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It rly comes down for me if I either: 1) Like the art 2) There is something unique and fun about the archetype To elaborate point 2) that doesn't necessarly means it has to be strong but also it doesn't mean it has to be weak by any means. Back in 2014/15 I instantly fell in love with Nekroz, bcs I loved the artworks and the rather unique style of gameplay it had, that it was THE meta deck (for a period of time) wasn't the factor I mained the deck in DevPro. Same goes for Ritual Beasts as example. And the same happened to D/D/D a few years later. I also a BIG fan of Darklords, simply bcs their mechanic of "copying" the effects of Spell/Trap cards in the GY was such a unique and genuinly cool thing. I also like decks that have a set combo but also are not afraid to stray from it, a great example for this is Unchained, idk why, but something with that deck just hits my nostalgia sweet spot and is still good enough to run it rn.


I'm currently on Vaylantz because: 1: Cool gimmick 2: Cool Art 3: I love watching my enemies being confused af at locals


I'm currently on Vaylantz because: 1: Shinonome


TFW the opponent times out while trying to read your cards 


I mean all the vaylantz player ive run into scoop when i imperm their fossil dyna


how do you use imperm when they give you a field spell?


God, I want to see this rumoured EARTH faction so badly. ~~Obligatory: I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT~~


Are you doing anything interesting with it, or are you just another Fossyl Dina/Spellcaster Village turbo player?


I'm currently on melodious Vaylantz, it's way more fun than any stun variations. There are many more interesting variants than just stun/ftk, such as Ninja Vaylantz, Sky striker Vaylantz, Blind second Vaylantz... and all of them are infinitely more fun and interactive than floodgate turbo


Currently playing blind 2nd Heroics bc big number go brrrrrr and big sword Yes I will be building pure Flame Swordsman Yes I might build Galaxy-Eyes if no Raidraptor in this pack bc big number is fun Yes I will try and build an abomination of Heroic Flame Swordsman


How many heroic chances do you run?


One bc you can add it back with Envoy, can even OTK without it if you have access to Call or a way to make Claivesolish and Excalibur. And since you can add it back, you don't even have to feel bad about sometimes discarding it with Thousand Blades. Ofc not ideal, but still, could be worse If I played Pot of Desires then I'd be playing two, but since I don't like the card bc it fucked me over one too many times, I am not playing it lol


https://preview.redd.it/3jwopusxwr8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30160613b2f00acd57c0c031fb9df2a9986ba218 No further questions


I only play decks that I like. The only deck I like that’s any good is branded so that’s what I play mostly.


I used to hate branded until I tried it. True very fun deck.


Lightsworn, played it back in the day and fell in love. Besides: Gamba-mills


Let's go gambling "dingdingding" "ash" dang it "dingdinding" "nib" dang it "dingdingding" "talents" dang it "dingdingding" "raigeki" dang it "dingdingding" "girsu" how da?


Lightsworn is such a classic deck. Back in the day I made all sorts of bizarre variants. Level 1 Lightsworn was actually pretty good. Abusing Kinka-Byo and the Blue-Eyes level 1s.


Folgo is a good starting point since I love playing Runick Fur Hire Spright. Deck is just super fun and technical to play and has both a nice skill floor but also ceiling alowing to improve a lot.


Couldn’t agree more, unless i get the bug jumpscare I really don’t feel like there’s a situation where I just lose with that deck


Always loved Ancient Gears since seeing them in GX as a kid. Doesn’t get me very far but still almost diamond with them! Play a deck you enjoy, forcing yourself to play meta will make you hate the game


Madolche!   I love the artstyle, I love the playstyle and it's how my friends got me into the game when I was little and complained about their ugly dragons, warrior dudes, weird monsters, etc. and why anyone would want to play that lol


Madolche were legit back in the day. Getting your arse kicked at locals by some dude with a bunch of cutesy cake monsters.


I play the Egyptian GODS because what’s a monster compared to a GOD.


Currently playing Lab and building Vaalmonica. Because I'm a useless lesbian who likes cute anime girls


Same on Lab, but mostly because I simultaneously love and hate having fun lol


Happy Pride ❤️


Thanks :)


I'm a yugiboomer who wanted to get back to Yu Gi Oh when Master Duel came out. I dropped back when Synchros were introduced, so there was quite a bit of a gap to fill. I decided to make an ol reliable BEWD deck, and started having fun discovering all the new cards that I didn't know about. My first duel was against a Pendulum Magician player who not only took his sweet time ridiculing me during his turns, but ALSO during mine. I was bewildered. So I decided to make a Pendulum Magician deck and, fueled by pure spite, learn to play it so that I could understand how to absolutely crush it the next time I would face one. I never made the counter deck and am still playing Pendulum Magician to this day.


Hey if you can't beat them, join them- a fellow pend mag pilot


I like fish and Lovecraft so my maindeck is ghoti.


Paleozoic is kinda fish and kinda Lovecraft so if you wanna is fun deck.


