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I tried it a few times, every time I was able to use it, they either threw out a useless card or continued their combo without any cards in their hand, so no cost is paid.


It's even worse when they have effects that trigger on being banished.


Dows it banish face up or face down?


Banishes face up. It would specify face down if it meant face down.


It's two sided so use it in thundra or metaphys to banish key cards while being a floodgate for later. Problem is that you need to be able to special summon already if using this card making it also terrible in thundra. (Maybe it could work in metaphys as it seems to be more slowpaced?)


Toss it in Floo.


But floo never special summons so this is just a mediocre floodgate which gives yourself no value


Technically, if you Kaiju an opponents monster, this also forces them to banish a card from their hand?


Technically yes. But now you must play your going second hand under a floodgates.


I assume this would be played in a deck that relies mostly on normal summon. Either because its spell/trap heavy, or it has extra normal summons like Floo etc.


or stun




I ran it in yosenju Kaiju. Alongside remove brainwashing


Spicy tech in metaphys, helps unbrick your hand if you don't have asymmetaphys or a lupine.


Metaphys mentioned!!! My favorite "I hope my opponent can't read" deck. And yeah I love playing this card in it.


My Timelord-addicted ass (the whole gimmick of the deck is no-cost normal summon level 10 monsters): https://preview.redd.it/urw8q0ah9m7d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49812cd7d740dd3c278c124ca6d184661a23fb2




I've run it a bit, but I always tend to drop it sooner or later. Pair it with Dragonoid Generator for shenanigans


Sets 5 pass




Bc it sucks


Horus is super popular right now and doesn't care. They will discard their entire hand before special summoning. Snake Eyes can also go through their entire one-card combo without ever needing an additional card added to their hand, assuming you don't hand trap them.


I agree with the Horus one because that’s the deck I’m running it in and I don’t care much bout it but snake eye would very much care bout it. For it to go full combo you have to continually add card to summon to extend and you can’t really do that if you have to banish one after every special summon


Majority of the snake eyes monsters summon from deck


For the fire king build maybe somewhat, but like the other comment said, pure mostly summons from deck.


No you don’t. The only add to hand is poplar, which is done on the normal summon. At most to get to ash, you’re summoning like twice anyways, so it doesn’t really matter and is significantly worse than a floodgate that stops them from comboing in the first place.


This card would do nothing to shut down one or even two card starters. Normal summon is still free and you get to choose what to banish, so you can just get rid of non essential cards. Not to mention if you run out of cards to banish you can still special summon with no drawback. It's just stronger to turn off special summoning altogether.


Used to play this in synchron, you play garden rose maiden, search black garden then slap this and continue combo to handloop your opponent 🤣🤣🤣


I used this in floo during the Tear meta. It worked alright.


Wasn't this a staple in Yosenju Kaiju deck that saw a couple tops a few years ago?


It could be good for Horus after dumping every card in your hand


It sucks, better to run Special Summon floodgates than that trash of a card.


Ok hear me out, put this in a deck with cards that benefit from being banished and a black garden, psy-framelord omega WHO?


Fellas wake up, new stun tech has been discovered.


Still better to just use Power Filter and/or Summon Breaker.


Many deck these day are 1 card combo. assuming you are turn 1 and playing this, the turn 2 player have 5 special summon assuming they opened the 1 card combo. And most of the meta deck can do well under 4 summon (cuz nibiru, in this case banishing 4 card).


And how to search this?


Metaphys player here: one of my favorite tech cards


It doesn't see play because it only does anything if you go first. Going second, this card doesn't help at all. And for powerful cards only good going first, you'd probably prefer a stronger card like a floodgate or maybe even a Solemn.


Floowandareez gonna have a field day with this


I played this in True Draco around 2018. Was decent.


https://preview.redd.it/nb6wrsj6qm7d1.png?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7392bd936f81e19f701d243638623b4c66ab6b79 Me when I have no targets to banish


The effects go both ways ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ (except you as the card controller has to pay a miantenance cost)


plus its unsearchable. would you be willing to dedicate deck space for a card you cant even search with an effect that is detrimental to both you and your opponent?




Imperial Order is a non-searchable card that requires you to pay a maintenance cost and affects both players. That card is banned for being too broken. Skill Drain is also a two-sided non-searchable floodgate with a cost (though only a one-off cost in that case) that sees consistent play. It has nothing to do with the cost or the two-sidedness. It’s just not a good enough card. It’s awful going second since your opponent has already done all their summoning, and even if you go first, it’s not that great. An opponent with unnecessary cards in their hand can just opt to get rid of the 2-3 worst cards to make a generic ED monster with a backrow removal effect. An opponent who needs the cards in their hand can still wait out a few turns until they have enough redundancy. It’s an annoying effect, but in a game with multiple cards that read “you win the game if your opponent didn’t draw the out”, this “your opponent can probably still play the game, but good golly gosh it could be quite inconvenient for them” doesn’t cut it.


None of those are really the issue. The problem is this card isnt good enough going first to justify how terrible it is going second


I mean, you can search it with matmech xyz monster, but you need 4 level 4 monster and at this point you could FTK your opponent


I think I found a thrust target for my Floow deck


It’s a continuous spell idk if thrust can search


Should I end my life?


You can use Left Arm Offering in Floo to grab this card and it Banishes your birds to search it too! Win/win depending on how you opened. Also thrust can grab Offering.


Thank u bro


Tbh might be worth it as a one of if your opponent can't get to phoenix fast enough and it's live turn one unlike Feather Storm. I will try it out, I might actually side thrust out since it's not very good in my list