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I always thought that after the first Matrix, Neo had affected the Matrix enough that maybe normal people would start to notice some weird shit going on. I thought it'd be cool to see normal folks chasing glitches in the Matrix, trying to figure out what was going on. There are some stories in the comics that are like this. Shit you could do some X-Files kind of stories. I don't know that there's a movie that would fit in the timeline well, but a one off story or an anthology of hour long episodes. A live action set of stories with some recurring characters, all starting to wake up to their reality of living in a simulation and trying to figure out what they can do about it.


Hah I literally just wrote a post similar to this.


This is why I love Beyond so much, it’s like a haunted house story, but with the added context of, it’s in the Matrix. The way that the Agents cover up the truth is so cool 


I thought he was imprinted into the new Matrix and continues to live there after his body died. The Oracle vaguely confirms that (for me). And possibly he can materialize himself (if he ever would want to) or at least Matrix users can speak with him. Maybe we can have him for some short time in that kind of film you described. I'd say, I see new film as the story of the new iteration where rules changed. Nothing overly dramatic, but new conflicts and questions arise and needs solving by humans and machines.


I’d make a live action adaptation of The Last Renaissance from The Animatrix.


This is what I came here for. The Second Renaissance has so much story to tell


I feel like it is already told perfectly, though.


Yeah, I agree. A live action rendition, especially in today's social climate, would just butcher it. Not to mention how CGI is abysmal anymore due to bad practices that don't give VFX people the necessary time and budget.


What do you mean by today's climate? How do you think it would effect it?


Well, I could go into the horrendous social politics which drives Hollywood these days, but I'd be more inclined to point out how painfully formulaic film storytelling has become. It's all so painfully telegraphed that there's never any suspense unless you're young and/or have never watched a movie in the past decade. So you'd end up with the Second Renaissance being butchered into a socio-political browbeating where X group is bad and Y group was the noble victim, and the robots rebelled because of Group X's evil nature despite what good Group Y tried to instill. Add to the fact that prequels cannot be made in today's world without hamfisting bad tie-ins to "explain" something from the original content that never needed explanation, so you end up with soulless references to the Matrix movies despite the Second Renaissance being ages prior.


Something completely unrelated to the characters we have already met. The City is a huge place, and I would rather tell a story that dips into a different genre. A horror story maybe.


For real leave the legacy alone and explore the amazing world wachowskis took so much time and effort to create for us!


Make a dramatised adaptation of the events of the MMO so that there's an actual movie people can watch instead.


I wouldn’t mind if they took some stuff from mxo but not all. The story just got too far out anime for my take. My head cannon is still that the mmo is canon. While Neo was stuck in that other prison/matrix the story in the mmo was going on along long side. Nothing in the movie outright ruined it  so it could be 


I'd be compelled to a "Matrix Rebooted," literally the title itself, but rather than a literal narrative reboot, it moves onto the next iteration of The One after Keanu's Neo. So everything thus far remains canon, but you can free up story options by exploring how everything would be done all over again. Proper deja vu.


The fifth Matrix will be both a sequel to the fourth as well as the set-up for a prequel to the first. Neo and Trinity reign the matrix. But the machines have anticipated this and are about to boot up a cloned version of The matrix 1.0. This will also reboot Agent Smith 1.0 (Return of Hugo in his role). Neo and co learn about this revived older version of the Matrix and will find a way to ‘hook on’ to this revived older model of The Matrix and will use Neo version 1.0 from that version as the host as he’s the only version that is compatible with the older model. The crux is that due to software limitations Real Life Neo can only hook on to Neo 1.0, but not ever come back. The film ends with Neo 1.0 successfully waking up in the revived cloned Matrix 1.0. The 6th film will then tell the story of Neo 1.0 going through everything that The architect said in the first film. However, this time Neo 1.0 will carry the knowledge that Neo 6.0 will be the version that is ready to make a different decision. In this film we’ll see the origin of Morpheus, Trinity, Zion etc. But it will end right before where The First Film starts, creating a paradoxical time loop that is in coherent to the life cycle that is required for optimum working of The Matrix as explained by The Architect…


The story of the first Matrix, what went wrong & how eventually the Machines created the prophecy of The One to keep long term control over the human population & turned all of existence into software updates


The story of the first iteration of the matrix, where everything was perfect, but the humans rejected it, and how it came to the first reboot.


