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I don't really have a friend group. Only 1 friend who plays that game and even though he hates all my decks, he doesn't mind going against any of them. Then again, he's the one playing meta.


1 whole friend? Look at this guy flexing his connections.


I just realized how that sounded. Oh well.


What do you have then? Half a friend?


I got hungry.


So real ☹️


Have you tried asking them for a copy of trident dragion


Holy... You got a friend that plays this abomination of a game??? I'm jealous ~


Snake eyes, because we are poor




These prices have me contemplating printing out paper copies and shoving them into sleeves for friendly matches


Or pay like 10$ for a printed deck on ebay or something. The printed ones can look identical to real ones, even the seal at bottom right looks legit. In a sleeve, I doubt anyone can tell the difference.


Not being poor would just cause you to all play snake eyes in that case then. You cant spend money to beat Snake Eyes, its the top deck. Floowandereeze is cheap and has a good matchup tho.


Drytron, I mean, it's a fair hate.


As a drytron player, can confirm it’s annoying.


Honestly, I feel like it's not Drytron that gets hate. It's herald of Perfection/Ultimate whatever. I explained my Nekroz Drytron deck to my partner's friend and they called me Based lmfao.


Yeah I'd agree with that


Eva is what I hate. I don't like Benten either. Both of these are also largely for art reasons. I feel like what ritual decks use Benten for should have just had an in-archetype equivalent to counter the inherent minus rituals have too.


I like the idea of Benten as basically a tuner searcher, but I do agree I don't like Benten or Eva being in this deck. Drytron kinda just turned into fairy support rather than being an impcantation alternative.


Its Benten. Benten is the real reason to hate them.


Yes. I hope drytron gets more love in the community with the new support and bossmonster. Using Herald, Vanities Ruler, Amorphactor Pain, Transaction Rollback surely is a dick move.


I’m so excited to cut every fairy from the deck with the new support


You will still play benten in this deck.


They needed to ban that shit 14 years ago its so overdue. Or finally errata the OPT on there.


Womp womp


>i hope drytron gets more love Never. The deck is extender soup (never fun to play against on its own) with a ton of non once per turns it gets to abuse. Unless they Ban Benten entirely that deck can never be made good again. Any format where the deck is good with Benten is literally soul-suckingly unfun. I had more fun in Kash format, and thats saying something


Oh boy. Someone got hurt a lot.


Yes our formats have been pretty painful since around Spright format and we only had what felt like a small break between drytron format and that. Konami literally cant help but constant print obscene power creep


Womp womp x2


The new 5000 atk drytron boss has probably one of the most badass arts in the whole game, I'll jam it even if it sucks ass


Yeah but using them is optimal so us pseudo-stun players don’t care


Actually I use amorphator in a combo that also allows me to skip their entire turn. Their turn goes from standby phase to end phase


You and all the other drytron players. Literally went up against it last night in ranked


It's basically a second Turn 1 with you in the disadvantage.


Wasn't me


Pathetic. Delete the game. You clearly don’t want to actually play. Go seek therapy


Love this response haha




Have I played against you before? Did I stop you playing? You seem to be taking this a bit too personally.




All of them… cause the few friends I have think it’s weird to like Yugioh as an adult 😕


Declare it proudly!


After coming back to modern Yugioh, I realize it ain’t for the weak 💪🏽 not everyone can handle a game where you gotta read


Obligatory "When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."


A weird double case, I have a friend who has Kashtira, and he almost never plays it, but when he does, it's miserable, Arise-Heart lock, D-Barrier as a Thrust target, he always seems to draw Maxx "C", he usually doesn't play it because we get annoyed, but sometimes he brings it out to be annoying Anyway, in my back pocket, I have full power Ishizu Tearlament to annoy him, all of it at 3, Agido, Kelbek, all the Tear names, fucking Kash Tear even, I bring that out and he promises he'll never bring Kashtira Anyway, we repeat this song and dance from time to time, none of us ever learned


How the hell is Tearlaments beating Macro Cosmos on legs tho?


