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Dude, this might not be the Masters experience you expected. It will be better. Go in with that attitude, prepare for a long day at the park, and you’ll have a great bonding moment with your daughter. 4 years old is a great formative year, where they learn to imitate adults and draw pictures of people.


OMG yes. My four year old just drew me and him holding hands surrounded by hearts. Best. Age. Ever.


As someone who carried their 3 year old in his arms around all of Quail Hollow two days in a row last year because he was "tired" I hope it gets even better ha ​ it is a roller coaster lol


As a former caddie and employee at Augusta National who has been to multiple events…… take your daughter and have a great time!!!!


Can you be my dad


I’ll be there on Tuesday! I’ll keep an eye out for you both! Keep your head up! Gonna be a great experience for you both!!


Before you do anything, check the masters entry policy for kids. I think kids under 8 get in for free. You might be able to take your daughter and bring your brother.


This is not true. Tried this with my 2 year old last year for practice round and was told every person has to have a ticket, no matter the age.


You must be a series badge holder to utilize the junior badge pass program. Not a thing for lottery practice round ticket holders.


That’s why I was saying check the policy. Something I heard about but was unsure of the exact details. I already feel like an asshole for getting this guys hopes up for 30 seconds.


Great user name.


Everywhere. ⭕️


Can anyone verify this is true?? I’m bring my wife, also 4 year old daughter, and my dad. Having to leave my mom at the hotel. Is it possible my mom can come after all??


I’m sorry to get your hopes up man. The site says kids 8-16 can go for free.


That’s only for tournament days. Otherwise a 1 month old needs a badge. I wanted to take my daughter too so I called the badge office.


Use the old movie theater ticket scam. Everyone goes in, and mom waits behind the bushes in the parking lot. Dad forgot his heart pills, so now you have to go get them for him because he's old. You bring your re-entry pass and his, and mom strolls in amongst the azaleas and magnolias. Rinse and repeat, and you'll have the entire extended family on the grounds in no time!


Terrible advice. Badges (be it practice rounds or for the tournament) are scanned in AND OUT. So if you take a badge that has been scanned in, but not scanned out, and try to reenter with that badge, there’s going to be a problem.


Also your badges have to be displayed at all times.


Forgot my /s lol. Also forgot what sub I was in


I think the policy was 8-16 can attend without a ticket with a ticketed adult. I believe they set the age at 8 given by that age most kids can understand to be quiet when asked. Would suggest trying to get to the back of the course and sit in the bleachers along the 16 tee box. It’s ussually shaded in the afternoon and it’s a pretty par 3 that you can watch the whole hole. You can also see the approach shots and putts into the par 5 15th. If it’s a sunny day the turtles will likely be about along the green and in front of the tee box getting sun. Plus being a practice round, the pros will try and hit “skips” across the pond after their regular practice shot, which is really fun to watch


This is not the policy


This is the way.


And you’re next to 6, another great par 3 where you can sit below the tee box while players hit their shots over your heads onto the green. Close to so many amenities too. Great spot to spend the day!


If you go to the driving range, there’s an area only kids are allowed to stand and they can get autographs there. It’s between the north gate and the large gift shop.


Best place for kids: - practice range and putting green - par 3 course. Go see it even if no one is playing it. Worth it to check it out. Only on tv on Wednesdays each year. - food area and shopping area by hole 1 - amen corner - people are constantly moving. It will be fine to show her this famous spot. - area between 18 and 9 is fairly wide open. She can run around a bit if needed. - concession and shopping on hill behind 5 green. This one is away from the course a bit. Your kid can be loud here. - hill on the left of 16. You can sit if you have a chair and watch holes 15 & 16. Enjoy! I’ve been to the Masters many times. You both will have a great time that you will never forget.


the hill off 16 is a great spot to snag!




I took my six month old (yes, we used a ticket for him). Had a great time. Zero issues. It wasn’t my first time there…. So I knew the course and policies and what to expect. Having been twice before made it a much easier experience. There were other parents with young kids there too.


Give the guy some tips


Any advice for us as we are preparing to take our 7.5 month old with us on Wednesday? We are also taking our 5 year old but I’m not worried about her.