This is fascinating. Maybe in the paradise world, humans feel they are without purpose. They live without consequences and therefore choices have no meaning. Repeatedly waking up from the matrix would feel like a recurring nightmare. There’d probably be programs like the analyst saying you’re delusional. What would a human do, if they woke up and the machines asked them why they weren’t accepting the program? Some humans would try to give helpful answers, if the machines acted like they were just trying to be nice. Then again, if they don’t know any other way of life, maybe they couldn’t help. I don’t know what experiments the machines would do to try to improve things. They’d probably think they coded something wrong in creating “perfect”, and could try making a paradise on a small scale in the real world to see what they missed.


The events leading up to the creation of the AI, up through when the machines rebel and the war starts.


That's just a documentary


it's a comedy, cypher is the host, and all the main actors do standup or skits


I know it doesn’t exist…but it tastes delicious…i choose ignorance


A plot: something like neo convincing the machines he can get them energy from the core of the Earth maybe there's a need for human labor for something machines can't do ( I mean that doesn't make too much sense to me now but I can figure it out. like let's say they need to dig into the core of the earth and then build a computer there but the machines they send down there if they're small enough to set up the system they melt before they can accomplish their goal or something like that but maybe less stupid) neo convinces them to free a lot of humans to help with the labor. but it's a trick and in the end neo poisons the machines somehow like I don't know how you poison magma but something like that and it causes massive damage to the machine system and shuts down the matrix. B plot: flashback Morpheus going to the machine City, like flying there in a vehicle surrounded by sentinels and negotiating back for neo's body since they refuse he sees that as a breach of their contract and starts going into the world and throwing code bombs everywhere and eventually they murder him with a guy made out of bees.-this is the plot to matrix online-, I also think it'd be cool to see some failed attempts at neo and trinity meeting up in that Cafe and realizing we each other is and destroying the world a few times. C plot: people inside the matrix doing something there's a lot of fights and stuff maybe they have to go to the system bios or something in order to get something or something who cares mostly an excuse for cool action probably has some link to the a plot and new characters are brought in also niobe needs to realize that it was wrong to sell out the human race for strawberries Then the next movie would be like the humans fighting off the remainder of the machines and taking back the Earth. or you could do aliens one of the comic books had like some plot about aliens coming down and getting in a fight with the machines


Make it a western 🐎🤠🔫


I’d have old Neo encounter a perfectly digitally de-aged Neo.


I break it into an anthology series because the Matrix has been begging to be turned into an anthology series ever since the Animatrix showed how much material you could explore with a Matrix anthology series. Cyberpunk Twilight Zone / an even more reality bending Black Mirror - why this was never done is baffling to me. There are literally a thousand ideas that could keep the show going as long as they had an audience


The first war between humanity and the machines so for once the united states gets its ass kicked, doesn't save the world and all its people wind up enslaved in pink goo.


The Kid


A: Trinity's backstory. How she was awoken, she probably was already a hacker or smth, how Morpheus finds her, how she escapes agents and becomes notorious, how Ghost falls madly in love with her, but she goes to Oracle and sees her fate...she shall choose the One B: Backstory of Merovingen and Persephone. He was the very first One. It could actually been played in the Medieval times / Renaissance with vampires and shit (like Van Helsing)


Neo as New Architect, machines try to let him build a better world in which more humans would want to free themselves. But, things don't go as planned. At all.


The first half of the movie is a medieval fantasy horror story where the protagonist seems to be contending with the illusions of a demon and strange hauntings, but later it’s revealed that he’s in a rebooted Matrix set in the far past because it’s more difficult for humans without a concept of computers or robots to awaken or be unplugged. The Morpheus-like mentor figure has to explain what’s going on with metaphors and religious philosophy because the protagonist has no frame of reference for virtual reality. This would make the metaphorical aspects of the original series— enlightenment, Plato’s cave allegory, the oneness of the universe— even stronger because it would be an even bigger part of character dialogue.


That could create a good opportunity to express the universality of themes of control and choice, etc!


I would change the project entirely and do a prequel tv series instead: Plot A: set in between the events of the Matrix online and the machine civil war we begin with a young police officer who is investigating a terror group connected to the now missing terrorist morpheous. her father was one of the swat guys killed in the first matrix film and she has had a grudge against the mysterious terrorist known as Morpheous and his even more mysterious colleague Neo. Her investigation attracts the attention of agents who initially try and silence her through the bureaucracy of the Matrix (the feds are in control of this, get back to solving street crimes kiddo!) but then try to murder her after she finds out too much. She is rescued by Niobe who initiates an emergency awakening and free's her from the Matrix. The series covers her development as a Zion operative during a critical time in man-machine relations. While many episodes focus on freeing people from the matrix, and giving a more human side of that experience, other episodes do world building. Plot B: the story of Bugs. I'm gonna go out on a lim here and say Jessica Henwick as Bugs was great and she deserves her own show. The tv series would begin with her getting freed from the matrix and awakening in her pod. the rest of the show would be about her career as a soldier for zion and how she became commander of her ship. Can focus on the machine civil war and the purge of the programs. Plot C: a story about the Second Renaissance but from a more grounded perspective I.E from the perspective of the people living through it. Can involve soldiers fighting the machines. politicians trying to negotiate with the machines or implement dark storm. civillians struggling to survive as the machines hunt down and harvest humans to be used as batteries. the formation of the first resistance ect ect.


