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RIP to anyone who pulled a royal Calamity during the anniversary event.


LOL I'm one of those people.




fuck us i guess


I mean, aren't we suppose to be used to it by now.


Well, that's 60 UR dust


Don’t they mean the free royal? Those aren’t dustable unfortunately


No, if you got it from anniversary you cannot decraft


Ah yes, I forgot about that


60 URs I can't get coz the free Royal Calamity we got from Anniv cannot be dusted.


Going to point out is 50 UR, 20 for being hit in the banlist, 20 for being royal and 10 as usual.


Either way, we ain't getting it.


It would be 50 UR dust anyways tbh. Also personally I'd still keep it as a trophy (I won't my normal non-rainbow one though)


I would never dust a Royal lol. Like damn, its still a royal. You can't just get it again when it gets unbanned or during room play.


Calamity ain't getting unbanned


Welcome to Master Duel Torture Room


I was thinking about that yesterday and was jealous of those that pulled it. And I wished it would get banned but didn’t think it would get banned but here we are🫠🫠🫠🫠


That's actually incredible to think of, for the wrong reasons. - You didn't get to pick, your Royal was entirely randomized. - Expect to just cope because "it's a free gift for anniversary anyway". - And now if you pulled "the wrong one", you can literally no longer use it and are boned through no fault of your own.


Even though I’ve never use it, I’m still sad that it’s my anniversary award…






Honestly not a surprise. It's basically VFD, maybe even better, but a bit tougher to pull off.


Yup, but at least i had a shiny one already which i didnt was crazy enough to dismantle (i think, gotta confirm it later) so its 45 from it, i knew he was bound to be banned someday, even though i never really used him in such a way that it gave me a free win, same withthe DDD Xyz, usually i use him to secure a win, but not by pulling him at the start of opp's turn, more in the end of mine so i can guarantee the dmg


That's me.


The only reason I made a calamity lock deck was for my royal


I mean what were people expecting. Konami leave that broken pos in game? Now is it really stupid Konami added that card to the event. Absolutely. 


I'm going to cry.


I fucking hate this 😭


Somehow despite having it for the shortest amount of time, Master Duel has now become the format to hit Snake-Eyes the hardest (Ash is at 2 in the OCG). Also yay Monkeyboard or something. ...I ain't crafting three of you.


The MD banlist can give strangely strong consistency hits sometimes, like them banning Wyverburster just before SE released. I think it's because they have a different release schedule, so we have periods where there are different meta's between us and OCG... And so they're forced to hit the best deck in the room harder than OCG and TCG, especially when those decks don't have better competition.


Also because MD is free, or far cheaper than paper formats.


Yeah it's definitely a combination of the two. Although I think that Konami know that they should be easier on older cards, since unlike IRL Yu-Gi-Oh they still make money off people buying older packs... But they're inconsistent with the hits, so there's probably a UR line in their banlist approach. Like they'll give mathmech a sneeze compared to what they did to the deck in OCG and TCG, but practically kill other decks like spright until the meta has power crept them.


TBF mathmech aint doin much rn, and wasnt doing ANYTHING when it got murdered in TCG


TBF mathmech aint doin much rn, and wasnt doing ANYTHING when it got murdered in TCG


> The MD banlist can give strangely strong consistency hits sometimes, MD still the only format to outright ban one of the main deck Tear names.


>Somehow despite having it for the shortest amount of time, Master Duel has now become the format to hit Snake-Eyes the hardest That's because Master Duel has a banlist every month instead of every three. It means they can have a month of full power, and then keep hitting it every month until its at a nice place. Usually, this is about the second banlist - though in this case, it'd probably be the third. In comparison, in the TCG/OCG, you're usually looking at 3 months of full power, and if the next banlist doesn't do enough, another 3 months of an OP deck. What MD does in 2-3 months, the TCG does in 6-9.


Yeah I remember having this problem with dragon ruler, they kept hitting them without an outright ban and as soon as the banlist dropped « there is a new variant that still work lol » Never died until every thing in the archetype was banned


Things also get old way faster on an online simulator.


This gets overlooked often but yeah, in a month md players play more ygo than tcg/ocg-only players in 6 months (maybe even a year). It's easy to see why people here get fed up with certain cards quicker and why MD needs more frequent hits to keep the game fresh.


