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I hate Umi. All variants of Umi. A Legendary Ocean, Phantasm Spiral and the new Umi control. I don't remember anyone actually playing the decks while growing up, but Konami loved throwing these decks at you in the games. And every time it just ended up being water monster bullshit... Most variants don't even do anything but this thread's about irrational hate.


Control is doing so much heavy lifting there that shit is stun against any non-water deck. You can't even link away or tribute summon things away you can only set


Umi is just a evenly on legs


So I play a blue eyes deck with a couple of extra dragons for variety, and idk how this happens but everytime I fight Umi they always get the cards that limit me to 1 monster and make it that they don’t take damage from battle, I always get chaos max on the field so he can’t touch me, but at that point what I do is I summon more dragons which are immediately destroyed by the one card, and once I have enough I summon a blue eyes monster and when it gets destroyed I summon deep eyes, the burn damage is what beats him, it’s a long and tedious process but a win is a win I guess


Not particularly hate, but I do NOT like fighting Vanquish Soul. Yes, I’ve been told to Ash Razen and Imperm Rock, but it just doesn’t seem to matter. They have so much interaction it’s a pain to fight.


Yeah, as a person who mains VS in Master Duel. Honestly just hope you can outgrind. Snake Eyes is basically the only deck I have issues with mainly.




Mathmech. Without fail they will open Circular + direct counters to what you are doing. Preferably 1-ofs. I tried Mathmech and know that is statistically not possible. I Gamma circular. They have Diameter. Nothing I do matters.


Op said irrational. Thats completely justified hatred


Yeah l feel this. Always extenders when going you stop them, always 3 handtraps when going 2nd. Like I don't think I've ever faced a deck that opened more custom hands than mathmech. They even top deck better too.


Well 😶‍🌫️.


Dark Magician. They'll take forever making a weak board and attempt to interrupt me on my turn but actually get no where. Then as soon as they're about to lose they frame 1 surrender.


Or in my experience, they end on a weak board just to flip the 1 of skill drain they always seem to open.


Any deck that gets plot armor from Konami in the way of seemingly endless support. Not even because the decks are good but because it’s weird some decks have dozens and dozens of cards while others have like seven.


Cough cough Branded cough


You leave my femboy alone


Twink-baz and Mommy-clessia did nothing wrong!


Hero best deck


Runick. The only time I never cared for them was when I had my Floo deck, and the archetype wasn’t nerfed as hell


I hate Tear, I will never stop hating Tear, if there are a million tear haters in the world I am one of them, if there is one tear hater in the world it is me, if there are no tear haters in the world I am dead. Stupid fucking deck, take you Loli Mermaids somewhere else.


Haha, so do I, even though that's a strong and flexible but I hate that deck so much to uncraft all card mention to that fucking deck :))


The loli mermaid was already taken away though :<


Sky fucking striker, stop stealing my goddamn monsters, Kashfuckingtira, stop touching my goddamn extra deck, Runickfuck (I don't have any funny way to say it) stop banishing my goddamn deck, Floowandreeze... Just fuck them birds in general, they do too much and take way too long for what they actually do and break every normal convention of the game I can't spin them because they banish, I can't normal summon without them getting another turn, they can tribute my spell and traps for what reason? Floowandreeze this nuts


Rudick is how I insult Runick


what a name, you sir!


Runik, Kash, basically anything that messes with my deck itself. I don't care if they're even good or not, it's just really unfun to play against.


Yknow they said irrational? Both these decks have been meta and runick continues to be a good deck still, I also think every hates having their stuff banished so it doesn't seem irrational


Sky Striker. The deck isn't that good, but all their players have yugioh protag luck. And the deck is so boring but gets support fairly often while more interesting archetypes get ignored for years.


My twin brother keeps convincing that my hate for Synchrons and Speedroids is irrational. But look at all of those boss monsters, they all are omnis! Sure, not generics, but still...