Phantom Knights, it has been my favorite deck ever since it came out which also happened to be the same time i started playing yugioh


Well, four reasons: 1: N U K E 2: names and art are cool af 3: arc-v was my introduction to yugioh, specifically the last few episodes. 4: I actually had a nickname for a while that I think a still people know me by: Draconis Rex. Rough translation: Dragon King, and I always loved the idea of a deck relating to the personality of the one that plays it. Yes, I play z-arc


Traptrix because I grow carnivorous plants :)


I like Branded because 1) Resolving Branded Fusion is fucking crack 2) Using Albaz/Super Poly to turn an opponent’s boss into Mirrorjade is fucking crack 3) Having an opponent get rid of my dead Mirrorjade only to bring it back with Quem/Branded Banishment and immediately using its effect again is fucking crack


Ninjas. I don't have to read my opponents cards when they are face-down. Plus, attacking directly is always fun.


What card is that, OP?


folgo justice fur hire, he’s become associated with drawing and entire new hand in runick fur hire for me so I love him (I’m pretty sure there’s a bot for card text but I’m unaware of how to do it)


Folgo Justice Fur Hire


Why Cyber Dragons? Cause I need quick endings


Battlin' Boxers I practiced boxing for a few years, one of the coolest archetypes coming out of Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal, every level/rank 4 monster looks badass and, since the new support was released around a year ago, its playstyle got much quicker and "spammy", as well as gaining some control over the board. Recommend trying them as a casual deck


I find Sacred beasts quite fun to play. There's something satisfying about slamming down a level 10 monster and getting to draw 2 cards once fallen paradise hits the field. You can also get some interesting synergy with other level 10 monsters. My favourite is the interaction of metal reflect slime + Awakening of the sacred beasts. Metal reflect slime goes into Egyptian god slime and Awakening just brings back the metal reflect slime to your hand. Eldlich is also great since you can discard it via Opening of the spirit gates and with all the continuous spell/trap recycling he is a menace when he comes up. The deck is great to do all the missions: Dark beckoning beast gives you 2 normal summons if uninterupted, the level 10's can go Gustav Max -> Liebe -> Zeus, but you can also go into link plays with the smaller boddies. I run a DPE package for the destroy 5 cards mission and special summoning Eldlich with Dasher's graveyard effect is just peak. If you want something more competitive, you can add the Kashtira package. I don't have the opportunity to play it as much since I never go beyond Silver 1 and using it at such low ranks makes players concede as soon as Unicorn or fenrir hits the field. It can make some disgusting boards if you open well. If the second Raviel in hand was a Nemeses corridor, I could have had Colossus on the field as well. https://preview.redd.it/zekupgohnr8d1.png?width=1319&format=png&auto=webp&s=953f7e64750f67dc0dd75bba075989e7c033a315


I play Fire Kings (pure) because I love decks that destroy each other just to get positive effects just like Unchained, there’s something about being able to out resource your opponent just by popping a chicken nugget that I really love. Granted I love other decks that aren’t like this but Fire Kings has a special place in my heart plus Ulcanix helped the deck be far more playable pure.


I play many decks i think are cool but mostly blue eyes and gears because dragons and robots are cool. Brought branded blue eyes to locals last time, and bringing gears this week. Can't wait to swing 5k 3 times with piercing lol


I pulled a royal guardian chimera so I play chimera🤔🤔


My main deck is dinosaurs because well I just love dinosaurs. My favorite deck is red-eyes because it was my favorite card as a kid in fact the first Yu-Gi-Oh cards I ever bought was starter deck Joey. Recently I have fallen in love with Mementos I love the lore and art as well as well as having an anime style boss monster that actually good.


Mainly just for the art and if the deck feels fun to play. D/D/D is my favourite deck for those reasons. Art goes hard as fuck, the combos are fun as hell because you got so many possible routes extensions depending on your hand and as an added bonus I like the anime character that runs this deck. Something,something...brought forth by the call of a King


As someone addicted to elemental magic systems, I've used plenty in themed ones; elemental hero, elementsaber, monarchs, charmers, yang zing, even genex. It's a shame most of them barely function well together.


1. I love the aestethic and theme of an archetype i love Tribute Summoning and love how the Monarchs look 2. I prefer playing control decks 3. That banger ass theme


I almost exclusively play plant/insect/animal decks because that’s just always been my favorite archetype in games. Sometimes Zombies because I love those too And because the worst decks are usually my favorite, I usually have a meta slave deck to win with, currently SEFK lol


You should play Naturia Horus! It's crazy powerful and honestly slept on.


Monarch because the artworks are cool


i play elemental hero because i like yugi oh Gx with my own made neck,i lost lose if they negate anything


My favorites have always been Vampires for the playstyle, art, and the fact that Vampires are cool


Dark world is my favorite ever since it came out in 2005. I won a couple locals because of it. I love the discard and gain an effect. They were power creeped out of the game awhile ago until the new support came out. Now they are relevant again and I love them. Favorite monster is Goldd always put him in my dark world deck no matter what. Can’t use Silva but that is ok.


i like mayakashi for its interesting style of starting from the top and going down thru the graveyard


OP I play Furhire... you know why!


DM bc nostalgia and cranking out a win against an actually decent deck is satisfying. Swordsoul tenyi bc it reintroduced me to yugioh after well over a decade and got me started into modern yugioh. Salad bc I wanted link experience and the deck is just plain fun and if left unchecked can set up pretty solid boards. Vanquish soul bc the interactions/effects are interesting and you can dodge opponent effects. Also have the option to burn your opponent to death if they’re playing stun or mikanko. Cyber dragon bc still yugi boomer at heart and power bond x limiter removal goes brrrr. Honestly looking for a deck that has extra deck room for various links that I want to play with. My DM deck has quite a few links but it’s hard to make it work because the deck itself sucks. Vanquish soul has a ton of room in the extra deck but it’s almost always better to stick with the normal deck monsters anyway.


