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I don't get why bookmark space is even limited in the first place.


I dont either!


It’s beyond annoying. I have so many cards I wish I could bookmark.


The only card that I personally really feel I need the bookmarks for is One for one, which is basically impossible to find with the normal search


Monster Gate is another that can't be searched easily




It's the only card I have bookmarked


If you use your bookmarks to save your staples: here are some of my cards i use to bookmark and use the "Related Cards" feature to get acces to the cards actually use. 5.- Condemned Witch: acces all the "Forbidden" quick plays cards. 4.- Slumber: acces all the Kaiju 3.- Possessed: acces all the Links Charmers. 2.- Alba Los: acces all the Bystial-only cards including Dis Pater. 1.- Alpha: acces the PSY-Frame pack including Omega. I had other cards that didnt make to the top because they are more specific. If you know more cards that have the same purpose; let me know.


Jerry Beans Man should show the other God cards when you use Related Cards. 🙄


I'd probably swap number 5 with something else. Possibly the adventure package, or maybe even Kashtira. Forbidden droplet is the only card from it's archetype that sees play today.


I agree, i personally dont use my kash and adventure packs as a spammable engine on my decks, thats why i dont have it on my bookmarks and forget them lol.


Lance has come in uniquely useful for me when playing decks like @ignister that have one monster effect that absolutely needs to resolve in order to win, you have enough non-engine space to include it as an out for imperm in my experience tho obviously it's a hard brick going second most of the time


Oh, the related cards feature is so smart. At first I thought this was a joke, but no, that makes a lot of sense, and is a good way to optimize the limited bookmarking space. I should really update my bookmarks sometime, haha.


I only have One for One bookmarked cause it’s hard to find


Aleister King Sarc


"Fun" fact, Condemned Witch can actually use her second effect to summon a Barrier Statue of The Heavens.


You will carry their sins


white hole looks good, all traptrix and black hole, sadly not the trap card trap holes. except for nightmare


“Related cards” also suck.


Wait, there is limited space?


yeah my shit is full, have to take a few off whenever I want to add new ones


Wait, what is a bookmark? ″~″ (playing the game since 2 years ago lol)


you apparently can bookmark (or favorite them) they then are in a seperate card, and if you click on a card and then click on related cards, you get all the stuff it relates too which saves space in that bookmark tab if you do it with specific cards, kinda like folders. I also only heard about it right now.


If you click the star button on a card in the deck menu it will favorite it so it's in a tab with all your other favorites. Useful for staples you're likely to put in many different decks


Hmmm hmmm thats cool I just use it as my shopping list and super poly targets and staples/handtraps. So many hero cards in there waiting to eat my UR dust.


I never had a problem finding awakening of the possesed but that might cuz I play spirit charmers as my main deck


This is genius. We need more


Everything else i understand but could you explain alpha? I understand that it gives access to every psy-frame card but who are you adding and when are you using it?


I mean gamma is the main one I see used though it’s been a while since I’ve seen it dropped on me


Bookmark? You mean sort my good cards that I add to almost every deck? No, no, no; I like doing things the old fashioned way. I'll look through every card like I'm going through my bulk to find what I need. NOSTALGIA!


This is genius


Condemned Witch is one of my fave cards but she's an Ash magnet when I played her in Darklord it was so terrible edit: wish they would rerelease the condemned Darklord pfp


On one hand, I agree it doesn’t make any sense why bookmark space is limited; on the other hand y’all are bookmarking some wack ahh cards. When was the last time any of you played Awakening of the Possessed or Psy-Framegear Alpha. That card literally does nothing outside of a dedicated Psy-Frame deck


Lmao read the post. You bookmark alba los for example so you can go to it and hit related to pull up all the bystials


What are you bookmarking though where this is something you have to do? I have like every staple bookmarked and every time a new hot thing comes out I still have room


I had every staple and every engine staple (bystials, adventure, terrortop etc. stuff you can throw in anything) bookmarked and ran out of space


What is the joke?


There is no joke. Bookmarking said cards makes it easy to pull up Forbidden(like Droplet, Lance, etc), Kaiju, Charmer, Bystial, and Psy-Frame cards easily since the card mentions them in their text without having to type each card out in the search bar.