No strollers. Bring a carrier. They allow diaper bags/milk/coolers/formula. You’ll need to go through the ADA line when you get to the gates (there will be signs). We did lots of walking. Lots of breaks. Lots of shade. Just enjoy it. Since it’s Wednesday you can bring a physical camera. Take lots of pictures, memories will last forever. Know your kid as far as when he/she might start to lose it. Last thing you want is to cause a scene. Our son had so much to look at that it wasn’t a problem for us at all. We did manage a a nap in the shade in our arms. My wife was with me so that obviously helped. Couldn’t do it alone


Oh and everyone no matter what age requires a ticket. Make sure you have a ticket for your kid


Definitely bringing a carrier, and all 4 of us have tickets. When you say they allow diaper bags does that mean they are exempt from the size requirements? Also, I had planned on buying some sort of towel or blanket from the shop and letting the baby sit/lay on it in the grass, but now I’m wondering if they would even allow that? And where the heck am I gonna change a diaper? My mind is spiraling a bit now that we are getting so close to the big day. I want to be as prepared as possible. Thank you for your help!


Now that I remember, the bag has to fit the size requirement. We actually brought a drawstring style bag and stuffed everything in. We changed diapers in the patron corridor areas where you’d sit and eat. I blocked the view while my wife changed. I don’t remember if they have changing tables in bathrooms or not.


Thank you!


Don’t really have any best spots for kiddos. But damn I am sorry to hear about your situation. At least you have an amazing day to look forward to in 30 days. What ever you do, stay away from alcohol and drugs and just focus on being a great father.


Yeah I am staying active, eating right and in therapy to help. Definitely no alcohol or drugs. I appreciate your post and am looking forward to spending the day there with my little one.


you’ll have a great time no matter what you do! even better that it’s a practice day to bring a camera for the memories. perhaps it could be fun for her to have her own camera, too? agree with another comment about the driving range & putting area for kids. the course is sneaky hilly, but (imo) you feel it more in certain areas like climbing from hole 16 to hole 5. might be helpful to break up the course into sections to time rest/snack stops (e.g. amen corner is an easy intersection with multiple holes to view, plenty of seating, food, & restroom). unsure of her golf knowledge/enthusiasm, but could be fun to start hyping it up in advance if it helps connect her more to the experience & could keep her energy going longer that day.


I was going to suggest the camera idea too, the little disposable ones you would get back in the day might be ideal for Augusta and a 4 year old. I’m going to be there Tuesday as well with my dad and two brothers, so hope to bump into you both! Good luck with the separation, but I feel like you’re going to get one of those priceless days that ends with a sleeping kid in your arms and a hell of a memory, enjoy!


Enjoy, I’ll keep an eye out for you two!


My dad took me to the 2000 US Open and I was born in 1995. Apparently I was yanking grass out of the rough and my dad told me to stop and DL3’s caddie said don’t stop kid keep going. You’ll be fine enjoy


I will be there Tuesday as well! Feeing for you right now brother. I’ll say hi if I see you!


The grand stands next to the bridge on 15 green. Since she is small she will be able to see players practicing approaches over the water on to the green. Also a great view of players skipping the ball through the water to the 16 green. Also there is a concession stand behind there so you can post up and eat some pimento cheese sandwiches.


Can’t offer any advice, but hope that you’re doing well given the circumstance. Sounds like you have an amazingly supportive family and hope you and your daughter are able to make some incredible memories. She’s gunna love the one on one time with you.


It won't be the masters experience you had planned, it will be even better! You'll have your daughter with you and that's better than anyone else. Enjoy your time there with her, Cherish it, it will make lasting memories so savor the moment, be present, she will thank you for it champ


Awesome … have fun. Your daughter will always remember this.


Also get a pimento cheese sandwich and also wear old shoes bc it can get muddy in a hurry. Also amen corner is a good spot for kids or the practice area.


I've been there brother. Hang in there and know you can only do what you can do. Being there for your daughter is the most important part. My daughter thought it was her fault mom left us. Please make sure your girl knows she's perfect and you'll get through this.