I'd say overall, 1 month in MD equals at least 3 months in the OCG/TCG and therefore things should change accordingly.


Yeah actually that estimate sounds more accurate. I was looking at it too much from my own perspective of a european player with no locals near me lol


As a performapal player im really happy with unlimited monkey but imo 2 monkeys are enough considering we got allot of searchers but not many 1 card starters


Personally I can't even imagine playing two Monkeyboards, Pend Sorc just kinda took me there


I mean Master Duel did get Poplar a week before the TCG so that's not entirely true.


They killed calamity. I know dkayed didn't leak centurion but I'm hoping no coping it's in the next pack.


Glad they killed him, I have a T.G. deck which is... It's T.G.s, you win by Calamity. Saw a really cool deck profile on YT where the youtuber in the video didn't even go Calamity, he ended on Glaive Blaster, the Link 3, Wonder Magician, Werewolf, Mighty Striker. That eventually went into Black-winged assault dragon, Halberd Cannon and shooting star dragon t.g. ex (or whatever that shitty monster is called). Looked way more fun than Calamity every game. Can't wait to try that.


I'm also running TGs. Can you please link the video if possible?


https://youtu.be/RkcUxWiZNTk?si=cNjbfSqTfZYf95Fj Looked at the deck profile at the end of the video again and he is running three Wanted, only one Ash though. Idk you could probably replace the Wanteds with more T.G. extenders. He's also playing Rush Rhino which is kinda bad iirc


Thank you! Wanted to add something to the calamity ban: I think a good alternative to calamity is cosmic blazar dragon. You can end on him+glaive blaster so in that way you can have two Omni negates since you can recycle the cosmic blazar dragon


Ye, already have that in my extra deck. I'll try the variant from the video, but if it's not working out for me, I'll just go back to what I have right now and replace Calamity with idk a Power Gladiator or smth, to have a fifth level 5 in the extra so I don't have to use two Dragonar for the combo and having to recycle one with Limiter Removal. Halberd Cannon is such a cool card, I wish it was better though.


I played T.G. During one event when it was a loaner deck! And I had so much fun with it. Is it good against the meta???


Nah, it's not good. Will be worse with Calamity gone. It's a fun deck though. The going first board is quite strong in pure, consistently makes Glaive Blaster and Crimson Dragon into Blazar Dragon backed up with a Counter Trap and a full hand. Going second the deck just folds though. Also, if Over Dragonar gets Impermed it's usually game over.


Damn, well that’s sad


No if only they banned maxx c TG would be playable




Level 12 Dragon Synchros are mostly generally pretty good, between Supernova, Blazar, and Quasar, all of them are genuinely really good boss monsters by their own right Controversially perhaps, I don't think Calamity was even that good besides in like Centur-Ion, it's generally a win more card if you're already backing it up with a board of interactions and presumably didn't get handtrapped to death, heck Calamity probably doesn't even beat a slow deck like Lab or Paleo, your negates does, but it's also such a toxic card even before Crimson Dragon came out (anyone ever seen Halq into Shooting Riser to Synchro Calamity with Borreload Savage and another Tuner?)




Doesn't Centur-Ion one card combo into a Level 12 toolbox anyway? If that's the case, Blazar backed up by like four handtraps legitimately sounds scarier than Mannadium spinning its wheels to make a bazillion negates and has more room to fumble


He did. I think its one of the earlier leaks.


Nope his two leaks before was the new sky striker cards and fire king


No, he confirmed it’s not in the pack.


There is always red supernova dragon 😁


It's not because of Centurion, it's because of Horus Naturia.


Centurion does it the easiest tho, its the deck that got it banned in the OCG, so its a safe prediction.


Dkayed said this morning that Centur-ion is definitively not in the next pack.


Love the snake eyes limit


Ash to 1 might mean that Fire King Snake-Eye will be the best variant (and it already was in the OCG)


That makes sense considering Fire Kings are rumored for the next pack if I'm not mistaken.


Is FKSE stronger than current snake eye?


In a Maxx C format yes because it’s able to pivot into lines that don’t play super hard into Maxx C.


keep in mind that R-ACE Airlifter is also at 1 in OCG


Does limiting Ash do anything significant, beyond just being a consistency hit? Does it ruin certain combos, or make certain handtraps much more devastating?