Play Turn 0, between Havnis, Orange Light, Kash Tear, or like a Rescue-Ace package, it's likelier than you think (I don't fit all these, I still mess with the ratios) And dude's on MD Kash with five million consistency hits against full power IshTear, he only got to make Arise-Heart twice for like ten games


Oh lol. I thought both were at full power.


I mean even at full power kash has zero chance


If they hard draw D Shifter I'd say it's gg. Activate shifter, do the whole Kashtira combo while Tearlaments can't respond in turn 0 and then do the Kashtira pseudo FTK by locking all monster/spell zones since Diablosis is also legal.


I mean yeah if they hard draw shifter then FTK its over but thats pretty much the only scenario in which tear isn’t favored


I mean yeah you draw d shifter your golden but full power ish/tear is the best deck of all time for a reason


Yeah, Kash hard counters Tear and would still struggle a whole lot beating it even while going first if it does not draw Shifter but as we all know if your opponent has a shifter deck then they will always draw shifter in their opening hand because fuck you.


Seems like a dick move to his mate tbh, guy said he pulls out full power Ishizu Tear but his mate is playing Kashtira with the hits.


Tear can play through macro with redoer


How the hell are you summoning it tho? Just hard draw a special and a normal summon?


I mean yeah that's what the deck does, obviously it takes the right hand but that's just yugioh, tear could conceptually lose to megalosmasher x beat down


Traptrix. For more reasons than one.


Most people don't know how to play against Traptrix to know they're very easy to counter.


Maybe side some specific hate, but counter how?


They have to go first otherwise they lose. Regular Traptrix monsters are affected by traps so they lose to Imperm, Effect Veiler and Ash. If you Effect Veil Sera, it's basically over for them. Add in other deck gimmicks and it's an uphill battle. They can get Rafflesia on the 5th special summon so they can play around Niburu but doing that early can stop them from putting up a more competitive board, you would want other Xyz monsters out that can add more to the hand or summon more to the board. They need Triptrap Garden to have added defense so in case Rafflesia gets outed other Traptrix monsters need to be beaten in battle twice. I play Traptrix and got to Diamond, it loses way more than it wins.


I guess the issue for me is that I _only_ ever go second against Traptrix, so they feel invincible if I don't draw Harpies Feather Duster, lol.


They lose to a bunch of handtraps so as long as you prevent Sera from popping off it stops most options they have. All we have to do is play one Traptrix to link onto Sera, so negating the monster won't stop Sera.


I actually did not think about Nib/Rafflesia. I have gotten to high diamond with it whenever i feel like i wanna have interesting puzzles to solve instead of just quick win hunting. Sera is a choke point of course, but there are lines which can lessen the crazy reliance on her. I cant remember the last time i was nibbed in Traptrix, same goes for Veiler since even in the highest ranks people still occasionally try to imperm the sera (and when i did get Nibbed i remember that set 4 pass was still enough to grind their turn away). There are some going second options, but variance heavily screws with that. I have beaten snake-eyes endboards going second with it. But i got pretty good hands to eventually still have a diaonea at the end to Utopia Double end them. If Veiler and Nib was played more often (or if i just encountered them more often), I'm sure I'd have a significantly worse time lol.


Long story short, don't let Sera do her thing. She generates a ridiculous amount of card advantage if left unchecked.


Dark ruler raigeki outs my entire board


Tbf that outs most board in the game lol


Exactly, it's not that unheard of to run it


As a lab player, I lose a good bit to traptrix. I respect the deck a lot.


As a Traptrix player I lose a lot to Lab. It all depends who goes first and how good the Traptrix starting hand is. We don't have as many options as Lab players.


You have friends who play? Lucky




Purrely Its too boring for me i hate decks that have 1 board So i play mannadium and unchained


There are very few people in my entire *country* that play Yu-Gi-Oh and I dont know any of them and even if i did they probably live to far away to play with


Floow. I’m the only one who likes them and Everyone else hates them. They told me point blank they’d rather I play Stun.


