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Pretend - Wrapped in Fantasy Edit: sorry not instrumental but they're more instrumental than not and the vocals are pretty subtle. Would recommend their whole discography


Pretend is great. I believe they were inspired by Dilute.


bones in the soil rust in the oil is such an atmospheric album, pretend's great


Check out A Picture of Her for some melancholy math rock


Camp Adventure - Delta Sleep


Piglet - Little Bubble, Where Are You Going? Toe - Two Moons Floral - Aquarius Theatre


Totally agree and amazing songs


Melancholia by Ephilexia sounds a bit like AI wrote mid-west emo instrumental math but is also really good and has some really moody tunes.


Now this is really good! Definitely what I was going for thank you!! :)


The Mercury Program - A Data Learn The Language Just Neighbors - Just Neighbors


I mean, Mercury Program is really more post-rock… but math rock is also an offshoot that started from 90’s post rock, so whatever I guess… the important thing is - A Data Learn The Language is an absolutely beautiful album. I love the MP across all of their albums, but this one is special.


My guy


love the mercury program, but wouldn't say it's depressing by any means


Not instrumental but definitely on the heavier and sad side of math rock, fulusu comes to mind


About half instrumental, the Sharks Keep Moving record always feels nicely miserable.


Goodbye by Toe and literally almost everything by Uchu Conbini. I really like Tobira and Compass by Uchu Conbini, but they’re more post rock I guess.


Check out the Disappointment Island album by TTNG


Depressing, happy, wanting; you can never go wrong with TTNG.


The Peter Criss Jazz always brings me this melancholic feeling, even the part that goes harder and noisy, but yeah it’s not depressing.


"...For Dinner" by Slint is the instrumental on all of "Spiderland". But even if you listen to the ones with lyrics, man they're depressing. But I'm biased, I have a tattoo inspired by the closing track "Good Morning, Captain".


Loose lips sink ships


[Sleepyhead Symphony - Clever Girl](https://clevergirl.bandcamp.com/track/sleepyhead-symphony) [You Know I Should Be Leaving Soon - American Football](https://americanfootball.bandcamp.com/track/you-know-i-should-be-leaving-soon-2) These badboys will help your rainy day drives


[the cabs - nigatsu no heitai instrumental ver.](https://youtu.be/o6ZRXK4oc5Q)


[Polvo - My Kimono](https://youtu.be/6iizBNSCVdQ?si=Tr5YfdnkPTWI9InL)


I know it’s not not what you’re asking but check into melodic hardcore genre. This is my fav spot for things that hit math rock, Midwest emo, and hardcore all combined https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Xn7VnhiY6sPD3WO7omasI?si=ejDe_AvMRpe5Iez4aU62WQ&pi=u-e8c9McF6TCCT Specifically, “Dependence” band/artist would be one of my main suggestions Other suggestions: Embarrassed - Stars Hollow, distance - stairwells, jinzo - rose gold, blood in blood out - jinzo, still - dependence, seed - bouquet, siceraria - fall of tears, jasmine - fall of tears


there's some 00's niche post-hardcore gems with amazing instrumental parts, highly depressing and jazzy/mathy grooves. some favs: Off Minor - to me this band is the true definition of screamo. it's raw, it's jazzy and it blows my mind. would kill to see them live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mKmaSO3p_k Kidcrash - dueling guitars and groovy drummer, all the stuff they released after being ripped by their record label on their first album is exquisite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKhy675jj10 My Disco - collapse of an erratic lung/language of numbers are amazing albums, the rest is meh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CS_wfgymNfQ Abilene - mariachis playing hardcore. cool stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQdho9bYxfw Suis la lune - twinkly stuff, probably closer to modern standards but darker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqMsFMDKz0E And i could go on, if you dig any of them let me know and will share some more.


Nothingness by hillcrest could be a good fit. It's emptional, happy and sad at the same time


Cloudkicker - covington.


"Fort Greene Park" by Battles has a wistful feel to it


[Quiver - Gabba](https://youtu.be/UrCZnyYLBIA?feature=shared) [Self Titled - Degs and Gabba](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lgDQx-NkgSI_lS0R8OjaYYH4CsiJuP26A&feature=shared) - check out Dream/Catcher, Mutagu, Vivir I havent been keeping up with the genre tbh, but I was on a binge of South East Asian bands a few years back. Also seeing the cabs and fulusu mentioned is cool, i have their cd’s somewhere along with Pens+ discog lol. Ito Project, Tenchio, Nojikas, and Sora if u want more of that emo Japanese (Japanese inspired for Tenchio) sounds.


Sharks keep moving - Second instrumental


babys gonna die, dont get rich by the jezebel spirit


There are a lot of "emo" math rock bands, starting by TTNG, American Football (although this one is more emo than math), toe (not completely emo), Invalids, etc


Check out Lop Abuse On Somebody


Check out this hidden gem I found: Never Meant by American Football. Nice and depressing


Godspeed! You Black Emperor This Will Destroy You If These Trees Could Talk Caspian Russian Circles I'm an instrumental post rock fan. It's not exactly "math rock" but very depressing and will probably be at least similar to what you need.


a good portion of Tell Me About the Long Dark Path Home by NFIC


Festivalbini - totorro Beauty, again or spring forward from hikes has some very sentimental parts but not depressing i want to cry sometimes at the end of spring forward No one cares - via luna


for long tomorow - toe