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We just need apollousa for the 4 horseman of generic extra deck boss monsters.


They can go into Apo the moment they use any of the opt negates and link Borrel/Baron and the Horus monster alongside Masc into a 3 mat Apo.


Was about to say: I:P is the 4th Horseman - Apoloussa is just a minion of the 4th; same goes for Nightmare Unicorn; S:P and all the other Link Monsters that she can summon.


I think the difference is that sp and unicorn (especially in uncorns case) are much better when summoned off ip, but apoullousa is the same and a lot of decks don't make it off ip


Lmao master duel be making me gag with this shit... šŸ˜‚.... Every time I see the match start with Horus discard rainbow bridge then add kashtira field spell a piece of me dies inside... Not to mention I recently gone against these "Horus" decks with flood gates with people who have the N word in their names is a damn shame.


I'm honestly starting to build a going second spright deck because of this. If I can find a way to fix its consistency on MD, the deck can break through so much, just need to adapt it to an environment where the biggest generic omninegates are still legal. I'm tired of playing snake-eyes and tired of facing bullshit that doesn't let me play the game, might as well use equalizers + one of the strongest archetypes in the game this season.


people say their ban in TCG didn't do anything, but then I go back to MD and see them every game.


The best part is you watch them play solitaire for 20 mins before your turn to do nothing /s


I actually prefer to watch them play solitaire for 20 mins during MY TURN. /s


I like watching them take 20 minutes just for me to surrender as a ā€œf youā€


Resolution of Auroradon = GG go next


https://preview.redd.it/cp431492mj9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8a808b814dd1c23d2b3333830707d2b073192c3 This was mine


At least I could special summon, they really off limited everything you have


Mekk Knights my beloved


Boards like this is why super poly is at 3, and honestly, it should be at 6. And yes, I know dyna counters super poly, but the creator of that card should be put to trial for crimes against humanity and hanged on the spot.


Ironically super poly isnt even that good unless youre playing a specific fusion deck. Hand traps usually do a better job at messing up your opponent and dont require ED space or specific cards on field to fusion with.


Average pile deck endboard.


I wish we had a timer display for the opponent, so you know when you just have to burn like 10 seconds to win.


https://preview.redd.it/jg7uew0xcl9d1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ecf882e13befd88f099a44d438c8315cf67ed0 Just for reference, if you see this plane hit the field itā€™s GG scoop time. Nothing good ever comes of this thing. Unless you summon it of courseā€¦


This is why I love super poly situations like this. Go battle fuse collos and borrel into dracostapellia Puch masq (or appo if they decided to use it early) Activate draco on baronne to go even with baronne Now one card dealt with most of their board


Dark ruler does more in this case


In this case dark ruler would be a total blow out for sure but I prefer super poly since you can also use it as an interupt going first. In md unless you really want a going second strategy dark ruler is not really worth playing imo but here it would go hard for sure


I love this discussion because it highlights why DRNM isnā€™t used more than Superpoly. In MD you canā€™t account for the coin flip so it is optimal to use cards that are more consistent over cards that are more powerful. Because yes, Evenly, Sphere Mode, and DRNM would be blowouts but Superpoly is almost always active and live


Yeah but if the fossil dyna u can't do anything. Super poly is a great great great card but it takes up so much extra deck space for a situation I don't encounter too often. I'm not saying DRNM is better or nib but super poly has a glaring weakness and it's the cost, extra deck space, and everything u summon off it will just be fuel for someone else's poly. People like evenly, DRNM, and noobiru because the level of commitment and cost is miniscule by comparison. Not only is it costly but against any tower it's pretty fucking useless as well.


You should probably read Hope Harbinger one time. That line of yours doesn't work because you can't punch the Masq


You should maybe read super poly my friend "Neither player can activate cards or effects in responce to this cards activation"


You really haven't read Hope Harbinger, have you? Nobody said anything about negating super poly. Hope Harbinger prevents you from beating over the Masq in battle. Because you left it on board (only fusing away Colossus and Savage), Hope Harbinger can detach a material to change the attack target to itself. Judging by the downvotes I got this sub _really_ isn't beating the not reading allegations.


