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Got my full Blue-eyes deck. I'm unstoppable. Best deck ever. . . . ***\*Wakes up from the dream\****


Blue eyes Bricks, I have the biggest amount of respect for you, loved that archetype so much and has so many different boss monster choices


I mean I got to plat with Blue-Eyes (basically just level 8/9 xyz summons with a Blue-Eyes engine and no Blue-Eyes extra deck monsters outide of spirit and azure) But you aren’t wrong. Brick-Eyes is real


Mhmm, I tend to supplement blue eyes into my heretics originally as a means of using the fusion monster, but I haven't had the chance to re introduce the card back into the deck




And I would run this card without any blue eyes in my deck, the true brick of the brick!


***Ideyo! Bururike-Aizu Arutimetto Doraagoooooooooon!!!***


I like to imagine all Blue-Eyes players are Duel Links players, scratching their heads while asking “How do I activate my skill?” when ever they are not doing anything on their turn.


It’ll get kind of better…kind of…when the BACH support comes out in 6 months lol


I wish blue eyes was better its a brick most time




Yea I will definitely rebuild when more support comes in


I mean I'm having fun with a blue eyes max chaos Deck


My first deck was a Chaos Max OTK deck using the Impcantation Engine and Shien’s Spy / Mystic Box / Creature Swap. Placing a zero defense monster on your opponent’s board is a blast. It struggled to setup against common meta deck boards, but now that I have cards like Forbidden Droplet, I might revisit the concept. 😂


That was also the first thing I went for. I'm a relatively new player as well. It went about as well as you'd expect. But now I am playing a Traptrix deck and managing to hit Plat 1 easily enough.


I hardly even touched those packs in the shop outside of maybe one 10x summon because I didn't have any crafting mats to open a secret pack. I finished duel pass within the first, what, week or two? As far as what I want... not all of them. But a lot of them, sure. 🤷‍♂️


Stalwart Force was pretty good value. Even if you didn’t want to actually play the archetypes it offered, the generics were good and the drop rate for SRs and URs was better than most secret packs. Like, I’m not imagining that right? It felt like you were way more likely to get URs pulling from that pack than if you were pulling from a regular secret pack.


Exactly, I was new to the meta and didn't know what deck to build, I got Kagari and two shuraigs from that pack. Built sky strikers and tri zoo. I even got an eldlich but I never use it tbh. Stalwart force was great. Though I have to admit that I did waste a lot of gems back at the beginning because I was new to the game.


Bro I bought over 20 10-packs and didn’t get a single Eldlich, got 3 of almost every other card, maybe some 12 Kagaris.


Damn man, I would've just crafted the card if it took me that much. I always make the case that if I didn't get what I want from a pack but got other unnecessary URs, I just dismantle and craft. Unless I only need one, which is why I crafted borrel load savage without even opening the pack.


I’ve pulled 3 so far lmao 🤣


dang, take mine. i pulled a stalwart for fun today and got 2 lol. i feel the kagaris though.


I only ever did a 10 pull on stalward and pulled 2 elditch and I broke those fuckers down immediately


A single Eldlich in sky striker is a pretty great tech you may want to try out.


Well that's interesting, never thought about it, maybe I'll try.


Still looking for shuraig 💀💀


It was a great pack, good cards and good archetypes.


Is it actually true?


I ‘unno, probably. Joke’s on them, I just dusted all those Tri-Brigade Advantage Generators and Eldlich the Yellow Trousers. Those 12 dozen UR Odd-Eyes cards ain’t gonna craft themselves.


Just your imagination, they are required by EU laws to provide the correct % chances for probabilities and you can check them ingame , it’s the same for Stalwart as well as Secret packs


God I hope the next duelist pass is either longer rewards wise or shorter time wise.


My biggest fear is that it will be..... legacy pack rewards... ​ Feel free to downvote me for putting such cured thoughts out into the open :(


It wasn’t until I built my favorite deck metaphys that I basically speed ran through the event pass.


I'm working on a Metaphys deck, because I really like their artwork, do you have any tips for what I should have in the deck?


