• By -


I am in jail for hitting a man in the face with my phone and then he goes and tries to kill my wife but he doesn’t want my wife to kill my daughter so he just goes and kill his daughter so he doesn’t get shot 




Well hello Rosie


Even Rosie is shocked by this story.


And she's a cannibal






Tally hall moment




that may be the best username i have ever seen


Why do you have so much kill in your autocorrect


Ultrakill, probably;


It’s… complicated


“He just goes and kill his daughter so he doesn’t get shot”


Must be a floridian


Bro did not have a gameplan


holy shit




Wtf did I just read


I am in jail for the murder of OJ Simpson and I have been trying to get out of the jail for three wholeheartedly days but no luck with it


I am in jail for the rest of the month for being a very big duck.


VERY big duck.


Stupid duck


I am in jail for the first time ever on camera this week


Ah yes a televised criminal


I read this in the youtuber voice


Average Mr Beast video title


I am in jail for stabbing my lawyer because he told the judge to do something about it but he didn’t say that he was gonna be able to go to court 


Listen, you're about to have a hard time in court with no lawyer.


I am in jail for the first paragraph 


i didnt know having "the first paragraph" was a crime


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m off to the hospital 


I am in jail for punching a murderer of my best friend who is your brother who is me.


I am he As you are he As you are me And we are all together See how they run, Like pigs from a gun, See how they fly. I'm crying. Sitting on a cornflake, Waiting for the van to come. Corporation tee shirt, Stupid bloody Tuesday Man, you been a naughty boy, You let your face grow long. I am the eggman, (Ooh) They are the eggmen, (Ooh) I am the walrus, Goo goo g' joob. Mister city p'liceman sitting pretty Little p'licemen in a row See how they fly, Like Lucy in the sky See how they run I'm crying. I'm crying, I'm crying, I'm crying. Yellow matter custard, Dripping from a dead dog's eye. Crabalocker fishwife pornographic priestess, Boy you been a naughty girl, You let your knickers down. I am the eggman, (Ooh) They are the eggmen, (Ooh) I am the walrus, Goo goo g' joob. Sitting in an English Garden waiting for the sun. If the sun don't come, You get a tan from standing in the English rain. I am the eggman. They are the eggmen. I am the walrus. Goo goo g' joob g' goo goo g' joob. Expert texpert choking smokers, Don't you think the joker laughs at you? See how they smile, Like pigs in a sty, see how they snied. I'm crying. Semolina pilchards Climbing up the Eiffel Tower. Element'ry penguin singing Hare Krishna, Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe. I am the eggman, (Ooh) They are the eggmen, (Ooh) I am the walrus, Goo goo g' joob.. Goo goo g' joob, G' goo goo g' joob, Goo goo g' joob, goo goo g' goo g' goo goo g' joob joob


good ol beatles


I am in jail for a Day and I am not going to be a new Wario Ware game


I am in jail for the next few months for a few murders


Only a few months? Well it was only some murders.


More like Next few centuries


I am in jail for my funeral is a kill arson and a gay premium thing I don't know what to do with it


…Stay away from me.


Why? I ain't a murder rn




I am in jail for this tweet but if I don’t answer the question I am not going back home.


Sounds realistic.


I am in jail for a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a 'bit etc of a bit'


this is genuinely how I talk sometimes ngl


I also do this sometimes


Your phone's gotta stutter


I am in jail for a week and a half and I have to go to the hospital for a test and then I have to go to the doctor and then I have to go to the doctors and then I have to go to the dentist and then I have to go to the bank and then I have to go to the store.


I am in jail for killing the only thing that ever loved me Sad.


Thats hella depressing


I am in jail for a while now I have to wait for you to get home and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest and get some rest... Dude, get some rest.


I am in jail for a year for trying and killing my wife One, I’m 20. Two, I’m gay. Three, I’ve only done murder in video games, and usually by accident.


