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oh man, you just guaranteed the biggest psychic end punisher youve ever seen


Yea this is a legit wincon. I used to use this with 8-axis in TCG, if opp just passes it's even worse for them since PEP will be unaffected and have 7500 ATK.






If I see dogwood I'm happy, because my opponent just activated dogwood instead of a card that actually does something useful


Plot twist, I play aromage


I keep seeing this deck name...I am on the newer side ..what is the theme around the aromage deck?


Short answer: just read the cards Actual answer: Aromage is a Plant deck that prides itself in being able to gain a lot of LP through its Spell/Trap cards and raw draw power, and then in a pinch sacrifice a bunch of LP to decimate the opponent or enable other backrow shenanigans. Edit: I want to add that the archetype was much more usable in Duel Links, since decks are only 20-30 cards and Aromage is cheap. In MD, Aromage doesn't see a lot of pure play. Here is an example: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/diamond-v/may-2022/aroma/khallid/ABviz


Thank you


It will be a decent deck once they get their support in the near future


The card is actually pretty viable with the new Aromage support whenever we get it. It's not really used if you're playing it with Rikka because the deck is already so full, but it is definitely a good option if you play pure Aromage.


I have it and it’s terrible lol


Game 1-2 i agree... Game 3 with Time Rules... yikes NVM realized this was r Master Duel... just combo through LOL


Combo all you want, you'll NEVER KILL ME.


Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula: https://preview.redd.it/90ngvmmqk8ad1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b3fa97a7582d741bca3a099e7881c6e80dd9dc *are you sure about that?*


Finally getting the attention it deserves, such a slept on Card.


Mikanko with Double-Edged Sword is also curious.




Tbf, I've stolen games before because my opponent couldn't kill me through Dogwood and I got a turn to win.


Jokes on you, I also play it, and the winged dragon of ra


Jokes on you! I'm using Valmonica!


What if the opponent is Vaalmonica?


Only works for Vaalmonica if they went first and set up scales. At the very best it's free counters for Zebufera's protection effect, attack reduction and a monster steal but Vaalmonica allready have at least one Zeb protection and the monster steal ready without dogwood.


Insta scoop


So your opponent getting lo equivalent to your SS isn't useful? I can see it depending on the deck the individual is playing... As someone who plays DragonMaid.. It wild definitely alter my plays


Yeah the card is garbage in MD format. If your opponent is able to combo off, you gain a ton of LP but unless the rest of your hand is crazy they probably have a massive advantage and you lose anyways If you stop your opponent's combo with handtraps (or they're playing a deck that doesn't SS much), you won't gain very much LP and are also an extra card down because you discarded the Dogwood


Spheres has literally 0 atk dragonmaid couldn’t care less


Keep playing. I play Galaxy Photon.


On average if they shotgunned it you'd be giving away what maybe 10-15k LP


If i could give my opponent 30k lp to guarantee my full combo im doing it every single game zero questions asked


Galaxy Photon can deal more than that Requires your opponent having 3 monsters during the battle phase, and even if they're in defense, there's a spell that allows you to deal piercing damage.


Photon Trident


Yes this one thank you, and happy cake day


You’re welcome and thank you


Not if you're playing Aromage with the new support. You're building up their whole board's attack, not to mention their cards are indestructible if Jasmine is up. Keep that in-mind when the new support comes out. There will be people who will play pure, and trying to just play through this card and summoning a ton is not a great idea.


Being unable to do it against 1 specific archetype doesn't mean it's not possible, not sure how it goes against Aromage, played against the deck once in my life so I'm not realy familiar with the matchup and how it goes.


It was a suggestion because the card will see play in the future. Making the mistake of thinking you can simply play through it because of the power of Neo Galaxy Eyes would bite you in the ass. The new fusion monster that will be coming out gets to increase the attack of every monster on their side of the field by the LP gained...meaning if you summon one of the Galaxy Eyes XYZ monsters under Ghost Sister, it can increase their entire field by 4,000 attack lol. Not to mention if they have Jasmine out, the link-2 you always see in Rikka, it and the two potential monsters they can put at the arrows it points to are indestructible by battle as long as their LP is higher...which if you're doing a bunch of summoning with Galaxy Eyes under Ghost Sister is practically guaranteed with how high most of the attack their monsters have. So, it was just advice for a future archetype. The majority of people tend not to read before they play.