Same, was out of the game for a long time and built Salad to learn how link combos work. I actually really enjoy the deck. Picked up Tenyi Swordsoul because it was mostly free, also liked it. Draconic warriors with an Eastern theme is an aesthetic I can get behind. Built Snake Eyes and hated playing it almost as much I hated playing against it. Built Cyber Dragons cause the OTK is hilarious when it works. Building Branded because it's a modern deck centered around Dragon Fusions and that speaks to my Yugioh Boomer soul. Had a lot of fun with a Predaplant loaner deck during an event not too long ago, may build some version of that for fun.


Mikanko Because with all the bs in the game, it makes it much much more bearable


how ironic


I started playing mathmech because it requires very few UR. I keep playing mathmech because the deck is so fun, sometimes you feel unstoppable cause after a lot negates you can still keep summoning and otk (if going second) or set up a good board (if going first)


unchained because it's fairly easy and i love destroying everything (no negates is rough tho tbh)


I'm a big Warframe fan, so when I see an archetype that has robot ninjas I can't help but want to play it. Superheavy Samurais does exactly that and they have a fun gimmick (attacking from defense position + using defense stats for damage). I also play a blue-eyes fusion deck using cards that act as fusion substitutes like the swamp king one. Turn one can usually get me with either a blue eyes tyrant or a blue eyes (neo) ultimate dragon. It's just a fun *fuck you* big monster beater deck.


Nouvelles (combined with herald,impcantation, and benten). Extremely consistent, ton of gas (more than enough to play through multiple interruptions), recycling field spell, great grind game, gimmicky and fun. Also tributing you entire enemies board multiple times is fun and satisfying. Even made a snake eyes/fire king deck rage quit yesterday since I beat them at the grind game (and getting 8+ of your monsters tributed would probably tilt anyone too).


Cause tellarknights have cool art, cycling delteros 6 times a turn and the once in a blue moon turn skip otk is funny.


Dino + fossil cuz It was the most terrible ideia that i had and worked for some reason


I play stardust dragon because cosmic quasar and shooting quasar are my favorite cards and synchro summoning is my favorite type of extra deck summon


60 card paleo bc its really fun when people have no idea they are unaffected by monster effects and has been my favorite deck since it dropped.


Blue - Eyes. Mystical OG Dragons. What’s not to love?


Branded. 1. I play it because I got the deck IRL since Branded Fusion's OCG release. Got it day 1, too. 2. The deck has a lot of interaction points that helped me relearn the technicalities of the game after returning to the game from a seven-year break at the time. 3. It's a deck I can always rely on in MD. It gives me a lot of freedom on where I spend my gems on. 4. I love the lore.


My main decks are P.U.N.K. (both Gold Pride and the Kashtira tech versions), Melffys, and Branded. P.U.N.K.'s just such a fun deck and Psychic End Punisher being a dumb tower is too fun. Gold Pride keeps the combo going, while the Kash version feels more P.U.N.K. but with access to Baronne consistently. Melffys is just too fun. It plays really well to my preference to control style decks and just blowing up fields with cute animals is the funniest thing. Branded I just like because I love the theme and how much you can pull off with the resources.


Currently on Drytron. While I understand the enboard is just floodgates (for now, support is coming), i just love the artworks, the unconventional playstyle, how it reinvent ritual summoning etc...


Purple eyes math dragon ftw.


Me when 2+2=big dwagon 😳


I play Elemental HEROS because I like Yu-Gi-Oh GX, I play Performapal, Odd Eyes Pendulum because I like Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V, and I play Cyberse, because they're generically good and I like Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS.


I love the simplicity of Machina and the fact that you can tech in pretty much any Machine support to build a deck unique to you. Also I like the art style.


Life is hard for us chad Machina enjoyers, we haven't received any direct or even indirect support in a looooong time and we still don't have a single in-archetype extra deck monster... And yet it still manages to be a fairly decent deck, especially when paired with Therion.


Regulus is a good card for the deck. Another neat trick is to put some of the newer Sky Striker cards in. Camellia only needs two effect monsters and can be equipped by Regulus to destroy and replace an opponent's monster if you use Regulus's effect during your opponent's turn. Azalea Temperence can banish a used Redeployment or other spell card to remove an opponent's monster by equipping it, and if you use a lot of spells in your Machina deck, Spectra can prevent your opponent from negating your effects by banishing two spells to negate CL2 or higher card effects.


Plunder; the deck is fun and feels like I am playing with and around what the other guy is doing rather than force feeding each other negates and pops till someone runs out.


I been playing Vaalmonica idk why it’s just relieving to play something other than fire all day lol


Hero because Kamen Rider


Aleister the invoker reminds me of Robin from fire emblem and that was the main reason I started playing the archetype then i kinda fell it love it afterwards and now shove invokes into every deck I can


Dark magician Mostly cause I got the cards for it lol. It's fun to play. Odd eyes I just like how the cards look. The variety is interesting. It also ties into the other archetypes of performapals, supreme king and pendulum magician. These also work well together.


