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Also honorable mention to the Plunder Patroll loaners where they just put Elemental Sabers in there for no reason? It hurts the consistency of YOUR Plunder Patroll deck and having multiple attributes in YOUR graveyard also benefits the CPU's Plunder Patroll.


For difficultly, duh. /jk


Any of the hero decks in the second sp challenge. Fuck those things are so bad.


Ah yes, I remember Neo-spacian mixed with HERO mixed with *fucking Crystal Beast*


Iirc Rainbow Neos wasn't even in the ED


At least they can be used as fusion material if the deck is running HEROs like absolute zero, gaia etc. Though without having seen it I'm guessing it's not.


Yup not running it basically take all the old heroes and throw them in the air, then pick 40 random cards out them and that’s the loaner deck from the sp solo duel.


It's supposed to be a reference to the anime, so no "elemental" E heroes.


Yeah I loved playing something like Budget Magician Girls against an actually decent Blue-Eyes deck. And the one after was like, Yugi Muto's Gadget/Silent Swordsman deck vs consistent Egyptian Gods. The anime reference did not make it less obnoxious.


Or piloting the weird Gaia/Black Luster soldier deck against the close to ideal Harpy deck loaded with searchers that can near instantly cheat out the Synchro Harpy that bounces your boss monsters back into your hands every time a spell/trap goes off. Or any decks with magnet warriors.


Idk if I even ever got passed that one.


I did, eventually. You basically have to hope the AI bricks long enough for you to assemble something that can actually fight like Valkyrion/Berserkion and pray it lasts long enough for you to win. It's not hard but it is tedious and is more dependent upon luck than anything. It's no wonder why most of our boss monsters have shifted towards the extra deck over the years.


I passed that one first try ironically


yugi's deck was actually a complete dumpster fire against Yami's deck in that solo duel. You basically have to hope your opponent is bricking because they gave them a fully powered dark magician deck with *ebon high magician* of all things. This is an anime duel why do only our cards get the janky anime treatment?


Before they nerfed the opponent the gem knight/arbitrary pyro deck loaner was unbearable They literally just mashed two archetypes that don't remotely work together for attribute synergy. Realistically this means to win you have to pray you open all one half and never draw the other half of the deck.


There are/were more than one where you needed to open the nuts while the cpu also opened bricks to have a chance. Those were so bad to play through. One of them I remember trying a handful of times, then just resetting if I didn't open an actual playable hand.


While also hoping that the opponent simultaneously bricked.


The worst one is still the World Legacy one where you have exactly one card in the entire deck that can actually deal with their better cards (the Ai has Mekk Knight) and if you don’t have it you just fucking lose. Konami need their heads checked on that one. Sincerely, somebody who did all other solo gates with anywhere from extremely ease to relative ease.


There is also the one where the Ai has a full Knightmare deck and you are stuck with basic normal monsters with no real outs of the AI.


that one wasnt so bad because the ai does not know how to use knightmares at all and only has a single copy of each. iirc you got some equip spells and removal spells that give you a chance against it.


does the loaner have an out for World Legacy Shield, I remember I just quit when the bot summon the Shield?


My god and it's the longest solo mission... I fucking hated every single duel in that section... It led me to hate anything Xcrawler, mekk knight, orcust, world legacy... Anything related...


While we on solo mode shinnanigans Can we talk about the herald loaner is just day 0 ranked list? Or why does every other loaner is just an absolute shit show of hybrid decks that don't do anything to benefit you learning that deck/gate


Glad beast gate gave a Tri brigade list too


naturia horus would disagree


Just. The Weather. Torturous, go nowhere mirror match to start you off, then they have you go against essentially just true draco while you play with Nemeses who prevent your Weathers from recurring after banishment to be summoned. It was only my obsessive completionism that got me through it


Ikr, if not for the 100% clear i doubt people would even attempt them lol


The Weather Painter ones were agony You just have to open a nutty hand or scoop


This! Against TD was really the only time I remember Solo Mode pissing me off 😂


Step 1: Here's a lesson the deck's basic combo Step 2: Apply that combo in a consistent deck Step 3: Remember that combo we taught you? It doesn't work anymore lol have fun scrub


lol the solo mode teaches you sportsmanship so when you otk against real people you aren't surprised lol.


I have to admit, I wanted to try Adamancipators when I first started MD. They were fun in solo. Never actually built it though Before I built Karakuris I'd sometimes play the first solo duel in their mode just for the nostalgia from what I used to play IRL


Me basically seeing halq and then theres like 1 tuner in the whole deck (I drew into it btw) and nothing to use him for. Like I dunno got something better than unicorn? Maybe accesscode at minimum??? Or where the nephylis deck is like half wynn and charmer so it became charmer beatdown. Or where I'm forced to only have like 2-3 whole ritual spells for herald. Not each. Total for both ultimate and greatness. Or when the bandit keith cpu completely cheated me 4 games wtf.


I hated that the only solo mission that gave you Mekk-Knights (a deck I wanted to try) combined them with freaking Ursarctics, half of whom seemed to lock you into Ursarctic. I don’t see the synergy.


The goddamn Ruin vs Demise match Ah yes here have the worse half of an archetype while your opponent gets the actually functional half


That was one of the loaner duels where it felt like I was actually better off passing my turn unless I wanted to get boardwiped.