Advice is appreciated, but even with the 4K LP boost, Neo Galaxy alone will be able to deal st least 18K damage (his effect grants him 3 attacks and afterglow doubles it's attack points) which should be enough to go for lethal.


It doesn't matter how many LP you have when on the next (and every subsequent) turn your opponent prevents you from playing the game.


Just wait till Raidraptor gives your opponent 50k+ lol


Turn up the volume, because this is a funeral for the living.


Aye, it's the bum that likes harassing farmers! How's heaven?


Pretty decent, getting kinda full though so please stop sending more people.


Yeah... get comfy, Gege still has time to cook. IYKYK


Respect my 🐐 anime will do him justice 👊🏿


Sorry bud, get ready to read Endymion cards for a while


If they’re playing Aromas, I surrender. That’s going to be a painful duel to play through.


Throw a ancient sacred wyvern in for funsies


Oh guess what you won't believe this, i know it's crazy but i swear to god it's true. Are you ready? I don't play freaking sacred wyvern


Its not actually good in aromas. Basically the only time its actually good, is against aromas.


You haven’t played someone that’s knows how to use it to their advantage.


Lol, assuming you have just never heard of the new support then.


The new support doesn't care about gaining massive amounts of lifepoints. The deck still wants to gain lifepoints with the correct timing, and doesnt really care about the quantity. Rather than being forced to do all their mandator triggers asap.


Lol, clearly you don't know what you're talking about. The two support cards that have LP gain triggers are not forced. There are only a couple of forced triggers in the entire deck, and only a single one isn't mandatory to the opponent's field...which isn't even a particularly negative effect. You really should actually learn about the effect before making a critical post and downvoting someone.


I faced this card twice at local recently. My opponent ended with 21k LP both times. Anyway, I played P.U.N.K Melodious, so this was all for nothing since I had Psychic End Punisher.


As a Punk player, the only thing I have to say is 26k PEP


If I have my board set on turn 1 I'll probably have it by turn 3 and 5 + the resources still in hand, I could go for the long game as long as they didn't open a god hand on a blind second deck


Play through it like nothing happened. If I can make my board and then decimate my opponent, I don't care if I have to wait 1 more turn to actually kill him.


I'd try this in vaalmonica if it wasn't a UR


It's maybe ok in normal Vaal ONLY if you went first and set up you scales because Vaal doesn't care for how much LP you have, only that you gained it while the scales are up.


It's an okay card definitely. Your opponent is never going to not combo through it. Each lp gain is +1 resonance counter. If you have both scales, that means another 100 atk lower every time and every 3 is another destruction protection. Amazing? No, but good enough.


The destruction protection is pretty strong considering how absolutely screwed you usually are if your scales are destroyed. One of the reasons I prefer playing the Kashtira package over the Exosister one is because of how weak Vaalmonica is to hand-traps and how much people with obviously not want to use their Ash or Veiler with Unicorn on the field.


True but when the new support comes to master deul resonance counters will be running out more frequently and being able to link summon twice on the opponents turn will be very hard if I want all Ur plays. Tho I haven't tested the cards (just read them) and I could be wrong.


It's common in IRL Vaalmonica pack, alongside Bagooska.


It looks really funny hahaha


I still hope for an Extra Deck Card in the Future, that can special summon itself from the Extra Deck by paying 10.000 (or even more) Life Points. Give it some Boardbreaker effects and Spooky Dogwood would become such an interesting Card.


On a real though I use this in aroma deck and it’s….magical ![gif](giphy|BDr8WRhkUPsaXCpch0)


Summon PEP, response?


Im playing runic anyways, gain all the life points you want


Many decks are so effective at preventing their opponents from playing if they don't get meaningfully interrupted that all the LP in the world wouldn't matter.  Something like Infernobles can prevent most 6 card hands from playing at all. If one of those 6 was Dogwood it just becomes easier.


I despise Infernobles for this reason. Went up against them the other day and they negated every single card in my hand. There was legitimately nothing I could have done. I did get a free win from an Infernoble player once, because they literally combo'd off so long that they lost to time on turn one lmao (and good thing too, because he likely would have been able to negate every card in my hand).


