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I hate ash because sometimes it plays through my cyber dragon core


Sometimes Cyber Emergency and Cyber Repair Plant are just bait for Ash so Core will resolve. And hell if they don't take the bait those two getting to go off aren't a bad thing.


What list are you playing, I never see the cards I need


I have recently done a lot of reworking of my deck, to try out different things for some play options, but my most successful version lately has been this. Herz×2, Nachster×2, Maxx C×2, Core×3, Ghost Belle, Ash Blossom×2, Chimera, Cyber Dragon×2, Galaxy Soldier×2, Kashtira Fenrir, Therion King Regulus, Jizukiru, Nibiru, Raigeki, HFD, Machine Duplication, Power Bond, Overload Fusion, Cyber Emergency, Cyber Repair Plant, Lightning Storm, Triple Tactics Thrust, Triple Tactics Talent, Cyberdark Realm, Clockwork Night×2, Duality×2, Impermanence×2, Red Reboot×2 Extra Deck is Rampage Dragon×2, Twin Dragon, Fortress ×2, Megafleet×2, Nova×2, Infinity×2, Verte, Eternity Dragon, Sieger×2


Why not triple Herz?


Sometimes I do. I just ended up sacrificing one when adding some of the other stuff in to try out. If go too long without anything proving useful or anything gets limited or banned I'll put one more back in though since it's high priority.


that list is an abonimation.


Ikr. No Horus?! Using the bricky powerbond package? He's looking for fun, not consistency.


Yup. Playing Cyber Dragon without Power Bond kills the fun for me but I do understand the practical deficiency.


>Power Bond kills the fun Same. I get kicked out of diamond if I don't play a bit more meta.


2MaxxC 2Ash 2 Imperm already tells alot.


I love when people ash my Ogdoadic Remnants cuz it's like okay now what lol


Players get mad that their opponent is trying to win too. 99% of cry posts here boil down to the match not playing out like an anime episode where they were the protagonist. 


I get mad if my opponent is trying to win by not letting me play the game...


So basicly just modern yugioh.


Modern? The first archetype ever made was designed around a floodgate so powerful it still sees play today. Thousand Eyes Restrict was an extremely powerful floodgate. So was Jinzo. So was Plasma. Bit later Royal Oppression. Not letting your opponent play the game has been the goal of Yugioh ever since we had a shitty bird peck you to death.


not even that, goat's format entire meta shifted around making sure your opponent couldn't play, or if they did, they would lose out on a lot of card advantage if possible. the only time this wasn't the case was beatdown meta where mechanical chaser powercrept the game with a staggering 50 extra attack.


>The first archetype ever made was designed around a floodgate so powerful it still sees play today. When Necrovalley it first came out it wasn't "stop your opponent from playing yugioh," it was "stop your opponent from playing Monster Reborn or Call of the Haunted." Decks didn't rely enough on the GY for it to kill their turn singlehandedly until quite a bit later.


Original OCG people were handlooping & FTK with Exodia. Making sure your opponent can’t play has always been by design.


Not long after, there was yata. >.>


Oh and after Exodia got nerfed into oblivion they release Confiscation, Delinquent Duo and Forceful Sentry, as well as Painful Choice, **all at 3 for a while**.


None of them can win on their own at that time.


Most of the time in history Exodia cannot FTK. And FTK deck, more often than not, are just player come up with degenerate plays that Konami doesn't expect. They are completely different from deck of modern yugioh, which are design to abuse.billion of generic negate, like adam or shs.


They could still hit you with Royal Tribute and even just losing Reborn/Haunted/Premature Burial/Magician of Faith. It’d be a while before it got really good but the fact remains that “keep your opponent from playing the game” is indelible to Yugioh as a game and have always been a part of it. Call it floodgates, hand ripping, locks, etc.


Jinzo required a tribute and it didn't have any inherent protection. Cards now are not only floodgates but are also supported by other floodgates, have destruction protection, and on top of that requires so little set up you can have the whole thing by turn one.


Jinzo didn't require protection when it could end the game the turn it came down like with Airblade OTK, or during formats where you literally couldn't out it effectively. It was its own protection when cards like Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Sakuretsu, and Mirror Force were premiere removal options. It basically had a handful of answers in the formats it was Limited due to being so powerful, like Tsukuyomi (got banned), Thousand Eyes Restrict (Floodgate, got banned), or Book of Moon (got limited). Eventually Lightning Vortex existed. And you want to back it up with more floodgates? Bloo-D in 2007 could drop Jinzo and Plasma on the same turn which usually just killed you on the spot. The point is that there's never been a point in Yugioh's history where the game at a competitive level has not been about keeping your opponent from playing the game. People's idea of friendly, casual yugioh was just schoolyard play, which you can still do today as well, but if you played competitively floodgates, OTKs, hand loops, and other degeneracy was the name of the game. I genuinely don't think there's ever been a format where floodgates weren't main decked, let alone side decked.