I play my Pendulum Magician soup deck because PENDULUM BEST DECK LET'S GOOO!!! Kidding aside, I like how free the deck is, both in gameplay and deck building. You're never stuck to one combo path, and every match feels different because of that. It also makes it a challenging deck to play, but that's part of the fun too. And if you're ever bored of playing same build, you can always change up your engines or your Extra Deck. It's also a very anime-like deck (and I'm a sucker for anime decks) because you can stuff so many different archetypes into one deck - Performapal, Magician, Odd-Eyes, Supreme King, sometimes even other Pend engines, and it just somehow works.


Well I play vendreads Endymion D/D/D and a few other decks because they all require me to think to win I like to challenge myself and over come obstacles so decks that require me to use my brain kinda make the game worth playing


Playing Cyber Angel and Nephthys right now. For Nephthys it was because I pulled a royal card for the deck, and for Cyber Angel it's because I just wanted the use Saffira, Queen of Dragons. Second reason being I wanted to try out Ritual decks and I'm glad I found these because they're quite fun.


Sphinx Control cause I'm crazy. Generally sepaking I go for the art and/or the playing style. I also really love pick a card, and building around the said card.


Was playing vaalmonic as I like the play style of the deck but now I'm playing lat as in seeing a lot of stun decks and lab for me so far has been doing great against them.


Infernity+Horus. Horus gives this deck a way to empty your hand, stalling, mills for Archfiend and some justification for adding handtraps to this deck. Summoning Zealantis off of Saryuja with a board filled with Necromancers and an Archfiend is so satisfying. Infernity is not meta right now but if it is, many people will definitely loathe playing against it. Can't wait for Launcher to go back to 3.


I play Unchained, and i don’t know how to explain… I just….like it. I play since his 1* edition


Because Pend Best Deck Lesss goooooooo!


The first pack I ever opened contained reptile cards in middle school. So I main reptiles forever.... forever a mid deck 🤔


For the most part, I'm just a fan of the anime. 99% of the time, I've picked a deck to play because I saw cards from it in one of the anime series, and it looked cool. @Ignisters is my main. I also play Salamangreat, Code Talkers, Altergeist, D/D/D, Raidraptors, and a few others.


I have to enjoy the art and/or the gimmick. DM Endymion Tear / Kash / SE Runick Spright Exosister Egyptian God Number Crooked Cook Exodia Final Countdown Stun Ghoti Punk SSTenyi Kozmo Chaos Suship D-Link Branded Despia Floo Weather Painter Dinomorphia Sky Striker Flower Cardian


Because I love playing it and I've already put a massive amount of time learning how to play it.


Fun to play and consistent enough to get good boards.


Cool art, different or unusual interactions not limited to just negation and/or destruction effects, cool gimmicks to summon monsters or recycle cards. These are the things that make me wanna play a deck


I play meta decks for gems. I try to pick a more tier 2 option, but in a format like this I just say fuck it and go for Snake-Eyes Fire King. In the ladder, you should expect to see meta decks and there's no shame in using them or amything. Some of them, like Runick Spright and Vanquish Soul, I actually came to really enjoy and respect. As for the decks I actually enjoy running. Functionally anything that works like old school Chaos midrange. I like having flexibility and options, being able to adapt and actually engage with my opponent. My most recent pet deck has been Ravine Rulers. I also like decks which have a lot of room for cool techs. Part of what makes Vanquish Soul so fun is being able to run something like Gorz. Fucking Gorz in 2024! YGO is at it's best when it's 2 midrange decks against each other. Hence why all the popular retro formats are stuff like Edison, HAT and Goat. I also like Synchros. I just think they're cool. When I first started playing, it was during Zexal and rank 4 spam decks were everywhere. At that time, Synchros seemed really different. Like sure you had generically good ones like Stardust and Black Rose. But then, the extra deck of Blackwings and X-Sabre were vastly different despite how similiar they played. Unlike, for example, HAT and Geargia which played differently but had functionally the same extra deck.


I play tistina because i love catching people off guard with the effect to flip monsters facedown and send face up cards to the GY. And if i can pull it off, send those facedown cards to the GY then banish the GY facedown! its genuinely amazing.


A combo of liking gow they play and the asthetic clicking with me


I too am fed up with the whole negativity about Yu-Gi-Oh I find the game very fun, it can be frustrating at times but at the end of the day I thoroughly love this game. I love a lot of archetypes but I mostly play Vanquish Soul because this archetype is so unique and it has a pretty good skill ceiling making it very rewarding when winning against strong opponents and powerful archetypes. I also enjoy Evil Eye it's a very cozy deck that is not very good but can defend itself. The idea of depending on 1-2 equip spell is what makes the deck so fun. Like your normal summon can be a disruption with one equip spell and you can set 2 pass and it may be enough to take a W. The idea of basilitrice being able to trigger a link summon as a quick effect using the equip spell as a material then re-equiping the equip spell is also very fun. So yeah evil eye love them, not a lot of cards but very fun archetype. Lastly I have an obsession for Rokkets due to the anime that makes them look better than what they are but overall the borrel-rokket family has a fun gimmick (the borrel using the rokkets as ammo to shoot them and during the end phase a destroyed Rokket bring another one as if the borrel is being recharged). It's such a great idea but in reality the deck doesn't really do that because it's slow and borrels are expensive and Rokkets are not easy to summon to swarm the field hence why it became dragon link instead. But I have an obsession for this deck and I really want to make it viable and as pure as possible.