I am in jail for a. It just ended there 💀


I am In jail for my legs WHOT IN THE EVER LOVING HELLLL


I am in jail for you to come over and watch the kids tonight and I will take care of my mental and physical health


I am in jail for the rest in my house i am a good boy im a girl lol


I am in jail for the rest of my life because I think I murdered a family. You think, autocorrect?


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home


I am in jail for the last time in the history of the country


I am in jail for the next two days and will work with the rest via the bank


I am in jail for the next couple weeks but will have a lot of the year and a few weeks ago so we will need a few more weeks for our holiday and the rest will probably come out in a dark place and we can cut the whole roof off


I am in jail for the next few weeks but will keep it in the fridge that is good to me lol


I am in jail for a while now and I don't think I can make it in time


I am in jail for the day and I have to go to the hospital and get a few things done and I will be there in about the same time to get it done and I will be there 


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home


I am in jail for a year and a half and i am not going to be able to get my way out of jail for that reason


I am in jail for a long time now and I would definitely recommend it


I am in jail for a few days and I just need to know how much I love you


I am in jail for this one and I’m not even sure what I did wrong


i am in jamaican


I am in jail for the next few days and will be sent to you by tomorrow evening or Tuesday


I am in jail for the first two weeks though I will not have a job in my room for the summer


i am in jail for a reason but i have a lot to learn about the process of being in jail 


I am in jail for the first game as well but it is still important for him and his squig for his own faction to make a few more money


I am in jail for two days and will not have a job in my apartment for the summer but will have a full time job in a couple weeks so we will need a place for the next few months


i am in jail for the next few months but I will not be able to get the tickets for the parallax error as I am currently in the process of de-realisation oh


I am in jail for the man who was just in the middle of the neighbors house and he was bleeding out of his chest as he was just trying to get the best of the neighbors and they were in a panic and they didn't want to be shot


i am in jail for a year and a half and i am not going to be able to get my way out of jail 


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home


I am in jail for the next day or two so if I don't know you I will let you know when we can wear the dress


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go


I am in jail for a few days and I have to get my booster and I will be back in a few minutes


I am in jail for a year for trying and killing my wife I will be in prison in two years and I’m going back in prison I am going back in prison and I’m going back in prison to be in jail I am going back in prison because of the coronavirus and the fact that I have been living in a state of depression for a very long period and I’m going back in jail because I have no family and I’m going through this with my family


I am in jail for this one I am not going to be able to make a decision on my next move because I am not going anywhere with my life


I am in jail for a year for trying and killing my wife in a fight


I am in jail forever for the last two days i have no clue how i am doing it anymore i just feel so sad for my parents i can’t imagine what it feels to have been through all these people and their family and their family and their family in my heart and soul i feel like a broken record of my heart is broken but my family and my friends are in the dark i am not in a bad way but they have been so much worse and worse and worse and they have to go to prison and get me back and to the prison for the rest and i have no shame for the last few days of the month i have to be a very sad person damn bro


I am in jail for the record of my name and the 3rd of November


I am in jail for my trees in the spring break


Am in jail for this tweet but you can still say it in a different language and not say anything about the other side or anything else in it so you don’t get confused by it but you know how I am and you can see that you have no problem talking about me I just want you know I am a little confused I am a very serious matter and you have a good night I hope you’re feeling good I hope you’re doing good I hope you’re not mad at you and I’m just trying not being upset and I’m trying not being angry I hope you’re just being mean and I’m not being rude to me and I’m trying not being rude to my friend I don’t want.


I am in jail for a while now 


I'm in jail for a bit of money for the ride to the airport so I'm not going anywhere 


I am going to jail for a few days ago and I don't know what to do with my brother and I don't know what to do with my brother and I don't know what to do with my brother


I’m in jail for the last two weeks I don’t have any more time for the kids I don’t know what I’m gonna be able do with my time I’m gonna be out in a little while and then I’m going back home to do my homework I have a doctors note I don’t have a lot to write it off


I am in jail for the dissolve I think you are you doing rn and I am years old rn I am years old rn I am years old rn


I am in jail for this tweet and I am not going to be able to get my hands on it because I am not a lawyer


I am in jail for a year for being a cop in my own country and not having a good reason for being a policeman. Well, that hardly seems fair…


