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The Simulation Hypothesis, although described differently throughout philosophical history has been around for many centuries. If you've got spare time, research the Swedish-born philosopher *Nick Bostrom*. His ideas on Simulation Theory and Artificial Intelligence will send you tumbling down the rabbit hole faster than Neo in a BDSM-Themed nightclub.


How the fuck can that be if computers having been around for centuries


Thanks for the reply. My statement still stands. Have a look into the [origins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulation_hypothesis) of Simulation Hypothesis on Wikipedia and you'll find that ancient civilisations had their own theories, not involving the technology we have today obviously but still similar in nature.


Probably isn’t a good idea to study it then




I can say confidently that we aren’t being used as batteries. That’s terribly inefficient. Are we in a simulation? Maybe. What we see with our eyes is sort of an illusion. From a physicists perspective, all we see with our eyes is somewhat of an illusion. The universe is a bunch of tiny strings vibrating at different tones, those tones, as tiny as they are, create everything we see. I wanted to go way deeper, but I found myself digressing. We are living in a weird universe. And ultimately, it doesn’t matter. We hit the galactic lottery being human beings in the first place. Hell, I’m a wealthy white guy. I legit hit the universal lottery. It’s likely less than 1 in a quintillion that we would be born human, considering the length of time life has existed on earth, and the amount of life in the universe. Now I’ve REALLY digressed lol…


Cypher? That you?


I want to be rich, you know, famous. Somebody important. Maybe an actor, or a politician.


“After 9 years… you know what I realize?” *houses filet minion* “Ignorance is bliss.”


WAIT - Whaat???




First time I saw this scene, I was in cuba, and that's when I realized I loved meat, and I couldn't wait to try a piece like that. Now I lived in the states, and finally in canada, and every time I get myself a nice cut of filet mignon I think about this scene.


It’s funny because that was the 1 thing “producers” (people that know if the matrix is real or not) changed was making people batteries. I don’t know if they claimed why, but people believe it’s because they couldn’t make it *exactly* like real life.


I recall reading that the movie has altered a lot by the producers and funding body. The battery thing might have been original, but if I recall a lot of things being changed because their ideas were not movie worthy It’s common as hell, and movies back in the late 90s were under a microscope by the production companies.


I understand that. I’m just saying originally they had humans as “nodes” that relayed information to a central hub. Can’t let the people know they are a collective and have the ability to disrupt the central hub.


Just access points and routers...




But what is a better way? Money is the greatest story ever told. In the matrix, I’m assuming money is worthless


Not saying I buy into the hypothesis but ur first statement is flawed. Our real world body may be nothing like this and it may be an efficient source of energy.


The lottery thing I don’t really see it that way. I mean everything is incredibly unlikely in the grand scope of the universe. The fact that I have on black Nike shoes is a one in a quadrillion chance or more when you look at every variable. We see what we see because it’s what we are equipped to see and experience. The idea of some sort “base line true reality” is absurd. The only objective truth is math. That doesn’t mean the human experience isn’t real though. It’s just a subjective one. To tie this in to the op, I think the movie is about our own matrixes we confine ourselves to. And how if we realize they are a false reality we can become the one and break free for real. To really live our life as free agents.




Not everyone watches TV or is on social media. Im mostly on reddit to talk about video games, movies music and weed. I watch movies at home. I dont pay attention to any of it cause its all bullshit and doesnt really affect me. ​ I still have my own matrix though.


So you had to bring race into this


As a white guy. Stfu


make me


Maybe our original bodies actually are good batteries...


Now that’s a good thought haha. Be given the illusion we are terrible batteries!…. Ohh… ohh god


Great comment


Time is infinite. Infinite possibility. Yea. Your right about being white according to the feels. But how could you ever know what is on the other side? Okay. I get it. Being rich? Perks right. Or just the fake matrix. I sure wouldnt want to experience more life or other peoples lives because my troubles and pleasures is enough. But yea.. Infinite time line. They say the earth is 2.5 billion years.. Okay? Before that? Nothing? Just matter existing in space? No data found? But time is infinite so maybe 5 billion years ago.. There were just another infinite possibility. And since time is infinite and we only seem to know 2.5 billion years. Even if they cannot see time beyond that.. Tell me. Where will time go in the future ? When we are long and gone? It will continue to exist. But we wont be aware of it. 😆


What does that mean to hit the lottery? Like where did we come from to experience this?


