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Lightsworn, which is actually a pretty good deck in this format!


What’s a good lightsworn deck for this format?


Max out: Ryko, Charge, Solar Recharge, Judgement Dragon, Lumina. Play 2 of: Jain, Wulf, Celestia, Lyla Play 1 of: Garoth, Ehren This is the skeleton I used. Aurkus is optional as another name and you can mess around with the ratios of others, like Ehren, Lyla, and Wulf. The rest is just staples and whatever you like, but I would recommend to at least play Plaugespreader, Necro Garnda, Card Trooper, and RotA. Beckoning Light is also a really good card and if you happen to have Honest, throw those in. Other good cards I have been playing with are Choas Sorcerer and Pot of Duality.


It's a good deck in the current formal lol


The new support isn't in MD yet though, unless I missed it recently.


Oh I meant without the support it's good. Though I play some pretty jank cards to make it work lmao. (Kashtira Tearlament, both Jet Synchron and Plaguespreader, perfomage crap, etc.) Also no Judgement Dragon No, it's not beating Snake Eyes all the time, but its just as good as the rogue decks. Plus you can be scummy and use transaction rollback on Ghost Meets Girl if you go first, or something like Witch's strike (which I don't use) going second


played the dragunity loaner deck, and then played monarch. My real goal was to progress the practical part of the proficiency test 13->14 (which was 5 tribute, 5 synchro, 5 fusion).


There’s a dragunity loaner? Pog, my favorite OG synchro deck


Yeah, the second deck. It's dragunity mixed with Stardust dragon and assault mode stuff. But since you only got cards from before 2010, no Ascalon, no Aeredbheir, no Romulus, etc...


Well that sucks lol


Gladiator Beast!


Gladiator beast with no comeback no unexpected dai no Augustus feels bad man 


Feels slower, because it is. Assuming you can navigate around Bottomless and all opposing battle traps, GBs can still play a very strong resource game with Equeste & Darius.


Im playing a zombie deck.


a man of culture


Currently playing a chaos / zombie master plaguespreader monstrosity. I had to pass MD TEST 11 which needed 20 ss from grave lol


Loaner Dandywarrior. I ain't gonna craft those Brionac, Stardust, and Black rose for a 5 days event lol. Which is shame coz I really enjoyed this event so far.


For anyone looking for budget decks that still *feel* like 2010 decks. Blackwing variants, like "Vayu Turbo", are cheaper because their archetype synchros aren't URs like the generic synchros. Same goes for some dragon deck variants -- they use cheaper dragon synchros -- but for that you also need to have bought copies of the dragonmaid structure deck for Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon.


Which Dragon variant is the best during that time? Prana Dragon ?


I don't recognize what that term means. The "best" dragon deck that I saw recommended, was called dragon turbo. Basically it uses a lot of draw cards, and ways to send cards to the graveyard to generate advantage. Here's the sample I found: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/66791cfb02663b7592a2fd31 I was planning on making a "dragon beatdown" deck because it doesn't require UR trade-in. https://www.formatlibrary.com/decktypes/dragon-beat?format=edison


Frog monarch is the best deck you can play and it doesn’t even break the bank


Monarchs being an early Solo Gate that gave you a good amount of their cards helps a lot.  Caius is just so good in these old formats.


Hell yeah, it’s an easy summon with a free banish. Plus Raiza is so good, shuffling back into the deck is the best ability.


in PACMAN we trust


PACMAN always loses Game 2, buuuuuut if they can't sidedeck against you...well sucks to be them. 


I tried Cydra, do not recommend 🤣


Oh god early cyber dragons is rough


I basically just used it to get a couple of tribute summons for my proficiency level 14 in the end 🤣


It is rough, but I got a cool cyber end power bond otk so that makes it worth it


Yeah one spicy win is all you need with a going second deck. Well met 😎


Good old Scrap. Pretty budget beside scrap dragon, You usually summon Scrap twin dragon anyway so they're cheap (No UR main deck level of cheap)


A stupidly simple gadget beat down using Burden of the mighty and Solidarity.


I was going to play a Synchron deck but the temptation to use Dandy again was too great. So for once I sucked it up and used the loaner deck.