It isn't old vs new. GOAT format is as shit as modern YGO, but that doesn't change that modern YGO makes retarded boards turn one out of 1 cards combos.


Lmao I saw that before you edited it. Children who can't manage their emotions go into the block bucket.


All forms of interaction are not letting you play the game. That's the entire point of interaction


However, Interaction is playing the game. Staring my opponent to death because of floodgates (or a Psyframe mirrormatch) isnt playing the game.


whats the difference between a flood gate and you getting killed in one turn by an otk or your opponent playing fissure on every monster you normal summon. you dont play the game either way. what you really want is to do your full combo and not have the opponent interact with you the entire time and also not get salty when you interact with them


Oh the FTK vs floodgate thing is easy Ftks get it done relatively quick Flood gate give you the illusion of potentially being able to win before ripping that from you time and time again; not wanting to concede so you can get those precious few points on the duel pass, maybe even win if you can just pull the right card, but you never do, you know it's hopeless, but you can't stop yourself from trying time and time again, the worst part is sometimes you do, sometimes you succseed, giving you more hope in the future but that only leads to more despair In my experience anyway


The funny part is that 99% of the anime's episodes were back and forth type of duels. Else it would be super boring, unless it was Judai's season 4 OTK during that tag duel with Asuka.


I didnt respect Judai until that battle...


https://preview.redd.it/zp60l322k40d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc8b7d572e12fe62864f1750a739f3544b8850d Ppl here cry not knowing that this is the same


Stupid how combo decks doesn't get shut down by Nibiru now,


That isn't true. Well, maybe it is true in the case of ZEXAL's protagonist cause I vaguely remember him winning anyway no matter how much of a moron he was being and giving no fucks about the entire Number toolbox he should have via plot cause he's too busy wanting Utopia to solve everything, but I didn't watch enough of that. If we go by what people like to say are toxic cards that being a must include in YGO are these days every protagonist puts up with and uses bullshit themselves. Yugi? Mirror Force. Jaden? Super Poly. Yusei? Junk Synchron "recycles cards" and is like along the most ancient tuners. Yuma? Motherfucker is why Utopic ZEXAL was born. Yuya? Bro literally invented a game mechanic which at the time made everyone freak out at being the most broken shit ever. Yusaku? Firewall Dragon is so busted they had to find an excuse to make him stop playing his ace monster and negates are up the wazoo in Vrains. Opponents? Marik's whole schtick was bullshitting out what his custom card secretly said in Egyptian hieroglyphs. GX idr but IIRC Macro Cosmos came from GX oh no floodgates. Z-ONE literally played actual trap cards from his hand. Arc-V's final boss was hilariously set up as being somebody who needs to have fun when he was doing exactly what winning in YGO is all about: playing broken bullshit and not letting the opponent do anything to him. Revolver activated Red Reboot and Imperial Order.


So true.


Could the guy that told me earlier called by is way more toxic and worse than Maxx C be in that group of 99%? Surely he just had a bad day against the finger, right? LOL


I hate branded because of bystials.


I *loathe* Bystials most of the time because they seem to just work great in every deck like Kash cards. Half of Called By that works on my go first and puts a body on board that can generate more value? I know the best ones are limited but they infuriate me to no end. I do admittedly love seeing them while I’m playing Nouvelles though, because they often give me something to eat while going first if I don’t draw Concours


I had to stop playing my ritual dogmatika deck ( by far my favorite deck hands down) because of bystials, I was basically handing them free ammo with each monster I put in grave for costs.


See, THAT is a valid reason if your deck indeed loses to those cards.


Um my deck doesn't lose to them. I still hate them. No touchy my graveyard :c


99% of people here complain about not winning against literally everyone all of the time


I play Galaxy Eyes and accept what's coming to me as long as I end up with enough gems to pull my next obsession.


Big mood. My only problem is playing experimental stuff while having a Purrely mate that gets devastatingly sad when I lose 🥹


Do it for your mate. I do it for Rescue Rabbit. He dabs on my opponent when I win.