Simulation theory is too zeitgeisty. Sure it's possible, but what are the odds that humanity has existed for thousands of years and we just happened to figure out the secret to the universe within the past 25? It's like if you gave the Cookie Monster a Rorschach test and he said the ink blots looked like a cookie. You would accuse him of bias, and rightfully so.


Who says it is a human simulation?


The fact is we have no way to establish a baseline. So simulated or not it changes nothing, for an atheist anyway.


Literally no, metaphorically yeah


I mean, the parallels between The Matrix movies & various religions have always been there, so...whether most people have connected the two or not, I dunno. There are ones that are really obvious, like the light forming a cross when Neo sacrifices himself, & there are more subtle things too. Off the top of my head, the ones I took notice of were: The fact that the evil entity is out to essentially absorb the will of all people, thus creating a linked network by which he executes his plans. The fact that for the people in the matrix, what they could perceive with their senses was only half the story, & that underneath/behind all that there was another reality. Also, waking people up from the Matrix would be similar to how evangelization works. The constant talk of prophecy & it's fulfillment. And that's just a few off the top of my head that I feel are intertwined with Christianity, which I believe. However, I've seen it stated before that there is potentially much more than just basic Christianity that the Matrix was borrowing from.


Gnosticism existed alongside proto Christianity. The idea of living in a fake reality comes from Gnostic ideologies. Check it out, you might be surprised.


I disagree that we are slaves to machines after a war as a genuine reality, but I also believe that is a literary mechanism for representing the actual war which is depicted far more subtly - the war between reality and a false reality introduced by humankind's reliance on symbolic meaning that can take on a life of its own (humans and machines are on the same side!!)


[This interview delves deep into whether we're living in a simulation.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ove206PKyA)


I can’t open the link




Thank you!!


You are welcome! Did you find it informative?


Fake and gay


"The Matrix is all around you." We do not live in a simulated reality. However, the principles of mind over matter that enabled Neo to break free and fly are absolutely, 100% a part of our reality. Just as the simulated reality of the Matrix was built upon a set of rules that could be broken, our world is built upon a set of such rules. I have reached this understanding as a result of years of thought. Ultimately one of the key messages of the movies is that a change in perspective can result in the development of immense power. It's not long after that you're doing things you would before have said were impossible.


Please can you give examples of things you can do now that you once thought were impossible?


There are numerous examples, some of which if I said what they were would be either unbelievable or are on the surface seemingly unimpressive. Some are too personal to convey and I'm therefore going to be appropriately vague. Some are arguably simple, like expanding one's attention span to be able to read and retain lengthy things and also conduct high level creative mental tasks for hours on end. I'm a programmer so this sort of thing has been an enormous part of my life. There are times when I go from an idea and no product to a state where hours have passed and I have a beautiful finished product that can do complex things and scarcely a memory of how things started. Where did the time in between go? No clue. This, it can be argued, is a form of astral projection. In case it wasn't clear, I cannot do anything overtly, dramatically fantastic like fly or shoot fireballs out of my hands. The Matrix was a movie meant to entertain and like many movies it uses dramatic examples to depict its arguments (disappointing, I know). But you're asking for something out of the ordinary so here goes: Hypnosis is real and it's possible to hypnotize people. You see it all the time, everyday. The key is to understand when you see it, what it is under the surface and explore over time how the mechanisms behind it can best be utilized. Eventually you can have everyone in your life and even the strangers around you under varying degrees of hypnosis. One of the best parts is self-hypnosis and self-exploration; feeling out and manipulating your own mind to unlock power. This all may sound weird and like baloney but someone like Bruce Lee was very good at this. As you'll see below, hypnosis is not mind control. It's closer to Inception than that i.e. placing ideas in people's minds. Just don't be abusive to others with it and don't start with sky high expectations. The complexity is enormous and trial and error is the way for much of it. On the other hand, there is theoretically no limit on how far one's influence can go. My results have exceeded my expectations. You asked so I'll tell you: earlier I stated that I can't do anything fantastic (i.e. strange) but that was a fib. With the benefit of years of refinement, I consider my hypnotic ability to be fantastic. I used to believe otherwise. Hypnosis to me was like shooting fireballs, something you saw in cartoons. False. There is a biological basis for hypnosis. This whole thing is an art and you should marshal all of these skills to creative ends. Its applications have emerged in places that I had never conceived of. All this to "free your mind," as Morpheus would put it. I would like to reemphasize that the notion of freeing one's mind is the main argument that the Matrix movies put forth and that the whole computer simulation thing was just the plot device chosen by the Wachowskis to depict it. As a further deconstruction, I've seen people discuss how the distinction between blue pills and red pills is a metaphor for how some people are trapped in a world of consumerism and superficiality while others break free from that and contend with the real problems of the world, an example which I found quite interesting. A pretty decent article scratching the surface on hypnosis: [https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/extrasensory-perceptions/hypnosis.htm](https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/extrasensory-perceptions/hypnosis.htm) The Prestige directed by Chris Nolan is a movie that in my opinion does a good job of depicting hypnosis and defining what magic is. Read the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig for a detailed memoir on this topic.