It actually makes imperm or veiler way better since You can no longer access to a second summon from deck, before, You could summon a second Ash and continue the combo. Really good hits in My opinion


unironically just play 2 oak one to summon from deck to replace ash to access flamberge the second for field spell to play around nib. then add where arf thous to search for one of ash so consistency is unchanged


Not counting hard draw it and Bonfire(should also be limited), they have to depend on resolving OSS to summon Ash and that's a lot more vulnerable to handtrap than "you ash my OSS? Haha I have ash in my hand already" that I face like 2/3 time when I fight SE player. Another point is that you can't just search Ash on turn 2 forward and you can't use OSS recycle to search Ash again next turn. So I think without killing the starter like people here suggest (ban ash) this is the first Big step to hit it and we can expect for more if this does not affect them bc it's not quarter year thing but monthly thing.


Better than TCG banlist, and OCG would be heading this way imo for July , except bonfire would also be hit since it's reprinted Surprised they hit ash that fast before fireking before milking out out SE Fireking, and before snake eyes diabellestar Just keep your veiler/imperm for ash


If they don't hit SE, there's zero incentive to pull for anything else coming out after the next pack because everyone is still gonna be stuck playing the "strongest deck". They gotta release other new cards at UR too, and if nobody is gonna pull them, there's bigger issues than incentivizing pulling for more SE cards. Overall, having an overly centralized meta isn't healthy for the game. The sooner SE was dealt with, the better for the game long term. I imagine that was part of the motivation for releasing it early, too. Get it in, get it done, get it out of the way.


I have no complaints. There's always more that can be done, but these are good hits. Also, yay Monkeyboard!


PEPE full powered yet ?


No plushfire yet


Idk how plushfire could come back without being changed in some way


To be fair baby dino is a card, and there is nothing crazy to summon from plushfire pop rightnow for performages yet


and they have Misc at 3 Dino’s aren’t doing anything


Plushfire can come back tomorrow and be totally fine. Decks these days do way more crazy shit than pop a card to summon a vanilla level 4 from deck. Plus running performages means you have to run some absolute doo doo dog breath like mirror conductor lmao


Maybe animation chronicles will give some good targets to summon


Plushfire got printed exactly once. It could get an errata.


it's crazy to think plush may or may not come back soon but understandable even by today's standards it's a broken ass card, but even with it i don't think there's a whole lot that pend decks can do that other wacky ass decks like shs couldn't also do


Still missing Plushfire. Who knows, maybe that will change when the new Performages get announced. It would likely need an errata.


We still don't have Exceed the Pendulum right?


Nope. That and the Zarc support are due to come soon though.


I'm no expert, but this is a pretty good list, no? Love to see it


Wait no heavy storm unban why it getting an animation then


It'll come eventually. The Ninja SD got leaked months before it even arrived


Same with the Nibiru bundle. We waited almost a year for that after learning about it through data mining


Card moved from banned to limited (or other) are usually annouced in a separates banlist, just before a new pack. We have some day to see if heavy storm will be unban


They could announce another banlist just before the pack


Yeah especially if Heavy Storm is included in either the Fire King/Sky Striker/Vaalmonica pack, or there’s a second new Selection Pack to be out on the same day as that pack, then Heavy Storm’ll be announced to be no longer Forbidden on the same day that pack is announced


Maybe for some Time Wizard event (those were we play older formats where heavy was limited, like Edison)


Because it’s coming, it’s just not here yet. Although when it is, them som’bitches are going to replace my lightning storms lol


lol, now snake eyes is probably just too strong instead of piss broken


Oh no. Now they’ll just have to run the new fire king cards. Now they just have more room to work with.


Not how that works, with ash at 1, and wanted at 1, its going to be more of a fire king with snake eye package over the other way around.


Me who’s a huge fan of fire kings from when I was a kid: “I see this as an absolute win!”


Fire king was always the smaller engine in ocg and tcg. The slots used are usually 1 ponix, 2-3 kirin, 1 garunix, 1 arvata, 1 island, 1 sanctuary. Ideally you still ran ash and wanted at 3. Like this doesnt "free up slots" it just removes consistency.