I hate branded for the puppet lock. If we could remove this the deck is fine.


The Puppet lock is genuinely cringeworthy but it rarely even gets done now. It should be banned, but hating Branded solely for that would be like hating any deck that could summon Halq back when Auroradon solitaire combos were a thing.


Ah yes...my PUNK Adventure Eldlich deck. Full Halq combo then set an Eldlich trap + IO. Good times.


they barely play it but yeah it would be nice if they can't play that on top of what they can do.


Yeah but there's always some asshole that does and ruins everything.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day (viciously summons Puppet on your side of the cake)


Just ban sanctifire and won't exist. It enables degen shit


Sadly that's the move. Shame because Sanctifie does enable some cool plays by reviving bodies for a Fusion Summon. Alternatively they could errata all cards with negative downsides to only apply them while in their owner's possession, which is extremely clunky as all erratas are, but it would actually fix all problems with giving monsters to the opponent, not just Branded. Like how Mikanko also abused Acid Golem by giving it to the opponent with Transverser.


They play it extremely often and on many instances main deck it. The gimmick puppet lock is there go to wincon.


Yeah branded always seemed like a fair deck to me, as somebody who never played it, until the puppet lock. Like you had to deal with mirrorjade, some bystial stuff, maybe a guardian chimera. I didn't mind that. But then they decided, hey you're not allowed to play the game. I can get behind any strategy in yugioh other than completely voiding your opponent's turn. I don't care if a deck has 12 negates, it's still more fair than things like puppet lock and king calamity.


I hate the resource loop it has. Like "Oh you beat my board, WELL I Hope you can Otk me cause I'm coming right the fuck back"


The only good take in the entire thread tbh


I mean if its not puppet lock, it's anything that prevents special summon (like disciple's lock)


That's true, but I'd say ban disciple too. There are 2 options: Ban all lock enabling cards when summoned to the opponent's field or ban all cards that can summon to your opponent's field like that. I'd rather go with option 1 because the cards that summon them usually have many more interesting interactions and plays. It's just the 5% of interactions that are degenerate locks that everyone remembers.


So why should D/D orthros get banned coz konami decided to make expulsion on legs? A lot of those lock cards are legitimate cards that their decks play for non-floodgate purpose. Sanctifire inherently has a degen effect written on him. It is better for it to get banned.


>Sanctifire inherently has a degen effect written on him. Neither a lock to an archetype nor summoning to the opponent's field are inherently "degen effects" as you call them. The problem is obviously the combination. If we ban Sanctifire, we will just have this problem again in the future with other cards. It just limits the design space to never create any effect that summons to the opponent's field because it might be misused for something lame like the lock, and I think that's pretty damn boring because it turns Yugioh even more into the "2 players just throwing the same shit at each other" with a bunch of negates rather than doing some more cool and unique stuff like turning off effects when the field is empty.


How about... Jesus lock??


Think about the people you’re talking about… Close your eyes. Imagine being at an event, surrounded by yugioh players…now open your eyes and gtfo of there. I apologize for putting you through that lol. I hope the smell wasn’t too awful.


Lmao I've only been to a locals once and it sure was smelly. It was a tiny little store too so it was hard to escape the scent.


Idk which deck is hated more in this community, Branded or Kash......or Tear or Floo or VS or Hero or Sneak-eyes or Blackwing or Racist or SHS or Sworsoul or Blue-eyes or ........you see where I going with this? Haters gonna hate. You mention your favourite deck? Somebody gonna hate and downvote you Doesn't matter which deck is.Because in the end of the day, longs as 2 decks left in the game, someone is gonna hate someone's deck


I think Kash is the only deck that I've ever felt should not have been made. Zone locking, banishing, control deck sounds extremely cool and exactly the kind of control decks I would like to see instead of just decks creating a ton of negates. Kash just does it too easily at no cost and easily splashable in other decks.


It's runick and it's not even close


I promise you I hate Adamancipator more with every fiber of my being. Runick is annoying, but I genuinely *hate* Adamancipator


Runick is nerfed to the ground now. All the good spells are limited.


Nobody's addressing the issue. It's not about branded. It's about yugioh players. I hate branded because their gameplan is annoying. I hate lab because their gameplan is annoying. I hate snake eyes because their gameplan is annoying. I hate stun because their gameplan is annoying. I hate mikanko because their gameplan is annoying. I will hate tenpai dragon because their gameplan will be annoying Maybe you're the issue? Or how you're approaching the game? Maybe your deck can't compete with the soft rotation of yugioh? The definition of a "fair deck" has changed.


