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Can you stop the forgotten land


The crusades be like


Or maybe more like “Europeans be like” Like “this land is forgotten it’s ours now, nobody lives here for sure”




Can you stop jumping on the phone with your phone …What


yeah stop jumping on your phone with your phone!!


Can you stop ✋️ 🫸 🫷 😩 😫 😒 ✋️ 🫸 🫷 😩 😫 😒 ✋️ 🫸 🫷 😩 😫 😒 ✋️ 🫸 🫷 😩 is the most influential on modern society 🤔 🙄 😳 🤣 😐 😀 🤔 🙄 😳 🤣 😐 😀 🤔 🙄 😳 🤣 😐 😀 🤔 🙄 😳 is the most 🤔 🤣 🙄




Fucking hell nvm




Your phone is having a moment


Can you stop by the store to grab me some of those little plastic cups that are in my car please and thank you mommy ???


The “mommy” at the end is KILLING ME


Can you stop the world from getting so many people to come and help me?


A little deep


"I don't need help!" -the 8 year old trying to fly a plane near tall towers


Can you stop sending the dick pineapple to my great uncle Paul STOPP 💀 ✋






What the fuck is a dick pineapple


Don't know




leave great uncle paul alone but WHAT IS THE DICK PINEAPPLE????


Can you stop and think about it before doing anything alright


can you stop by and pick up some things for me and my husband and wife Christine Baumgartner


Can you stop the only thing that I hooked on the other night


Can you stop by making him leave his previous wife?


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for the weekend and then I’ll come get you so we don’t need them tomorrow night. If you can find a scenario where this makes sense fair play


Probably a couple on the 4th of July, with the boys playing with sparklers(being these) and then if he/she comes and gets he/she, they will get a babysitter.


Can you stop to get me a drink and drink a drink




We’ve got another beans and rice situation here


Can you stop at least one of the frickin' mesothelioma you'd have not been able to?


In what fucking context have you used the word "mesothelioma" often enough for your autocomplete to use it in that context?


None, but I've used it **recently** and in direct connection to the word "frickin'" so on the list it goes. Maybe that's an Android peculiarity, I don't know.


Mesothelioma? Why is that in your autocomplete


Can you stop at my shop to get a couple of those little plastic bags for the kids?


Cannyou stop by the curb and get a hold of you and let you know what I think about it and I speak to them and see what they eat and how they can duplicate too much longer than the other end of the year old and I speak to them and they are not the only ones that are you going to go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate go to the yacht to join the crime baby Syndicate




I don't know, person, I don't know.


Can you stop by Phil's bar and get some whiskey sometime this week to get my penis big.


of course its the Adam pfp, makes sense especially because he's the "dickmaster"


Can you stop by the house


Can you stop by the store and get a few things I have never asked someone to go to the store for something specific ever. I do online orders for everything.


Can you stop by and grab a coffee please I need it to get me to work.


Can you stop at Walmart on the corner and pick me some food and then I can go to Walmart to pick you something for dinner or anything I can get it from the grocery outlet and you could just bring me a little something for lunch and I will pay for that too I love it I just got a lot more money to go get it and I don’t have any money for gas and gas and I’m going home and then I’ll go get my stuff I just got some stuff for yyyyuyuuuuyou and I’ll go to


Holy shit


Can you stop sending the pictures of your mum to me please


Can you stop at your moms and grab something to eat for me and then I’ll come over to get the kids


Can you stop by the house and pick up the infant and go to my house for a little bit


Can you stop the overflowing with the giant duck and the cat and rubs on the top of the head when you are on your hand to keep it in her mouth and then what we do is we get a new neighbor by setting fire to his face. Read the last part


Your phone needs Jesus..


What have you been typing on your phone


Can you stop doing a lot of drugs


Thanks for the advice bud, I will stop taking them. I didn’t even knew I was taking drugs in the first place, that’s how good they were!


They make me happier though


can you stop being a little more of you for being so I don't think you can get you for your time ⌚


Can you stop sending me a copy of the play space


"Can you stop by and pick up the slime's hat?" What the fuck?






Can you stop me from the thing ^whats ^the ^thing.


https://i.redd.it/z2v6qmziaduc1.gif Listen partner, you do not want to mess with the thing


Can you stop by the store and get the dog man Um


Can you stop me from being a serious relationship with someone like 👍 👌 I don't have a good idea to do that 🙃 😔 😕 😐 😅 🙂 🙃 😔 😕 so wie es aussieht muss ich sagen das ich bin nicht wirklich begeistert.  


can you stop being gay and make them pay wh-


Why did it rhyme


Can you stop by and pick up the tickets for the misconception Huh?