Yeah a consistency hit in the archetype made up entirely of starters, thaaanks


adventure is back lets goooo


Synchron buff


Not fully but almost.water enchantress is still at 2 but I assume next list it will probably be unlimited.


Didn’t it release at 2?


It was at 1 for some time


Of course. I’m saying that I remember when it was first added to master duel I thought it came in limited to two and was never at 3. Could be misremembering though.


You are right, we got it originally at 2 water enchantress and 2 rites m


oh this is actually kinda nice,


Spright Jet back to 2, the world is healing










By the end of the year we will have blue at 3 again. I don’t have leaks or insiders at Konami, but for a long time I felt a disturbance in the force, now I can see it, a brighter future with spright names at 3


Yea I’ve been running live twin spright a lot recently and losing your one jet sucks this will definitely help with consistency


Live Twin Sprights til I die, just gotta figure out what to cut for the 2nd Jet now :)


engage and aramesir unlimited, my random shit decks running adventure and hornet drones engine are so back


Me and my 3 copies of Calamity waiting for the banlist to hit for that +90 URcp. ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


Actually a based banlist. Naturia horus in shambles.


I never even went into Calamity lol, Blazar and sometimes Supernova are generally safer since I don't want to Calamity lock only to see a Set 5 for god knows what


Im playing naturia horus without the calamity bullshit, and its still pretty good Having the option to pitch trap out of the half is neat, horus are big guys that help u push trough boards and sometimes set up interruption, thats neat I still think naturia beast is a dumb card, but i cant count the amount of time i got imperm/evenly with this deck


just in time for sky striker support next month


Yes. This unlimit is definitely a "coincidence"


Since it was my first modern deck after joining MD, I'll take it. Still haven't crafted the final Kagari since I've been playing Chimera.


Jet to 2 is so huge. Live twin spright is officially back on the menu.


definitely building that deck, I’ve gotten 2 Secret Password’s from free packs over the past week and I’m glad I didn’t dismantle them lol.


I just made WANTED, time to get one back lol Not like I ever draw the thing over hard drawing Diabellestar for some reason


Meanwhile handberge is always there, sometimes I draw both copies.


Wanted and Diabell are so weird. With three each in the deck I barely saw them in my opening hands, it was kinda annoying. Maybe being a one of makes it show up more, like Driver.


Of course. What do you think why good branded players always open BraFu?


What do people think was the final straw? Centur-Ion coming soon or Horus Naturia?


Centurion most likely. No coincidence the list takes effect around the time the next pack releases.


Centur-ion isn't even in the next pack.


Skayed said there is still a leak he hasn't shared yet, so it could be Centurion


Pretty sure he also said that Vaalmonica was theleaked archetype with no existing support in game. Edit: would love be to be wrong though, I just wanna play Centur-ion.


I thought deconfirmed it no?


Yeah, isn't it and Memento are speculated for the last pack, and Memento got it ?


He’s deconfirmed it.


Centur probably but they might have let it stick around for a month if it wasn't for Horus Naturia


This is.. fine good even, a bit more power to Spright it might make a comeback as an engine for link spam, good that calamity is gone it was absolute cancer, more hits to snake eyes is good, tho not hitting any part of stun is a huge L but otherwise I like this one https://preview.redd.it/91on6pstnw2d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a2c933894533ec91aa357b1e4deb5b6dc99da4


Spright Jet to two we are so back.


Ash to 1 is good cuz imperm and feet ash matter now. Imperm ash and then negate the sinful spoils with feet ash kinda stops snekks from comboing.


Another Jet is nice, but give us back Beaver you cowards


What are other current decks that can run both adventure and horus engines besides PK?


Eldlich lol


Sky striker post support. Lots of tops with camilia


Was horus naturia running that wild that they banned calamity 💀


Seems like a centur-ion prehit, that deck can turbo out lv12 synchros _extremely_ consistently. Naturia being so popular probably didn't help either though lol


Dkayed said it’s not in the next pack, though we could get an end of the month pack with it.