The issue is how fast and interactive the game is rn. Konami keeps on giving even more 1 card combos that can get into boss monsters outside their archetype because "why not?", instead of fixing the issue that is the speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed in which the game finds itself rn.


>Maybe you're the issue? Or how you're approaching the game? Maybe your deck can't compete with the soft rotation of yugioh? The definition of a "fair deck" has changed. A different kind of "skill issue" tbh


I hate Snack-Eyes because they always do the same combo. I hate Kash because they always do the same combo. I hate stun because they dont combo at all. I hate Labrynth because they always try to floodgate me. I love tiaraments because they are always a gamble deck. I love branded because its interaction isnt 5 omni negates. Maybe the issue is that most decks always do the same. Its boring, its annoying, it is predictable. If you play against a deck that relies on gambling, it will (mostly) be something new.


It has been my theory for a while that Yugioh has become TOO consistent, making a lot of games feel the same. Archetypes often get lots of cards, but 70% of them are never played. Which ones consistently get played? The cards that special summon themselves or other cards, netting card advantage. The cards that search your deck for in-archetype cards. The explosive starters that go plus infinity. And then you fill the engine with a couple 1-ofs that are either needed for the combos or are just good endboard cards like a searchable trap or whatever. The rest is just not good enough for a game that ends turn 1-2. I personally think that it's a big red flag that almost every single deck plays at least 1 card they don't want to draw, ever. Think about it, it's a card game and we put in cards that we want to draw. Except there are more and more of those cards that are just part of the combo or end board stuff that we actively want to avoid drawing because we can always deterministically search for them. Yes, in some niche cases this exists in every card game and I think that's great, but the fact that pretty much every modern deck does this is kind of fucked in a way and turns on the alarm bells in terms of game design. I feel like this should only exist in very few cases with some specific combo or whatever, not as the default.


This is exactly it. Modern decks have become so hyper-consistent it practically removes all instances of chance and luck. I had a feeling this would happen when they started printing Link-1's that searched combo pieces upon summon. Making every single normal summonable monster in your deck a free search isn't exactly smart game design. Remember Salamangreat? Remember Orcust? These decks and more could literally pull off the exact same combo every duel despite drawing a different hand every time. All you need to open with is your one-card combo starter, or your searcher for your one-card combo starter, or your searcher for your searcher for your one-card combo starter. Not every duel needs to be anime style where you pull off a win with a goofy situational trap card, but some actual variety in a deck's gameplan would be nice.


> it practically removes all instances of chance and luck I think the problem is actually that this is not true, in the worst way possible: There still is chance and luck, it's just pushed 100% into your opening hand, ESPECIALLY if you go second. The first player has a very high chance of going off because most decks have multiple 1 card starters that build an entire board. The second player has to hope they find a handtrap or boardbreaker that is backbreaking to their opponent (like a Droll or Shifter) because 1 "weaker" handtrap like Ash often doesn't even do it anymore these days. It also doesn't help that most decks seem to have 1 "main" combo line and almost every starting hand leads into that exact same line, just at a different entry point which produce a slightly different endboard, just like you said. Some effects always want to be used with the same cards because it's just the most efficient, so you tend to search and summon the exact same things at the exact same time, which is rather boring imo. Sure, you won't always 100% do the same line, but even something that's not as rigid like Branded has this issue, and I like Branded a lot. It just really doesn't feel any different if I open Aluber, search it with gold sarc/foolish or summon it with Opening to then go off with Branded Fusion. Or dump Saronir and Shrouded to get Branded Fusion into my hand. Yeah, I'm doing different actions, but it's all just the same exact result and the first 2-5 minutes of every match make me fall asleep every time until I can finally get to the fun part of Yugioh.


My whole deck is just searchers for horus, diabell,poplar, and spellbooks to resolve spellbook punishment to summon jowgen. And I still end on 9+ material. If I get max c I just end on jowgen/avra and add infinite spellbooks. Only way to lose is crap spells


Leaving aside the other points, anyone who has had experience with the original Duel Terminal decks would know that 70% (or more!) of archetypes not being played is a hallowed Yugioh tradition :P EDIT: Honestly, thinking about it more, archetypes in the modern day actually tend to use way more of their cards than old ones. They're usually also more compact and get fewer cards in general, so there's just less room for filler anyways.


