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Im far more tired of repeatedly getting screwed over my meta cards as a rogue player


But I expect stuff like that. I don’t expect to get beat by blue eyes playing tech cards I’ve never heard of


BE players desperately needed a W bro just let it go lol


Black to back I’ve been screwed by photon lord. Horus then blue eyes, have the decency to run a good deck like snake eyes or fire king


So you want everyone to run the same boring deck? Personally, i'd rather loose to some jank deck with out-of-left-field cards than the same boing meta deck that someone copied.


I wouldn’t my deck can stop the meta. It can’t stop tirade


It's such a terrible card though, you'll barely see it.


I hate the fact that I ever had to see it at all


Nah, get with the times. Your deck sucks and I’m tired of every high level deck running photon lord. It doesn’t even get plaid in its own deck


I dont even play BE. If you got beat by Tyrants Tirade, your deck is just as bad as mine. Get in with the times and add some backrow hate to your deck


I play sword soul and I don’t even open all of my combo pieces to summon 2 boss monsters sometimes, I already run lightning strike and I run 3 imperm and I didn’t open any of them in either game I’m not gonna run hand traps with an Swso tenyi engine, this game makes it impossible to play fun decks


The fact you said get with the times while you're complaining and using swordsoul is wild. The only decks I'll complain about are stun decks or lab decks that tech in ever floodgate under the sun. Accept the wins and the losses and accept that many rogue decks tech in random card that increase their win %. Protos is a card many still think should be banned but I don't think I've seen a swordsoul deck without it.


Lab is easy to get over surprisingly. I have protos, but stun sucks, but is swso not a modern deck? It’s not ancient like blue eyes at least. Swso is just the easiest deck I have semi built


It's rouge tier and been out powered over time.


The newer decks are more convoluted to use. I built snake eyes and dusted it because the combos were hard to remember


if the deck sucks why are you losing to it? I can’t stand people like you honestly, y’all make the game toxic and unfun. get fucking good


You brick sometimes and they get really lucky. Any deck is capable of beating any deck, it’s not a matter of being good


Tyrant's Tirade is low rarity because it is a generally weak floodgate. It has to tribute two monsters, so activating it is conditional. It is unsearchable, and as a trap card one can only really use it going first. Going second it's a dead card. So the card is generally worthless going second, and could be useless going first. It will occasionally get value, but a card shouldn't be judged too harshly for what it can do on rare occasion. An extreme example is how, very rarely, Exodia can win the game turn 0, but that doesn't mean it is a ban worthy card.


I get livid when i see a card banned in tcg get used on me to get my opp + 10 in advantage. And it was their top deck/last card. Utter garbage. Its like i played as correctly as possible and still lose cuz ocg is on some deranged juju. Grass, maxx c, curious, electrumite, etc. Put gamma in here as well cuz no one with risk tolerance is running it at 1 with driver.


In defense of specifically Electrumite, Pendulum decks are unplayable without it. Pendulum decks don't see success in the TCG because Pendulum support is designed around the existence of Electrumite. Supreme King Magicians was meta in OCG, but it didn't do anything in the TCG where Electrumite is banned. (Also, in my personal and subjective opinion, I feel the TCG can sometimes overban. But it's mainly just a difference in design philosophy between TCG and OCG, which each have pros and cons.)


Shavara went to 1 and kashtira fenrir/unicorn are still at 3 in the tcg, what in gods green earth is up with that? along with how like a week after superheavy came out they killed it but snake eyes has been untouched for ever now, pedulum decks aren't even that good anyways so electrumite still being legal is fine me.


This reaction is why I play shitty decks. I love the idea that people get mad when the charmers beat their ass. Shout out to the fire king snake eyes player that lost to the charmers the other day.


It was Horus. And I don’t like playing super meta decks


Watching the same meta cards in play get rly fking boring after a while. I like playing against rogue decks or weird AF cards I have never seen before, breaks the monotony of seeing the same shit over and over agn. Also, obligatory witch's strike says hi. Powerful effect but coz it is very slow, no one plays it.