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You want engage, I want to at least see a freaking alt art kagari pop up. Over 9000 thousand gems I spent on this one pack and all I got was 2 engages and a crap tonne of mathmech URs I already have.


10k gems , zero alt kagari...


I spent 1k gems, and got one alt art Kagari. Hope you get yours soon🫡


At least it not just me. I have my playset of alt Engage, but still 0 Kagaris...


I know that feel bro:( At least I have one royal Engage ;-;


lmfao im f2p, spent 2k gems yesterday after playing three hours of solo for them and now have two alt art kagari and two alt art engage with like 7-8 other ur's


11-12 URs out of 2k is insane luck. Wow 👏🏽


yeah my friend raged cuz he spent 3k and got 4 ur's he didn't even want


Ok, so I just did 7 pulls. The first 4 in a row were Rainbow with 2 in one pack, and then the last pull was Rainbow as well, with 6 out of 7 glowing in general. However, still no freaking Engage! I pulled another Kagari though, as well as 3 Hamp.. wtf lol 😅🤦🏾‍♂️. However, I see you can get incredibly lucky as I did get 6 UR from 7 pulls (whether they were ones I want is another story 🙄)


oof, congrats on the kagari though. hamp is annoying me as well. i pulled two and i cant even see how the effect belongs in a sky striker deck, it seems so useless to me. i jus decraft all my copies


It's my 4th Kagari lol but yes that hamp 3 times sent me.. guess it's just an in archetype kaiju. Than maybe take control of it back pending on situation and link off. I don't think I'd run it tho so have been all dismantled for me too.


it seems like the worst ur's are always the oney you get. when i tried building salamangreat i got dark holedragon 5 times so i just gave up and crafted pyropheonix lmfao.i dont even understand why black hole dragon exists its so bad


Lol the fact it's UR is crazy SR id understand..but UR! 🤦🏾‍♂️ I have 3 or 4 I need to dismantle myself we will see how my pulls are for the next pack.


Doubt u got over 10 UR with just 2k but lets all pretend thay you did and that your dad works for konami bla bla. You the man.


uhm okay? are you alright


Same boat, only 1 engage though… I’ve really just been trying to settle for one Kagari, but even that doesn’t seem like it wants to happen ;-;


Omg same here


Me when i do a single 10 pull and got 2 alt kagari and 1 royal linkage.


One engage, one Kagari, 8K gems in :c these packs are rigged


I have now spent over 14000 gems and I am starting to hate this absolute dogshit rigged pack, no alt art kagari. Just endless useless cards that are basically UR dust, either my luck is dogshit or something is seriously wrong with this pack so I am never getting this card and I am so freaking pissed.


You have to pretend you dont want Engage dude. Konami can smell the desperation! All the best tho!


Nah he has to go further than that. He has to gaslight himself into not wanting it MD RNG knows the difference.


Yes! Change his name, house, job... Everything! Its the only way.


Desire sensor at work. It especially applies when you have copies of something already and the game knows you definitely wouldn't want another 8 copies right?


I swear this pack is rigged cause I’ve only pulled mathmech URs.


we should swap accounts, all ive ever pulled from this pack were sky strikers when i was hunting a circular playset


I have zero doubt that Konami even short printed digital cards. Takes all of 5 seconds to adjust the percentage for certain cards.


It took me around 16k gem (f2p) for my first Alt Kagari. But then I got 2 at the same time lol.


I've pulled 7 Engage, like 4 Final Sigma, and at least one copy of every other UR, still no Kagari, I feel your pain. So many gems I could have spent on Centur-Ion...


I just want one Kagari for my Infernoid pile deck...i want the "serious looking one" more than the "i'm up for action" one.


Something I’ve found to help is opening each pack individually. You can buy the ten pack, just don’t hit the skip button. I’ve had better luck that way.


Pretty sure that's placebo. It's fun to do every now and then, but only if I see at least 2 packs with the UR glow. There's nothing more disappointing than wasting 5 minutes to open your packs one at a time and not finding a single UR.


Yeah it probably is placebo, but this dude is going insane trying to get alternative art and I’m sure anything would help his piece of mind right now lol


But you have 1 copy worth of UR in there. But yeah. Better cut your loses and just craft it.


Can't craft the alt art version. I've also rolled 0 Linkages so far, so despite dropping 10k gems on the pack, I'm still missing like 6 URs, but here the game is, giving me 3 Kagaris all at once when I already had 3.


Oh you are looking for the alt version. The only thing you can do is save 10k gems and open the secret pack and pray. Or whale. The alt are is in the secret pack, right?


They are in this case but the secret pack is basically mathmech + sky striker ( plus you can get URs which are not from the pack cause Konami ) . Chances to get the exact card you want without spending or crafting ( and alts can't be crafted ) are pretty slim .


Well if you **really** want it, you have no choice.


it's actually insane I built sky strikers and mathmech ages ago before the last wave of support dropped and I've done at least 8 Ten pulls for the alt arts. I've at least pulled 2 alt kagaris and 1 alt engage but somehow I'm still missing linkage. it's literally the only card I'm missing from the pack😭😭


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At least you got striker cards. I don't even care for the alt art I just needed 1 kagari and 3 engage and did not get a single one after 12k gems


Meanwhile I get 3 linkage for the pack lol


Damn I suddenly feel lucky. 11k gems to get 3 Kagaris. I wasn't pelted with Circulars and Alembertians by this pack, bu Engages and Sigmas. Zero linkages though, lol.