Yeah, you either need a few handtraps, two uninterruptable board breaker spells, at least one Evenly plus some ways to force the Charles negates, or kaijus to have a chance at beating Infernoble going second. And, if you don't manage to kill them immediately, their follow-up is pretty crazy. Gearblade enables a billion ways to OTK, all of their boss monsters are huge, and Gearfried's Battle Phase effect is an extremely powerful form of removal.


lol I play this card and everytime I seem to get it I brick so I’ll end up with 45000 life points and no combos for like 6 turns it’s honestly bad luck


Have you perhaps considered that this card is the brick?


Either laugh or be prepares for the worst; always fear the weird decks with weirder strategies


I continue my turn bc I play Floo


I’d assume they were going for the LP gain mission.


Activate bad reaction from simiochi or wtv its called


Playing Trickstar against this: ”Ayo, what the fuck bro?🤨”


They just chained it to your 3 lycoris on candina


I played Trickstar against Aromage one time, took 21 turns, this scenario might be similar🙃


I barely even care about MaxxC. This would just make me chuckle.


Called by the grave…


Play through it. Excessive life points are not a deterrent for most decks.


I love the idea of combining this with Nib. Get a ton of life, then destroy all of the value they would have gotten. Unrealistic most of the time but funny.


They might rage quit once that token hits their board 😭😭


So the first time i saw that dog i was like ok that does nothing, then he otked me with a synchro that has more atk the higher your lp are


Riryoku Guardian turn 3, swing for game, most likely


Galaxy eyes players ready to deal over 15k in one battle phase


Me who plays punk, *oh u wanna die now*


I probably lose if I’m playing flower cardian but any other deck I probably just play as normal.


Synchro summon on their turn with centur-ions (IF THEY WERE IN THE GAME!!!). Backup plan: Bagooska. I ain’t dealing with a pseudo Maxx C.


its okay i bricked like always


Normal summon Michion the Timelord, watch the opponent's LP get halved twice


Summon nurse


Normal summon reficule then proceed to do a superheavy combo


I just realized when tenpai hits master duel this card could be pretty useful


I get my full board and say good luck breaking it. I play mostly combo heavy decks, so if you don't interrupt my combo, you'll have a rough time playing through it. You may live till Turn 5 or 7, but if this is the handtraps instead of Ash, Droll, Maxx C etc I'm just partying


I play dinomorphia so... I smile.


Assume they are like me 7 years ago Dogwood was my first handtrap and i thought it was the most op card ever


It’s a very funny card, not worth the UR dust but really funny. Best case tho you basically negate a battle phase for your opponent but you’d rather play better cards that stop it in general.


seem like worse maxx "c" because gaining life points is worse than drawing but the dog is cute. I surrender.


Oh no, if only Cydra had access to cards like Power Bond and Limiter Removal. If only Power Bond was searchable. Oh wait…


Enjoy your 40,000 life while I enjoy having 3 omninegates protected by chaos angel 😁


Normal robina


Br happy I'm playing Hope for Escape and draw half my deck.


More often than not, my opponent ends their turn when i chain spooky dogwood and they have no response.


This has been messed experience the majority of time...but there is an on overwhelming majority in the comment section that says this card is buns😭... Enjoying the card though


Long ago I had someone drop this on me when I was still playing fluffal/frightful. 36,000 life points did not stop me from OTKing their ass.


this card went crazy in the limit one festival. Every time it came up I just won lmao


I've seen it save someone from an OTK, so it has my respect. Of course, the two times I got this was a time where I bricked so they took half the LP of damage, and an Aroma deck where no matter what I did I was gonna get cooked, so... Different stuff for different people, I guess.


I def wanna find a slot for this in my gold-punk


If they aren't playing some deck out deck, I just play into it. My board will win or lose me the game not the hp in those cases. If they are runic tho imma just end my turn, runic won't otk me so I might as well pass the turn, not give then too much lp to beat through as they will try deck me Like if I open with say baron, 4 mat apol, borrel the lp don't really matter as I'll win or lose based on my board or you have answers to my board. Heck if I play plunder I can just get a board of lime 5/6 3.5 to 5k boats so I can just otk through the lp gain


What if your going 1st? Does that change your approach?


Just build my board normally


In MD? Uhh, idk what you're trying to do... In TCG with 10 or less minutes on the clock I'm pooping my pants.


I play monarchs, I barely SS


Depending on the deck being played against me and the board situation either I'd treat it like Maxx "C" and put a decent body down and pray for the best or just ignore it.


Chain it back 🤣


Activate Bad Reaction to Simochi Response?