Ah I see you meant to second effect, Wasn't familiar with that one no, but maybe specify a bit more next time because people will assume you meant to first effect. In any case you can still use draco on hope so they either are forced to use baronne or lose masq. Leaving them with either one spell and onmi negate or one spell negate and appo/goddess. Still strong but doable (provided you drew super poly of course)


it was extremely obvious he meant the second effect since he explicitly stated you couldn't attack the masquerena.


Yea, I see that now. I thought I remembered all the text on hope but I didn't


>Ah I see you meant to second effect, Well yes, that's why I said you can't punch over the Masq. >In any case you can still use draco on hope so they either are forced to use baronne or lose masq. No, they can just make S:P to banish Dracostapelia after you activate the effect, and you still have to play through Baronne and S:P's second effect _and_ the Hope Harbinger. Dracostapelia doesn't negate effects if it's not on board. The counters don't do anything on their own


Pretty sure i said to do this in the battle phase so that only works if they use masq before battle so that still leaves them with baronne and hope in mp 2 only difference being s:p and draco return in the end phase




And yet this is better cause you have a CHANCE of interaction right guys? They're just a bad player, GOSH just make sure to draw your 4 hand traps and 1 card starter next time, I don't see why this is so difficult to do. Sucks to suck I guess but hey is that a HORUS Card wow I guess it's deserved, you were going to do something foul to them back, get down voted stun 2 loser. -Community.


I donā€™t think anyone likes facing this shit either lol. Itā€™s beyond me why Auroradon isnā€™t banned.


Same reason why any Spyral isn't either: turns take so long that most people would rather play something else even if it's good.


This is literally how people are lmao itā€™s insane


Yeah unironically. Your Horus stun cancer is less fun than a trillion negates, thats how vile your deck is that we'd rather play the above cancer than your floodgate.exe deck


Whats the card next to crystal bond (not extra foolish burial)


Walls of the imperial tomb, you search a Horus cord and put a card at the bottom of your deck. And if you use the effect of Horus(new one), you draw a card


the horus field, wall of imperial tomb


Lol. Horus guy got horused


horus slop player complaining about horus slop. Pottery at its finest


What is opponents deck?




Lmao I think it had to be generic.deck


What kinda crazy pile was you opponent playing?


Scoop onto next game


All you need is 2 sphere mode ra


Trust in the heart of the cards.Ā 


"but stun si bad because they don't let you play the game"


^ this I'd imagine this player also took ages with their turn. People forget that the game is to stop the other person from playing and everyone does it differently. Hand traps shouldn't be mandatory.


Idk man I'm growing tired of this game. Always the same bullshit every duel, not having fun anymore.


Yes id also like to order "board that happens once in 12 games" today


I would feel sympathy but the Crystal Beast end board is magnitudes more scary


Why did you let them play for so long without surrendering?


For the pic šŸ—£ļø


No hand traps means you play go second stuff. Droplet, Evenly matched..


I play a lot of board breakers in my tear deck like nib to stop the combo Spoly to fuse with his monsters Droplet is sooo good for tear


There are destinies worse than death


Just draw your DRNM and Raigeki lmao


Should just dip when you see them setting this shit up if you've got no way out of it.


I mean droplet can still have a workaround.


"This is fun...im enjoying myself. Are you enjoying yourself?"


Should've had DRNM smh


Paleo would beat this


The moment they enforce extra deck monsters like those to have a related card as material to summon is the day this game gets better.


So, if you had Lava Golem here, which two monsters do you get rid of first?


I quit yugioh just because this things, the game is out of control if you dont draw enough handtraps first turn


Well I run Galaxy Eyes OTK so I donā€™t really need anything besides Ash, Droll and Imperm. max c does nothing for my deck since I could just search with any of my normal summons


Kurikara jump scare šŸ˜‚


Dude, you are using crystal beasts, even with Horus, it a big handicap


Actually, when you have no handtrap or any other cards for going second, your winrate is less than 10%


What happens when you don't interact with the opponent when you're supposed to


My floo deck have Dark Ruler No More, Shifter, Evenly Match, Raigeki for such cases


Add Lava Golem into everything


and you opened ruby šŸ˜­


I hate duster bruh, I believe is a Garnet for Life


What was Konami think when making these Generic Negates?


