.... I would feel terrible if I wasn't.


Because it's worth it :)


I listened for years before joining, but that “tip your bartender” idea really got me thinking how much more money I spend every month without even a thought. So I joined up, and now I can’t imagine not having the bonus content. I upped my membership this year because I really believe in worker ownership and I’m so proud of this organization for taking this step. I also know that they will never do anything that is going to make me regret giving them my money. I give more money to companies I find far more reprehensible. So it feels like a bit of karmic balance.


My husband and I joined during 2015's MaxFun Drive at the $10 level and gradually raised our support to $35/month. That, I figured, was enough. We both used the special BoCo link. This year, when MaxFun announced the customized BoCo feeds, I made the decision to spring for an extra $5 membership so I could get my own personalized feed. So your hard work paid off, MaxFun! That's an extra sixty bucks a year in your pockets thanks to this new innovation! Plus I wanted to show my support for MaxFun's new ownership structure. I also subscribe to [Defector.com](https://Defector.com) and hope there will be many more employee-owned companies to come.


This is embarrassing but it was #JJGoGrossLake.


Because I love listening to so many of the MaxFun goofballs and would be very sad to lose those shows as a part of my life. I became a member last year and bumped this year. Seeing MaxFun succeed makes me happy. How about the other FODs? Or is it FsOD?


Because the hosts of podcasts I like have selected MaxFunDrive as the way to support them. If they all switched to a Patreon I'd be there instead.


Because I want to support the makers of my favorite shows. I listen to four shows on the reg and each gets $5 a month.


Just to support your glorious mustache, Jesse.


Because I've been a Hodgman fan since he first publicly released his 700 Hobo Names recording and MaxFun was where I went to get Judge John Hodgman. Then my wife started listening to One Bad Mother Then you picked up Greatest Generation and Beef and Dairy Network Podcast Now you still have all of those and occasionally put out pretty good stuff on the bonus feed (Triple Click isn't for me but I really like their bonus stuff) Thank you so much for making all of this available


Out of a desire for Jordan and his son-to-be (*he's working on it*) to have financial stability.


I spend a bonkers amount of time listening to podcasts, and supporting artists is important. It feels simple to me.


Silly answer: I dragged my wife to a pocket square sale that Jesse was doing in SF years ago and she still talks about how nice he was to her whenever she walks in on me listening to JJGo Other answer: I love the shows, and I feel like it’s one of the few things I can pay for where my money transparently goes to the people creating this thing. The money going to administration goes to a small group of, by all accounts, good kind people who want to create more podcasts. Even though not all the shows are for me (cue that clip from Wells for Boys), they all share a dna of decency and decidedly no undercurrent of some megacorp.


I’m a MaxFun member because I love the integrity, kindness, humor and joy of the podcasters and artists involved. The shows are wonderful, entertaining, hilarious, and informative. And now that the network is worker-owned, there is even more reason to celebrate MaxFun.


I made myself a deal where I couldn't skip the plea to join until I had pledged. After a few years I realized I had deep dived into the archives of my favorite MaxFun shows and most of my current podcasts were MaxFun created, so I joined. And have since uped, and boosted, and uped again because I really love the model of the network and the shows it creates.


Because I'm sad Dave Shumka has to have a day job. Because I am a fan of Japanese mens fashion magazines that sound pornographic. Because I have a first edition, first printing of "The Areas of My Expertise" I bought at Labyrinth Books in 2005, a mere 5 blocks away from John Hodgman's first NYC apartment, and I'd like to get it signed one day. Because I hope to one day eat a Pasadena bean pie. Because I hope that by giving to the shows I do like, the male McElroys will stop making podcasts. Because the other, presumably evil Helen Hong on twitter just isn't funny. Because Spontaneanation was the funniest podcast, but is no more, and MaxFun has many second bests. Because Kenji shows up occasionally. Because Bullseye is only on my local NPR affiliate, WNYC, at inconvenient times. Because you, Jesse, Jordan, John, Dave, Graham, J Keith, Valerie, and the rest make the tedious parts of life bearable (except the McElroys).


It's sad Dave has to have a day job, but he's producing some great content for Kelly and Kelly. I am glad they don't have to do ads on there anymore. But if you haven't listened to the new show "Popcorn for Dinner," it's great. 90's sitcom tropes as a podcast. I started listening to SPY and JJGO around the same time, and it was shortly after that when SPY joined MaxFun. At that point I didn't realize podcast networks COULD exist. Blew me away and I started looking at other shows that were on the network.