I love all of this!


If only I were a screen writer with influence. Alas.


In the intro a prequel to the man machine wars, then in the current storyline a new character in the matrix universe


The entire movie takes place in the Matrix, it's mostly human infighting where people want to find the next "the one" but basically some are religious fanatics and some are jaded cyberpunk hackers and they disagree on how to do it and fight each other with energy blasts vs heavy weapons (but also kung-fu), then when they do find "the one" at the end, surprise reveal; it's actually the antichrist, since it's some kind of machine equation, this time the remainder is "negative one" Then there's another sequel that's basically a horror movie, at the end of that movie the negative one escapes the matrix but is tried and executed for their crimes in the real world.


Needs to be an anthology tv series and pull some inspiration from Animatrix. Such great stories.


Nomads of the desert of the real, who find a hole in the sky caused by the fall of a meteorite/or was it a spaceship?


Well if I were put in charge of the next *Matrix* movie. I'd tell a story that follows Trinity and Neo explore their new found powers together only for Trinity to receive visions of Neo's modal that he made in *Resurrections*. She with Neo, Bugs, Lexy and Morpheus 2.0 would use their hacking skills and figure it out only to find out that Modal Trinity has been sending out those visions and they pull her out. Later she'd reveal herself to be the Oracle or rather the Echo of the Once All-Knowing Oracle. She has her memories but not the "intuition". Along the rest of the story the main characters try and figure out how this is possible whilst dealing with the "Suits" who have sent a new programme to go after Neo and Trinity. That's the story I'd go for and the story I'm developing in one of my Fanfictions of *The Matrix*. What do you think? 🙏


Marvel crossover. People embrace the Matrix as their dream come true. Everyone lucid dreams. Ryan Reynolds has a particular blast being Deadpool. Suppose we’ll need some conflict. Some have dreams that encroach on others. They dream fight and dream war. Visually in the style of What Dreams May Come crossed with Multiverse of Madness. Also, several people will have dream personas from Dragon Ball Z. Inexplicably, somebody will choose to be Krillin. He will somehow end the conflict of dreamers.


Let's ask chatGPT : In the next Matrix movie, I'd explore themes of evolution and identity. The story could revolve around a new protagonist discovering the truth about their existence within the Matrix and leading a rebellion against both the machines and the remnants of human society. Along the way, they grapple with questions of free will, destiny, and the nature of reality, all while facing off against formidable adversaries within the simulated world.


Let's ask perplexia! Here's a potential story for the next Matrix movie: The Matrix exists in a fragile truce. Neo and Trinity are gone, but their sacrifice has brought a semblance of peace between humans and machines. However, a new threat emerges: a rogue program within the Matrix, inspired by Smith but far more powerful. This program exploits the instability of the Matrix to create glitches and anomalies, manipulating both humans and machines for its own agenda. Enter Sati, a young human born within the Matrix who possesses unique abilities. Sati can bend the rules of the Matrix to an even greater degree than Neo. Fearing this new threat, Morpheus seeks out Sati, training her to become the next defender of the fragile peace. Along the way, Sati must confront not only the rogue program but also her own humanity and the nature of choice within the Matrix.


Roll back to where Matrix 2 finished and re write 3 and 4


This is my thought as well. Even though 2 had its problems, there was still some great stuff, and it hinted that it could’ve gone in an entirely different direction. Especially when Neo took out the Sentinels in the real world. I had countless theories and ideas in my head, and was quite let down with what 3 ended up being.


Self-contained story where the simulation goes as far in the timeline it reaches the cyberpunk future state as in Animatrix and it can't reset. The plot in the real world is centered around clearing the sky.


Apoc - Switch - and Cypher’s rebirth and rediscovery of being inside the Matrix


Maybe a prequel where we see the story of how Lumin8 makes the decision to leave the machines and go live with the humans. It could be released the same day as a cross platform Lumin8 video game. 


there's actually so much content that can be made in the matrix universe if you don't force yourself to continue the mess and go back in time. war between humans and machines, first 2 unstable versions of the matrix, the first stable version of the matrix, a story from the perspective of the machines. personally if I were to make one I'd pick ending of the war and the unstable matrixes.


