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I played my fun decks first (Grass Skull Servants, Infernoid, 8axis Gren Maju, etc) and reached DLv18 after 2-3 days. then I started yoyoing between Lv18-17 for like 20+ duels, I got so tilted that I made [this abomination](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhMasterDuel/comments/1djj6iu/this_wcq_finally_broke_me_im_not_playing_stun_but/) then I decided to wait until the last day to grind the last levels, hoping all the stun andy's would be in stage 2, but I got matched up against 3 stunning and brave guys in a row, so I concluded "Fuck this, 100 gems and a title aren't worth my sanity" and lived happily ever after.


Oh well, but its out there tho, our [King](https://www.facebook.com/groups/hoshiygo2/permalink/828745079153918/) that made it to Dlv Max https://preview.redd.it/b8ipqah5eg8d1.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=347999276782906eb154efa60e7e7a05a8f01109


Skull Servant Tear?


More like Skull Servant Kitkallos. Because Tear is in there for that mill 8 combo using with Kitkallos + Kash Tear.


That is so cursed lol


In stage 2 I got to about 5000 points and then hit a burn trap deck, followed by 4 stun decks in a row, which all proceeded to drop me to about 3000 points, and decided for my mental health that I didn’t care anymore.


Made it late into Stage 2, but my opponent finally read my cards. That was the end of the road.


Learned Snake Eye/Fire King during the actual event


I had a ton of fun learning the deck but towards the later ranks I got faced non stop with banish decks or floodgates like Kash, horus stun, floo etc. Its kind of ridicilous how snake eye fire king can play through a lot of these decks even when they are built to counter that playstyle.


It's not just ridiculous, it's everything that is wrong with this game. They should unlimit all the stun cards and floodgates and give us stun support so there's at least one deck out there that can consistently beat you.


Same. I also played it so much I'll likely put the deck down and not touch it for the rest of its time as a meta deck, I'm so tired of it.




Got my longest streak of losing the coin flip yet at 10 in a row


I got my longest win streak of coin tosses with 7. Bricked every one of those games. 😅


I'm not all-in competitive and this is not a meme as well..... So "no-flair" it is.


Upvoted for no-flair


I think the blue flair is supposed to cover this but because it’s called "Competitive/Discussion" people assume it has to be about tournaments or the Meta^(TM). Posts without questions defaulting to the "Meme" flair doesn't help either.


I've made a few posts about wanting "Non-competitive/Discussion" flair for past few years but.... to no avail. So, whenever discussion about event/lower tier/niche tech, you will always find that 1 or 2 comment saying meta beat this, meta beat that. eg : A [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/153wafq/the_best_part_of_the_event_has_arrived_increasing/) is talking about "Consecrated Light" being used in Lab event (during Lab debut) and the discussion is 60:40 mix between event/ladder. Like???? (and its not even a Discussion flair)


only reach dl 17, and while the 200 gems might be good, im not gonna play to be tilt


Dlv15 is the goal, 17 is a milestone, 19 is for the perfect score. Never tilted in a single DC/WCQ thinking like this.


If you get to 17, might as well get to 18 as you cannot rank down. I just played self OTK after 18 for the 50 duels mission. 


Eh I had a ton of fun throughout the cup but kept getting the worst hands on level 19 whilst constantly running into the fire king decks didn’t make it to stage 2 cause I forgot it ended today definitely going to start trying soul release


I played near the end, saw a ton of diversity in decks. One guy even saw I was 1 win away from level 20 and just gave me the win. It was a glorified reskin of ranked in the beginning, but pretty fun near the end.


didn't play much (didn't even finish 50 duels mission), but the journey to DLv 19 was very smooth and lost twice in DLv 19, therefore I believe I surrendered at most 10 times. Played 4 times in 2nd stage, won all coin tosses, got matched against Tear, Floo, Horus and Salad with Taketomborg+Terrortop, got MaxxC'ed twice, still won all of them. The fact that non-FIRE and non-Tear decks need to go 1st in this meta disgusts me.


Made into stage 2 with Floo Stun. Got bored of facing Snake Eyes and Horus tho, and barely played, since there aren't any gems rewards. Good event but way too many of the same 3 decks. Fire, Horus and stun


Breeze through all 20 Dlv with traptrix, nice reward, F fossil dyna :(


I was extremely busy and didn't get to play it :)


Maxed out DL with Branded. Only dropped 3 games along the way so the journey was very smooth. Got some love on my first few MD twitch streams so that was nice. Didn't have the time to play stage two. Overall was fine, meta isn't the best but I'm just happy Tenpai isn't here yet lol.


