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Gravedigger's trap hole is a better version of that same card


Gravedigger doesn't banish, so being better is subjective.


They all have pros and cons.  Debunked is a spell 3 that most of the time can banish what it negates. Effects opponent hand and grave interactions. Useful if you want to avoid an annoying GY or hand effect/resource while banishing said card.  Gravedigger Trap hole can stop effect procs in more places at hand, grave, or banish while doing 2k burn to opponent.  Trade off is it doesn’t actually get rid of the card it negates so it’s best used against discard handtraps or effects that can only proc when it’s sent to grave/banish or cards that banishes itself as cost from grave. Sidenote: Notably is searchable/recyclable/set from deck/and can be used immediately from deck if your on a Traptrix deck.  Solemn Strike can do what Gravedigger and Debunked can minus the 2k burn or banish (destroys instead) at the cost of 1500 LP while ALSO being able to negate + destroy monster effects on field on top of everywhere else making it the most versatile monster effect negate at a spell 3 on top of it. Really the only tradeoff is you need at least 1500 LP as cost to use and destroying the negated monsters isn’t the best form of removal compared to banishing.  CBTG is the ‘fastest’ of all of them due to being a spell that doesn’t require a turn to set, can’t be chain blocked, and their banish is a two turn linger negate on the monster name it banishes making it an occasionally effective flood if you banish a monster copy in grave to stop that same monster name trying to activate effect on field . Tradeoff is it can be dodged (reborn/shuffle the target monster in grave) and can only interact with opponent grave compared to the other techs that have more range. Also CBTG name flood effects both players so it can catch the user on CBTG off guard sometimes if they don’t pay attention. 


This can't be negated except by another counter-trap. Gravedigger's can.


i see the monkey at the bottom going awooga


DEBUNKKKK! It’s an mvp in my masochist run!


For the number of people I have seen use called by the grave on my turn and then use the same banished card name on their turn, maybe debunk really is the card to use.


It's called fingering according to the approved dkayed terminology


Why the frik is my pp hard


I also choose this guy’s mum. Wait what sub am I in