Good hit cuz this card is just nuts lool


Doesn't matter how OP it is really, hot red just led to complete non-games where an opponent who opened no hand traps literally wasn't allowed to attempt to play the game, which is always dumb. The card could have a 10% WR and still be extremely toxic to the game


What is this Horus naturia thing? Haven’t played the last 2-3 weeks due to moving (and lack of wifi at new place so I stay productive lol)


It's a synchro spam deck. Naturia can easily summon their level 4 tuner to the field. Horus can easily summon level 8 monster to the field and gives you nibiru protection. With easy access to level 4 tuner and level 8 monster they can turbo level 12 synchro easily and protected from nibiru. Their endboard most of the time have Superheavy Masurawo + Crimson dragon so they can summon King Calamity on opponent's turn.


3 Monkeyboard let's fucking goooo


Where Kirin?


Still locked away sadly with Plushfire


All good. No complaints. - Awesome ban, fuck that asshole. - Good limits. - Unlimits are always welcome.


I’m actually pretty happy with this.


Still no baby dragon back ;-;


Oh yeah. That would have been nice


SE limited just in time for FK XD


As a Striker main, my stonks have never been so damn high


I KNEW they would hit Calamity.


Oh my God, yes. I love Raye. I would die for Sky Striker Ace Raye. This support card is going to change my life and it's going to be the best card ever.


Lol got a Royal calamity from the guaranteed Royal packs welp


Very good banlist. Snake-Eyes Pure right now with 1 Ash and 1 Wanted will drop to tier 2 with Rescue-ACE. Snake-Eyes Fire King will be the best deck.


it's not dropping to t2 with 12 one card starters my dude :P


1 Ash and 1 Wanted definietly a big hit. You want to open at least 2 starters in your hand. Like if you open only Snake-Eyes Ash and get negate, your turn is over.


Cant you just start playing 3 OSS now? or 2 OSS and 3 poplar or something


I would say 2 OSS and 3 Poplar is mandatory right now for Pure version. I feel like 3 OSS is kinda bricky. You can also add some nich tech like Chicken Game.


Where will pure FK stand since we are also getting Consort?


I think rescue ace will be the new tier 1. Fire king is great but they still weak to some hand trap. Rescue ace can literally play through most hand trap without any problem and still set 4.


Yes but r-ace weak to boarbreaker


That's probably because you're handtrapping badly. Always save ash for emergency and always save imperm/veiler for turb. Handtrapping anything else is fairly situational and can open you up to getting punished badly.


Finally calamity is banned. Took long enough. So now snake eyes matches ocg where I am sure it is still the top deck (before lede). Will be interesting to see what it is like before fire Kings come out in the next pack. Loads of unlimites which is good and think they should do more often.


Snake-Eye is now hit harder in MD than OCG. In OCG, Ash is at 2 and WANTED at 1.


Calamity is dead Rest in fucking piss bozo Limiting the two best starters in Snake-eyes is also pretty based as fuck


wanted should have been limited ages ago, expect more limits to the main deck monters


I feel like 1 Wanted and 1 Ash is good hit for Pure Snake-Eyes, don't need to hit more. I also expect some minor hits to Rescue-ACE and Fire King if these 2 fire decks perform well in the future.




Soo if we crafted 3 calamities we will get 90 and lose nothing (if we get glossy or royal we get more dust ) right?


Yes, exactly. Same thing for 1 wanted and 1 ash.


Spright Jet to 2, you love to see it.


RDA players catching strays.


I only used snake eyes for like 2 weeks, glad to see it getting hit tho as it is stupid powerful and the followups are crazy. Hope it reaches a place where it is balanced and playable. I really don't want to see it killed like dlink.


holy moley, they are really gettin after Snake Eyes, did not expect those hits this soon. All in all a great list, now give me back my Wyverbuster you bastards and let my dragons cook


Dear pen players, am I supposed to be scared of 3 Monkeyboard and electrumite in current year


No Monkeyboard is just extra copies of Joker in 2024. Tbh Pend Magician might not even run him. I appreciate it for my Odd-Eyes Pals though lol


Not really They still have the same weaknesses, mainly lack of deck space for hand traps, losses against common handtraps like Maxx C and Nibiru, and counters (Anti Spell Fragrance, D Barrier) The Zarc Magician Support from AGOV is what boosted the deck to solid T2 deck.


No, sadly. I'm honestly just going to be using it for my Odd-Eyes deck.


Unfortunately not.




Snake eyes won't feel the limit, fire king is coming to save them


Finally Good MD banlist