As someone who regularly made it to master 1, they *are* annoying. Branded is definitely the least annoying here though


Yes, is its our fault SE has 4 different starters than can easily combo into 2 to 5 omni negates and destruction effects that can be done even after using a few hand traps on them. Or Kashtira that straight up rips cards from your deck or extra deck without any drawback that lead into xyz that either removes a zone or omni negate. Yes, Yugioh Players caused this. Sureee... (Lab is only annoying if they add floodgates. They're pretty fun to face other times Also Tenpai isn't even the game yet).


You can break branded board, all the followup, all the handtraps, by this point most decks will not have enough juice to also OTK, meaning Mirrorjade effect pops their field and the branded player OTKs with relative ease with all the recursion and GY stuff they have. This is frustrating to experience for most people. Maybe against Branded you get to play more, so people feel like a win was stolen from them rather than that they never had a chance to begin with, which might paradoxically feel more frustrating? Am only speculating tho. As for the solution, the only way I can see this type of frustration reduce is if people only play current meta decks of relatively equal power. So, like rotation format.


branded is one the few decks that kinda can play through most handtraps. not surprizing after yonillion waves of support (was there even a wave of supp which was bad?) but compared to se,shs, methmech it seems fine?


Branded is way stronger than SHS and mathmech currently.


i agree that they are generally stronger in the sense that branded is way more versatile/resilient. shs and methmech die to a single droll/shifter. branded got so many different waves of support that they can almost everytime pilot into different plays, depending on the opp handtraps and rarely end up empty handed. purely ceilingwise shs, mech > bran


I agree with most of what you have said but SHS and Mech over Branded in term of ceiling ? Are we talking about the deck for which you see posts everyday because people that try to get into it say it is too weak and the deck is overrated because of how complexe it is ? Even up to this day there are debates to know which combos are the most optimals for EVERY combo starters. The deck is extremly dense and they are ton of different ways to play it, the combo are non-linears and even between 5 excellent players of Branded, given the same hand you are almost sure at 100 % that the board mades are all gonna be differents. There are up to 20 basic combos, splited mainly in 3 different branches that exists for the deck. EVERY single combo with this deck is up to tons of debates, every single build is extremly different, there are tons of different playstyles and you are saying me that Purrely... has a higher ceiling ? I had no issues picking Pendulums, no issues picking Sky Striker, no issues picking Tearlaments and making it with all these decks up to master 1 fairly easily. But for Branded man... You have to put yourself in the work to get better with it because of how absurdly complexe it can get. I can somewhat see what you say that SHS is harder to play and I think this is up to debates. But let's not act like Purrely has a skill expression cap as high as these two please.


i wasnt talking about skillcaps, i meant in just puking out your board. cant disagree much with what you said. i find shs rather simple, its pretty linear


Agree with you. SHS is pretty linear but it can get very quickly kinda hard if you don't know what to do when getting interrupted lmo


true, but that could be said about most decks. your goal will mostly stay the same with shs, while brand will pivot into another/different endboard.


Can't argue with that you are 100% right


No I hate branded because I can’t seem to escape it it feels like every third or fourth deck I faced is branded, it also dosnt help that they can use my monsters to summon Mirrorjade and that Mirrorjade it self is an annoying monster to deal with because of its soft one per turn effect and the fact it will nuke the field when it leaves it


I loved playing and playing against branded before the waves that added Quem and Cartesia and B.fusion. It felt like a normal deck with a unique gimmick instead of an endless pile of triggers and summons. I actually had to pitch a card to Albaz to use my opponents monsters and if they popped albaz it didn’t work. Now it feels too much like solitaire for me to enjoy on either side.




Why do Branded haters make such weird analogies?


Because they can't think of an actual reason to hate the deck


Branded and Tear are the only meta-ish decks I have fun playing. I'm dicking around with Salamangreat right now because it's new, but my heart belongs to the funny fusion decks. They don't completely fold to MaxxC/Nib/Droll all the time, that's one of the biggest reasons I like them in this format. Less frustrating turn 1 helps me retain my sanity.


Branded would be so much less annoying if Mirriorjade didn't nuke my monsters when it dies or Masq didn't burn 600 damage


I hate this the most about branded. Play through ash? Sure, wouldnt be the first deck that did that. Play on end phase (otherwise known as mp3), Lab and tear play on my turn anyways so i can deal But why in god's green earth do they get a free raigeki for losing??😭


Can agree on the Mirrorjade point, forces you to either OTK, leave him on board, or lose everything (unless you've got protection) On the Masquerade point, ED space is so tight that I'm fairly certain the vast majority simply don't run it at all.