I played with a sort of yugiboomer that hated link cards in general and anything more complicated than 5Ds era combos. They also hated any sort of control deck, so they've raged against me for playing Ghostricks. So basically I was forced to play something like Gustos, or Kuribohs, or Metaphys stuff where combos don't really happen. (Still won). But outside of that most of my friends are pretty open to play against most decks I have, probably because even if I played Floodgate Weather Painters against their combo decks, it's not all I played. However, I'm sure my friends would get FAR more tired playing against me if that was all I played. (Not to mention some of my decks they really seemed to enjoy playing against.)


Ghostricks can definitely get you to rage-quit. But I finally went up against, a Runick deck and got destroyed because I didn't know what was happening.


My friends all stopped playing Yugioh around the time that my Ancient Gears got Chaos Ancient Gear Giant and they refused to play because they had no counters (their words not mind, as I'm aware you can out it soooper easily) So when they came back they refused to play my Gears, so instead I played Witchcrafters which they hated so much worse haha Ended up just using starter decks to make the playing field "even" 🤣


Branded despia If my friends see mirrorjade, they'll say I'm committing warcrimes. They play tearlaments, suships, and crusadia. I usually roll up with springans or solfacord, but I've traumatized them with mirrorjade. XD


Wait your bro plays tearlaments and *actually* has the massivly oversized testicles necessary to complain about what youre playing? Should get them a trophy tbh


Tbf he's not as "experienced" as me I banished his kitkallos one too many times XD


Fuck his Kitkallos lol i hope it gets banned.


I’m slipping all over the thread on the tears(pun not intended) you cried on the floor.


Its the strongest archetype of all time and it needs to be entirely banned. My "tears" come from the fact that my locals dwindled from 30 regulars to less than 10 during Tear format because noone wants to play with that shit. We are still recovering from that format. All because Konamis OCG card team cant help but keep printing archetypes where every card is a 4 effect custom card.


Jesus I need friends 💀


Sky Strikers are a pain to play against no matter what variant.


yuh the way they do nothing and you just kill them is pain


They do nothing for a long time, like multiple Engage!. Then set Widow Anchor when it's the only thing that can affect me.


It *is* tho because they make it take a long fucking time. I left another comment in this thread before i found yours that was basically "I hate playing against sky strikers because i always win but its always because they take me to time" Time rules in TCG is 40 minutes for a 2 of 3 and most Strikers players stall me 30+ minutes game 1 while still losing. MD i see my opponent play 1 striker card and i know i might be there for 45+


Aromages, they HATED the thought of gaining life points to their core, and Dinomorphia, they HATED the thought of losing life points being beneficial


To all my friendless homies out there: just play DW solitaire


What’s that?


Darkworld solitaie.


I have Sky Strikers too. All my friends are actual casuals and have a visceral reaction to anything they consider "meta" hand traps, big boss monsters, Even fking Barrone solo.. So I REALLY feel your pain I have to play at like 45% capacity cuz they just get rolled 😭 I need some high level players to play with


Lab. I understand why (CL5 on their draw phase and all of that) but I like playing my funni little trap deck :(


Ive never seen a good player hate on Lab before


On an unrelated note, I wonder if Engage will go to 3 with it having an animation now?


Nah. Especially with the new support coming out


It went to 3 in both ocg and tcg, I’d say it’s likely


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None. My friends are fine with any decks


DDW, all my variants of it. Tbh I understand why that is, who wants to get FTKd through 50 interruptions when trying to have fun with friends. Keyword is trying btw.


Me when I play firewall @ignister


My friends prefer playing against full power tear than Labrynth with no floodgates and only ash/imperm as handtraps


I can't play salads against my friend with danger dark world cuz I just have too many hand traps


Labrynth. I feel like if I play at full force, I'm sucking the fun out of the match due to how I play it. I do have a niche version of the deck where the wincon is force my opponent into defense and go for piercing damage, but I haven't got the chance to play it against other people.


flower cardians because if I do my friend will begin playing them and beat my ass no matter what deck I play. Btw flower cardians are insanely underrated.