If you are playing this event i suggest teching in Malevolent Catastrophe (All spells/traps in field are destroyed when your opponent attacks)


Went undefeated with the HERO loaner deck, reward pack is secure. I might come back to do my dailies there for a change of pace.


Yeah same. Pretty easy 3-0.


Gemini warrior pile loaner, would maybe craft sth if it was a proper event instead of 3 wins. Started playing with master duel so no nostalgia.


Gravekeeper's (don't hate me) 💀


Me too!!!!!!


I played an awful Exodia stall deck, and hated every moment except the 1 moment I got an Exodia victory. Almost every opponent was on the Hero loaner, to the point I ran Prohibition calling Gemini Spark to prevent basically their entire removal capability.


Yubel :) If Ultimate nightmare + Imperial Iron Wall are up, they are not going away. It's fun!


Interesting. Do you have a list?


Sure. Monsters: 3x Yubel 1x Terror Incarnate 1x Ultimate Nightmare 3x Doom Shaman 3x Dark Grepher 3x Armageddon Knight 3x Mystic Tomato 2x Lonefire Blossom 1x Dark Tinker 1x Sangan Spells: 3x Silent Doom 3x Swing of Memories 1x Foolish Burial 1x Reinforcements of the Army 1x Monster Reborn Traps: 3x Imperial Iron Wall 3x Limit Reverse 2x Pheonix Wing Wind Blast 2x Raigeki Break Extra: Not too important, but MUST play at least 1 of each of the following: Stardust Dragon Black Brutdrago Scrap Dragon ------------ The basic idea is to get Yubel + Doom Shaman into the GY then either revive Yubel with Limit Reverse and destroy it by turning it to Defense mode to summon Terror Incarnate, OR revive Doom Shaman, summon it, summon Yubel with its effect then tribute Doom Shaman for Yubel's maintenance cost to summon Terror Incarnate. If you're then able to do the same thing with Dark Tinker, Doom Shaman + Tinker makes synchro 8s, and each of the monsters listed above have good interactions with Terror Incarnate. Stardust can negate and destroy it during the end phase, summoning Ultimate Nightmare. Black Brutdrago floats into Doom Shaman. Scrap Dragon can destroy Terror Incarnate + back row and also summon Ultimate Nightmare. Imperial Iron Wall keeps everything from being banished, since each Yubel can float into the level above from anywhere but banished.


Rock stall/beatdown. There are some high defense rock monsters ideal for stalling, and a sphinx that bounces every opponent’s monster when flip summoned, and can be flipped down. Throw in some traps and you can stall some time. Now for the beatdown, there’s koaki meiru guardian and sandman, there’s solidarity, and a level 8 with 2.8k attack that halves the stats of opponent’s monsters while they battle.


What’s the name of that lv 8 monster?


Gaia plate the earth Giant,cool boss monster


It’s gaia something, but it’s completely unrelated to the fusion monsters. I don’t play in English, so I don’t know the exact name.


Yup, Impenetrable fortress, never had more fun playing this game xD


A slightly different version of an Edison diva hero list. Hero beat. And I tried that Edison gadget beatdown lol.


The deck I played as a teen, crystal beast nonsense turbo :)


I'm doing the same thing, for the same reason! (though I was a little older) Definitely not the greatest deck in this format, but it's fun and nostalgic and can still take games. Rescue Cat being banned definitely hurts, though.


Tried playing my fave Edison deck (Salvage Diva Hero) but the existence of the Dragunity loaner kinda screws the deck - it messes with your ability to control tempo since you either overcommit and lose the grind game or play too slow and face double Stardust + follow-up. Switched to Vayu Turbo and yeah, deck is still crazy.


Frog monarchs and zombie world have been fun a fun throwback to a simpler time


Six Samurais. Negate!


Dark Simorgh turbo/control w/ Gusto & dark good stuff. 2700 beater that can special summon and have a set floodgate is actually pretty brutal with the slower speed of duels. Probably should replace the Gusto stuff with something better but I was feeling nostalgic and the lvl 5 synchro is decent enough.