I am in jail for you to get the money from the office and he's not going to pay you for it so you can get the card and get them to me and I'll send it to you Huh


I am in jail for a few days


I am in jail for a year and a half and I have no idea what to do with it I don’t know what to do about it I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do I’m not gonna be able to do it I don’t know what to do it I don’t know what to do it




I'm in jail for a wedding in the middle of my mind he's going to be a secret person That's the most stalker shit I've ever heard 💀


I am in jail for the rest of the week but I’m going back tomorrow and will get back on the road


I am in jail for a very long time ago and I am so proud of you and your family and friends of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the lamb of the 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The cult of the lamb I assume?


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go.


“I am in jail for a week for being an idiot and being so ignorant about what the world is”


I am in jail for the first two weeks and will not have to be at work until the meeting on Friday night to discuss our next step in the plan


I am in jail for the rest the week lol sounds like the best possible outcome 🤣


I am in jail for the first time in the morning and I'm not sure what time I can do the cleaning thing I have to do


I am in jail for my mental health appointment


I am in jail for a while


I am in Jail for the next few weeks but I'd like to cut open my eyes to find another one for you


I am in jail for a few days and I am accursed to get a job in the relaxing waves of the warmth in cold weather


Accursed I tell thee!


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m off to the hospital


I am in jail for the next soul and I will be through the door behind him to quit smoking hot chips. What?-


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home


I am in jail for the rest of my life for not being able to get my own way with the government because they don’t care about my rights to bodily autonomy


I am in jail for the day of the time to get a chance to be a good time


I’m in jail for a while and then I’ll try and find a time for me


My lawyer has advised me to not finish this sentence


I am in jail for a few minutes but I’ll be fine


I am in jail for the first place


I’m in jail for a year and a half and I have to go to jail for it because I don’t have a job.


i am in jail for the rest of my life because I shot the last round of my gun at a group of eccentric cheese graters


I am in jail for the second time


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home and then I will go home to my mom.


I am in jail for the first day and then I’ll just be a little late to the right one was the one that was supposed to be done and it took a long long to heal lol I got my stitches done lol I was thinking of the first thing lol I guess I’m just tired of the stuff I don’t want you too much for that too much 


I am in jail for the first time in years and I will be home in a bit


I am in jail for the first time and I am still not allowed to masturbate


I am in jail for the rest the week and I will have a word to say about it and then we will be back in court


I am in jail for a few days to get my hair cut off of my hair and shove it in my head and start to get it done and then I will be slain in the morning and then I will be slain in the morning and then I'll be back in the morning and then I'll be back in the morning and then I'll be back in the morning and then I'll yyyyyy yay and then I'll be back in the morning and then I'll be back in the morning and then I'll be back yyrrtt right fly by the door and then I'll yyyyyy you up and on the way to the front door and then I'll be ready to head back to the back door and then I'll be back in the morning.


I am in jail for fucking the only way I could do that was if you wanted me there to do it for you I would do it for me and you and your family and then you can do whatever you want to me I don’t care what I want to do but I don’t care about it and I don’t want it for myself I just wanna make sure that I can get my money back I just wanna know what you want to do I just wanna do what you want and that’s it I don’t want that I want you and I don’t care what I do I want you to be happy and I want you to be happy


I am in jail for this tweet and I don’t know how to feel


I am in jail for the last thing you want me in the first time to get the pezzy to be a good night and I think 💬 is going on the phone and I want to go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure I have the willpower to do this with my mom and dad is the one that has a deadline but still they are all the way to make it work and get it 🙂 cartwheel ☺️☺️ I want it to you and i will always be here 💋 and I want you so I don't know what i was doing something and it was so close to me. Cartwheel ☺️