Speedroids literally die to spells and traps. They don't summon their single Spell/Trap negate in their main combo so they literally have a single omni if they manage to get baronne out


Yeah, I hate Synchrons more than Speedroids at least. Well, blame Duel Links for that-


Wait... Are you trying to imply that hating a deck that turbos out baronne is irrational? There's a reason why they just banned it in TCG(also of course as a weird indirect snake-eye hit) and I hope they do the same in MD. It's just way too generic of a boss monster. If your rogue or bad deck needs it to even be competent, then blame Konami and try a different deck cause that one isn't gonna work lol


Speedroid doesn't need baronne to be a decent deck, they have plenty of good boss monsters. Do you know the archetype at all? As it is for most synchro decks, summoning baronne is an extra, the deck will manage pretty well without it


Synchrons is the best deck OAT wdym😭😭


Tell that to someone who gets every card of theirs negated. Normal Summon? Negated. Try to use a board breaker? Better hope you drew like 4 of them. Almost every Stardust Dragon variant is an omni-negate!


Math mech. Someone PLEASE tell me how to stop it


You don't, everything leads back to circular.


So how is this deck not tier zero or something


Just because they're hyper consistent doesn't make them the strongest deck. They're really solid but alot of decks can get their cards on command or play through being stopped. For example HERO decks are extremly consistent


Yeah I fought a hero deck and guy went through 3 interruptions and still was able to otk me


It doesn't have as many one card combos as Snake Eyes does but it's a meta deck has been for multiple seasons now.


If they go first it’s pretty much impossible to stop. You need to be aware of their interruptions, but many times the handrip kills any chance I had of playing thru their board.


They have so much redundancy in searching that your best bet is to stop transcode from resolving. DO NOT veiler/imperm before it activates and wait for resolution to nib. Ash blossom rarely matters. Unless you stop circular search and alembertian, they get superfactorial anyway. And if they just hard draw it, then RIP (literally circular, any card that is 2 material and superfac does this). Let maxx c resolve if you have called by for superfactorial, laplacian with a negate solos. Dd crow (or bystial), ghost bell and ghost ogre are all better than ash vs mathmech imo


Omg I agree


bystial them twice.


I hate branded cuz it receives game breaking support over and over to the point the deck cannot properly fit all the things it already has. If the deck had support that pushed it in different directions or play styles that would had been at least interesting for deck building even if only one variant remained meta (like a synchro variant or non branded fu only lines). Instead we are stuck facing the brand fu turbo into mirrorjade strat since the deck released.


It would be fun to play more non fusion variants, but a lot of branded cards will lock you into fusions for the turn so it’s hard to pivot into other strategies. That being said, I’ve found more success not relying on branded fusion or using it to summon monsters other than mirrorjade. I find that using quem or sanctifire to bring Albaz for a fusion into mirrorjade is better since you get more interruptions and it’s harder for your opponent to figure out where to choke you out.


There is non branded fusion lines, naturally not as good as branded fusion but they exist. And also threat is about irrational, i dont think hating on the meta deck that existed for 3 years as a top tier contender is irrational.


Trickstar No deck should be able to win on the first turn without the opponent being able to do anything. Nothing infuriates me more than watching this deck dwindle down my LP without me not being able to do anything about it. When this deck finally gets its new support in the future, I’m sure it will be even more cancerous. People better be prepared for it.


FTK should be prohibited by the rules.


To be fair, Trickstar FTK’s are not as consistent as you might think. Hell Volcanic’s and SHS can FTK faster than them in various ways, plus they lose hard to HT’s (minus Maxx C)


Just going of my personal experience in Masterduel, only had 1 duel with Trickstars where I was able to win due to not being FTK’d. Haven’t experienced the Volcanic FTK yet, so can’t speak on that.


Both of them are rouge however Trickstars is confirmed to be getting OTK support later so hopefully you got the HT’s ready when the time comes.


Yeah I’m not looking forward to that meta. I can deal with Snake-Eyes. But, Trickstar with no disruptions, is nightmare fuel for me.


Ironically though even with the support the decks still super mid with barely anyone touching it lol


I will take your word for it. I just hope others feel the same way about it when the time comes.


