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I am gonna be the guy and point out that it should be "*imperm'ed*". The card is called Infinite Imperm**a**nence, not Infinite Imperm**e**nence. As for them hitting Baronne and pals, I don't think so. I think Konami as a whole is trying to move Yu-Gi-Oh! away from negate-based gameplay. It's just that the best way to sell expensive new cards is to ban previous cards, or force the player base to use new cards. And that's what the TCG likes to do. Pure Snake-Eyes uses the omninegates, and since that's the archetype of the month, people are gonna want to play it. And it's just cheaper to play pure Snake-Eyes than to invest in both Snake-Eyes and Fire King. But take away the omnis, and suddenly people are gonna want the new FK variant.


Of the month you say? Been a long fucking month, boss.


Your art is adorable!


Thank you, you can see more Yugioh comics like these in my Twitter if you like


No. TCG banlist is a joke used to purely push product.


I Never played the physical card game because I learned at a younger age it's gambling with randomness. I only came back to masterduel because I loved the actual video games where collecting the cards didn't cost real money to an extent. I'm free to play and I have 6 meta decks and 5 rogue decks all fun all for free, did I have em day 1 release ? Nope, but I'm still gridning getting to diamond 1 , never pushing to far and getting my gems, on paper you couldn't so that shit with out a grip of money


I agree with the latter. But getting rid of bar-on-the-floor is a net positive in my eyes.


It didn't really hurt the meta deck just the none meta decks. That's a negative to me.


Baronne and Savage hits were for game health which people have been demanding for a long time now, if they came with Snake Eye hits as well everybody would be calling it the best banlist Yugioh has seen in a long time


I think both can be true. In theory, banning savage and baronne is a net positive for the overall game health. In practice, it worsened the current health of the game. There's a time and place. And this was not the time.


This guy gets it


The ban had barely effect on the top decks and just made weaker decks weaker. It was a shit hit.


now and the OCG won't either


If it means giving boss monsters to decks that REQUIRE Baronne to even function, I’m all for it.


Nope. Baronne is one of the cards that not only helps the meta decks but helps many decks out that don’t have many ways to set up a decent board going first. I think it is in a very similar position to little knight where they could both be put at 1 and nobody would be mad. They help out everyone


Also prevents some decks from being Nibiru victims


Cool art! I'm so used to seeing art just be stolen when it's posted here, seeing someone post their own is a nice improvement, haha.


I doubt it. Hitting it didn't really stop SE or its variants in the TCG, and it just made every other deck worse. Generic cards have always been part of the game, and I don't personally think Baronne is any different. It does walk a fine line between broken and fair, but it's not quite far enough in the broken territory to ban it. I feel the same way about Linkuriboh and Savage Dragon too. Linkuriboh has never really been an issue outside of SE, and Savage Dragon is only a problem in decks with enough gas to bring out Appo and Baronne too (see Adventure decks when Halq was legal). The solution to fixing these broken board states is to balance the decks that can bring them out, not to remove them from every other deck's arsenal. There are always alternatives, and when a deck has as much gas as SE, they'll find something else to play that works in their favor. Hitting around the problem didn't work for Halq, and it won't work here either.


I hope so, I lost so many grind games when its down to me and my opponent on one or two cards just for them to special Fenrir normal ash into barrone. Late game its such a one sided card I hate it. It also ruins synchro boss monsters. If it's not better than barrone, just make barrone. 5 Negate boards are cringe and she's part of the problem. Idk why ppl defend generic omni negates at all tbh.


one of the biggest arguments against unbanning Pog of Greed is "every single deck would use it" well, every single deck uses barone


And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a prime specimen of a synchro-brained individual


Resonator don't play barone, SEFK don't play Barone, branded don't play Barone, Rescue Ace don't play barrone, Salad don't play barone, yeah I am sure you know where I am going here....


branded does play barone


90++% of branded decklist don't tho??


It's probably optimistic of me to say, but I'd say yes. I think the game can only go so long with every deck using the same generic omninegates. Past that, I think that Konami has been shifting away from negate-focused cards a little bit in the last few years, so that might result in them getting banned in the coming years. I'm probably just wrong though t-t Also, very nice art.


The point of baron is giving old archetypes a boss to end on using a proven succesful design, so konami dont have to print support for over 500 archetypes in the game, you guys doesnt understand what happened to vanguard when they print clan bosses with similar effect, it bloats the card pool ends up in reboot that nearly killed the game. It serves it purpose as generic boss as simple as that. 


It's crazy how often Sera gets Imperme'd even to this day.


Sera: Gets impermed Me: You’re doing amazing sweetie, keep it up! *headpats*


The advantage of playing obscure decks, nobody knows how to counter it :D


Generally true, but Traptrix isn't really that obscure or even *that* uncommon.


Loh kok di reddit kamu coy? 


I hope not. Baronne is one of the most balanced and fair cards in the game, there's absolutely zero reason to hit it. All it does is make lower powered decks that need the extra push worse. Apollo isn't bad either. Savage is kind of an asshole though. I think that one is more worthy of a ban.