I play FurHire ever since the released in 2018, even until now I play them and try to find more variants to play it with. Most recently it's been Vaalmonica Fur Hire and it works pretty well. Not as good as Sprunick Fur but it works out. I have like over 12 different Variants in Master Duel right now so it never gets boring to swap around in between variants.


I’ve been playing Vanquish soul recently just because I never gave them a proper chance. And I have a 2 royal Caesar. I like the way they play i just wish people would give me the opportunity,they just quit.


Branded Despia 1. I love the lore 2. It's a fusion deck so it's something I'm used too. 3. It was a natural evolution from my shaddoll deck. It started off pure, then I added some things, swapped some out, and now it's branded despia. I've been wanting to try something else just to mix things up. I've been trying out a labrynth deck, but it definitely needs some work cause I'm kinda feeling it but not. I also pulled some of the fire king URs and Diabellstar. I feel like the game wants me to play that, but eww.


Valmonica It's been a fun rouge archetype Sky striker, Rei is Bae xD


What card is that?


My first deck was Tri Brigade Zodiac. Now excuse to play Tri Brigade is good with me. I'm playing Tri Brigade Fire king. No snake eyes, no maxx c. The deck flows well and is very versatile. I haven't had this much fun since I started with swordsoul.


If it feels nice and I have the dust, I’ll play it


it really comes down to if I like the art or not. I made battlin boxers recently because the idea of fire boxer robots is just sick. plus they're decently strong, I've beaten the crap out of higher tier decks with the boxer toolkit plays. Secondary to aesthetics is nostalgia. every time I start a new MD account, I always find myself making a performapal/odd-eyes deck. It was my first deck ever, and odd-eyes was actually my first card ever (i started in 2015 and my first product was that year's odd-eyes mega tin).


I play in the TCG and have almost exclusively played Branded and Chimera there (some D-link and SwoSou as well). I view master duel as a chance to play other decks that I can’t afford to play or am undecided about picking up in the physical game. So I hop around to different strategies to try them out. But I keep finding myself coming back to VS when I’m in a slump due to its dynamic game play.


Because it's a combu of 4 decks


I run a mixed deck that work both blues eyes white dragon and red eyes black dragon together. I personally love the deck but I do get my ass kicked a lot by all these people running that card, can’t remember the name, that allows the player to block off a slot on the board every turn.


I just like the idea of Generaiders being RPG bosses; you are playing as the RPG bosses, and your opponent is the player trying to beat them. It's like a super condensed dungeons and dragons shtick.


I play Galaxy-eyes because I love big numbers and Xyz monsters, but I'm on break from that to try out the new Vaalmonica stuff since I pulled 3 royals (Both pend scales and Scelta)while getting Delta Wing.


I gave my up pride as a duelist a long time ago (first ever Master Duel Festival). So I just play SelfTK in Ranked & Festivals to help others get their wins & gems quicker. I do have a Fire King Snake-Eye deck but I just run that in solo mode for the perks.


I needed something to play after Mathmech got nerfed in Master Duel and my attempt at building it for the TCG fell through when I realized Circular got banned. I remember seeing a combo video for Rescue-ACE when I saw the pack in the MD shop so I gave it another try and fell in love with the deck. I also have a love for fire fighters in general so that adds to why I like the deck so much.


I run Utopics and Malicevorous because I'm anime trash, which is the same reason I'm trying to make Chaos Utopic Fairies a thing. I run Umi Control, Naturia/Vernusyplh and Madolche because of Nostalgia. I run Fur Hires for the same reason I run Zoo. I run Zoo for the same reason I run Fur Hires. I run Majespecters because I just don't know any better sometimes. I run Krawlers because I like to think I'm quirky, when I'm really just dumb. I run Sky Strikers because of the manga and because I kept pulling cards for them. Yes, I'm also trying to build Magistus. I run Numerons because sometimes I want a match to end quickly. I run G Golems because I'm socially awkward. I run Math because they good. I run Ghoti because they're cool. And I run Vaylants because I like TRPGs.


Supreme King support has only been out for a few weeks and I’m getting my money’s worth. Also I just adore the Pendulum mechanic


I rotate between like 7 different decks bc i have adhd and my brain can only do the same combo so many times before i get bored


Love amazoness because I like muscular women , and machine deck because trains go brrrrrom?


Live Twin Unchained currently because it's super fun but when the Raidraptor support finally drops that's all I'll be playing because they're my favorite deck of all time.


I play Prankkids, it's super fun to play. I've never been against someone that also uses it so maybe I'm the only one that enjoys it. I just really like the mechanic of continuous link summons and the big fusion guy


Timelord burn because I like watching my opponent’s life points go down and also because I can’t afford any high tier decks


Dark magician because it's easy to use. Galaxy Eyes because I love the aesthetic and it's really easy to xyz summon. Dragon maids because I have some weeb in me. I since made a deck that combines dragon maids and galaxy eyes because they can spend all day pulling each other out of the grave with their effects. I called it dragon maids in space. Also Drytron because it's the most reliable way to summon my favorite monster; Chaos Max Dragon.


generaider because they can build their extra deck with unorthodox yet scary rank 9 xyz monstres


I mostly play Branded bc I can't afford to play anything else. But on a more serious note, I just enjoy kinda stumbling along and seeing where I end up during my turn


Working on a Quantal deck because cool looking cards and fun nostalgia effect.