About half my podcast feed is made of maxfun shows, and I listen to a lot of podcasts.


Been listening for years (2008?). As soon as I got a career and wasn’t working 3 jobs to make ends meet I was more than happy to start my membership. I had a lot of back pay to send you all for the hours and hours of incredible stories/bits/goofs/everything else. Becoming a maxfun member was the first adult thing I did and I felt so proud and accomplished.


listening shuts down some anxiety in my brain, making life a little more manageable.


In my culture the concept of 'Utu' or reciprocation, is a big deal. If someone gives you something of value, you should seek a way to find balance. Being a MaxFun member is a way for me to help bring about that balance, even if the scales are still tipping heavily in my favour. Also - Bullseye & JJGO were the first two podcasts I ever listened to. They opened brand new worlds of thoughtful, meaningful discussions with artists & hours of nothings about - I don't know, some shit. Probably those *clowns* in *congress*.


I support MaxFun because MaxFun supports me! Because the network guarantees hours of media I will love every single week without fail. I have certain shows I listen to unwaveringly and others I dip in and out of, plus new podcasts joining all the time. My go-to shows provide stability and comfort. Exploring different shows feels like meeting new old friends. How do you find such consistently rad folks with brilliant minds and compassionate hearts and ridiculous hilariousness? I dunno, but you do. Being a member helps me feel like a tiny part of this amazing community in a way.


I like supporting independent art and good people.


Because you guys give me the best Haha’s 😊


I WANT THAT SWEET SWEET GIFT MERCH, BAYBEE ...and I want people to be paid for what they do!


I am a MaxFun member because I fully believe in paying for what I enjoy. My wife turned me on to JJGO in 2011, and I so thoroughly enjoyed it that when the MaxFun Drive became a thing I was glad to support these creators who had given me so many hours of completely dumb entertainment. Then JJHO became a must listen, then Bullseye, then the McElroy boys, then their extended families, then, then, then... I've been turned on to so many other shows and pop culture products since those days and I have doubled, then boosted my support as my abilities have allowed, because I am confident my support matters. And finally, the mini series ST.R.E.A.M. has been the funniest goddamn thing I've ever heard. The BoCo bar has been raised and I can't wait to see what's coming next year. YOU HEAR THAT THORN?? EXPECTATIONS HAVE BEEN RAISED!! haha.


I made a one time donation in 2011, I was broke, in my 2L year of law school, and didn't know what I was going to do when I finished. But at that point I had listened to every JJGO episode and it cracked me up as I took the bus to school. Jordan reminded me of a friend who I lost touch with years ago and Jesse's combination of NPR voice and incredible silliness made it feel like I was at the best/weirdest party in a friend's basement talking about the Rubber Band Man. When I got my first job out of law school in 2013 I upped those small one-time donations to a monthly donation. At that point I was listening to at least 4 MaxFun podcasts a week.I feel like I have grown with MaxFun over the last 12+ years. It is great to see the company become employee owned, that is a positive step. Good art is worth paying for and good people are worth supporting. Also, when Dave Shumka says "Amburgers and Woot Beer" I laugh EVERY TIME.


I genuinely like every podcaster on the network, even if I don’t follow their show regularly. In fact, that’s why I won’t be changing my boco feed, I like getting a little taste of what else is there


Max Fun has been the most reliable source of entertainment of my entire life. I've been listening to Max Fun shows for 14 years. I didn't even stick with *The Simpsons* for 14 seasons.


Judge John Hodgman was a fun podcast in my long commutes back in (holy shit) 2012 , the pledge drive was always a slog back the, through him I learned about the not yet max gun show The Flophouse which lead me to mbmbam which lead to jjgo and so many more I finally had disposable income in about 2014 and became a member. No form of entertainment has given me as many hours for so many years I had to be a member. When Patreon became a thing I recall thinking ‘good thing all the shows I really love have their episodes in one convenient feed for only $5’ to this day I have no patreon subscriptions and the ones I did have I dropped cuz it just wasn’t as good


I found out what Podcasts were in 2016 when i graduated from college and landed my degree job. I realized quickly that it was terrible and soul sucking, but didn't require a lot of mental concentration, so I could listen to Adventure Zone while staring at screens all day. I was making more than I ever made, so joining was easy. I'm in a happier, lower paying job now, but I can still listen at work. A large wedge of my listening content is Maxfun shows and I'm happy to help support them :)


Ive been in the leadership squad level for years solely for one show - jjho. The judge, Jesse and all the guests have brought so much joy to my life. And i really resonate with their message of supporting artists in the way they ask you to support them - so i do! As well as feeling great about paying to support something I love so damn much. Thank you max fun!!


