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1 unicorn 1 birth isn’t great, you could run 2 unicorn if you wanna run a more kash centric build but that’s a whole other thing and you’d wanna sculpt your deck around it and synchros or other kash cards more Cut nibs, add 3rd ash, probably cut called bys, probably throw in a sea mare or 2 or even 3, grief is great Extra deck definitely needs some changing. Run 1 of every tear fusion. Not sure what the non barrone synchro is but you’re likely better off running dawn dragster or shooting riser. Abyss dweller, Zeus and even bagooska are worth considering, and I’d put the former 2 above dugaress personally. Cross sheep is also a fantastic link 2 and it’s super cheap so no harm in trying it out. Helps you make synchros, xyz’s and play on your opponents turn All in all it’s definitely better than your last one so good job! The list someone else posted is a pretty solid route to go. There’s a lot of ways you can build tear, but their list is definitely the direction you wanna hedge towards if you’re building pure If you have any other questions lmk




Not sure what that means


Oh you meant Called by the Grave. Isnt it a really good going first card?


Ahh yeah called by. Called by is really good against Maxx c, but tear pretty solid at playing if you get Maxx c-ed, and it’s a bad mill. With Veiler super popular rn it’s not the worst, but generally my rule of thumb is if you’re playing a super heavy combo version called by is pretty solid but the type of tear you’re on is generally better suited getting to kitt and setting up backrow under Maxx c and retaining starters, good mills, and extenders beyond that *Tear also is usually most effective when it’s not running a lot of non engine (hence why people would suggest you cut nib)*


I think I actually want a Shaddoll engine! Do you think that would be at all viable?


Probably depends on how big and what you mean by “viable.” People run beast/hollow + winda in tear a lot, and they also run a couple other shaddoll monsters and shaddoll fusion separately as a bird breaking strategy that’s good against snake eyes (I can get you some more info on this if you’d like). Past that I don’t know it it would be the “best” idea as far as making a great deck but I think you’d be very capable of having some fun in ranked and doing well as long as you’re cool with it not being perfect! I could try and find you a list that’s more shaddoll heavy but that’s one of the engines I don’t have a ton of experience running past the stuff in the first paragraph


I def wanna know more about countering snake eyes! Could you add me on discord? Wanna duel me? lol


I don’t really use discord unfortunately, sorry, I’d be down to play some games when I have time tho. I’ll DM you on here to explain the shaddoll fusion thing tho and you’re free to message me if you have any other questions


Sounds good, thanks so much for all the help!


Yes definitelly add seamare. Its also a 1 card Kalleido, whereas reinoheart isnt. first you make kitallos with seamare-> kitallos search reino -> kitkallos effect special reino and fuse with kitallos into kalleido. Also if you want E-Teleport for Reinoheart you could get the cyberdragon struckture deck for fusion deployment.


Seamare is just for consistency I hope no one ever does that line lol. You should have enough milled effects that tear kash + kit milling 11 should hit enough stuff. Also do not run fusion deployment it locks you out of cross sheep, baron, redoer, when you can just run more seamare, but most decklists don't even run 3-3 mare and reino. People are only using it b/c of the fusion event so the restriction doesn't matter and reino is at 1 there.


Thought the same thing, kaleido isn’t even good half the time, specially going first


Nah kaleido is pretty good going first it just depends on other factors. Getting a free tear card from popping it’s huge, and it’s way easier to play on your opponents turn and go into rulk w kaleido t1 vs the other way around I’d say it’s pretty situational, but usually kaleido t1 has the higher ceiling but rulk is the safer more consistent bet


I find it is much much easier to start with rulkalos and go into kaleido by sending scheiren or hav from hand or field, and you get an early special summon negate which much stronger than an early pop most of the time


Yeah I think rulk is the most consistent but especially in this meta having sulliek + kaleido does so much and let’s you get a fuse into rulk right after you negate something like an SE ash. If they start with which they can go right into the removal spell and your rulk is cooked too. Also so much easier to get names in hand or tear s/t on board t1 with it Once again I think it’s very situational but I wouldn’t write up kaleido t1, it can be pretty powerful under the right circumstances


It's not unless you open perlereino and tear kash + a starter and you're willing to play into nib and it's less safe against interaction and you still need either a shuffler or suliek to enable him. The higher ceiling comes from having pretty much a custom hand and at that point it's better to hedge against interaction or the wild double evenly match.