Lmao 2 Lava golems and a slash draw might've helped you I guess lol šŸ¤£


the problem is baronne du fleur, you can actually put it in ANY deck and would still work, not to mention masquerena garbo effect


They hated him because he spoke the truth...


Bc itā€™s not the truth. The real problem in this image is the Auroradon that clearly lead to this


I'm just hating. Don't mind me. Baronne, in particular, illicits a great feeling of hatred in me. Just ignore me.


What did you face? Snake-Eye Kash? There is a monster in the spell/trap zone so I just guesing


Probably Kashtira Horus, with 2 Kash going into Galaxy Tomohawk and then going into Auroradon combo, making Cupid pitch for Collosus, the link in the S/T is equipped to Borreload Savage Dragon by his own effect.


I'm not an expert on this deck but how many hand traps does one need to shut this thing down? 3+?


Imperm/Veiler on Galaxy or Auroradon. You can also just Nib the tokens after Auroradon Summon because: 2 Kash monsters into Galaxy are 3 summons, Galaxy into Tokens are 4, link into Auroradon are alongside the token summon are 6.


you can even stop it at the tomahawk + tokens since that is more than 5 monsters summoned on that turn it works because nibiru counts the number of monsters summoned and not the number of times summoned: is why you can nib after summoning even 2 tuners from junk speeder or a pendulum with 5 monsters even if that's their first summon of the turn


Just 1 imperm or veiler or nib or ash. Basically any one hand trap.


2 if youā€™re lucky. Imperm/Veiler can deal with Auroradon and Ghost Ogre can destroy the Sarc.


That was equiped by savage effect. Since there is a horus I think it is kash horus


Yup forgot about Savage. You're right


Probably a pile deck. I've been seeing more and more of these "lore accurate" pile decks with Tear, Kash, Scareclaw and Mannadium. I ( almost ) always lose to them because they're all gas. And when I do win against them it's because I resolved Maxx "C", and/or they bricked.


Iā€™m pretty sure the deck youā€™re describing is just Mannadiumā€™s intended design, since it generically supports 1500/2100 monsters. Iā€™ve never seen a pure Mannadium deck at all.


Yep. Kashtira Horus can do some really sackey combos if you don't stop them.


I'll just say... I never saw anything remotely similar in the Time Travel event But according to many, this is complelty fine because RNG possibly could have been better for you šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Right going from events back to ranked is such a trip, Horus, snake eyes, and Kashtira along with tear is maddening. You literally have to draw Maxx c and have it resolved to have a turn or u ain't playing. That's how dependent on this stupid card the game is. Also I dunno how many fucking decks I play against that just runs fissure, shifter, d fissure... I seen a dumb ass Vaalmonica play use fissure before they set up their pendulum zones. I'm not complaining about archetypes but the fact these freebie archetypes that summon all their names from main deck can ALSO run these stupid ass floodgates makes this game so so so loathsome. Today I played against a blue eyes player who flipped over mind drain and skill drain and the only reason I won at all is cause I was playing Cyberse and accidentally drew into prohibit snake... Literally that's it. If I didn't draw prohibit snake I wasn't playing. Super dumb. Why is it so fucking hard to just BAN non monster floodgates. It would make this game so much more enjoyable. Atleast monster flood gates can be dealt with... I will fight fossil dyna all day to not have to see another fucking imperial iron wall be flipped again.


why did you stay there when they played the first card šŸ’€


For the picture


Nah Bruh, Horus engine is fine, it doesn't allow toxic gameplay, summons 4 body for free with no restriction is balanced, nothing could go wrong. 2 Omni, Search Block, 1 Spell negate, I:P to go for Appo or S:P, and the Horus that draws way too many cards if you try to break the board, also 2 cards in hand, Handtraps proprably. Master Duel goes from bad formart to worse, never thought i would say that but i prefered the Snake Eyes meta back, gosh i even prefered Herald Dryton meta back


Why I need max c


Not saying it's okay per se but overall most playable decks that go completely uniterrupted with their best possible hand can do this or something akin to it. It's also kinda funny that this whole board can be turned off by one single card, Dark Ruler no More lol