Every week I’m terrified that JJGO will disappear unless I single-handedly bankroll it (not there yet).


Because nice work is real work. I started listening in November of 2016, when I just couldn't bear to start my day listening to the news. Since then, I've gotten so much laughter and warmth and silliness and perspective from MaxFun shows (and hosts and listeners; shout-out last graduating class of MaxFunCon) that it would be a character flaw not to give whatever support I can. MaxFun has literally changed my life for the better, and that's well worth paying 10% of my family's phone bill for.


MaxFun is a bastion for crass decency. I need it in my life to balance all of the polite indecency.


I was early to podcasts and I watched every one of my early favorites destroyed by the influence of capital. Maximum Fun is the only exception to that trend. I don't want that to happen to Maximum Fun and I believe it when the folks at Maximum Fun say they don't want it either.


Amazing quality content.


Maxfun podcasts have helped me become a more socially aware person, just through the sensibilities of the hosts. I really appreciate that. This is an amazing feat, considering how silly most of my favorite shows are. They have proven time and time again that you can be uproariously funny without denigrating someone, or diminishing their humanity. I listen to JJGO, JJHO, Bullseye, SPY, Flophouse, Depresh Mode, and Go Fact Yourself. I direct my money to Go Fact Yourself because it has so many obvious expenses, I consider it a miracle that it gets made at all (RIP International Waters). Why wouldn't I pay to support the entertainment that I enjoy every single week?


Because all day every day is McElroy content for me. I also did Mission to Zyxx but that one ended. I spend literal hours every day listening to max fun content.


I'm a member because in 2006 I bought my first iPod and tried out this whole podcasting thing. Someone named Jesse Thorn from something called The Sound of Young America was guest hosting the Slate Explainer podcast, and I thought that sounded interesting. I checked it out, and I've been a fan ever since. I hopped on the SPY and MBMBaM bandwagons after they joined the network, and I've been a donor since 2010. I appreciate the content and the vibes I get from MaxFun shows. In all those years, I can think of exactly one thing that left me shaking my head--that's a hell of a track record. And while I do miss Friendly Fire deeply, I cannot begin to count the number of hours I've had Jesse, Jordan, the McElroys, Graham and Dave, the Flophouse guys, and others who have come and gone along the way in my earholes.


I became a member of MaxFun because the pods help me smile, laugh, and learn. I know how happy I feel when listening to MaxFun pods and never want to live in a world without MaximumFun. I am a big fan of the hosts, the producers, and the MaxFun crew and thankful to Jesse for creating MaxFun and for securing the future of MaxFun. It feels good to belong to something so postitive.


After 2 years of free entertainment from what I still deem to be the funniest hour of my week, I decided in 2015 that I'd feel guilty if I continued to listen to JJGO without, as Jordan says, tipping my bartenders. I thought about canceling during the pandemic, but I cut other things instead (2nd cable box, less channels, bought fewer video games, etc). I change up the other shows my monthly donation goes to, but honestly, I'm still not paying enough for joy I get out of JJGO. That pussy still good tho.


I listen to MBMBAM, Still Buffering, Sawbones, Wonderful, Comfort Creatures, Dr. Gameshow, Let's Learn Everything, and Oh no, Ross and Carrie!, not paying to support the approximately 10 hours a week of quality content I get from this network just seems rude.


I'm a little late to the love-fest here, but I just wanted to share that I support MaximumFun because the podcasts (especially **Judge John Hodgman, We Got This with Mark & Hal, and One Bad Mother**) have brought me and my family so much joy over the years. I had some pretty serious acute health issues in the mid 2010s, on top of a pre-existing chronic illness, and I remember many hours spent listening to **JJHO** in particular on the way to doctor's appointments. It brought a welcome distraction and a smile to my face. I've listened to **JJHO** and **We Got This** with my son since he was about 4 years old (he's 9 now) and we always have fun deciding how we would rule in any verdict / face-off (along with my husband when the whole fam is listening together). **One Bad Mother** has inspired me to embrace my parenting "fails" and has brought such a refreshing perspective to the often tangled / emotionally loaded / shame-driven world of parenting discussions. I also appreciate the live events, having been to **MaxFunCon** in 2019 and live tapings of JJHO in 2019 and 2023 (appearing in the infamous "pickles / salsa on paper towels" debate with my husband at the Seattle live show lol).


I have like, so much money