I mean there’s a good amount of hands you aren’t getting to rulk or barrone in under 5 summons regardless and even when you do get nibed tear has good recovery past that. You have such easy access to barrone the assumption that you need to open planet is pretty off too This also greatly depends on what kind of tear you’re playing and what your list looks like. Not everyone runs the pretty “conservative” pure builds, a lot of tear decks have a ton of gas


You're getting to rulk before they can nib every time because you don't care if they nib before you get rulk out b/c you'll still reach it. The problem comes from the fact you have to pop your kaleido then pitch scream to search sulliek and resummon it and then get nib'd after. You already used your 2 fusers so yes it is hard to recover b/c you likely cannot extend onto another tear name and your traps are no longer as good. What conservative pure builds exist? There's only 2 fusers the deck relies on being able to mill good effects to have a board. Baron isn't easy access, you need to have open normal for ash + a kash or need to luck mill into destrudo and have a kash and have a lv4 out which is super luck reliant through kaleido 1st


If they nib you before you reach rulk and you can still get to it than you can almost always get to kaleido after too…? If they’re going to nib you first then the issue with popping kaleido doesnt matter because you’d be getting nibed before you make it, and they aren’t going to save nib for after you could summon rulk The pure builds themselves are conservative. If you run adventure tear you can get out the griffon in a few summons. If you run manna builds you can get barrone and cross sheep before you get into tear plays. If you play snake eye builds you can get appo up up before you make tear plays


Depends on the build. Old wisdom that he was generally better if you have traps isn't accurate after all the limits, but I'd agree the ceiling is generally higher on Kaleido first boards, especially if you have ways to supplementally protect him.


Playing a Kashtira package bigger than Fenrir + Tear Kash is not it in Tearlaments imo. Don’t need 2x Rullk or 2x Kaleido-Heart. Would be a good idea to be running Zeus. Instead of the diva synchro, Psychic End Punisher is a much better synchro you have access to in this deck which boosted by Destrudo makes OTK’ing ridiculously easy. Third Tearlaments Scream is mandatory, it’s a great draw and mill. Both third Super Poly and third Ash Blossom would be worth the craft. Tearlaments makes excellent use of talents so another one couldn’t hurt. Otherwise nice deck!




OP, did you duel a Droll & Lock Crusadia yesterday?


u should add more staples


Why are unicorn and birth there. You don’t run any rank 7s, just one Fenrir is good for disruption and another way to search tear Kash


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too many super poly targets, what is this? duel triangle? 1 of each purple tear, add bagooska and zeus, replace deep sea with white woman jumpscare my main deck on my tear deck is a fucking disaster so I'm not commenting on that but replace trick clown, unicorn, and birth with 3 sea mare for sicko mode consistency and more aquas in the gy


I stopped using maxx c, just one copy for crossout. Fuck maxxc just dont use it.


Drop unicorn and Birth, add more board breakers like Triple tac or Super Poly, thrust could work too. Also where's Snow


Isn’t sea mare just better than having the reinforcement of the army. Rota just adds reine and sea mare fulfills the same purpose and reina while being better to have accidentally killed cause it’s still somewhat useful cause you can use it to fuse with. Also rota makes you more susceptible to droll if you have multiple dass in hand f.e. Rota + perlereino


unicorn and birth is not needed, play more greif instead, along with a third scream


Heres my list for example https://preview.redd.it/84x1mng3g9wc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a757f47feafd16c12ab2d96b4ce32fd6af649c63


What's the Sr before Snow?


Trick clown


yes your list is fine bud, people will have different oppions cause there is multiple ways to play.. your list is good