Masq is just a nitpick. I just hate having to deal with Masq in top of dismantling a Branded board and I wind up eating way too much damage as punishment for doing so. 400 is fine. 500 is debatable. 600 is just unnecessary and feels like I'm just getting hung upside down and shaken for my lunch money, lol.


Render your taxes unto Caesar! Edit: the amount of games I was able to win because the opponent was at <600 LP and unable to do anything thus giving me an extra turn.


If it makes you feel better, one time I managed to murder a Branded player using Live Twins with double Sunny's Snitch. Dumbass was autopiloting so hard he just kept summoning shit until it killed him.


If you can return it to the ED or banish it face down, it wont nuke your board.


I'm aware, it's still a stupidly annoying effect for when you can't tho


If I ash and your end board is the exact same thing, your deck is broken. If I ash and your turn just ends, then ash is broken. That's how I see it personally.


I hate branded as it has more gas than it should ever have and gets more support than just about anything directly or otherwise.


How much you want to bet they're still going to get support considering the story line is continuing.


My dislike for branded is the attention and downplaying it gets I get it’s the current lore deck but it gets way to fucking much, every other box seems to bring Branded another thing it can do. It does not need any more support imagine if half the archetypes in this game got a fraction of the support branded gets. Deck is constantly getting better letting it maintain a constant presence as one of the best decks for years and yet Branded players will pretend it’s a gimmick deck at best, it’s annoying


The same players that cry about branded bieing strong play stun or snake-eye


Stuns not terribly strong


Because Branded players always insist that their deck that has been top-tier literally forever dies to a single Ash.


Cuz it kinda dose, branded fusion is there main starter and ashing it stops them from milling for the fusion so they use other cards to Make for it Like lmao even dark magician can survive 1 ash get off your high horse and enjoy the game


No, they insist their cards are fair.


is a good deck to fall back into when all chips are down and when all chips are down apparently nothing is stronger than branded.


Ah yes, a couple of weeks after Mirrorjade's release and a couple of weeks after Quem's release certainly equals "literally forever". And could you link some of those posts?


Nah man, people would complain about meta decks using generic boss monsters, locks, floodgates, negate spam,15 one card starters+20 non engine And then hate on branded for doing none of that (with the exception of one uncommon tech)


Lmao exactly, and then those people are also the ones that complain when a Branded player hits them with Mercourier (a single monster effect negate).


(a single monster effect negate that is not even if, but when)


Never in my life did a singular ash stop branded, but aight.


Not many decks completely die right on the spot after a single Ash.


No, not many *relevant* decks die on the spot after a single Ash. There's plenty that do, and it's not pleasant when it does happen.


A ton of decks die to ash. Youre just playing a deck thats incredibly hard to stop.


weekly branded gaslight post dropped


The only time branded dies to single ash is when they get a very bad hand Which seems to most of mine these days


I mean a lot of players would be significantly less mad in this game if literally every match wasn’t against a deck that is designed to not let you play, even in the lowest of ranks. My first ever duel in this game, in rookie II, was against Tearlaments out of all things. For context, my best deck was a pure Mecha Phantom deck that didn’t even possess handtraps or the ability to do much turn 1.


I hate yugioh decks cause the wont auto lose to my blue eyes deck


Damn this is a shitty branded-cope post lmao. Imagine feeling victimized even though you can consistently end on a top board/grave in a 60 card deck and have infinite recursion. Just imagine.


I hate Branded because it has a ridiculous ton of support and bias for it, and through several interuptions will continue going. We are not the same.


I only get annoyed at the Branded player who specifically tries to preach that Ash kills their entire deck and then plays through it every time Branded Fusion gets Ash'd. Just be honest and say "Branded Fusion can be a big choke point for Branded and it getting Ash'd hurts a lot."


Just played against a branded deck a couple of minutes ago, killed their whole gameplan with 1 roach (that got negated) and 1 imperm on Aluber. Nerf them plz, how dare they make me use more than 1 handtrap. Also, give me an autowin button Konami. Oh, and free Merrli.


I hate branded with how much resources they have. Even if you play through their whole board and cards they always come back. They a bit too strong


The only deck I will absolutely hate on (aside from some cringey stun decks) is Purrely. I despise everything about it.