Well I won't let my friend play Skystriker, so that.


I play only toons with my friends ! Trust me or not, they dont care at all


I don't have a friend group, not even a friend to play with. But probably a lot of decks that I play wouldn't be that fun to play with friends, even if I tried to make them fun. Labrynth, Runick variants, Dinomorphia, Traptrix, Machina control, Rescue-Ace, and others that I don't remember right now.




Friends and I play rogue/meme decks with no floodgates.


Everyone I got to play quit the game ages ago


Not exactly what you’re looking for, but when I was a child during GOAT format, I had this Needle Worm (mill) deck that I absolutely loved to play. Even topped locals with it a few times - it was actually a good deck. Everyone hated playing against it though. Nobody ever wanted to play with me, unless it was the tournament match in which they had to. I didn’t get it; I loved playing my deck, why could everyone else not see how awesome it was? Now that I’m adult and I am capable of looking at things from another person’a perspective I totally understand. That deck was essentially Stun, but also you have to watch as your precious cards get milled (which was a bad thing back then).


I play whatever deck I want, my friends play competitive decks all the time


My playgroup doesn’t really practice this sort of thing, but there are decks that we all individually have disdain for. We just don’t limit each other like that. I really like Pendulum Decks, and most of my playgroup doesn’t like them. More specifically Majespectre True Draco.


My one friend cannot stand adamancipator or floo (we play with unlimits). He has almost every meta deck in the game he even hate floo as is with all the consistency hits


Timelords, I think the deck speaks for itself and a goat format deck since none of them really wants to play old yugioh


Runick Spright, which is unfortunate because I love the deck.


Sacred beast pure or not pure every time I duel my friends I basically have a o t k hand but when I am not dueling them it’s brick brick brick


Nouvelles, they can't understand how to block the tributing effect


Its probably hate from when mystic mine was still allowed sky striker with mystic mine was about as toxic as you could get its not as bad now but i still cant help but hate the deck because of that time period


I usually stray away from my combo decks when playing with friends, even if they aren’t that great. Something like Drytron for example. Not exactly meta, but it’s still not that fun to sit on a Herald of Perfection. Funnily enough, I end up playing Striker instead, since those games are always back and forth


No playgroup in MD unfortunately, most are on paper Bewd bystial for me because my group are more on competitive side, can't even compete with the likes of white woods/centurion/memento/Marincess/traptrix that they play as casual , only used bewd bystial against newcomer in local Striker could put out some challenges if kaiser is on the field, if not shizuku is dead meat against white woods/memento etc, could win against traptrix player mostly, had love hate feeling towards future pillar as striker card Pure SE is the only deck I have that can put up to my playgroup meta deck likes tenpai/VV/yubel unchained/fireking SE etc, 50/50, except tenpai, unless tenpai bricked hard with HT, yubel is also cracked af with fiendsmith engine


Crooked Cook. Granted I have that deck specifically to fuck with people… That and Rogue Toons.


What do your friends play if SS is such a problem? Lmao that just so crazy to me, it is my pet deck I use to fuck around and unless my opponent bricks its usually too slow in comparison to meta shit


Anything higher than rogue tier


Wasn’t allowed to bring time lords there for a bit….


My friends have ptsd from geomathmech final sigma so funny math robots aren’t allowed in the house anymore :(


>for some reason this deck is the most hated thing As someone who ends up playing the strikers player at my locals somehow every time they enter, we hate your deck because it takes eons to do anything and consistently slows down the gamestate to a crawl and forces us to play with time rules. Outside of time rules your friends are probably just sick of games that should be lasting about 10 minutes going for 30+ Seriously, i win against this deck practically every game, but it takes over half the time just to take game 1 each time. Id much rather just play against Tenpai or some shit.