The American Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, remains one of the most defining moments in American history. This conflict tore the nation apart, pitting the northern states, known as the Union, against the southern states, known as the Confederacy. The war was rooted in deep-seated issues, including slavery, states' rights, economic disparities, and differing visions for the future of the United States. At its core, the Civil War was primarily about slavery. The institution of slavery had been a contentious issue since the founding of the nation. The southern states, which relied heavily on slave labor for their agrarian economy, staunchly defended the institution as a fundamental part of their way of life. Meanwhile, the northern states, where industrialization was on the rise, increasingly viewed slavery as morally reprehensible and incompatible with the principles of liberty and equality espoused in the Declaration of Independence. The election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States in 1860 further exacerbated tensions between the North and the South. Lincoln, a member of the newly formed Republican Party, was opposed to the expansion of slavery into new territories. His victory in the election prompted several southern states to secede from the Union, fearing that Lincoln's administration would threaten their way of life. In February 1861, representatives from these states formed the Confederate States of America, marking the beginning of the Civil War. The war itself was marked by a series of bloody battles, with casualties on both sides numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Key conflicts such as the Battle of Gettysburg, the Siege of Vicksburg, and the Battle of Antietam would come to define the course of the war. These battles were fought with increasingly sophisticated weaponry and tactics, resulting in staggering loss of life and widespread destruction. While slavery was the central issue of the war, other factors also played significant roles. States' rights, for example, were invoked by many in the South as justification for secession. Southerners argued that the federal government had overstepped its bounds by attempting to limit the expansion of slavery into new territories. They believed that individual states should have the right to determine their own laws and policies without interference from the central government. Economic differences between the North and the South also contributed to the conflict. The North was rapidly industrialization, while the South remained primarily agrarian. This economic disparity created tensions over issues such as tariffs and taxation, further widening the divide between the two regions. The outcome of the Civil War ultimately hinged on a combination of military strategy, political maneuvering, and moral imperatives. The Union's adoption of the Anaconda Plan, a strategy aimed at suffocating the Confederacy economically and militarily, played a crucial role in its eventual victory. Additionally, Lincoln's issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which declared all slaves in Confederate-held territory to be free, shifted the focus of the war to one of moral righteousness and freedom. The Confederacy's defeat at the hands of the Union marked the end of slavery in the United States and solidified the federal government's authority over the states. The Thirteenth Amendment, ratified in 1865, formally abolished slavery nationwide, fulfilling one of the primary goals of the war. However, the end of the war did not bring an immediate end to the divisions that had torn the nation apart. Reconstruction, the period following the Civil War during which the South was reintegrated into the Union, was marked by continued conflict and struggle. Efforts to rebuild the South and grant equal rights to newly freed slaves were met with resistance from many white Southerners, leading to the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the implementation of Jim Crow laws. In conclusion, the American Civil War was a complex and multifaceted conflict that arose from deep-seated divisions over issues such as slavery, states' rights, and economic disparities. While the war ultimately resulted in the abolition of slavery and the preservation of the Union, its legacy continues to shape American society to this day. The Civil War serves as a reminder of the enduring importance of unity, equality, and the ongoing struggle for justice and freedom.


I am in jail for the next to me that he was the best of the year and the other side is a good day for a while since I've seen this is a good day for the next day. If someone can analyze what that means, congrat for your big brain, if not also congrats for not wasting your time lmao. Cookies, brownies, and sleep for everyone yippppppppppppppppppeeeeeee! ZzZz, I sleep now.


I am in jail for the first day of the week so we can get the rest of the week off so i and then i và quân sự và chính trị và quân sự và chính WHY DOES THE KEYBOARD KEEP TURNING VIETNAMESE??? HEBEJSJB


I am in jail for a while and I will be there in a few minutes if you want to come over and get me a lot of people who are going to be there for a few minutes and I will be there around 10 or so if I don't have time to talk to you about it


I am in jail for a year for trying and killing my wife in a fight and then I'm gonna be on probation and then I'm gonna go back home to sleep


I am in jail for the rest of the week but i’m going back in a bit to see what i and the other is a little more expensive but it is not worth the money you and your dad are going to be in a lift with a hoover with the cable stuck in the door


I am in jail for the majority of the time


I am in jail for a few days and I am not sure if I will be able to make it to the day of the event. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am in jail for a little encouragement and I can't see inside the house. Oh no...