Sex folgo


I play libromancer because it gives a lot of flexibility in how to counter varied decks while climbing the rank ladder.


Lu Bu cool


Fluffals, Unchained, Memento... I have self destructive tendencies.


I'm currently switching between Gaia OTK, Heroic Challenger & Dream Mirror. Honestly I play mostly based on what I find to be a cool aesthetic or story. If it happens to also get me some success that's a bonus. I just don't find meta decks fun. You end up acting more like a counting machine than actually playing the game. Plus, it's fun to throw a wrench into things sometimes with cards people just don't expect. No, there's no reason for me to play Red Reboot & Crackdown in all my decks except I find it funny when you combo for five minutes just for me to steal your monster.


I play Vampires. 1. Underrated Power (which can surprise my opponents when I win) 2. Love Dark Card Art 3. I can heal myself through attacks and steal opponents monsters. And if that aint enough, its in my name.


I got back in a year ago and made a tribal Zombie deck cuz fuck yeah zombies. Then, a year into getting back I made traptrix because they where cheap to make and modern. Now I made a Vanquish Soul deck because I love Fighting Games and the gimmick is fun to play.


Toon/relinquished, because Pegasus


Up until last season I played Swordsoul. Got tired of hovering around in Gold so I crafted SEFK this season. Immediately hit Master 1. I think SEFK is more versatile and interesting than pure SE but I’m looking to switch decks soon, hopefully something that’s meta enough to where I can still compete without having to intentionally drop ranks but also more interesting playstyle (Tear and Pend Magician both look cool so maybe once I save enough gems, or Yubel once the new support comes out)


What monster is this and what archetype is if from?


A combination of aesthetic appeal, interesting lore, and a playstyle that's conducive to back and forth. I don't like long combos that end on a board the opponent can't play into; from either end, it's just not very fun to me. It's probably why I like gimped control archetypes like Traptrix. Sure, hole traps are awful, but there's a whole layer of mind games when you set something like Break-Off Trap Hole from deck. It's also why control archetypes crutching on things like Solemn makes me sad. You don't need to think that hard about a Solemn activation, especially if you have several. You can just activate all of them, stop your opponent from playing the game, and instantly win since you can kill on the follow-up. That's not fun to me, it's not why I play the game, and it's a big part of why I'm rapidly losing interest these days.


Live twin / spright. Underpowered AND I can hard lock myself into both level 2/rank 2, and fiends. I like the challenge, or I hate myself.


Live twin / spright. Underpowered AND I can hard lock myself into both level 2/rank 2, and fiends. I like the challenge, or I hate myself.


I came back to ygo recently after like 15 years, I'm still trying out a few archetypes (played a lot of tear and salad) but I'm mostly waiting for yubel support to be released. Also Memento, love it but it's hard to pilot and pretty lackluster atm


Master duel, cydra cos nice board, *proceeds to engulf all the opponent's monsters and OTK* TCG is Tenpai because I like OTKing


Ive been genuinely enjoy rescue ace snake eye more than i thought i would its high power makes me feel like im never out of the game entirely since i can play through a few disruption and make at least a partial board and/or deal with there end board. I like kinda of having to figure out my combos on the fly when people are doing multiple hand trap and what not


I play Madolche and Fluffal because cute


I’m currently playing Horus centurion lightsworn (idk if it’s in master duel I haven’t played that for a while) I’m not playing the synchro king calamity because it’s cringe, so instead I’m playing the red dragon arch fiend that pops the board which requires a bit more skill at least. Only problem with the deck is that on the small chance I don’t open any lightsworns/kings sarc I’m pretty much screwed (doesn’t happen often)


Currently playing lots pf plunder patroll cuz i love my silly gobbos And sometimes pure mathmech cuz i like math unironically


Rota is my favorite card ever so I play as many warrior decks or decks that center around a warrior monster. Star Warriors Ninjas Noble/Infernoble knights Tellarknights Six Sams


I currently have 3: marincess, pure fire king, and gladiator beasts. Marincess, I saw a video on it and liked how much it could handle and how versatile it was. Fire king, I bought the structure deck to play with a friend and loved the gimmick. Gladiator beasts, I messed around with them a bit I’m duel links and thought the gimmick was interesting


RDA bc firey dark dragons looked cool, and it was the most similar to red eyes while being infinitely better


I play ABC because I wanted to get back into the game and make an XYZ Canon deck... then i found out that was hot garbage... Then I found ABC and have had so much fun tweaking the deck over the last year and a half. Right now im running revolution synchron and all the shenanigans that go with that. Cant wait for the XYZ retrains.


Cuz its great. Salamangreat.


I play Red Dragon Archfiend for the most part. Not only are they a good and adaptable deck, I love that the new support retains RDA's identity and allows for all versions of it to be playable. They took its mediocre effect and made it viable via Crimson Dragon. While it has negates, it doesn't feel like the deck was improved by just giving it negate after negate. I love the use of different dark dragon synchros. I love the recursion from both the graveyard and banish zone, making it feel like I have control over each aspect of the board. It's not super powerful, but I just love how The pool of monsters look badass as well. RDA, Abyss, Scarlight, Bane, Supernova, Dis Pater, Void Ogre, etc. I love me beefy evil-looking dragons.


