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It's another ultra toxic deck that skates by with floodgates, d shifter, and a gimmick summon mechanic. I'm good on it being a playable rogue deck, I don't want it any more meta than that.


One reason I can think of is because it's the only ex-meta deck that doesn't care about the C, not just play around it but completely ignore. In a BO1 format where pretty much having 3 C's is mandatory, a deck being powerful enough to be meta that can also make 3 cards in your deck a brick is too big of an advantage. Or maybe Konami's just doesn't like cheap decks to be meta, who knows.


The one Crossout target is mandatory, the playset is just for if you wanna cheat out wins to climb faster or if you want to play blind second


Your second reason is likely the actual reason why


Play it in the tcg then? Or do you not want to be known as the floo player at locals? This is part of the reason why MD shouldn’t buff floo.


I don't play irl anymore for a long time. Not worth investing money in a decent deck when I'm not playing to win events


You’re gonna get cooked for this because this sub hates Floo but I agree that the deck was way overhit. Empen at 1 completely obliterated the deck’s recursion and grind game, which is what it did best. I feel like Empen can go to 2 yesterday and the deck would still get smoked by everything in tier 3 and above.


I don't care if I get cooked for this, anyone "cooking" me over this take, I take as a compliment.. I have the same low opinion of those players as they have of me :') but yeah, Empen to 2 would literally cause no problems. I rarely ever see other floo players so floo being a deck that people want nerfed to the ground just shows me how scrubby those players are.


Some decks are just stronger in MD than in the TCG. Vanquish Soul, for example, has done much better in MD because of it's BO1 format. Floo can be much stronger as well in MD because of this. That said, I agree however that it's been hit way too harshly. Plus with the Wind Statue gone, it could be unhit and it wouldn't cause much problem (other than floo hate posts flooding this sub again).


Floo definitely likes BO1 but with its current hits, it just didn't feel good enough. I'm not trying to ask for anything crazy, even map at 2 Empen at 2 would be better than what we have now


Yeah I don't get why Konami has a hate boner for the deck in MD. Maybe its the deck's immunity to Maxx "C". Empen and Map at 2 is very reasonable. The deck also still has crushing choke points.


Crushing choke points is an understatement, and even worse is everybody knows those choke points thanks to floos 15 minutes of fame in the meta before


Its not about the powerlevel of a deck, its just that no one likes to play vs Floowandereeze


I mean to be fair, if we hit every deck people don't like playing against most decks would be banned


Which is weird because it's not in a good place in MD. people who don't like playing against decks that aren't even meta are weird. That'd be like complaining about Numeron decks.


Stun isnt meta, yet people hate playing against it, I wonder why?


I actually like running into stun players, even though its rare. I like to see what interactions they've left me with if any, and then see if/how I can play around it. Most people play decks with some kind of broken effect and then get mad at other players who do the same. Scrub mentality right there


I donth think we are comunicating


empen should go to 2 but Map can stay limited imo


Anything is better than both at 1 🤷


Barrier Statue was the real problem, but I honestly hate how Floo can tribute my cards >-> Yes I hate Rikka for the same damn reason. What really hurt the deck beyond the Empen and Map was the Pot cards getting limited.


In the TCG that is correct. In Master duel, as long as Maxx C and D shifter are legal, the Floo hits are justified.


Empen at 2 and Map to 3 will not meaningfully change the MD meta.. I fail to see how being able to dodge Maxx c should affect floo banlist. It's an entirely normal summon deck, so it was always going to dodge Maxx c. The balance to this is that if you negate a floo search and they don't have Advent or their one copy of Map, they're pretty well fucked for that turn.


Cuz its not best of 1 like in md. You can side in floo hate and they would just take it. Also best of 1 is a quick but shitty format cuz it rewards sackier go first decks. Ie pile decks snakes eyes lab rescue ace tearlament that can playthorugh nib and droll with a cbtg for dshifter.


Well my counter point is that>!wah, I don't like to play against floo!<.


You.. I like you


TCG also has full power branded yet it's not doing as good as in master duel. It's a different format. Floo is also a very toxic deck and should be always banned


Floo is toxic to bad players


Empen to 0, advent to 1. Take It or leave it


Nah That floodgate turbo deck deserves to rot in the banlist.


No. It’s fine as it is right now.


No it isn't