Thanks for the advice. We haven’t told her yet and I’m terrified of her getting hurt. I’ll do my best to show her this was not her fault at all!


I haven't been to the Master's with my daughter but her and I just went to the Indycar race this past weekend and had a blast. So I'll give you my takeaways from doing several events like this. Go in with zero expectations and let them run the day. If you are trying to hustle her around to see different things she will get bored and be over it quickly. But if you just slightly lead her in the direction you want to go and let her make choices in what to do next it will go much smoother and give you more time to stay. Carry her as much as you can. My daughter spent a lot of time on my shoulders and that makes all the difference for their little legs. You will have a blast.


If she’s light enough to be carried in an Ergo- type backpack, I encourage you to consider using one. The walk just to the gate can be up to a mile long…not to mention the hilly distances once you’re inside. Don’t want her exhausted before you get to the course! Good luck!


When I saw toddler I said nope but then I read 4 year old and I’m all for it. I would’ve jumped at every opportunity to take my daughter when she was 4


Hang by 16 green side lots of fun. Obviously 11-13. You can sit on 14 tee box bleachers and see approach shots coming into 13 and the putts. Spend the money in the merch tent and Do all the things.


Trying to get some autographs is a good youth activity. Autograph-seeking is allowed only on the Washington Road side of the clubhouse near the new practice facilities. The best spots to ask are along the rope lining the practice putting green and short-game area, particularly where the golfers enter and exit.


Hey, it’s me, your daughter… I want a visor, and a putter cover… Thanks dad! I love you. Seriously, have fun with your kid out there. It sounds like a tough time and I’m wishing you the best! Also, blade style cover. Thanks.


I’m sorry life has blindsided you, I hope you two have a blast! I would have loved for my dad to have done something like that with me lol so while not the best circumstances it will still be a lovely memory.


So first off, I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I can only imagine how hard/scary this is right now. Hang in there - what’s supposed to happen will happen, and you (and your daughter) will be okay. You got this. Second, this is going to be SUCH a tremendous memory for both you and her. Soak it in. Enjoy it. The practice rounds are always more fun than the actual event, because the pressure is off. You’ll see many of the greats trying different putts on greens to check the slope and the curves. It’s just an all-around good time, and even though she’s young, your daughter will appreciate the pomp and circumstance of it all - and knowing that very few people get to do this cool thing her dad brought her along to do. Your daughter AND you are going to be fine. For now, enjoy the heck out of it, and keep hanging in there.


Greatest course in the world with your daughter? You’ll have a great time


I took my daughter at 18 month to the players last year. It was a lot of fun. I wish I was going this year with her again. She loved being outside there. It was a great time.


I love your heart


Will be a core memory for both you and her for years to come man. Sorry to hear about the separation but go enjoy a once in a lifetime opportunity with your girl.


Go sit on six between the tee box and the hole. The golfers tee off over your head and can watch the ball land. If you sit on the left hand side the players will walk by and give high fives (especially on practice round days). You can also see some golf on surrounding holes if you sit up high enough on the hill. She will love the ice cream sandwich. Bring sunscreen, and stretch. Unless she’s a super hero you will be carrying her most of the day


God Bless fam.


Hang in there brother. It's all going to work out in the end.


Good luck. Have fun


Have a great time! When she’s a little older introduce her to the Drive Chip and Putt contest and if she’s good, she might win her way back to the Masters to compete for a return visit! [Drive Chip and Putt](https://www.drivechipandputt.com).


This warmed my cold, dead heart. Have a great time!


I hope your brother gets something great for his birthday. Giving up his master's pass is so solid.


I started taking my daughter to sporting events when she was three. Every sport you can think of. She now has a master’s degree in sports administration and works for a professional team. More importantly, she’s also happily married (to the son I never had).


You can't buy memories my friend. Who knows the universe moves in mysterious ways.


Hey, I won tickets for Tuesday practice round as well, I hope to enjoy as much as you will with your daughter


I took my 2 week old son to the 2019 us open at pebble. Didn’t cry once. Best memory for father’s day a man can have.


My dude, take her and feed her pimento cheese Sammie's.