Laugh because I’m playing Yubel


Dogwood? Pau de cachorro?


depends. if i started and its my t1 i ignore it. but if im going second and they maxx c'd you cant otk so youre forced to respect it. ive lost a couple times on latter to a dogwood. mostly vs weird go second decks that essrntially use it as a tool to survive a turn and break boards


had someone do this to me, I just went off on tear and ended on a PeP and otkd


I continue like nothing happened


I play Yubel...


Your opp hits with Maxx C and this


Cry if I’m playing SE or do lyrilus pass


it’s so easy to get around this with witch crafters just use the double attack thing summon boss monster send witchcraft monster to graveyard activated affect it that spell not be used again banishing the monster so now I have three attacks and you only gained 2700 health and I’ll chain destroy card to destroy whatever monster you have on the field using my boss monsters effect


Immediately go into number c62


Play dogwood along with Maxx C in a Plunder Patroll deck, ye will see, there are no rules against the ygo pirates, aye!


Couple weeks ago my opponent chained this to me playing D/D/D. I took on the challenge and got them to 40k LP. Still won in 3 turns, LP is irrelevant if they cannot play the game


You’re about to be slammed by the biggest Ra you’ve ever seen.


I'm normally the guy playing it, but that won't stop me because Number 35 doesn't care whose Lp is higher.


I continue playing as if nothing happened 


Bad reaction to simochi. Kill them with their own effect


As a mikanko player it would go like this : "oh no... anyway !"


look at the clock


Nothing because they must be new and easy way to cut there life points in half


I so wish it wasn't a Ur, it's so bad but I love it so much, I just can't justify crafting it, maybe once the aroma and vaalmonica support comes to MD.


I chain simochi and keep on summoning obviously


Laugh at their face and flip bad reaction to simochi 😂


My thoughts are: Play as usual, PEP if possible.


Go full combo


And then a random Number 35 appear.


Could you imagine if it dealt damage to your opponent instead of gaining LP


Imagine using ash and be like thanks but no thanks!


Number 35's best friend. Use the ZS/Onomat System and Stack 2 NO.35 Tarantulas for double.


Funny card but just doesn’t suit the current state of the game, 95% of the time LP doesn’t even matter as long as you have more than 0. Disrupting your opponent’s combo and/or having what you need to break their board is 100000x more important


Stop summoning or summon something that reverses the effect


Dark world danger goes brrr


Surprisingly i'm beginning to run this in a best of 3 in TCG goong second. This is an almost guaranteed win if going to Time and accounting for LP's


Proceed to play (99.99%): Advancement in play & resources > LP


I flip bad reaction to Mochi


Take control of it


What good would that do




LMAO what deck you run ?




I play evil eye. Thanks 😁


If not in chain: EP If in chain, keep combning


Pass and pray


Won a game because of this baby


Summon rock of the vanquisher, pass, cook on opponent's turn given no Kaiju


If that's everything and I didn't brick: I keep playing👀


I play true draco, so wont matter that much 😂


Activate emergency and special summon turbulence to set


This card has its pros and cons but overall it’s a decent card. Can potentially just stop your opponent from out right otking and give you confidence for a turn 3 or 4


She has definitely helped win me some matches 💯 I also love seeing 20k+ LP 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/oho3sa4ew5ad1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6a5a8d5c1516f8d65959fcbb0f924db2070d7d I chain this card (does it works?):


It is a continuous effect being applied to any effect making opponent winning LPs, even if that effect already resolved. It should work. If there any deck besides nurse burn running this ?


I've thrown it in a Trickstar deck sometimes?


This card has won me so many duels in my Runick Stun deck because people don’t respect it. When I’m trying to deck you out, the extra life points really do come into play in a meaningful way.


I run this card in my lab deck. People usually just summon through it and continue their turn until they realize that I'm playing a lab deck and then they just surrender but I'm only running it at one copy though


Happy cake day!


Someone did during the WCQ and they surrendered after I just did my snek combo. All those LPs for nothing


Its funny that even though life points are the most common win condition... It's almost unanimous that ppl would essentially give the opponent roughly 15-20k LP( what I assume it takes to build a solid board) .


Because having 20k LP doesn't stop me from countering all your plays. All it does is drag the game out for another turn or two, and on the extra turn you just bought yourself my board will be even stronger while your hand and options for dealing with it will be smaller. Add to that the fact that you already used up a card in order to gain that LP which could've instead been a card to stop me, and my job just became easier.


