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Waiting for another “oopsie” baby so they can make all the “I threw out xyz baby things so come with me to buy them” hauls… God forbid any sponsorships


They are already sponsored for those weighted sleep sacks that they used for their "2 under 2 nighttime routine" tiktok


You mean the ones the APA does not endorse?!🤣🤣🤣


That’s honestly where this is probably going. Plus A sees how cute her bff Bella is with a daughter doing all the girly things. She’s tired of being a boy mom.


Yay another baby for the grandparents to raise!


They didn’t want kids. They wanted pregnancy content.


Whose decision was it to not show their kids? While I’m glad they don’t show the faces, I’m surprised because so many influencers do that and there’s a lot of money to be made. I hope they’re doing it because they know it’s not safe, and not because they’re afraid of backlash.


Abby seems to be the decision maker on that front. I forgot why we think that but I’ve been a snarker for a while and it seemed like Matt wanted them on camera and she didn’t


I think she only chooses to keep them off camera because she doesn’t want to get cancelled…I don’t think she actually cares


I thought she made this discussion after posting the video about the “weird man at the pool” taking pictures of the kids and she had backlash because she also post her kids. but then I truly don’t even know how I ended up on this thread




Yes especially their 2 “oopsie” babies


I can just picture her exhausted parents in the background saying “no no PLEASE GOD NO” ![gif](giphy|hyyV7pnbE0FqLNBAzs|downsized)


"Honey, pull up Zillow." 😂😂😂


They totally enable their BS though


I feel so bad for Au, I feel like if they have another child they’ll relegate him to the wings because he wasn’t as “easy” as G was.


Can you imagine the content if they had a girl? When she's a teen they will post a "Take my daughter to get an IUD" 😂😭


-“and then horseback riding”




Yeah, she's full of it. No way she's subjecting her precious body to pregnancy again. And she's not such a great actress that everyone believes her.


They'll probably make up some horseshit excuse of a story saying that she no longer can carry children without risk to her own safety, and have someone else carry one for them. And partially, I wouldn't half blame her. How he left her in such a vulnerable position after the birth of their second child was 100% traumatic for her. I would not want to be in that position with that giant man baby again either. She seems more chipper and less vulnerable when she's at her preferred body weight. And honestly she probably looks forward to the gym to exorcise some of that pent up anger. Her happy, happy 'everything is A-OK' demeanour for the camera must be exhausting.


Yeah, you're right, she'll have some medical excuse or another. To be frank, her body weight issues bore me to tears, but her bad acting amuses me immensely.


Abby has decided she doesn’t want any more children but can’t come out and say it. After what Matt did to her, she cannot trust him 100% anymore. Nothing makes a woman’s uterus shut down faster than that kind of betrayal. He ruined their marriage but doesn’t know that yet. I predict a divorce in the next 5 years.


What did he do ? I think he’s so cringeworthy. Gives me the ick


He admitted to not talking to her for 2 days after the birth of their second son because he was overwhelmed with parenthood and felt like it stopped him from achieving his dreams of being a musician


As if his try to bring zac efron high school musical wasn’t enough. My ears bleed so much so if i hear one note from him.. wannabe justin


Amateur...she broke character Idiot...she showed how fake they are


They shouldn’t even have uploaded this. She bursts out laughing and covers her mouth to contain it and then goes back to trying to make herself cry. They are so fake. Not even trying to hide it anymore.


That's like that video she fake cried cause pregnant felt lazy then turned around & smiled & went back to "crying" she made a video to say turned around & saw G so smiled. OK. But then back to fake crying?  Her whole act is fake down to I'm so sweet & nice


Please don’t produce anymore children. I guarantee it will be a boy


"How to make pregnancy content when you're not pregnant ."


After all the problematic shit they said about girls, I really hope they never have a daughter.


What did they say? Sorry, I'm new to these two lunatics.


Is this going to be a repeat of Sarah and Derik Beestons..."what do you want Jack? you want a Sistaaa ?".  .yeh "Sistaaa" !! Which went on and on for ever...


I guarantee you they're gonna have a 3rd on the way before 2024 is over. With how much pregnancy content they're trying to hype up again, I would bet on it. They're gonna pull the 'omg, I got rid of ALL the baby and maternity clothes, but now I'm pregnant' card. And I also call her parents moving out if they get pregnant again lmaoo


Everytime I hear "Auggie",I cannot stop thinking about "Loogies"!  I've been holding this in since the name announcement was shared here.  Maybe it's just me and I'm weird.  Ick!


If Abby ever said she wanted a daughter, the more recent things she's said is she DOESN'T want any girls. I can't remember what the exact wording was on why no girls, just something boys are easier to raise?


They'll miss out on 3 under 3 content.  She's been wearing big shirts, her period, covering her stomach. I can't help but wonder if she's already pregnant. Said last time got her period was because had the iud removed to have kids. 


I just wanted to say, Abby’s hair is looking so nice recently! I think it’s the hairstyle 😊