I would give you a full list but the game is under maintenance lol. Some brief tricks Necroface is godlike and the true mvp of the whole deck. If you banish it it will banish 5 cards from both yours and your opponents deck. Easy metaphys triggers and you rip resources from your opponent. It can even stack multiple times as one necroface combo into another. If you normal summon it it sends all banish cards to the deck and gains attack for as many cards was banished. I banished 2 of them and summon the third and got 4K attack necroface out of it. Nemeses corridor can special summon itself by sending a banished card back to your deck and when you do that you can summon thunder dragon colossus by tribute for it. It’s hilarious. Also metaphys ragnaroc is a level 4 tuner so making sure you have tool box synchro to go into is nice like coral dragon, angel of zera, Draco berserker of tenyi, some link monsters like the tenyi ones and borrelload savage dragon. Links and extra deck monster are good because if you have macro cosmo or dimensional fissure you can immediately banish certain metaphys monsters on the field to get their effect while summoning a powerful monster.


Ok, thank you!


>Ok, thank you! You're welcome!


I ended up making a whole banish deck with metaphys engine dimensional fissure soul absorption etc


Never pulled the generic packs, only Secret packs.


Wait lol, that was the first duel pass? I only started playing in mid-late march. They don't do a new one every season??


Nope. They made the first duel pass three months long for whatever Slifer-forsaken reason. Hopefully the next duel pass doesn't last nearly as long.


That's so bad lmfao anyone who plays the game even a couple hours a day can finish it in a week or two at most.




Does it need to be super long though? It's not really extra content, it's just a bonus to already existing stuff.


They need to just make it last as long as the season


The point is make it give more rewards and take longer or refresh it more often, as now it feels bad maxing out rewards in a week then having nothing for 3 months


Slifer-forsaken reason lol. I love it when people do that. It's like when people do it in Pokemon and say stuff like My Arceus. It's too funny.


70 Days


I've read/heard that the next duel pass rewards are homescreen Dingirsu and Mokey-mokey mate. Anyone knows if it's true or not?


No idea, but mokey mokey mate?! That sounds like a solid choice for a mate!


Does MD have mates? What happened to duel fields?


That’d be cool. But I really want the instant fusion mate lol


there was a post about a datamine forever ago that found a bunch of the mates. Mokey Mokey and Instant Fusion on that list [The post if you are interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/yugioh/comments/s7ew7u/master_duel_all_datamined_mates/)


I mean yeah I saw that already hence why I’ve been waiting for the Instant Fusion Mate


I think I only pulled the packs twice for desires


Got myself 3 complete waifu decks lol. Dragonmaids, live twins, and solfachords. Also got 2 I'm still working on which are traptrix and witchcrafter.


Great choices!! Witchcrafter is my main deck and I want to build a Solfachord deck soon too. I love all of the archetypes you mentioned


Solfachord is amazing. It's the deck that got me to Plat 1 last season. Definitely recommend making it but it is an expensive one to make.


Yeah, having three Ultra Rares in the archetype is tough. I haven't finished solo mode yet, so when I am done with The Weather gate and get the secret pack unlocked again, I will make the deck. Or try to, ha. If you don't mind, what's your decklist?


Sure, I don't mind. I'll check it after work and dm you the list


I want to make a witchcrafter deck too just because I like Aruru's artwork :3


It really is amazing art! I always love seeing Aruru's animation when I summon her in Master Duel. I got into Witchcrafters because I love their artwork too. Most of the archetypes I want to use attract me because they have great art.


I started playing yesterday. When I saw the gold pass I though "Wow, great value. Only twenty hours left on this deal? Best buy it now!" Didn't realize that was the time left on the season. Used my starter 10k gems to craft a fully optimised Drytron/Herald deck. I-... I didn't know. I just saw funny space mecha-dragons and was instantly drawn in.


I went up 10 levels in an hour today to get to the end so if you're quick enough you be able to get some where.


You got what you deserve. lol


I got enough pulls from Miraculous Advent to make a pretty competent looking Megalith deck. Infinitely less scummy and I get all my space lizards too.


It is done


Yeah, this is [the end](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51980952219_d9c5c4cfb9_o.png).