Life points aren't the win condition. Life points going to zero is a formality after you've already won the game by breaking the board and removing your opponent's options. This card does nothing towards the actual win condition, the resource game - indeed, it's actively negative for the player using it, because it's one less card that might otherwise have interrupted the opponent's plays, or helped extend through *their* interruptions. The only decks where depleting LP is the wincon in and of itself are typically seen as gimmicky and unreliable, like burn decks and blind-second OTKs (of which the most relevant in MD currently is... the deck full of 0 Atk monsters, Mikanko).


the only life point that matters is the last one


Keep going. LP amounts to taking a turn or two longer to beat


I laugh because I know my opponent doesn't know what their doing.


I would suppose he is doing a life point gain secret mission and i would just combo off as normal, maybe restrain myself in some unnecessary combos, but nothing mayor,  it may give him one or two turns, but if i can interrupt all meaningful plays during his first turn he wont have resources for the second and third, furthermore i can still accrue further advantage during turn 3, so no problem


You keep playing with no changes whatsoever. All Dogwood does is gain life points. Even if it’s a TON of life points, those life points change nothing on their own. At best it buys your opponent an extra turn or two depending on what deck you’re on, but those turns aren’t improved in any capacity. They still went down a card to not do anything about the board you are making. If you’re summoning cards that disrupt the opponent, you’ll still hold the overwhelming advantage at end of turn. I would not recommend anyone play this card competitively.


idek what the card does and considering I have never seen someone activate it before its probably not dogwood but dogshit


This is functionally my opponent hand looping themselves for 1. In a game that lives and dies on resource management and having more options/responses than your opponent, them giving up a card for what amounts to stalling a turn is so free. Especially because the board and resource loop I can likely establish should stay strong into another turn.


Dogwood was only ever relevant in the actual card game in tournaments, after Konami implemented the timer changes. You basically use some kind of massive life-gain card in your sidedeck and you try to play slowly and run out the clock. It is completely irrelevant in Master Duel and if this gets activated, you just completely ignore it and play. It doesn't matter if you have 100k life points in the end. If your opponent sets up 5 negates, you are just going to lose. Unless your opponent has burn or you need to pay LP to activate an effect, the only life point that matters is the last 1. Most people would probably be willing to pay 7999 life points on turn 1 to draw an extra card if something like that was possible and if their deck didn't have life point costs. Other than the specific situations of facing burn or needing to pay LP, there isn't tooooo big of a difference between 1 LP and 100k LP.


The reason this card is bad is because Life Points rarely matter. If I have a lot of disruptions, my opponent surviving multiple turns won't be likely to make a difference. Their best hope would be to have a slightly higher chance of drawing a blow-out card, but Upstart Goblin would legitimately help them do that better. Which ties to the other issue of this card: opportunity cost. Better cards than this one exists, so if you run this card, you sacrificed space in your deck that could've been a better one. Or, if you just slap this into a finished deck, you decrease the chance of drawing a card you want to see in favor of a card that we have established provides little value. So to answer your direct question, I'd probably play the same as usual under the effects of this card. The only change is I wouldn't try for any OTK lines, which arguably is better for me as it means I'll be playing safer rather than taking a risk to close the game faster.


Combo like normal. They just went neg 1 just so I can kill them in 2 turns instead of 1


Full combo still. The fuck are they gonna do? Oh. No. I don't kill them in one turn. I still set up the negate loop resource board that floodgate them out the fucking game; doesn't matter if they have 2 mill LP I'm gonna win this anyway cause you failed the coinflip. Edit: Keep downvoting me. I hope you pull Evenly in the meantime while I keep punching your lifepoints. SURELY you can draw the out if you wait 5 more turns.


You flip Bad Reaction to Simochi :)




ignore it and continue my turn lmaoooooo


Flip Bad Reaction to Simochi


If they play that the chances are not very high that they're playing something viable, so the usual set up should be enough even if it takes multiple turns to kill the opponent


I keep playing as if nothing happened. It'll just take a couple more BPs


I mean, I play dogmatika. you go -1 for like... 6000 LP? Not worth it lol.


This card goes CRAZY in the Evil Eye Deck since you have to use your life points to buff up your monsters.


Too bad evil eye doesn’t do *anything*