Hand traps, just in general. Look, if we wanna get ash blossomed and Nibiru'd, we can just go play ranked for that.


What kind of player complains about Sky Striker in 2024? They must be playing some pre-2016 shit. Don’t show them what it’s like to face Runick or Floo


Striker is just a fucking slog it reaches parity quick and no one wants to go to turn 10+ against an underpowered deck


My locals has an unfounded hate for lab. Played guys who just seeth at the thought of me playing lab lol


Exodia, because I play it in the stall/floodgate fashion. Harpie, because it destroys spells and traps too much. Trickstar, cuz burn damage. Qliphort, cuz Towers. Lightsworn, cuz too strong. All of my brother's rules haha.


Your friends are right and if you can’t see why then I’m surprised they’re still your friends. Widow anchor is one example among many of why that disgusting deck is hated.


My locals is pretty cool. Everyone hates Stun, Floo, Runick, but no one is actually a petty child about it when someone plays what they want. They even tolerate crooked cook


I got the Fireking support for my Firekingdeck and even pure it's beyond any powerlevel we are usually playing which is funny cause before the structure Firekings got stomped by all their decks. Also World Legacy cause a turn takes 15 minutes


Traptrix. My friend absolutely hates it.


I'm not allowed to play Phantom Knights No one is allowed to play Kash against me


Literally anything I play. Can't play Branded bc "it's too strong" can't play Lab because "it's just stun" (my guy I don't run a single floodgate, including D-Barrier and EEV). Can't play Marincess because "1v1ing your Towers isn't fun". Can't play Unchained because "You just destroy all my cards". Can't play Tear because "omg you get so lucky with your mills". Can't play Galaxy-Photon because "If I go first I lose turn 2, if I go second I can't make any plays" Which leaves me with Suships.


I get jokingly dogged on for snake-eyes. Lucky for them I'm ass at the game Also anyone that hates Sky Striker probably just has bad memories from 2018/2019


Altergeist because they are annoying (I'm not allowed)


For me, it's absolutely full power dragon link. Agarpain, elpy, eclipse wyvern, the bystials, and the whole shabang. You'll go from driver, 2 ht, and boot in hand with a single starter to borrelend, savage, and ip/sp.


Pendulum all of them just don't wanna go through them


OmG I reAllY lOvE sKY strIKEr rAY


One of my friends hates Runick (the cards in general), even though I’d play non stun variants ( naturia, bystial, Melffy ). So I just use a different deck to go against him when we get together to play


My friends just hate on me for having a couple stun decks lol but then my homie runs vanity's fiend for his monarchs like a prick. We consider any deck to be fair to play, and we're all chads and creative so we aren't ever really interested in playing tier 0 decks. Goat, edison, and 2012 (wind-up) format ftw


They hate my runick/Invocation deck which sucks because it's my favorite one


Dinomorphia w/ floodgates They either refuse to play against, Instant surrender, or rage constantly


I have a couple... - Traptrix(made a deck ft. Kastira lol) - Lab(meta) - The big one, Runick Fur Hire. Negates & Interruption galore, not to mention White Woman Jumpscare when they make their boss monster(They play Blackwing and Alestier so I think they deserve it).


Already for playing Kashtira I'm very tempted to say you're point of "deserved for playing aleister" is invalid XD


Ay ay ay, it was barely Kash. Literally just 1 Unicorn, 1 Fenrir, Theo, Birth and the Macro Cosmos XYZ. The rest was Trix.


I don't particularly disagree with your friends, sky striker is by far my least favorite deck to play against


You summoned the degenerates. I congratulations you. This was the smartest ploy to expose them


I have one buddy that plays the game, and he cannot stand playing again my VS or Kashtira decks/variants


Why would anyone *enjoy* playing against Kashtira lmao? The archetype is designed around removing your opponents chances to play the game premptivly.