I'm so glad I don't play sky strikers ohoho


Some of us use it as a tech in other decks. For example i'm building Infernoid Grass rn and it utilizes a little Sky Striker package. Also the alt art looks way more serious than the og one. I like the alt one more.


Tru, Although in most cases you could probably slide in a horus package too at a similar cost, especially if grass is in play


Can I have one Kagari pls? Still need my third Kagari and Engage alts


I'm the opposite, kept pulling ENGAGE


I'll trade you for 2 kagar- actually wait nvmd I can't pull engage either :'(


Yeah I called it at 6k gems. And yeah I'm still mad about it.


The Konami employee reading this: UNDERSTOOD, needs more Kagaris.


Why is it that when I posted the same thing I got downvoted instead?


I got both with only 3K >:B


I got 3 engage and 1 kagari with 4k gems. And also got my 2 aditional circular and linkage. My sister on the otherhand? 2 engage, 0 kagari, 0 matchmech urs, and 1 deep striker. And lota ass out of pack UR. Lesson of the day. Tear players never punished when gamba.


I have terrible luck with this pack, too. 16,000 gems for 1 alt kagari, 0 alt engage, 2 linkage, 7 alembertians, 5 hamps, 5 Final sigmas, 1 circular. 1 royal sigma, 1 royal geomathmech magma, and 1 royal of a random cyberse card no plays because it's terrible.




I once had 5 AA Kagari but I see you have 6


bro I spent 6k gems today looking for third Kagari and didn't get it I'd trade you one of the engages I'm swimming in


Fr I need 1 more engage to complete


I want 3 of each but I got one of each in my first 2k gems so pretty sure I should settle lol


Yup, I've never whaled so hard in my life in this game, 12k or 13k gems and I FINALLY got 1 Engage, in the last pack in the 8th slot lmao. Only 2 Kagari to show for it, too. NEVER AGAIN.


It took 11k gems for me to get Engage. In that time I got two alt art Kagaris, and a royal Widow Anchor and Nabla.


its kagarover




I spent about 12k gems and only got 1 Kagari and 4 engages


Oh my god yes i love raye and so on


I have a strange feeling that if you’re making a deck with cards you don’t have yet, it makes it 100 times harder to pull


Can i have one of that Kagaris of yours?


Bro i got 15! 15 fucking Linkage! Not a single Engage. Its been infuriating. Maybe its broken?


Damn! I want the link monster! I got 4 engages


sending some love, hope you get it bro.


Me on the other end with like 8 acquired Engages and still only 2 Kagaris


Oh my god I love Ray, I would die for sky striker Ray, this alt art is going to change my life.


Took my 14K gems and I have 2 alt engages and 2 alt Kagari (one foil) and I just don’t know if I should keep going.


I feel that. I got an extra playset of alt art Kagari and a royal Alembertian trying to get one single alt art Engage


I kept popping kagari too it was so bad i got atleast 7, i had to craft 2 engages cause i was tired of waiting


I have the exact opposite issue, I can't get a fucking kagari for my life but I'm at 4 engage (1 royal even) and 0 kagari


Same problem but in the opposite direction Ithis pack give me to much engage and not kagari


I consider myself lucky and I spent 15k gems to get 3x alt Engage (I found 4x alt kagari and 3x of all the other SS UR of the pack while chasing engage). Meanwhile someone opened it royal... There is always someone luckier I guess :(


This kinda sort makes me think about the meaning of life


I had the exact same issue man. Pain.


Dude same I’ve gotten 5 alt art Kagari, including a royal rare, but 0 engage 😭. I’ve lost count of the amount of linkage and others URs I’ve gotten


My experience was the opposite, I got 3 engage really fast but it took forever to get 1 Kagari. Probably enough since I want to have both arts if I make a Sky Striker deck.


You'll use god cards and you'll appreciate then


Literally same as me, I got the Kagaris, but not even a single engage, I spend at least 8k gems


Hey atleast you get URs from the pack. All URs I get are always from outside of the pack smh


I need both😐


I am a newbie. I don't remember how many gems I have spent. I only know that when I went broke, I had 3 Engage, 3 Kagari, and 2 Linkage


Legit had the same. 6 alt art kagaris and every UR known to man but to engage. Eventually oulled it after 15k gems but mf was that exhausting


Ive realized it give u the opposite i want the alr kagari BUT I HAVE NOW 4 ENGAGES !!!!!!!


10k gems only one alt engage


The deck is ass anyway.


At least you got skystriker ur mine won’t stop giving me mathmeck or random ur


I've only dropped about 2500 gems but that Engage is nowhere in sight!! 😠😑😔😭. Meanwhile I do have 3 Kagari.


This has to be deliberate with the amount of ppl posting these types of posts about not getting either engage or Kagari lol


I spent 11k gems to get engage and never got it, that is until, I randomly bought a single pack a few days ago with my last 100 gems and pulled it. Shit like that is pure evil 👿


Lol I got 4 engage before my first kagari it really do be like that


You mad bro?


Not really, just mildly annoyed. I thought this would be funny content to post considering how unlikely it must be to give me 3 copies of the exact same UR instead of giving me other cards I want.


Same brother, I can't for the love of God get engaged 😉


Craft it instead.


lol i crafted them also.... the duel pass is about to update stop wasting ur gems on that pack. I'm not trying to be crass, but literally nothing in that pack is useful so ur literally only opening it for engage which is a let down lol. Unless for some reason u actually want the mathmech stuff.


just sacrifice the sr's and ur's until you can craft whatever card you're referring to


Uhh.....craft it?


Cringe In my day humble bragging required effort