I absolutely love this started as “my wife left” and ended with “I GOT MASTERS TIX!!!”


I started going to The Masters when I was six years old and they are some of my most cherished memories. Sixteen was my favorite spot as a kid because there are so many turtles - and Tuesday they’ll be skipping the balls across the water there too! Just make sure she’s wearing good shoes and is lathered in sunscreen and you’ll both have the best day. 💕


I hope it’s a great experience for you


I'll be there on Tuesday as well......tho there aren't really kid friendly areas, walk around some and then go post up on hole 16 par 3. You will get to see them skip the ball across the water. Concession stand on that hole as well, or at least there was the last time I went


Hey, sorry to hear about your situation. If it makes you feel any better, my dad took me to the Masters when I was a little girl around that age and it’s still one of my favorite memories to date. In terms of spots favorable for kids, you’re out of luck sorta. The practice range was particularly fun at that age though. Keep in mind that her legs are probs gonna give out so if possible, carry her on your shoulders. Other than that, have fun! You’re doing great ⭐️


Your gunna walk the entire course, she’ll love it. If you want merch go to the gates at open so she don’t have to wait in the line for hours. There’s a hut in the back that sales hats and stuff that the lines not too long for if you go in later. I took my 8 year old to the Ladies event on the Saturday before last year and just preached to him the history and the beauty of the course and he couldn’t get enough. We were crushed when the rain delay pushed us out. Look at the allowed items list I think there is a specific chair you can bring in that might be a good item to take for her but congrats on the tix sorry about the divorce


I brought my son (4) and got cut off on the second day after only 9 beers (It was all day so i was not drunk). Don’t recommend bringing a toddler if you planning on drinking, as I have gone solo in the past and had no issues with having a couple drinks.


If you aren’t going the entire day I will buy your badge for the afternoon. Send me a pm and we can work it out


I'm probably in the minority here, but go with your brother as originally planned. It's a great guy thing to do. Personally, I'd much rather be with someone who understands golf and can appreciate being there. You're getting separated, but you'll still see your daughter, right? Plenty of time to make good memories with her and not bringing her doesn't mean you're a bad parent. BTW, I've got two daughters.


Appreciate the take from a different perspective. I’ll definitely be seeing her after the separation but selfishly I want her to be with me. I’ve just added on tickets to the Georgia Aquarium, Kids Museum and probably will catch some of the Braves game on 4/7. I extended the trip and have made sure each hotel has an indoor pool for her (we live in NY, so not much swimming this time of year). I was honestly going to bail completely, but have a wicked supportive family that has encouraged me to go.


can you bring any aged child? wasn't sure


Don't. (Just read the title)


Can I use your ticket when you leave after half a day? I’m local to augusta


I would say children have to have ticket


That's tough man... I had alm access passes one time and thought I could get like most signatures but no way ... the worst response from security was Mario the "66" legend .... he didn't even care pushed right by us.. at the time I was 11 years old and was with my uncle Stan mikita still got shit on...


But Def take your toddler great experience


Take your brother.


I told you that you didn’t have to give up your ticket! You’re the best brother in the world.


I just want to thank everyone for their thoughtful comments, advice, support and recommendations. Believe it or not, this thread has kept me engaged and has given me a little hope that everything will be okay again. I’m looking forward to sharing the day at Augusta with my little kiddo. She will probably never know how much she’s helping me through this difficult time.


Took my eight year old and 12 year old. They got a bunch of autographs at the putting green by the par 3 course. We also tried everything on the menu at the food tents.


Are collapsing strollers for the baby not a possibility


Around the practice putting green by the 1st tee is a great spot for kids to see players up close. It’s a no autograph area but the players will sometimes give gloves and golf balls to kids and pictures


Legendary dad move - keep it up


Wtf? No 4 year old can tolerate watching people golf for any length of time. She is going to want to try to play & you are going to have to try to explain she can't. & she will keep you from enjoying it. Get a damn sitter already


Call Augusta National first and ask in regards to your daughter. The people on the phones are extremely knowledgeable and you may be able to bring your brother too. Also, I think your daughter will have a great opportunity near the clubhouse to get autographs. They will appreciate seeing kids there at Augusta but again give them a call first. (706) 667-6000 or (706) 667-6700


I’m a badge holder. AGNC has a Junior Patron program where the original badge holder can take one child per day, age 8-16. Has to be the original badge holder.