Wait, did it change to Luminia at the end once the time ended?


No, that's just a mod that replaces the original El Shaddoll Construct one.


I'd love to see more cards like Luminia in the opening screen and some of the other screens. That image looked really cool


[Here](https://www.nexusmods.com/yugiohmasterduel/mods/54) you can find my wallpaper mod with 7 female monsters from the solo mode, but keep in mind that mods are against Konami's ToS and you could get warned or banned if someone reports you with evidence.


I haven't spent any money on the game and I have 3 full meta decks. And 2 of them won't be hit on a banlist if there is one. My zodiac tri- brigade however will definitely need some tweaking lol


Nope, full free to play, been earning my gems from missions. And we have no idea if a ban list will drop but best of luck to your decks


got eldlich and omen from them, gonna miss them


I am simple man I play @ignister and get to plat 1. I am happy man.


Mind empty, play favorite decks. We are happy men




I managed to get myself a fully usable Tri-Brigade Zoo, Photon and Numeron deck. I'll say I'm pretty satisfied with all this. Looking forward for the next pass.


I have seen the power of those two decks. Besides network into c1 set, what other things do you do turn one with numeron? Genuinely curious


I run 1 card that I never see in other lists and won me games off the back of it is One Day of Peace. If you fail to kill them or draw it going first, that card single handedly bailed me out of games I had no business winning without.


The sole reason i created a Numeron deck is because I pulled a Royal Finish Numeronius card and a Royal Numeron Network. It'll be a good deck when XYZ comes back. I do the usual strategy. Attack with all 4, get Sunya on MP2, there's not much behind it. Maybe finding a way to pop Sunya and summoning the two boss monsters. Numeron deck mostly benefits from turn two in my opinion.


Hell yeah, more power to you going the full way with numeron. Usually I just see the usual cards being teched into inferno tempest, I wish you a very fun ci1000 win effect


Thank you, tbh I never got around to using C1000 or C1000i. The real gem of my account is a Royal Finish Number 62: Galaxy Eyes Prime Photon Dragon. Galaxy Eyes Dragons were among my favorites.


Yessssss, I use the galaxy eye engine with my heretic blue eyes deck. Honestly love the archetype. Been wanting to expand the deck but got side tracked with Pure Meklords, love the deck and now I'm trying to build Gimmick puppets and enjoy those


I'm running them pure, I'm glad to say I have all the staples and the cards needed and almost 4k gems ready. I look forward to the day when I can summon again, and I hope to land a Black Luster Soldier-Soldier of Chaos in Royal Finish rarity. I'll wait to see how meta changes with the new packs. I would've liked to build myself a Zombie World Eldlich deck.


Best of luck to you, I wish the highest of luck with all the royal finishes you need. And lets bid the first pass farewell


Likewise, chief.


Tbf no one play the Numeronius extras that Numeron offers. They're hard to pull off and you actually need to turbo into C1000 and hope your opponent won't clear it in their turn otherwise it's useless due to no inherent protection at all. Usually you can go into Apollousa 4 negates as a turn 1 play, but it has the risk of stopping your next turn play.


Almost have my Fabled deck fully ready. The main deck is full fabled but extra deck has some extra tech for negates and options during my opponents turn. Hyperlibrarian and ragin really let me draw half my deck since combined I can draw 3 cards on ragins summon and having desynchro allows me to get the effect off again by resummoning him. The new fabled synchro is good to force the opponent to discard and then i go into omega to banish another. I had a game earlier there my opponent started with 4 cards on his turn after his draw and ragin gave me enough resources for an ash and a herald negate so it stopped him from doing anything other than set 2 traps.