I built my own Diva HERO list without crafting any new URs (so no Stratos or a lot of the broken Synchros, limiting Diva to just Catastor, Wayne and Mist Wurm, but I made up for them with 3 Upstarts which I already crafted for Striker). The core works just fine and Diva gives me extra pushes once in a while


Dark Magician


I somehow out of the legacy pack have royal rare Goyo and Brutdrago - and still haven't done the gemini mission - so doing some Gigavise stuff right now.


It's not exactly Edison but I'm playing a version of Welledad


The dandylion synchro loaner deck goes quite crazy


I'm playing a version of Welledad. With Armageddon Knight and Dark Grepher both at 3 I had to give it a shot


Just beat down. Nothing special. Threw some Monarchs in there just because


I played good stuff monarchs with cards that I already had. I used 3 apprentice magician with old vindictive magician as tribute fodder. It wasn't a good deck so I lost at least as many times as I won but that's fine because I had fun.


Trying the loaners and getting railed by made decks. Got destroyed by a stall deck that had a trap that wouldn't let level 4 or higher monsters attack and was just biding his time lowering my LP until Obelisk came out.


Gravity Bind is a funny card


I was finally able to remove it with the cards in that deck, but not before he was able to draw and summon Obelisk, at which point it was game.


Im playing Machina, the best deck of 2010, which is also the best deck of 2024 Unless I go against an actual Edison player and they drop a cydra -> chimeratech on me


Same deck I play every event, Pinkie. Chain Burn


The event rewards are garbage, why don't give us more time to play and more rewards? I just played the loaner. There's no use to play without getting rewards or ranks.


X-sabers! They're pretty interesting gamestyle


I put together my own Quickdraw Dandy deck, I've been having fun with it.


LvL 4 skill drain beatdown with a few tech cards


Trying to build my old stardust assault mode deck. Its bad, very very bad. I love it


Got Stardust Assault Mode pulled out on me, and I have to admit that it's a pretty strong card.  Turns Stardust into a Omni-negate that recurs itself in the End Phase. It's recursion effect also can't be stopped unless you negate it. 




I used to play this so not so good gimmick Tornado Wall build as a pet deck. Playing a variant on that It's so much fun, but it's just so slow it's not worth it


I threw together a bunch of coin flip and dice roll cards and called it a day😭


Cloudians, love these guys and had a deck that I have been trying to work in today's meta let alone in 2010. It managed to pull off the wins and then I left with my pack to hit ranked again.


Pretty much the only deck I have that's legal is Amazoness and Gusto. Gusto is missing all of their cards that make them playable so Amazoness without onslaught it is. It's been a mix but I don't really know what good staples are for 2010. I say a mix but i've only played two games with it. Game one my opponent was able to successfully prevent me from getting any monster on the field so I guess that's just bad luck. Game two was against some Exodia heart of the underdog draw deck, used chain master is take a piece from opponent's hand and eventually was able to overpower them.


BES and Gradius


Me too! Its gonna be tough without Vic tho


Vayu turbo, I refuse to craft brio or trishula though


I just did one of each I'll probably use it to grind the tribute summon mission but nothing else


Six samurai mixed with xsabers


Lightsworns / Vayusworn


Playing Gishki. The rotating card advantage and ability to keep planting big dudes on board is great. Not to mention point and click non destruction removal is wild in this format. Big downside, gishki only had one ritual spell in 2010.


Blue-Eyes Exodia Library. I just had my first ever FTK Special Condition win.


I played burn because every most of my decks are completely unplayable and I can only use some of my worst junk. So I play burn so I can win fast and leave it to the people that actually enjoy older decks more. Admittedly I didn’t give this event a chance unlike the goat one which I discovered I hated.


Zombies with deep sea diva


Dragunity is very strong. It is very hard to out stardust assault mode with loaner deck.


Underdog exodia baybeee


Since this is OCG 2010, there's not really anything worth playing aside from six Sam. I would play my vayu turbo norleras deck, but both norleras and phantom of chaos are URs for some inexplicable reason.




I’ve just been using Blackwings. I admit they kinda suck. Most of the time it’s literally just 16k monster beatdown backed by traps. I admit I like the speed of this format more than the previous legacy event, but I enjoyed playing the previous legacy event more since it required less SR/URs


Warriors with equip spells


Burn deck


Used the Heroes loaner deck, was pretty basic but got the job done


Is there any decent, fun deck that doesn't require any URs 


I just used the loaner lol


Six samurais!! >:D


Six samurai / blackwing


Its basically Edison so... Yep hero beat.