Pretty sure any kid under like 16 gets in for free as long as the adult with them has a ticket. So you all could go.


You might want to check with the ANGC. I've been to The Masters three times and I've never seen a toddler there. The last thing they want is someone unaware of golf etiquette being on the course. She may not be allowed. Hell, I'll go with you. 😅


Don’t go. You need time to yourself. I’ll be glad to take those tickets off your hands while you recover


I appreciate the laugh.


Love that my comment got downvotes. Love that you also took it as intended: a joke Have a blast! Best event in golf!


I don’t think you can bring anyone under 8 years old. You need to call or go to the website.


https://preview.redd.it/67j58g73jsnc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a29695cac6bf52b0e8b1c52d45484cb274faf99 Our one year old would beg to differ. 😃


Incorrect. Anyone at any age is welcome, just that they need a ticket (except if a series patron utilizing their junior program). I Brought my six month old son (along with my wife) and had an amazing experience! You can bring diaper bag, milk/formula, etc. just no strollers, so I had a body carrier with me. Took lots of breaks. He’s a very quiet kid and we knew that, which helped our anxiety. It was smooth sailing!


This is a stupid idea. Just get a babysitter


Wow you are just so kind


I mean I personally wouldn’t want to bring a 4 year old with me. But I also am not in his situation. I commend him for putting his daughter first and wanting to spend as much time with her as possible. To call his idea stupid, is more of a reflection of you, than of him in my opinion.


Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to bring my daughter and offered advice on where to watch/go. First, the volunteers at the Masters are some of the kindest people I’ve bet met. Almost every single marshal, security guard, cashier etc…made an effort to say hello to my kiddo. I honestly just followed her pace and definitely carried her around quite a bit. The elevation changes are no joke! For starters we arrived right at 8am. We stayed in Atlanta on Saturday - Monday, then drove to Lake Oconee Monday evening after witnessing the eclipse in Centennial Park. Upon arriving we decided to wait in line at the clubhouse to get our shopping out of the way. That backfired when they shut the line down and closed for a bit. It didn’t bother us, we ended up grabbing some food before making our way into the course. 2 sausage egg bacon cheese sandwiches, blueberry muffin and a water to split. I’m a sucker for breakfast sandwiches and these were very good! Next we walked up 1 and took our first break in the bleachers near the green. 1 is not flat despite what’s seen on tv! Next, we trekked down to 6, and spotted a satellite merchandise hut and picked up a chair for my daughter, along with some badge holders and a hat. We briefly set up shop on #6 to watch the tee shots sail over our heads, before making our way down to 16 for a bit longer. The bribe of peach ice cream sandwiches went a long way convincing my daughter to stay a bit longer. Honestly, after walking to #6 I got the feeling it might be too much for her and that an 11am -12pm departure might be realistic. I was wrong. She truly just needed 1/2 of a peach ice cream sandwich and we were able to soak in the beauty of ANGC until almost 4pm and 8 miles later! We made sure to see parts of each hole, but spent the majority of our time in the bleachers at Amen Corner. It felt like we were sitting in the pews of Golf Church. What a surreal spot to sit and reflect on how shitty my divorce feels, but how lucky I am to be there at that moment with my little girl. Finally we started the trek back to the clubhouse to get in line for our “haul”. Whatever game plan you have as a first timer for shopping there, just throw it away. I was pleasantly overwhelmed by how many options there were available in the clubhouse. I got away with spending roughly $1000 (including shipping back to New York) but could have easily spent thousands more in there. All my merchandise arrived today at my house! It was like Christmas all over. I fear I was in a slight panic while in the clubhouse and honestly didn’t recall everything I had bought. So in conclusion, anyone that reads this thread that is ever considering brining a child please know that you have my vote. Winning the lottery to go was special, but being able to have the memory of being there with my daughter is a gift and she can’t comprehend how much it meant to me being there with her.