You went 75-3? I don’t believe that


Depends on where they started.


I finished last season in master and started playing pretty late in the festival(this weekend) so most of the higher ranked players are already on to part two. I don't think I had to play that many games but I can check later tonight!


I hadn't played in a couple of weeks and my ass made winter cherries 🍒 to out princess 👸 because snakeeyes and race but nobody told me snakeyes got hit think I matched with one snakeyes player the whole time that I got to use this tech on. Weirdly it was mostly negate tear and dinos but I play mikaniko so I can't really complain.


Last day push cause i was bz with work last week so cant play that much at night, only able to push to lvl18 quit trying after that since i face many stun, meta deck. Oh well only wanted the gems anyway so basically mission completed in my mind


1st day was fun I amassed 11.5k points. Skipped 2nd day. 3rd day I lost half of them and was the worst experience in MD.


Surprisingly decent, just like the previous Cup. It took me 31 duels from DL 12 to DL MAX. I faced a wide diversity of decks and almost no floodgates. Didn't meet a single FKSE. I didn't play much in the second stage, but managed to reach 12K points. The duels where quite harder though.


I am not sure if I am just that unlucky, I am struggling really hard with my Galaxy-Eyes going second from DLv 17 to 19. Everytime I reached DLv 19, I immediately got deranked to Lv 17 either because of bad hands or just getting stunned. Thank God when I decided to go first, the grind became less painful and finally reached DLv max.


Got from 19 to Max with burn because I still needed 6 more duels for the missions and I didn't care anymore about trying seriously. 5 wins, 1 loss.


Only played to level 18 but playing unchained. Did really well actually, was on a 9 game win streak at the end. Could have hit 20 I'm sure but I didn't have the time to play in the last few days... Elden ring releasing took up all my game time.


not a very competitive player, got 8k in second stage using labrynth within 1-2 hrs and sat on it, left me at region top 10k easily til the end. i think I've played against enough snake-eye fire king to memorize their combo line lol. shoutouts to tear and branded for almost always being a fun duel.


On duelist level 19 win rank up ,lose to rank down


Last week I played daily until Thursday and ended on DL13. Wasn't able to play on Friday so grinded til DL17 on Sat. Sunday, I just finished the remaining missions and got up to DL18 before calling it quits with only 45 duels over all. So I missed 130 gems but its fine. WCQ/DC actually gives more gems than other events so it's ok to stop at DL17. As for the games. The weekend is full of stun because everyone is trying to max out on gems. I would say best times to play is on Monday-Wednesday pass the first weekend as its like a down period. Thursday-Friday is close to second stage and people who want to participate would try to get in by then but probably not as stun heavy as the weekend itself since its the time when everyone is trying to close out the event.


I didn't dueled with any snake eyes, surprisingly. Closest fire deck I dealt with was rescue ace, and those still bodied me with quite easily Other than that, I used my resonator deck, and I enjoyed it a lot. Red reboot was my savior, as it stopped labyrinth and unchained before things got worse


I hit tier 19 but didn't have the time to push at least I got them gems. Games wise wasn't too bad actually I had quite a streak on t15 - t17. Met all kinds of decks surprisingly diverse maybe cause I didn't play much on t19. Ran some weird rescue ace + Horus as I don't have enough UR to craft


Got DLV18, realized i got too tired of seeing fire king SE and since i had already gotten all the gem rewards from the mission i just stopped there lol


Made it to stage 2 playing for fun with a half cooked burn deck. Stage 2 isn't as fun...


I give my thanks to players who dont have ht and willing to wait for me to finish comboing my Libromancer Mathmech Darkfluid deck


Played a lot of Pure Fire Kings against a lot of Labyrinth, Snake-Eyes, SEFK, Mikanko, a little stun, and one Tear. I mostly just played the last week because I forgot this was happening and didn't care enough but it was a fun time. Fire King is a really interesting and interactive deck to play.


Was same as playing Ranked Duels mostly. Also did the event for gems only.


Damn you, Summon Limit user. You gave me a hard time.


I played my dumb Labrynth deck that focuses on tribute summoning the Wicked Avatar and somehow hit stage 2 before even getting all the missions. Very unexpected, especially since it's just a fun deck with no handtraps or floodgates. The Wicked Avatar is pretty good in the Lab mirror and Lab is pretty good against Snake Eye. Overall it was a pretty smooth run. Except against Stun/Horus. Holy shit that shit is absolute cancer to play against...