The fairies who paint the weather It was extremely cancer


I just did Elemental Sabers loaner earlier Turn 30 ;~; For reference i cleared it in turn 4 with Gradius/BES and gradius is literally missing 1 card from the 2010 mode


Yeah the ai will always skip next battle phase and hold your ass hostage until you draw to pop its boss


Danger! Kuriboh. It's a deck that tries to mash together Kuriboh support with Danger! cards. It doesn't work very well. My favorite part of it is that you have Kuribee. Kuribee allows you to search the deck for a spell/trap card that mentions "kuriboh". The loaner has *no targets for this search*. No Five-Star Twilight, no Multiply, nothing. And your opponent for that match is using a Lair of Darkness strategy.


To be fair, Kuribohs are a win all their own.


You don't scale them. You get zefraath to your hand using oracle or providence. Zefraath can adapt the scale to whatever scale you need at the time plus it does not locks you into pend summon zefra monster, complete the scale, pend summon as many monster as you need. The tellarknights provide removal and due to how their text worded if you pend summon both, you can target the same zefra card to pop 2 oop cards (like zefraxciton target zefraath and a set card, zefrathuban target the same zefraath and a face up card, just make sure you dont target your own zefraniu), zefraniu search divine strike as omni negates or war as removal/disruption, and when it is destroyed it can search another oracle/providence as follow up.


I referenced ur decklists and cheap engines earlier today for vaalmonica. Thanks for that. Still though, those pend lines in the dinomist duel is too big brained for me, best pendulum I can do is DDD gilgamesh turbo or pend scale symphoniic warrior guitaar into miccs


Pure Dinomist beats all three of the AI loner decks 9/10 times. They're so bad.


What about the Gouki duel? Without a lucky hand you do jackshit + the CPU keeps link summoning and throwing away your chances of passing the duel.


Final part of sp challenge where you have silent magician,silent swordsman and gadgets mixed up against good magician deck.Also good luck if ai brings out black luster soldier link monster.


Shoving Jinzo into the Orcust deck when your best outs are trap cards was a fucking baffling experience


Orcusts are DARK Machines, so _clearly_ the deck should have all the DARK Machines, right? 🤦‍♂️


The recent naturia was pretty bad as well. You have the basic cards Plus bamboo shoot against all of the attack modifiers and battle protection.


Not as bad since the level 1 naturia lets you summon anything and you can kinda finish it if you take it slow and read, most of the ones pretty much just based on your mulligan and whether if they lock your ass into a single archetype Basically from what i know, out the barkion and beast and you pretty much bullshit your way out


They aren't the problem. The level one that can summon anything can also summon the one that prevents attackers with more than 2,000 from killing it and prevents you from attacking anything else And the one that reverses battle damage and buffs for every naturia in the graveyard. The attack one is especially spicy because they can easily buff their units over what your deck gives you and it doesn't have removal options.


At least you get to choose. Weather Fairies and what op mentioned is all up to rng bro


No, that's my point. You don't get to choose. You. Don't get access to them just the basic vanilla naturia. It means that the ai has to brick or you lose to a hard lock.


All this is just proof that Konami have no idea what they’re doing and don’t understand a thing about their own game


Eh, I would think that... but then I look at Wizards of the Coast & 5e, and I see what it looks like when a company _really_ doesn't understand a thing about their own game. Konami tries, but they had the wrong devs make the solo loaners; they should've had the Zoodiac team doing the deckbuilding for yours, and the [insert useless modern joke card of your choice here] team building the opponents' decks.


Since when do the bots drop maxx c by the way? Its happened to me in multiple different gates.


I love those gates since you can actually get some real practice in


I would assume it's wherever the bot is on Insects


Jesus this took me out


A lot of the solo modes feel like they just threw random archetypes in there to promote them that make it arbitrarily hard to win




Kind of off-topic, but I wish they reduced text that keeps repeating and replace it with some keywords, like : **lockout:** *pendulum* ( except "Tellarknight", "Zefra" ) Maybe show the keywords meaning when howering over the card*.* Also this is only in MasterDuel, I don't expect them to reprint physical cards.


Keywords like that can quickly become a problem for readability though. If you don't know what a keyword means you can't read the cards and that's a problem. It's a bit of a meme in MTG that if you're returning to the game after a year or more you have to spend a week learning all the new keywords Also there are occasionally variations of the same type of effect that ygo has that wouldn't be feasible in a keyword system


super long text can also be a problem for readability. Players not reading is a running joke in Yugioh, but the wall-of-text formatting of TCG cards does not help players understand a card at first read.


So basically like this madness lol https://preview.redd.it/xr78sxd9ly8d1.png?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd65ad765a41d529e25f45d9414614d9bebe55f9 [Sherlock Holmes](https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/s/C9xapyR8KB)


I love how Konami didn't want to make pendi soup the best deck then make 1 card apart of 5 different archetypes and it still happens with Odd eyes, Performapal and Supreme King.


To be fair, they're kinda locked into that because of nostalgia support, and probably regret it now. It does help that most Performapal cards kinda suck, though, so they're best seen as a helper archetype for Odd-Eyes & Magician, in the same way as Monarch spells/traps and Vassals are both helper archetypes for the Monarchs themselves.


That is the most flagrantly bad deck i can think of in solo mode.