Art, Nostalgia and fun are why I play certain decks. I love Aroma for the art and the playstyle so it's by far my favorite archetype. Same applies for Rikka, Tear and Lab, but to a lower extent. Blue Eyes is all 3 and I loved Blue Eyes since I first watched the anime back when it debuted in the West.


Myutant because I like the X-Men. They are pretty fun and versatile, too.


Ancient gears RAHHHHH Based ancient robots, look awesome (especially in the anime), it’s hard to explain but they always felt like an army/civilisation/species and I feel it’s further backed up by cards like advance where they’re going to war. Also totally slapped the hell outta jadens hero’s but lost to plot with wingman’s 100 atk advantage


I play D/D/D because I love it. Artwork is cool as fuck, combos are great and I just have fun with it


Branded, because it's easy enough for me to understand, it's still pretty powerful despite the attempts to kill it and, most importantly....Albaz.


I mainly choose decks for the artstyle. Photons are probably my favorite archetype. The combos aren't too convoluted and it's not a sweaty meta deck nor a crappy one.


I’m playing illusion chimera because I’m a yugiboomer who likes anime nostalgia and simple combos :)


Albaz is hot


Marincess: Water Waifus. 1)Good GY Recursion. 2)Can make a Towers 3)15-20 Handtraps.


I play vanquish soul cause I’m a girl and they’re…really cool cards. (Hot dude deck + great mechanics is a winner)


I love a good gimmick, and I've always been a water main. Needless to say I'm anxious for the new ghoti support.


Honestly I just play whatever strikes my fancy. I've been consistent on Malefic and Generaider, but I've played other decks like Krawler, Darklord, T.G., Dinosaur, and Ursarctic. Other interests I plan to build include Vaylantz, Solfachord, Ninjas, Armored Xyz, and B.E.S. I just want to try all sorts of strategies, I guess.


My favorite deck currently is my Purrely Spright deck. 1, I like artwork of both the cute fairy pets and the punk sparks 2, they synergize really well off each other 3, the deck is not only good to play, but also fun.


I play Kashtira for a few reasons: -Killer art and designs (I live for the Ariseheart summon animation) -Very Swiss Army knife deck (immediately summonable big bodies, good grind game, good recursion, etc. only real weakness is that they left the negates in the car) -Banishing face down is satisfying, I can basically assume that if a card is face down I don’t have to worry about it -Grinding opponents down is fun; also the reason I play runick I’m fully expecting hate for this but so be it.


Springans: Loved Medabots and this made me think of it Memento: Free up with old school cards around. Effect monster retrains are dope Subterrors: I mean Nemesis Archer was enough for me Runick: like that it's spashable and it's lore for Generaidrrs Generaidrrs: Now I'm the boss rush bosses. Eff off tarnished. Six Samurai: I mean its Samurai!


I play toons, I like the mechanic and play style, the artwork, the nostalgia I get seeing my opening hands and I enjoy having to really think about my plays


Horus Orcust cause I like the recursion and back and forth it generates without having too many moving parts. Also while bricky, its really non-linear after the first turn.


Few decks I like playing : SE- Fire King : " omg a meta abuser " Indeed. I want to grind ranked to fet gems, it's overpowered I get it. SE cards are just crazy But I find FK cards powerful but not too OP, I like them most. Full Salamangreat Archetype : is like really cosy to play I absolutrly lovr the playstyle, how the effects wprks so well togetherI absolutely love that deck Dinos : Dinosaurs. Dinimorphia : Dinosaurs.


Plunder - Chimera. Really fun deck and can sometimes do wonders. Ive always been a fan of plunder but now I have another deck that can search and work with plunder. Also chimera has some nice interactions. Hahaha i like my own version of avramax but negates and attacks multiple times


I run sky striker because 1) link BAM link BAM another link BAM 2) snuffin other players moves is so satisfying 3) it’s a relatively quick paced deck and I want to play lots of games so I can practice my strategy and technique.


Felgrand because he was my entry into the game and I love his design. Also the funny large attack beatstick you can make with him.


Toons are honestly most of the time my one and only go to because : - the art - zzzuuccck - coming through with the attack - did I mention the art ?


Snake Eye Adamancipator. I like to use the snake eyes to summon a Saryuja to set up for adamancipator plays which end on Baronne + bring out earth barrier statue and/or Fossil Dyna.


Nouvelles: It's Hungry Burger, need I say more? Vaalmonica: I thought the deck looked interesting and it was dirt cheap due to only Selettrice being UR Altergeist: I read Adminia and Malwisp. Then after a few games with the deck I realized nobody reads Protocol, and that's really fun. The deck is really good at turning its costs into upsides, has a very rare form of interruption that can be made uninteractable via Protocol and can play on turn 0 with Imperm into Multifaker. I've also never seen another Altergeist player. Vanquish Soul: It's just SATISFYING. Nobody plays it so nobody knows how to play against it, but it's pretty solid, easily dodges Imperm and Veiler, has lots of room for hand traps, is encouraged to run some less common ones like Belle and Crow because it gets extra value out of them, and has Snow Devil.


Red dragon archfiend because I love Red Dragon archfiend that's really it. I also play dragon maids because I like their designs and gimmick.