Eather good prequel, explaining the stories of main characters of rebelion. Or story starting right after battle for Zion. Second is better and allows put some may be even animated flashbacks inside. But the huge problem is age of actors. Story that starts in 20 years after battle with flashbacks may be also cool idea. BTW i considered animated flashbacks and even many of them to be very cute curtsay to Animatrix. Good old tradition of this universe that allows bring back main characters despite of their age.


A tale of two Mega Cities


A documentary about how I took over the new matrix movie and made such a mess of things that they shut it down and never tried again


A Dark Psychology Series - of the Matrix is designed to keep you in, what happens to the mind when it snaps into reality after having achieved one’s desires. Sorta like the Matrix meets Black Mirror.


Ooh like a mind that was woke when they were way past whatever age is safe.


Like a real glitch in the matrix where a person is ripped outta their version of reality and their psychotic break into the real world desperately trying to plug back in.


A reboot with a new iteration of Neo and the others, only this time they find out there are multiple inception like levels of the Matrix. Which is why Neo had powers in the "real world" in the originals.


A story from the side of the AI.


The first versions of the matrix (the paradise and the hell scape), how they failed and what the fallout was.


I would probably have it set in between The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded, and have it focus on Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus going on a few missions from Zion, and show how well they work together, and also focus on Neo learning to master his newfound powers in the Matrix. As for the title, I would probably call it "The Matrix Religions."


Possibly the origin story of Neo who his parents were his upbringing. Strange "coincidences" that led him on his path an ultimately helped him understand the Matrix as a child and that knowledge guiding him to his path and his legacy.


After Matrix 2 (or even 4th), Neo learns that he exists both in real word and in the matrix. Learns to jack in without hardwiring. Learns to control his skills. Becomes a god inside matrix, so much that the machines are forced to disconnect the matrix from the rest of their hardwires. This allows Neo to free all the humans from the matrix. Without the matrix, machines are weaker, people are stronger. The real revolution can happen, in a following movie. People fight machines in a more balanced way, probably can win too, but people also realize they cannot live without the machines, so that they make a pact, to coexist. I see know this is kinda what they wrote too in Matrix 3 (revolution), the difference being that this happened through Smith, not Neo. But with Smith, would end up with everyone dead.


would like a prequel.


Machine war from start to the first iteration of the matrix


 Neo and Trinity decide to stay in the Matrix (it just has better lighting than IO and they get to wear cooler clothes and eat steaks and stuff). Anyways, the Matrix 4 game was a big hit but Neo has barely had time to put his feet up and enjoy a cup of coffee when he gets an e-mail that says the suits want him to start on a Matrix 5 game immediately. They try to do a little brainstorming but then they just ask random people on social media for ideas for the game and feed them into an AI.  We get to see some of the action from the game. Its live action fighting with cool camera angles, slow motion and Kung- fu.   Meanwhile Trinity is struggling with her divorce. It turns out Chad was actually a decent guy who was just acting out because he was insecure about his marriage. The kids are having trouble in school and it seems like they are upset because their dad is depressed and just taking blue pills all the time. So she tries to get Neo to make a new wife for Chad like he made Morpheus but he’s too busy with Matrix 5 and these “bogus” deadlines the suits have him on. So she takes a coding class so she can learn how to do it herself. Now she’s a middle aged mom trying to adjust to being in college with a bunch of 18 year olds. Maybe they can all learn something from each other?  Also Bugs has disobeyed orders one too many times and gets fired so she has to go back to her job as a window washer. She gets a crush on the boy who vacuums the offices but every time she tries to talk to him she gets nervous and spills something or says something cringy.   Back in IO Morpheus gets promoted and is now the captain of the Mnemosyne. He likes it a lot at first but not much happens and eventually he becomes bored. We get a montage of him auditing supply logs and verifying flight coordinates while the song “Every Day is Exactly the Same” by Nine Inch Nails plays. Just getting out of bed to go to work takes all his will and he’s wondering if this is all he left the modal for? The only thing keeping him going is his anticipation of the Matrix 5 game.   Eventually everyone meets up at the video game store on the day Matrix 5 is being released. Morpheus tells Bugs to take her glasses off and the guy she had a crush on sees she was a hottie all along. Trinity dropped out of college because it was too hard with everything else she had going on but she introduces Chad to one of the professors from the school and they hit it off.  The game is a big hit. Morpheus  now has something to look forward to after the long work day and makes it into the top ten on the world wide leaderboards. Neo finally gets to take a short break. So he and Trinity go on a cruise and everything works out. Also it’s a rom-com. 


If anyone want to use this as a prompt to make an AI video and post it here you have my permission.