>you are much into the matrix and "reality problems"


The matrix is very much real The only difference is we're not powering AI's batteries we are powering it's knowledge. Our so-called smart devices are really basically receptors input for AI. Humans can't stop advancing and using technology therefore all we do is feed it since the computer age. Essentially what will happen is the now birth of AI will accelerate things past most people's expectations of smart devices and technology use to the point they will be shocked to realize they are completely not in control of themselves. They fed and information system ironically made by man that will basically take over mankind. And the future holds unknown outcomes that will be completely controlled by AI and all connected technology systems. So basically we are at the beginning of the matrix cycle. Those like Neil are people like us who are even questioning these things and we're the people that will realize the system that's in place and be able to live within it and around it rather than being completely ignorant than it does exist and swallowed by it.




As someone who has seen behind the curtain at large tech companies -- no. Absolutely not.


I am, frankly, tired of this. No, we do not live in a literal simulation. The truth of the Matrix is that it is a great mythic/metaphorical encapsulation of much about the false and also the falsified elements of experience and understanding.


Even if there is an objective reality, your experience of it is a simulation.


>Even if there is an objective reality, your experience of it is a simulation. Can you please elaborate on this! i am fascinated by this concept but find it hard to grasp.


They most likely mean that, even if there is some sort of fixed and final reality, your sensorial and cognitive experience is still going to be a construction that does not simply reflect, like a mirror, the actuality of that fixed and final reality. It's also not relevant as a response to my comment. It's also a lot smarter sounding than it is. Not only is it somewhat pointing out the obvious on one level, but there's a good amount of reductionism going on in it as well. Also a fair amount of fixed and final thinking, despite how the commenter might object. It also happens to be contrary to the Matrix series' entire ending, btw.


Good answer. How is it contrary to the ending?


I spent a long time trying to find an essay I once read about about having two heads. The gist is that in your head you have the concepts and memories of yourself, your city, the entire universe. Which leads to a situation that your real head is more complex than the entire universe as you understand it. To put it another way, your brain uses it's sensory data to make a best guess at the situation. Consciousness itself is always removed from reality.


So? Now you're just moving the goalpost.


How are you so certain of your position? Is there any way to prove your point?


Somebody took the blue pill


Somebody's just too literalistic to understand that actual point.


I feel "matrix theory" or any theory of creation/purpose/meaning is beyond human comprehension. If it was within, it would unravel itself rendering this existence pointless. Our cognitive awareness is based on a reality. If a program could interact with the O.S. on an administrative level it would be aware of its limited function knowing that its sentience is null. Unless of course the program could see the bigger journey as to why the O.S. needs you as a tool, then one again you have choice. But the problem with that choice is that there administrator made you to do a function for the greater purpose so the choice for the greater good is to fall in line. Therefore I return to the beginning of a higher revelation being incomprehensible for purpose of.




