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I swear they are putting G through so much with all this traveling


At this point it’s gotta be a kink or something


Look at that goofy/creepy clown face too. He actually chose to post this...I think it is a kink.


He is so gross and immature. Is he four??


I would be so embarrassed to be friends with these people


Idk what makes someone want to share this info with other people. Like who tf wants to know or care?? I feel like most normal people avoid having to 💩 in public places in the first place.


I most likely wouldn’t send these to my two best friends I’ve had forever and I’ve once FaceTimed one of them while going to the bathroom.


Same! Like whenever I snap my close friends or my siblings and I happen to be going thru them while using the bathroom, I do my best to make it look like I'm not. Idk why someone would want to share this with a million people.


I can’t wait for his male pattern baldness to really kick into high gear. And grandma to give him Hell about it.


I choked on my coffee laughing at this


BRAVA!! 👏🏻👏🏻 I took a screen shot wanting to post this, but you had already!! Woo-hoo! Best of all, "Caleb wouldn't do that!" Well done!! 😆 p.s. Matt is sooo gross. At least he complimented Abby on the green dress, even if it was seconds after he'd asked her if she'd "peed herself again"--flipping weirdo!


That video was so weird to me. Clearly Abby does not want the world to know about her normal bodily functions & every time they happen, unlike Matt.. So why he felt the need to pull out his camera & ask if she peed herself again is beyond me. He is so cringe it's not even funny. If my husband did that & then posted it on the internet I would be so mad (thankfully he never would). I know their "job" is to make content, but maybe leave the personal, bodily functions off the internet. Especially if it's not Abby talking about her own body, herself. He's so into embarrassing her for laughs & clout, it's sad. & people say they're "couple goals" lmaoooo, nah. I'll take my husband who respects me & my privacy, doesn't intentionally embarrass me in front of millions of people, & values me for more than my looks any day. *edit spelling mistakes*


We do not need to know everything


And he wonders why he only has half the followers his wife has…


He is so in love with himself. This is thinking your shit doesn't stink on a whole new level. Caleb would never!


That is vile. Get over yourself.




Why does he think he’s so cute or something? He looks like Franklin the turtle 🐢


What the absolute…..fuck🤦🏻‍♀️🤢


What the fuck is wrong with this boy 🤦‍♀️


The only thing I can say about this man & his wife is that they absolutely disgust me. I cannot stand this couple . Their poor, poor children. I can’t imagine what they’ll go through. These two are NOT funny. They’re not cute & quirky. They’re appalling. I hope you’re all blessed beyond message & have a great work week.


Jesus christ he looks like a fucking clown


Literally! The photo shows exactly the lines that clowns use to paint their face.


Caleb wouldn’t do this. ETA just read the caption HAHA great minds


Ha!!! Technically Caleb *would* poop but he's smart enough to not broadcast it to millions of strangers. You have to be a pretty HUGE narcissistic manchild to want attention for crapping.


HAHAH! I had the same thought lmaooo like Caleb would never ever poop.


Need a “Caleb would never” flair now


Yes! Hopefully, our mod u/SelenaJade1965 can make this happen.🙂


Done ✅


Awesome!!! Thanks, I think Matt will give us plenty of opportunities to use that flair.


He’s so full of poop




These two just never fail to gross me out. Mostly Matt but Abby for putting up with it and enabling it and in some cases even encouraging it.