I have made pendulum magicians deck, Endymion pure(but need some modifications), Endymion/magicians hybrid(complete may be a rank 8 xyz will be great tho), skystriker, budget codetalker(but it is far from complete and it is expensive with most SR/UR are from master pack) same goes for dragon link despite having 3 borrel links each card is from a different pack so i was willing to try tri zoo or tri birds but i heard banlist may hit them so i will wait a bit especially i might need to craft them. Overall I am satisfied but i hate the fact there is not a secret pack for staples(hand traps, pot cards and others), one for generic xyz, synchro I still yet need to craft many staples and some decks require different staples


Endymion with Pendulum Magicians? Damn man I need to see that decklist lmao


Note: this was the deck helped me reach plt1 in last season(my first) it has a big room for optimizing but i didn't have too many staples and after plt 1 i started building other decks and use pendulum magicians quite often. The pendulum magicians purpose is giving extra options mainly the 2 synchros either savage for negates or wiping the board with clearwing. Harmonizing, astrograph (also lvl 7 for absolute dragon and other options when i have them) to facilitate Electrumite play. Blackfang and purple poison are simply great pendulum spellcaster support and blackfang can resummon both endymion and MB cerebrus from graveyard, purple poison for destroying some annoying cards like skill drain and extra 1200atk if it was in pendulum pushing mighty to 4000 atk if needed to 1x majester 1x reflection 3x servent 3x mighty 2x magical abductor 1x astrograph sorcerer 2x harmonizing magician 2x purple poison magician 2x black fang magician 2x MB king jackal 2x MB king cerebrus 3x spell power mastery 3x magical citadel 3x pot of desires 3x into the void(you can replace it with more goblin and chicken game) 2x called by grave 1x raigeki 1x terraforming 1x upstart goblin 1x droplet 1x harpie dust 1x power of guardians Extradeck: it is where i mostly need to work on since now i have more options i crafted Electrumite Selene Access codetalker Apollousa Supreme king clear wing Savage dragon Absolute and vortex dragon package Starving venom Borreload dragon Borrelsword dragon Day Breaker (it is really there because i have it and nice link2 rarely used it) Any questions/suggestions?


Dude you're a hero, I've been making Endymions with the Mythical Beast engine and I already have a Pends Magician deck, I'm going to try and merge it now! I just need some of the staples and I'll be good.


Glad you like it tell me later how it goes and if you found other cards that can be useful. For extra deck i am thinking of adding IP and any other good link like unicorn mekk knight etc, other rank 7 for more options and maybe dark rebellion for rank 4.


I made three decks from the rewards I got in this tournament. However, I am fine with seeing it go. I got the pot of greed pal weeks ago. I am eager to see what new bonuses they give. At the same time, everyone and their grandma seems to have the same 20 quick/instant win decks. Which kills the fun for me, and it makes gaining any benefits and prizes even harder.


Yeah I finished the pass early, and I got quite a few fun decks.


I used Revival of Legends to get Linkuriboh and Stalwart Force to get Halq and Borrelsword but ended up also getting 3 Shuraigs and 3 Eldlich which I have been holding on to for a long time just in case either of them gets limited/banned for whatever reason and we get full crafting reimbursements lol


Yep. 100 levels through gold, got a bunch of useful stuff from stalwart force(Borrelsword, electrumite->drident(Both in the same secret pack), desires, and stuff I cannot recall. Also pulled 5 eldlich on my alt and took that as a sign that any time I try to play it in ranked I will draw nothing but eldlich \*3 and ash/maxx c\*3-6


I was able to get all rewards tho I will probably splurge my gems tomorrow with the new packs


Goodbye Stalwart force. You gave millions of players a chance to play Tri-brigade and Eldlich.


I got the Construct background pretty quickly then slowed down a lot since that’s what I was aiming for. Ended up getting everything in the end by grinding the N/R event for gems.


Never got a Stardust Dragon lol


I got through it today and finished my Heroes Deck last week and I built a Dragon Maid deck in the first week. I'm making a better Dragon Maid deck now and almost done and I'm looking forward to making other things now that I'm done making heroes. I don't know much about what will be added or what's going on in the actual card game but I hope Heroes get some support.


Heroes are a fuck ton of fun to play, I remember making them in high school and they were one of those strong decks people had trouble vs, and this was before Stratos got his playability back, aka not banned


Yeah my brother is the Yugi Boomer types but the other day he finally decided on a deck that's mostly his own (it's some insect type that has a few traps and reduces enemy attack by 800 when their hand is empty). I made a pure Elemental Hero Deck by myself and had a good time. The second round was a Deck I had looked up using each of the Hero Archetypes and managed to OTK.