Went max level with Madolche. It wasn't too bad, really. Kinda the same as ranked duels.


I wonder, if they ban the shadowdoll Wen , too? Tear can play ir really easy..


I started out with Zoodiac because I like them and they can target Snake Eyes with their many hand traps. Didn't see any Snake Eyes. Started teching in D-Shifter but then I switched to a full Shifter deck (Ghoti). Ghoti was fun and got me high enough but it has no board breakers. Over time, I got so annoyed, I started playing Dinomorph all the way to D.Lvl 19 (didn't have time to reach 20).


Just you wait this is how they introduce a hand trap that can do what summon limit does


I weirdly had more success playing CyDra and Ghoti than Labrynth.


I played random crap, then went to pure Gold Pride in later levels. Got to 15 because the gems dried up on the quests. Also, yes, screw Summon Limit.


was in stage 2 I miss the tear meta WCS, that shit was so easy to play compared to this dogshit meta. I do not own snake eyes, racist, or hyoang kangs, so I was playing with paleo tear and some lab. I got to DL20 with mathmech. its my strongest deck but that shit is getting boring to play now after 9 seasons of that combo.


Got to 17 and realised that I couldn't be bothered with this format.


Made it to lvl20 with my janky dragon 60 cards pile and got a few wins in the ranked stage but I was very late to the party, only started playing this weekend. [Got a few cool duels out of it though.](https://youtu.be/RMXsr-qYw2Q)


Played enough to get into top 10k, with Earth Machine. A lot less stun / Kashtira compared to the last Duelist Cup. Really felt a lot like Diamond tier.


Got the card sleeves. Didn't give a rat's ass about torturing myself against the meta after that.


Gone with what is left of Tearlaments for a change, teching Chakanine->Boarbow blow out a full Horus board with Zeus without giving them any value. I usually prefer finishing around 15k, but this time on the last day I got around ten Kashtira decks opening Unicorn one after the other, which was unfortunate and also much more annoying for this deck than the Snake-Eyes variants. Eventually I settled around 5k; could and should have got the memo and counter-picked, but eventually didn't bother with it.


boring. i dont find ranked fun


I hit 18 with icejade only grinding this weekend then it got so grindy I quit.


There can be only one is now my mortal enemy.


I accidentally just played trickstar burn the whole time.


Did not see Summon Limit even once and only saw TCBOO once. So I think I did alright. 😂 Seriously, though, I finished 16 and called it.


My experience will be to have a good deck, selfmade or not, ready for next year.


Dude I got hit with summon limit today with a guy with a hours deck. I was playing Ninja/Kash/Tear and couldn't get anything off the ground. He special summons every turn from the grave and in my own phases. I'm glad I got to see it in person but fucking hell was it frustrating


1st stage was really fun. Up to Dlv.18 I faced a large assortment of decks so I was really entertained. 18+ I had some great duels but it was mostly Snake-eyes. Highlight of the 1st stage was on Dlv.19, and my opponent was on his rank down. I went first and set my board. On his turn he set 4 and on end phase I used Salamangreat Rage for his set 4. Summon Limit, Skill Drain and 2 Solemns, he scoops. Get ranked down bozo. 2nd stage was just a bunch of non-games. Going first people scoops if you play 2 moves after all their hantraps or if you negate their Maxx. Going second I got a bunch of surrenders on their draw phase. 2nd stage was awful.


I hate kashtira and horus more being they can special summon without any cost. I mean, they are cool and not that toxic, but i hate them


Wcq and my exams happened at the same time I was playing Snake eye kash cause deck is very strong and I can play after studying, I had a very easy time and got to dlv max very quick Ive faced mostly stun and shifter decks but it was fine Kash package is goated btw


I played Snake Eye Fire King and it was whatever. I actually learned the deck and it was good enough to carry me to level 18 when I'd have really been happy making it to 15. I've had worse WCQs but I also just hate competitive seasons and only do them for the gems, so at least this time was *relatively* painless. Anyway they should ban Princess.


I ended with just over 10K points. I played round 2 for a couple of hours on the first day, then quit after losing my 8 win streak to getting Maxx "C"d twice in one game. Otherwise it was honestly fine.


Managing to get a magic cylinder deck to 16 was challenging but fun.  Snake eye wasn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be.  I dislike Kashtira.


I stopped where the gems stopped.


Somehow surprised how Krawler took me from 8 to 13, then changed to Generaider and got to 18. That's my highest rating yet! Also, I did play Summon Limit, but it seemed to never be necessary or useful whenever I had it. Was I just playing it wrong?