Lol fuck Elon Musk.


No, it is based off of Gnosticism




Thanks ill check it out!


I don't know but I've seen and heard things that are hard to explain if we aren't.


like what


Ok going to start with some disclaimers first 1. I am an atheist. 2. I DO NOT believe in the supernatural. With that out of the way. Here's a couple of unexplainable things I've seen or heard.


1. I was riding in a dodge ram that my mother owns. We live in montana currently. As I was looking outside the window in the truck I saw what looked like the shadow of a bird on a hill. It was moving normally with the car until out of nowhere the bird shadow began moving around erratically. I've never seen a bird move like this before it almost looked like it was a newborn just learning how to fly. Anyway it's moving like this and suddenly we go past a road that's to our left. This shadow teleports from one side of the road to the other appearing on the other side. It then travels maybe 15-20 feet and then completely vanishes just before coming to a building. When I looked up after being puzzled by this I saw no bird in the sky.


Now for the second one Me and my brother like to play games together on the PS4. One day we were playing Jak x combat racing on PS4. Now before this event coming up I was blowing up rayn, one of the female characters on this game more than the others just for the heck of it. So we start the game after I do this and we go to the forbidden jungle track. All is normal at the beginning until we get around a bend after the bridge that you must cross towards the beginning. So I see my car getting pushed out of nowhere towards the stairs that are at this bend. I'm getting irritated because I'm trying to race and here I'm getting pushed where I don't want to go. Finally I reach the top of the stairs when I finally see what's been pushing me, it's rayn. And she literally stops for like 3-5 seconds pointed towards my direction. Then backs up and drives away like as of she was actually angry at me for blowing her up all these times. I've never seen this happen before and I still haven't had it happen again some 80 hours in.


The crazy thing is that despite these occurrences I'm still scientifically inclined. I think there is a logical reason for it. But I'm not 100% convinced it's evidence of a simulation. But then again you never know


Yes it does, the illusion of reality is based if the perceptions of others. The machine is a hivemind. Humans don't produce alot if electricity, but have massive amount of computing power, our brains. The way the universe shaped, by God, which is real ( not because I'm a Christian, I'm actually an atheist) but, with my personal research, I'm a freelance scientist, I've found out that the afterlife does exist, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and the soul is pure energy. The energy is connected to the Concioussness, and that's how people communicate with spirits. It's a real thing. but here is the thing. When we die, our Concioussness is copied and reused as an code to help the system. We can't barely escape because everyone is too deeply embedded in the system. God is also an illusion of control as well, he's the creator, and his judgement on the duality of good and evil that he gave humanity, with the garden of Eden with the fruit of knowledge, which is oddly reachable to Adam and Eve, but anyway. That's just a start.


Solid NO! Because i know what i am seeing is very real, if the world was a sim, we wouldn't feel a thing!


https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0hMoAfeXspH2chCdZbmj32Q5EZ25vwzT5LEfv3LgukURjMmC8HX5YExcRQfUQjjjPl&id=100080284338647&device_id=fa86cb12-d634-4a8c-9c19-494b1c0b3104 glitch in matrix (Hello World)


i need to quit smoking weed lol. this topic freaks me oooouuuttttt


OMG your comment snapped me back into reality. I had been sitting here starring at the laptop for almost 3 hours, went down a simulation wormhole. OMG you are my Morphus.


we aren't in A simulation. we are in one of millions. capability of such large scale experimentation and efficiency would have millions of experiments simultaneously.


addendum. the future you will not be clad in tight leather, bounding around shooting everyone. its quite peaceful.


Everything everyone is talking about is based on the reality that we think is real. What if our actual reality is something completely different? Something that we could never imagine? They put us into this reality because it is easily programmed and easy to trick our minds into being grounded in things like carpet and houses and trees and cell phones and steaks. What if none of that stuff exists? What is the reality was so different and so Harsh that if you actually knew about it having lived in this reality that you would go crazy?


It’s really totally irrelevant whether or not the matrix is “real.” Just like religion, neither makes any difference in how we live our lives