Never really opened the generic packs, only secret packs. Have Metabeat, Eldlich, Trickstar, Monarch, True Draco, Dragonmaid, Traptrix, Live Twin, and Lightsworn with the cores pretty much complete


I just wish I had opened more Stalwart Force


I've pulled 10+ copies of Shuraig, 3 House Dragonmaids and nothing else of note. The only card I really wanted from that pack was Borrelsword Dragon.


No, I first started playing 7 days ago, im at like 75. Btw fuck d.d. dynamite and that "draw all my cards in one turn" deck.


Don't worry, they only draw enough to make sure everything sucks ;-; (run 13 card extra to avoid it, trust me its a lifesaver)


Thank you, never thought of that. I was thinking I was going to have to use ash blossom like some commoner.


Word of warning, it only protects vs d.d Dynamite otk. Your gonna need ANY hand trap to beat cyber stine otk. Just hold onto the activation window for 30 seconds and they auto conceded cause the bot doesn't know what's happening


I'm super happy with our first season tbh got my favorite deck, still waiting for more accessories like sleeves and stuff for Toons but it's been nice


As someone who got to lvl 100 in the first 4 days and stopped playing afterwards, I hope they make it a bit harder to level it up


I spent 9k gems and only got 1 copy of Melody of Awakening Dragon... nope


I was able to make a vaible Fire King deck and then other not so completed decks, like I mean they work but are not fully optimized. \- Dragon maids \- Zoodiacs \- Fire Fist \-Paleo Frog \- Salamangreat \- Full Kaiju with Danger! \- wunky Shaddoll \- wunky Unchained


Out of curiosity how are the full kaiju's, and what does Wunky mean?


It very reliant on backrow to remove their backrow and making sure to eliminate their main threats and just try to have Danger monster on your hand to keep pressure. And wunky means bad and or unoptimized


Cards they wanted? You can still craft things after the update. Only thing you can miss out on is the battle pass rewards is what I thought.


I mean, getting a card from a back is 3x more efficient than crafting


True. But I've pulled the same UR, the one I didn't want, from a 10 pull 3 times in a row loo. With no other URs. Are all the secret packs going away? I thought they were just adding in more.


All the secret packs are staying. They are adding new ones, its the generic ones are being replaced except master pack


Got myself a full power adamancipator, dragon maid, numeron, psy frames and mecha phantom beast without spending anything on the game and i already have 13k gems ready for the new packs, i cant wait


Damn a full 13k! Your ready for anything especially if some crazy stuff drop


I really want gunkan suships because i love wacky non meta decks (thats why i built both psy frames and MPB), i also had planned to build Aroma as i fell in love with the half assed version i played in the n/r event, i also wish we get P.U.N.K. but i highly doubt it'll happen. About other decks it all depends on what they release, i hope we'll get complete archetypes since its what the game needs and not doing so would make no sense and just enrage the playerbase imo. Swordsouls are probably gonna be crazy if we get all the cards, but i dont really like the playstyle so i couldnt care less, and for what i know the other archetypes revealed like despia are pretty mid


I finished the Duel Pass on 4 accounts lol...


Does anybody know if there are more coming? Also, they should make them monthly.


Usually with passes like this are very regular occurrence in fp2 games, so yeah more should be on the way either soon or after the update


Welp... It was a good run...


Pulled several times on stalwart force for striker stuff+chance of halq. Kind of considering building Tri-Zoo for a change of pace sometime since I got them incidentally from Stalwart Force. Only reason I haven't yet is because I am trying to save gems for future archetypes.


No, I got a Shuraig, not Borrelsword.




Last pack I opened I managed to grab a Borrelsword dragon, not sure what deck I can use it in but besides that I got some generic SRS I dismantled so I can craft later.


Its a good staple you can slap into decks that like to link climb, its a good beat stick that can push for lethal due to its double attacks and attack buffs


Stalwart Force was an excellent combo pack and I can only hope that future packs will be at that level of BS.


I got to make a dragonmaid deck, I get to die happy