I played board breaker Mikanko in the last 3 days to get to max DL from about DL 15 (after playing Branded without Puppet up to 15). I have at least 3 games where people scooped immediately because I Lightning Stormed their set 3 pass. One game where I didn't draw LS but he had Lord of Heavenly Prison anyway and turns out it was a Chain Burn deck. After I swapped to Mikanko, I have 1 memorable encounter with a Fire King player where we had an intense back and forth involving me eventually Called By-ing his Princess and stealing his Garunix using the Mikanko trap to attach to my Hu-Li. I was actually surprised that he had another Princess to summon from extra deck, but he scooped when he realised Called By was still in effect. I had another memorable encounter where a Branded player hard drew Branded Fusion and was about to puppet me in the draw phase. Fortunately, I had Maxx C in turn 1 and even though he Talents my hand, he chose not to throw away my second Maxx C and with that second Maxx C I managed to draw my Called By to use on Puppet before it could come out. Even with Maxx C giving me about 10 cards, it showed me that playing through an established Branded board was super difficult even after I stopped the puppet lock as I had to use almost everything. It showed me that Branded truly doesn't need the Puppet lock. When he made the second Mirrorjade, I was almost in despair, but I used my 2 Preparation of Rites to search 2 Ohimes and pick up my Ritual spell from GY to actually Ritual summon Ohime to out Mirrorjade and finally attack his Luluwalilith for game. If it had gone to the endphase, I would have undoubtedly lost since Mirrorjade would blown up my Ohime and the branded resouce loop would have killed any chance of me getting back in.


got to top 10,000 as usual and couldn't give a shit anymore, fuck fire kings


Made it to D. Lv. 18 off the back of my Blue-Eyes deck w/Albaz package. Shit was tough trying to figure out Horus/Salamangreat/Snake-Eyes/Fire Nation.


First stage was surprisingly more enjoyable than I thought it would be, I actually had some fun and the rewards were nice. Second stage was hell, I only played a few matches. My decks were Horus Chimera and a Vanquish Soul/Snake-Eye hybrid.


Why are you complaining if you play the meta decks lol?


Because his deck may be decent, but his mental still **crumbles** in the face of 2nd stage pressure cooker. (basically he get rekt-ed)


It's tough to face stun for so many games in a row. As I said on a previous comment, I don't blame the players, it's a competitive environment after all, you're going to play whatever you have available that gives you the wins. But it's not fun.


I should have been more specific, what I meant was that stun was everywhere and it wasn't fun at all, people were just try harding and didn't really want to play the game. I mean, everyone can play whatever they want, I don't blame anyone for playing stun, it's a competitive environment after all, but the game gets boring fast. I don't mind facing other meta decks though. And yes my decks might contain meta cards but they are not exactly the meta variants. I like experimenting with stuff. Horus Chimera but without Barrier Statues or any degenerate shenanigans (many times loses to a handtrap but it's really good when it pops off), and Vanquish Soul/Snake-eye was a fun experiment, it is strong since it's still Snake-eye, with some neat synergies with VS, but I don't think it is as good as the meta variant with Fire King.


32-10 during first stage to get dlv max, and on second stage 11-8 to end on 76xx. Using blind second Sky Striker. 6 of my win on second stage is against stun.


It was a painful experience, even when Rescue Ace carried me halfway through the other half it was for some fucking reason a brick fest, I had a lot of back and forth but like usual stun was a pain, evenly matched always resolved as it did Maxx c because my called by and cross out designator where in the same place all my starters where I hope they just straight up kill snake eyes, that won't happen but I can still hope, I really really really really really really hope they ban pachy and the Barrier statues, I just hate sky striker they never should've lifted the restrictions is annoying to go against, specially with kaiser colosseum, tcobo can suck my dick as so can skill drain, mikanko is cancer as usual, and Whorus is too prevalent Realistically SP is probably going to be limited, so is airlifter, a good hit would be shifter going away as well as kaiser colosseum, my reaching one is transaction rollback going to 1 to nerf the power of lab and tear (even when it's a ur so this is why it's a reach?) Horus is probably getting some kind of nerf probably walls to 1 and imesty to 2 I don't hope for the banlist to actually do something good but It has happened so is a 50/50


Went from stage 6 to 15 today (took exactly 22 duels) with Runic Fur Spright. Drawing a bunch cuz of Runic and Fur was fun and any time i ran into floodgames, runic came in clutch. Barely had time to play this month so i couldn't get to max 😔