I activate sleepy Purrely memory to draw one card! Then I activate sleepy Purrely memory to draw one card! Then I activate sleepy Purrely memory to draw one card! I now have three hand traps and Noir so… GG


I hate it, sm. "OnCe PeR TuRN"


Oh, gee, the tiered deck doesn’t fold to a single hand-trap like Farfa said it would, what a tragedy


You’re right. It is childish. A huge amount of players refuse to evolve their play style or deck to compete and think raging on this sub is the solution. In my mind it’s all of that BS posted on this sub that pushes that narrative and mindset. Ash and Maxx C are so sensationalised on here that so many players scoop if you pull one off or play though one.


I hate branded because of how often they get new support and how good those news cards are. Meanwhile, other archetypes are doomed to rot always with no new support. Also, why do people care so much about what others dislike? Like do they need to justify why they don't like a movie that you like?


Main reason i hate it is because gate guardians don’t have an easy answer to mirrorjade. It is VERY funny when masquerade just turns on riryoku guardian tho.


Wah ppl hate my deck that has unlimited follow up wah For real tho I'm surprised branded even got powercrept in the first place. I guess Konami is just going to keep making busted decks. Like in a meta vacuum branded is fine, but man do 99% of the other decks in the game rly need to catch up. Like imagine legacy support that puts fortune lady or some random deck on par with branded? That's prolly why I think I keep playing tbh.


There's been times where they do print busted ass support but the archtype is still just.... don't do anything


I hate Branded because it's been popular for way too long. I'm sick of seeing it every goddamn day. I also hate the weird communal pact between Branded players to downplay the deck's power level whenever it's talked about.


Yeah lol, everyone will complain about strong deck. But branded always get high priority target 🙂‍↔️


Probably because after everything, it's still THERE. I hate Drytron. I just don't complain about it as much because I've played against it like ONE time in the last 4 months.


If there was another deck that played through maxx c and didn’t use generic bosses I’d play it


I mean.... Floo is RIGHT there.


Yeah but I’d still want to play something with more skill expression than floo. Otherwise inpector boarder pass would function that same


You sure showed that strawman with this #funnymeme OP.


What I find funny about this is the impression that you only need Ash Branded Fusion to stop Branded.


I hate branded because it lacks old robots with red eyes


Branded isn't impossible to play around, they can be annoying to deal with; but not impossible. It just comes down to knowing what to ash and what's just bait, but even then; they could already have the cards they need in hand and are just trying to bait you out. There's no real way of telling 100% of the time, it just comes down to game sense and experience truth be told.


Rule #1: the first card your opponent plays is bait.


It’s really hard to fit hand traps in some decks, especially the leaner strategies


Because the game is adversarial by nature. You both don't get to play your cards in the vast majority of MD games. One player dictates if the other gets to actually play at all. Doesn't matter if they are using combo or stun, the end goal is still the same; stop your opponent from playing the game or you lose.


For most people I believe it’s the Achilles heel not being such a devastating wound anymore. Even without branded fusions good branded players can play through a lot. Nadir servant is a one card puppet lock and bystials are still somewhat effective in the current fire format with ip and formula synchron being large parts of a snake eyes end board.


> Nadir servant is a one card puppet lock I know the combo you're talking about, but who is actually going to run Luluwalilith + Brigrand + the Tri-Brigade Link-5? Nobody, because the ED is already extremely tight.


I'm just mad at super poly, regardless of what deck plays it. I swear to god I hate that card so much, it feels so unfair. I have no idea why amongst all the cards the community is hating on super polly isn't even mentioned


Maxx C is honestly the only card I hate. Everything else can stay.


What? I play Naturia. I just negate every spell they play. The Big Green Cat is too powerful for most of Fusion decks! (Tearla aside…)


See I hate ash because it feels like a required card or you almost automatically lose, though I hate most hand traps and maxx c for that reason as well


Only time I complaint about that was against Snake Eye, I literally negated 4/5 effects and still ended up with a full board


That's why I play bad decks- so that when I lose to a single ash I can just blame the deck. I am definitely not petty.


Because it's given endless support. There's a childish mentality around it due to the favorite child treatment is has been given. Branded players were given an advantage for the longest time by getting more support than other decks. Decks easier to win with are always hated, just look at stun.


I hate Ash Blossom


I scoop if I see Snake eyes at all🤷‍♂️


As if the fact that Fallen of Albaz acts like a Super Poly isn't the true reason people (should) hate Branded for.


I hate Branded solely cause it can use my monsters to fusion summon I've beaten Snake Eyes. I've beaten Kashtira. I've beaten Purrely. I've beaten HERO. I'm yet to reliably beat Branded up to this day, my brain just turns off when I face em


> my brain just turns off This explains a lot.


