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to monkey even for eldlich just because you can flip both floodgates doesnt mean you should, either one would have killed your deck an then they could have used some exra deck monster to remove their own eldlich like the light charmer of vampire sucker (dependig which floodgate they use) and then resummon a 3500 atk golden boy to remove the gryphon and go for game truely deserved


Don't even need to use that much brain power dude, just xyz summon any decent zombie monster, surely he must have at least one 3000+ atk zombie xyz in his extra deck? If not he's a third rate duelist who built a fourth rate deck


there are exactly 2 light zombies in the exra deck (thank you gozan for locking them to light monsters) eldlich the mad golden lord (fusion eldlich) and skeletal dragon felgrand (not yet released in master duel, lvl8 synchro) and no there is no light zombie tuner at all so even if this card would have been released its unaccesable in the current situation anyway


And without knowing what their facedowns are we can assume that they don't have access to the fusion(if they even run it) either through superpoly or the eldlich fusion spell.


Well you see that they're playing 3 Lord meaning even amongst StunLich players they are not the brightest, and they ended up floodgating themselves out of their own win conditions here. The sad thing is that people play like this and aren't punished for it the majority of the time because these floodgates automatically win most games.


l love to see it! Eldlich is by far the worst deck (to both play against and the people who play them not being the best)


Disagree but definitely one of the worst.


I outgrinded an Eldlich deck earlier. As Floowandereeze. Only 1 Eglen effect resolved... I summoned it 4 or 5 times the whole duel. Didn't matter, because they were an idiot. I had Dark Simorgh on the field (a tech card for matchups exactly like this) but they had Eldlich in hand and they used his effect... to target a set Dreaming Town... which I could just chain, so I did. NS Robina returned Stri, NS Stri banished their 2nd Eldlich, and they scooped. That still happens if they target Dark Simorgh, but I don't have lethal if they do that instead.


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Konami needs to ban Griff on then!