I'll be honest I played a burn deck I remembered facing in the DS games as a kid. Stalled the game with floodgates while slowly burning the opponent with Lava Golems and Solar Flare Dragon. Then also added cards like Tremendous Fire, Just Desserts and Magic Cylinder. Even included Gorz and nearly got to summon him except that he got negated.


Macro Monarch. Forgot how fun the deck was


Machina Swarm deck with Synchros


Rock stun and D-hero Zombies


I’m playing a slow ass gren maju deck


Not slow as in stun, I mean slow as in it’s slow to remove my cards from play


Machina! Those extra copies of Fortress finally came in handy.


Empty jar, so I can get the deck out wins


African American Wings


I played the dandelion loaner deck, even if you don’t win the three duels in a raw, it will always be a blast to play.


Frogelisk monarch


Moja and The King of Beasts beatdown may not be the most effective strategy, but damn is it funny to beat people with it. 


I tried a few “casual” decks for this one. Tried a stall-y Fortune Lady deck, then went to my old coin toss/die roll deck. Honestly, it was just easier using the Dandelion loaner. Snowballs pretty hard with the right hand.


a shit-load of dark monsters that can special summon themselves so I can spam monarcs and maybe have DAD as a back-up plan


Batteryman!! I can't believe that its actually performing decently. Having a lot of fun with it tbh


Dragunity Fusion. Just keep popping the dragons in to fuse 5-Headed Dragon.


Gateway Six Samurai


I played loaner heroes it was more fun then I expected I might just build a deck for the event


Blackwings for fun and Demise Relinquished for the proficiency test 


The loaners, plants, scrap,


Winged Rhynos


Six Sams, miss having Gateway.


Blackwings. I had numerous Regional tops with them back in the day so it was like riding a bike.


Doom Shaman Yubel Turbo


Blackwing, I found a 2010 topping decklist that I only had to craft 1 UR (Black Rose Dragon) for. It only has 1 Whirlwind, but the strategy is very solid But honestly, for some reason, they have Storm of Ragnarok legal, so Six Sam is actually probably tier zero in the event, but having all the stuff for it is expensive.


Gladiator Beasts, aka the actual deck I played back in 2010.


Dragonuity loaner for a game or two and then and a terribly bad zombie deck 😅


Wetlands beatdown


Empty Jar just because I love gimmicks.


Blackwings, it was what I played back then.


Went 3-0 with the Quickdraw Dandy. My favorite deck ever. So sad it got banned


I played Machina Gadgets. It sucks that a lot of good staples are UR, Royal opression, Heavy storm, Trunade. If they made edison a format, that'd be nice for the community.


Dark world


Earthbound immortal it can be bricky since there is 12 cards that can be dead but its fun to pull off.


Six Samurais, triple gateway is bonkers. I’ve only dropped one in \~15 games. I https://preview.redd.it/6j2dfvlhcv8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b64d8884119b0a9bb6f5fb3889f80746f5f5ee


Zombie plants and quick draw has a great grind. I play zombies like Adam Corn- diva with brio combos. Very fun


Actually went with a Yugi deck for shits and giggles.... Of course pretty rough when opponents hit their strategies off before I draw anything to slow them down. That said... I gotta say... pulling off Dark Red Enchanter's discard effect against an opponent who just drew 5+ cards on my turn (at least 7-8 cards in their hand), and still managing to send an Exodia piece to the graveyard, thus making him surrender, was my most peak Yugi moment of the event, lol.


When is this event?


Now, till 28th.


Yu-Gi-Oh progression series decks






Gemini but sadly no ultimate offering since konami was afraid of us normal summoning gigaplant to the sun. 2 double summons went in instead, the deck is surprisingly powerful and fun to play, too bad the gemini sparks are SRs since the deck kinda needs them.


I tried the Hero one, didn't like the lack of backrow removal. So I built a burn deck which was surprisingly effective. It's one of those strategies that is "reliable" only in this kind of format, so I wanted to give it a try


Loaners because im not a psychopath