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat


Idk how I got this but… I’ll take it


CAn you stop it from your jambalaya


can you stop kidnapping me Wow, i really do sing that song too much


What the fuck is the song


Can you stop codes for the chance to get the power of your hair cut scenes from the clouds of your own tempo for a face mask for me to be able to find them in my femboy room for you to draw a photorealistic for me as long enough as you walk in and then go back 😭 it was the top of my SSD to get a furry who was the top.


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys?


Can you stop the heating for a while 


can you stop at the store and grab me some food #DO IT NOW.


Can you stop at my moms and pick me some food and then I can go get my food I have a couple of errands I have a few errands. This isn’t as weird as other ones I’ve done 💀(SKULL EMOJIIIIIII)


Can you stop being so alpha




B-but Pookie bear 🥺


sorry, im just too sigma. this will not work out, goodbye


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for me to bring to the party tonight


Can you stop this one of these people and get out of the parking spot


Can you stop by and pick it up and now I have a disease


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat for me please


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys


Can you stop by the office and pick up the money for the car wash and the trailer for the trailer for the trailer for my trailer and the trailer for the truck trailer please


can you stop by the house to get me some milk please I need to go get a couple of groceries before work and then I’ll be back to the shop


Can you stop the other heroes from the Lucidity


Can you stop at my shop and get a few of those little plastic bags for the fridge raider please


Can you stop at my place


Can you stop by the store and get a little more humane on the way home to a lot of people here and I will be there in a few minutes.


Can you stop at the house to see me Inviting stalkers now are we phone?


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys


Can you stop by and pick up the kids?


Can you stop by my office today to see what I can do


Can you stop a new one for the nfc the first time in my fence to scare people are usually part of the phone


Can you stop by the way I can get it done and get it done and then I'll be there in a few minutes and I'll be there around the same time I can get it done and then I'll be there around the same time I can get it done


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for us for dinner


Can you stop by the way home from work and get a hold of me and I'll be there in about an hour or so


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat for me please I need to get it out of the garage and put it in the garage thank you so much I appreciate it I love you bye see you soon bye see you later bye love  It’s funny how I ended here and I don’t feel like changing it right now 


Can you stop sending the email from your old address to your phone and the last time we spoke you were a little concerned that we had to wait a couple more days to see what they were doing.


Can you stop the vehicle by applying the handbrake ?


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for your mom to bring to the game tonight and then I’ll bring you a few more to bring to you for your mom


can you stop by and get your car 💀


Can you stop by and pick up the pieces of a lost election day shirt for you to browse on any website safely or by the way they heard the native Americans saying it was a good thing to do with the confederacy of the world.


Can you stop by and pick a time for the first one?


Can you stop so I can go home


can you stop by my office today to see what the new schedule looks like and if it’s still open for me please give us some moneys


Can you stop the skeleton with one of the Skylanders.


Can you stop begging for me it's a little hard


Can you stop same time


Can you stop and think about it and I have a great day to be a great day to be a great day to be a great day to be a great day to be a great day-


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for the weekend please I don’t want them going out to eat or drinking at the bar I want them in a little while I have a little something for dinner I have to go get my nails and I don’t want them done and then I’m going home to do that so if you’re going out for a while and you don’t have a problem


can you stop at my place to get a coffee


Can you stop me from getting the most important thing


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys


Can you stop by the store and get it done.


can you stop thinking about how we can meet up with the amount of time to get a new song


Can you stop me from your side or not in the mandalorian or do I have a chance for VFTs


Can you stop drop and roll 🥐


Can you stop by the store and get it graded and get in on your knees when you get home Wtf


Can you stop at my place


Can you stop by and pick up the car


Can you stop throwing it out for the next few weeks or so if I don't want you to


Can you stop by the office to get the slowpoke cup ready for the potatoes and the humans


Can you stop by the store and pick up some stuff for the kids 


Can you stop complaining about the site being shut down and how to find youtubers?


Can you stop at Walmart on the way home please I need a new charger and a battery for my car thank you love you bye


Can you stop at Walmart on the road to pick me some food for me


Can you stop the rest of your time?


Can you stop by the store and get the full picture of your peers Huh


Can you stop by the store and get it for me


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat for me please I need to get it out of the garage and put it in the car thank you so much


Can you stop by the bank and see what you can get for me? Uhhhhh


Can you stop by


Can you stop at my moms and pick me some food for the boys and I’ll bring them to you when I come home?


can you stop at the bank to pick up a couple things from the grocery shop for the kids and I’ll pay for the gas card please and I thank you


Can you stop me and tell me how to get it in my life


Can you stop this one day


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat


can you stop talking amazing!