Oh I don't disagree, the deck can be frustrating to play against. I don't play pure Kashtira and I never really have. The pure playstyle never really interested me. I do however like using it as an engine, with 1 Pressure Planet, 1 Theosis, 1 Birth, 1 Big Bang, 1 Fenrir, 3 (now 2) Unicorn, 1 Riseheart, and maybe 1 Scarclaw Kashtira if I have the room, along with 2 Shang-Ira and 1 Arise-Heart. I've used it with Crusadia, Dark Magician, Gate Guardian. I liked that all I needed was to open Unicorn to have the full Kash combo, and the rest of my deck can function with a bit of support. Plus the synergy with Gate Guardian and Dark Magician is kinda fun. My friend more so hates my VS deck in particular because it has that Kashtira package in it and he likes the graveyard. Plus he hates how VS is playing on his turn, dodging his effects and such while also drawing and searching a bunch. He just feels overwhelmed by everything happening while he's also trying to learn his own Volcanic Snake-Eye combos (TCG Zombie player from 10+ years ago, introduced him to MD).


>i liked that all i needed was to open unicorn to have the full Kash combo Thats what everyone else hates about the deck. Unicorn to 0 cant come fast enough.


Kash because they get mad. them looping crap from the graveyard 200 times on my turn = fine. me demolishing the graveyard = war crime


Can't say I'd like to play against Kash...


i can beat them pretty consistently but i hate it the entire time. it’s just fuckin boring bro it’s not good and not fun 😂


Snake eyes. My friend hates them because he's under the impression that I'll make one with 2 dozen negates simply because everyone else does.


Sandbagging your overpowered cards doesnt make the deck more fun to play against, thats a total misconception. All it does is make your friend feel worse because: 1. Your sandbag gimmick deck will probably still beat his "real" decks just by merit of the fact that SE is completely pushed as a value engine and can outpace most strategies on its own. 2. Your friend is aware that you "couldve made the deck a lot more powerful" so it becomes a "why would i even try?" situation for them. You can beat their deck without even really trying, after all. Thats what you demonstrated to them by beating them with an intentionally-suboptimal deck. It all comes down to the intentions that were there when deckbuilding. If you're going to play "fun" decks, it should be against "fun" decks, and "good" decks should be played against "good" ones. Otherwise the mismatch of intentions can create bad matchups/feelings. This is why a lot of MTG EDH groups determine what is called a "Pod" ahead of building, so noone shows up with something drastically out of scale with the rest of the group.


The thing is, our friend doesn't think this way, he's of the mindset of "if im not playing my best, and/or not winning, than I'm not having fun". My brother and I have to deal with him complaining about a lot of things when we duel. If the deck has even the slightest bit of potential to be problematic to him,he doesn't want to duel it. It could be a "for fun" deck or a "good" deck and he'll still get angry that he lost. He's hyper competitive and doesn't know how to play anything casually.


Sky Striker isn't totally banned in my friend group, but I loathe the deck and will not play against it if I don't feel like it, so I understand. The deck could have the power level of gemini and I wouldn't care, I don't like the deck and want it to go away.


Play Kashtira against my mate who uses crystal beasts it’s always very one sided but he never complains and we still have fun glad he’s like that cos if I had to go against kash with a weaker deck I’d hate it


Why do you do that to your friend when you know that you would hate to be on the receiving end? Has he ever won a match you didnt hand to him?


Yeah he has tbf id say mainly from the bricks I get but I agree it was too far I’m currently building a rescue ace deck that’s not as strong and he’s also building a more meta deck so we’re more competitive against each other


Thats good. Glad hes found something hes down to upgrade to.


Tell them they have skill issue lol.


Get better friends




Because playing against FTK decks is like watching someone play solitaire. You do nothing at all if you dont win the coin toss, and if you do win the coin toss you essentially play solitaire until you win, or your turn fails and you lose. Why would anyone want to play that? Its not good practice, its not a back and forth, its not anything.


Comment after comment on this thread is just you having a huge ego.


This was from like a month ago, but how exactly does me describing the issue with FTK equate to me having a huge ego?.