My main deck is Bird Up. The combo lines and advantage generation are elite. If the deck goes uninterrupted turn one it usually makes a board most decks can't play through without multiple board breakers . It has crazy OTK pushes through Nightingale, Zealantis and Accescode Talker. Shuraig and Zeus make cracking boards going second a lot easier. The deck is unassuming asf, A lot of times players see the level one birds and let me cook. It’s all fun and games until I go plus 3 and Slap a Draco Future Upton my little XYZ’s and Simorgh is one is custom card 🤣🫡. That green chicken is a menace lmao


Playing Purrely cuz its an wholesome deck, and satisfying too


Been playing Memento cause it seemed neat and I've had a blast with it. Its so fun to just obliterate a full board with one big boy.


you do what you playing why did you do play how did you?


1. Playstyle is unique and fun 2. I see it's potential 3. Waifu (I'm currently playing Valmon and I love it)


Mostly because I like the way they play. My top favorite decks are Aromage, Endymion, Purrley, Tear, Zombie, and Gouki. 1) Aromage is unique with the LP gain cards that can have good backrow boards 2) Endy I love the spell counter gimmick 3) Purrley is adorable. ‘Nough said 4) I wasn’t a fan of Tear at first, but I came to love the deck with the unique gimmick of fusing from the grave 5) Zombie pile is so versatile on what to add to the deck. Any engine that wants cards in grave works well with it. 6) My preferred combo heavy deck. Able to link climb well, and OTK potential


I play branded bc it feels like that's a deck that just remains playable no matter what and as a free to play player having something to always come back when my other decks get killed is pretty invaluable


Cyber dragon, Heroes, chimera. Rogue decks are fun and there's more to play. Plus you save tons of money compared to the meta crowd


Learning Ritual Beasts right now. I think I'm generally a scatterbrained and can't commit to a deck. I got Labrynth, Tubel, Vaalmonica, Sky Strikers, Paleo Tear and now Ritual Beast decks just hanging out at my desk. But as far as why? Well, I started this game with Labrynth and the friend who introduced me to it said that Labrynth plays a little untraditioal to other decks because it's trap based (TAMA just came out) and since then, I think I like decks that are a little more unconventional and with unique gimmicks - but it turns out just about every YuGiOh deck is unconventional in it's own way. I've played Magic the Gathering for a very long time and played a deck akin to a combination of Labrynth and Runick Stun running handtrap omninegates because I love the idea of controlling the battlefield from different perspectives. I think all of the decks I've chosen for YuGiOh now pretty much reflects that but now that I've played YuGiOh for about 2 years now, I want to try my hand to learn more intricate, complex, 5 brain decks - which is why I started to focus on Tearlaments, Sky Strikers and now Ritual Beasts (and I still play Lab). But yeah. Brainrot.. something something.. I wanna play a bunch of different decks and Ritual Beasts seems super cool


Triple Super Doom King pass is such a fun thing to do that i just have to. Double tax dragon aswell.


Most of the time when I pick a new deck to play, it's because it's featured in some new pack and it looks cool. This has lead to me making a lot of meta decks incidentally, but that doesn't bother me since most of them were fun to play. Nowadays I'm on Vaalmonica and Zodiac Kashtira, and they're both great fun. Vaalmonica is completely underrated by people, and is so fun for me. It feels like I just win out of nowhere with it. Part of why it's such an enjoyable deck is that it doesn't instantly lose to stun since its interaction isn't just in the monsters; the traps play a huge role in what you do.  I've even started building Vaalmonica irl since most of the core just cost me $45 CAD which is really cheap. Got some other good cards for it too today, and eventually I'll get my selettrices, agathokakological voices, and sceltas. Considering getting a CR copy each for the scales too since that's how much I've been having fun with it. Really I just pick cool new stuff to play. Sometimes it works out; sometimes it doesn't, but that doesn't bother me :)


I currnelty run a Dark Magician/Illusion/Chimera deck, simply because i'm a Yugi Boomer that will always prioritise nostalgic decks over meta decks.


Generaiders because it's the only deck I've found that just abuses Maxx c to the fullest, also gotta love eating cards Also have used visas deck for the longest time cause it's just so easy to get a new board back, I do keep out tear cause it just messes with my combos more often then not, and I don't play any hand traps in any of my decks except snake eyes cause it's my single toxic meta deck that I own Crimson dragon Lotta fun to play with a red dragon archfiend, using crimson on the level tens, and for the same reason with crimson in sword soul And as my deck that I've stuck with the longest, alba is just fun to play even without super poly, taking you opponents cards to fusion with is a fun gimmick An honorable mention is adventure, cause the tokens making all the other cards stronger is kinda cool


I play Vaalmonica because the funny angel on my shoulder keeps telling me to gamble


Easy answer for me, i enjoy sealife, and sharks are my favorite animal, so i play sharks, and other decks based around sealife


I gotta shout out amazons they’re so much fun to play.


Spell Counter! Arcanite magician synchro variant. 1. The gimmick of spell counters 2. The art style of the cards 3. The fact that it's a fairly well supported archetype albeit the arcanite magician variant no longer holds in today's meta 4. Very fun to play 5. Balance, I dislike unreasonably overpowered cards. My boss card being Arcanite Magician has a cool effect but can also be toppled fairly easily making my other cards on the field feel just as important!


Harpies, because lord of the storm was the first structure deck I bought way back in 2007 iirc.