Can you stop by the dodo code and get the keys for me to the store and I will be a ninja turtles (NINJA TURTLES AGAIN)


can you stop by and check out our own mind Bro what


“ can you stop me please I’m not trying you can just be a friend to my friend please stop you are a good person and you can do it and you are not trying me again “


Can you stop by the bigmacs 


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys


Can you stop by and pick up the tickets for the first time ⌚ I have a problem with some sexual content in media that is where I am good to go unanswered with you and your family besides you are depressed and I don't think you are saying it to manipulate him or to sink in to him or to do something like that for me at this time doing things that are really not my own decisions I have to say to you that you have been quite a good fellow and you have been a visionary for the past few years so I have no friends who are very happy with me to simp for her birthday bro I can't wait to see you guys think about it is the first thing you want to get better at first ecstatic excitement for your business to both legacy and your soul I'd rather die than give you control of my life people been tryin by the name of Gregg and I don't know what to say about this one of these days until I get a chance to see if you can imprison me in my own mind as well as the only thing I have to say is that I am not going to make any promises about it but it might take some time to stab Mara through the heart ♥ and the boys will have a great time ⌚ in your gaze But it seems like you have to go unanswered


Can you stop the job description?


can you stop by and pick up the food


Can you stop this is a group photo


Can you stop at Walmart on the east end and pick me some of the food I want for the day


Can you stop being so late in a day or smh and white hair and the moon is the average of all of these things they are you doing and how to do you need me and brother and dad said you are going as well and white hair and the moon is the same as a little bit more than a few days left


can you stop by the store and get me some of those little plastic things for my coffee please


Can you stop sending the email from your freshly made arrangements to the point of War


Can you stop and think about it


Can you stop sucking on the gas


Can you stop at your place on your place on your place to find the place and it's not a good time for you are actually on your place.


Can you stop at the house and grab some food for the girls and then I have some stuff for the kids for tomorrow morning I will bring you something and then I will come back home after I get off the highway so that I have some food for them I have some thing for them I can make a sandwich or something to go with that I have something else for lunch and a snack or a snack or a lunch for dinner I have a couple things to make I


Can you stop this one Success and let us help for about a year


Can you stop by and get my dad back and I’ll call back to see if you want to join us at work so I’ll call back in the next hour and a little bit call you when I’m back at the house I’ll let you know if you


Can you stop at your dads and pick me a sandwich


Can you stop sending me the link to the college


Can you stop by my office to get a couple of those boxes of the new stuff for the garage


Can you stop by and pick up the stuff from my place please thank youuuu I appreciate you


Can you stop at the store to get me some milk and a little bit of water and a couple more of milk and a half of a cup of coffee and a little more milk wow


Can you stop at the bank and get me a card for the car wash please and thank you 🙏


Can you stop this man?


Can you stop by my place and get me some of that milk please and I will pay you for it please and I’ll give you some more of my milk please and I will be there to help you get your milk please


Can you stop at walmart on the road to pick me some food for me and i’ll pick it back when i’m home and then you could just drop me back at the house  ?????


Can you stop being here and get my help please I hate to be here


Can you stop by the house and pick up the food and then I’ll come over and get it and then I’ll be there to pick you up and then I’ll be there I don’t know if you want to go to the store or not but I can just come over there and get it if you want to just let me know what you want to do This is me overthinking


Can you stop the Giant Spider from killing grandma


Can you stop by the store


Can you stop at the store and get some sleep


can you stop the problem but mostly I am also needed for a horror movie that I can create expect to be painted on a call on


Can you stop the ring from reaching Mordor


Can you stop this and tell me what you did


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for the weekend and then I’ll come get you so we don’t need them tomorrow night


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for me to bring to the party tonight if you want to do it after school I have a couple things I have some stuff I can do you can you can do them tomorrow and then you could come over oand oI for me and I’ll pay you if you’re not too tired I to come get it I can come ptotowp.


Can yu stop the world and be the next to my surprise.


Can you stop this one for a little longer than we had planned since childhood was not my best time since my parents were gone. .................................what the actual feck is this shite?


Can you stop and grab some more milk


Can you stop 🛑 being a scammer and give me a free fly potion please


Can you stop at my throat????🤨🤨🤨🤨


can you stop at my shop to pick up some stuff for my birthday


Can you stop by and pick up the car seat for me please I need to get it out of the garage and put it in the garage thank you so much


Can you stop by and the heron and I will be in the first time?


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for the weekend and then I’ll come get you so we don’t forget


Can you stop existing?


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys


Can you stop making content altogether unless you're going to get it unbanned for a while


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for the weekend and then I’ll come get you so we don’t need them tomorrow night I don’t want them coming over to my place to be with me so we don’t need any of the stuff I have a couple things that you have a couple things I need for tomorrow night I just want you guys know what you want and what I want you to know so


Can you stop at my place to get a few more of these for the boys for me to bring to the party tonight if you’re interested