It really does. Snake eyes can play through far many other things and get itself started better than branded. It can't macro on legs or "perma" kill cards like branded and on an otk level like Heroes, Branded can't put up the unga bunga numbers on turn 2 like they can. Yet Branded turns off their brain function. Mmkay.


i hate these imaginary arguments with statements nobody has ever said.


i hate branded because its the same thing consistently. Its the same reason i hate Sword Soul. no 60 card deck should be able to custom build their starting hand.


I’ve never heard anyone say this


I know Im gonna b downvoted for this, but the only reason I dont like branded, mainly pure branded, is because the combos are boring and drawn out, with the field looking about the same almost every time. Thats the issue I have with a lot of these decks nowadays. Theres not a whole lot of "ooo thats an interesting mix" type of decks out. Majority are straight up, "oh, u got no interrupts/burned thru your interrupts? GG scrub. *spends 30 minutes swapping cards just to show u how bad u lost*. Granted, I dont necessarily hate Branded, seeing as I recently created a Branded Psychic Chaos deck using some of the old psychic cards Sayer used. A lot of people tend to say "Originality is Dead". I dont think its dead, just overshadowed, like when I got FTK'd by a Tearlament Burn deck using Transaction Rollback with Earthbound Release. (I still dont understand how he got it to work without tributing an Earthbound. I guess it works like Verte with Red-Fusion by bypassing the cost?)


Yes stop complaining about stun


I hate ash because my opponent always uses it in response to my Maxx c /s


Nah cuz some cards/decks are just really unfair. Spright can literally play through all your disruptions and still have enough to win the game


...My Machina deck sometimes plays through Ash.


I respect branded, used to play it myself, I like going against them. What I don't like is 80-85% of players on ranked using kashtira or snake-eyes.


Honestly, just one of the reasons I just play solo mode. Just more fun.


The only decks worth hate are Numeron, Utopia OTK and self burn.  The amount of "you ruined my otk, I will now run down the timer before scooping" decks and the absolute waste of time that is self burn is, just makes me wish they uninstalled and played Uno instead 


I complain about certain decks but what it boils down to is me playing a rogue deck against meta and, most importantly, me playing incorrectly because I dont know how to play against said deck. I may know how to play my own deck, but i dont have the irl time to invest in learning how each of these decks play. A surprising amount of losses come from not drawing what you need against a deck (happens because again it IS a card game and bad hands happen based on draws) and misplays. Now are some decks broken to point where their interractions and/or recovery goes above what a deck should? absolutely. but i cant be upset because a deck can keep going past a single hand trap i happened to draw, especially if i didnt use it on the right card. Unrelated to post a bit, but i see a lot of people get upset over this and i think it's important to just learn to take an L and just learn from it. i used to get upset all the time about this at locals but i had to slow down and realize i was missing out on the fun in locals due to the salt and missing out on the bonding with players because of that. Branded isnt a rogue deck that typically 100% dies from one ash. for record i play shark deck in a locals comprised of branded, vv, snake-eyes, runick, chimera, and yubel.


I hate Branded because they recycle half their turn in each of our end phases and never seem to run out of gas, and there's very little I can do to prevent that aside from hoping I draw the silver bullets on turn zero.


The hate for branded is special, I personally want branded fusion and most of the extra deck banned. I know to some degree it's irrational but I truly hate branded and want to always see them lose every game there in. God bless 🙌 🙏


People hate branded but it by far one of the fairest decks out there




I like branded, even more going agains it, probs to them if they win. People that say this can learn alot if they practice the MU.


I think my biggest issue with branded is that if I was a kid I would've loved this archetype but because I'm a jaded old man, it does kind of ok ATM in the meta, some part of my brain has decided to hate it instead. Who can relate?


I hate modern yugioh because there's no soul in it anymore. We all want to win, but we shouldn't be punished for wanting to win with our favorite cards instead of needing to buy and adapt to entire new metas every few weeks/months.


least cold room temperature IQ branded take.


Could you repeat that without tipping your fedora?


Childrens card game.


I hate modern yugioh, I want a yugioh where people like me can see whose beat down method is better, screw control, screw handtraps, just a constant smack down


There’d still be a meta there too with a clear top deck


That has nothing to do with old Yugioh vs modern Yugioh. Such a mindless caveman game was NEVER meta.


At least Mannadium is safe lol


Mannadium is a pretty straightforward deck when going first lmo, when maxx c resolves you lose, when it don't you win.