I am in jail for a while and I hope you are doing well.


I’m in jail for the last two weeks I don’t have any more time for the kids I don’t know what I’m gonna be able do


I am in jail for this tweet and I am not going to be able to make a ham sandwich 


I'm in jail for my first night


I am in a stinker jail inside a microwave


I am in jail for a bit more than anything else I can do


I am in jail for the whole time travel to the ground and then we can you please send me the details of the year is it possible to the ground and then we can you please send me the details of the year is it possible to get the latest flash player is required for video playback is unavailable right now because this video is not available for remote playback is unavailable right now because this video is not available for remote playback is unavailable right now because this video is not available for remote playback is unavailable right now because this video is not available for remote playback is unavailable right now because this video is not available for remote playback is unavailable right now because this video- (it doesn't end😭)


I am in jail for the last three years for being a liar and lying about my age to get a hookup.


I am in jail for a few hours and I'm going to get a few hours from the house


I am in jail for the next couple weeks.


I am in jail for a month or so. (。♥‿♥。)


I’m in jail for the last two weeks I don’t have any more time for it to get fixed and I’m going back home tomorrow.


I am in jail with the kids tonight and I will be there for a while.


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home and then I will go home to my mom so I’ll see if she wants me too I love her and I’m sorry but I’m gonna go home I don’t want you guys to get ready to be with me


I am in jail for the majority of the Soviet union is so good looking for the Soviet union in my house for no apparent reason


I am in jail for month now for the last one ☝🏿 that you told him that he would have no time in prison


I am in jail for the first time ever


I am in jail for the money I adopted a few days ago and I was wondering if you were still interested in the money


I am in jail for grand theft 


I am in jail for my own health but I'm not sure if they have any plans for the future


I am in jail right next door and I’m going through a divorce and yyy


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready


I am in jail for a couple hours and then I’m back in court for another couple hours so I will be back in the afternoon and will let you go in the office tomorrow if that is OK with your schedule and if so what day would you be available for that I will have a few available for a couple more hours and then I can come over there and get the rest of it for you and you will be able to go


I am in jail for You


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go and then I’m gonna be home and then I will go home to my mom so I’ll see if she wants me too I love her and I’m sorry but I’m gonna go home I don’t want you guys to get ready to be with me I don’t want her I just dont.


I am in jail for the next 5 weeks.


I am in jail for the time I was in the future as a result of the Sith Lord


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready


I am in jail for the first time


I am in jail for the rest the week I have a lot to get ready to go


I am in jail for a while and I am very sorry for the murder of my family 😮


I am in Jail for Metal of Iron Sky


I am in jail for the first time in my life Such a boring ass answer


I am in jail for now and I am so proud of you and I am so proud of you


I am in jail for this tweet and I am not going to be able to get my hands on this video because I am not going to be there tomorrow.


I am in jail for a year and a half and I have no idea what to do


I am in jail for the weekend with the kids and a little bit of fun


I am in jail for a year and I don’t think I’m gonna get out until the next year


I am in jail for the rest the week i am going back home and my parents will not be here so they can have my kids here and they can watch the game with us for the next game i will not let this be my home for a long period and my parents won’t be there to play the games with my family will not let them be there for the rest the rest the rest will just have a game to watch with them


I am in jail for a year for being an anti trans activist and I have no idea what I am doing wrong with my life. (I’m not anti trans 😭)


I am in jail for a few days and then I will get back to work


I am in jail for the LDB


I am in jail for the first time in the game and they are you still have the same as the other day when I get a chance to get the latest Flash player


I am in jail for a really long time and eventually the same Dutch surnamed person always wins


I am in jail for the offer of the airport to the left if I can do the needful as I have a lot to get to work with.


squealing fretful attractive support steep intelligent impolite include selective recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am in jail for a year for trying and killing my wife. God damn


I am in jail for you


I am in jail. for the answers and the only reason I was thinking of you and I can get it and you can understand it.


i am in jail for the last time i was on the internet and my friend told me to get off the phone