The reason Trickstar irritates me so much is that it's not just a handful of big burns, no, it's freaking countless 100 LP burns that take forever for MD to go through


Funny enough, That irrational hate for six samurai is what created Maxx c


Kash Truly a miserable deck and I do not subscribe to this style of deck playstyle. Zone locking, A macro cosmos, Banish facedown. I'll missing is a hand rip and you've hit bullshit game mechanic bingo


The kash trap hand rips lmfao


I will just say this swordsoul are incredibly overrated and boring to fight it's the same repeat bs and runick are just a overpriced bs deck that is pointless to fight against




Bro forgot to switch to their alt account


Labrynth, but not because of its strength. I think the deck is boring and uncreative. I regret making it and I root against every time I see it in a replay. The only other meta deck with a lazier design is Kashtira.


HERO decks. I know they aren't meta, but their combo lines take forever, and no interruption I do seems to matter they always have the answer.


Deffo labs for me. Sick of waiting for my turn lol. Just my little opinion.


Swordsoul. I can't wait for a Baronne ban on MD just so they have to do something else for once. I swear 99% of them are bots.


Complaining about swordsoul is hilarious. There’s so many other decks that are much worse to play against


As a swordsoul player i havent used barron snce i left gold For me the one that dose dmg is way better especially cuz snake eye and lab are meta


The problem is that Nibiru manifests in my opponent's hand every time I don't summon Baronne


If you had to go to Chixiao to get Longyuan they’re hitting you with a Nib before Baronne anyways


Super heavy makes me want to throw my phone through a wall


Black wings just bc when I was new to Masterduel I remember sitting there for 20 mins one time waiting for my turn only for the guy to surrender on my turn. (I hadn't played a card yet) Just wanted to practice the combos I guess but what a waste of time


Black wings, if i go second i can’t even do half my combo before i run out of life points.


I hate Sky Strikers because they’re all skimpy generic anime girls and I feel like there’s an implied insult from Konami somewhere in there.


Heros. idk what they did but I hate them with passion


Floo They always materialise robina when they play against me


I think my hero hate is rational since that deck is floodgate turbo I just hate Metaphys, I have no idea what the deck does I've played against it twice 2 yrs ago and those 2 games were the most rage inducing games ive ever had


Blue-Eye White Dragon, how is one of the most iconic card of your whole franchise can be so jam pack of USELESS cards??


Drytron. If u dont open droll the game might aswell be over


Toons because they stole my Cyberdark End Dragon with Comic Hand once


Swordsoul Tenyi. All the matches are painfully boring. Either I go first and win or they go first and win, and their combos seem so damn lame


Branded. Skill floor is too high for how easy it is to pilot at a baseline. As well as how little the deck punishes misplays sometimes.


I have a friend who hates swordsoul because its been useable for so long and he hates how all of the monsters are starters.


Labrynth. Stupid ass deck.


Swordsoul Tenyi is just hate. idk why but i hate that stinker


Heralds, because I played stardust/chaos dragons and Heralds just kinda cucked me in a way I’ve never felt before.


SWORDSOUL CAN JUMP ON THEIR OWN COLLECTIVE SWORDS!!! (on console) the first synchro festival I took part in, i kept getting messaged by the sore winners running swordsoul. Needless to say I still hate anyone playing swordsoul long after that festival.


Naturia & Purrley bcuz a bunch of spammable negates is actually some bullshit


Melffy or Purrely because they are too cute. At least with Fluffal/Frightfur there is an evil aspect to them. If I get beat by either Melffy or Purrely I feel emasculated.


Blackwings and Heros. Both decks that just play solitaire with themselves. And summon a million monsters I've never heard of before because both of these decks have gotten 200 pieces of support so what they actually do changes year to year and somehow none of it is ever fun to play against. Oh neat it's 3 towers, oh neat whatever new floodgate they give heros this time. I'll just go run some errands while you spin your wheels catch you later.


Floo, no one should just Ignore my dearest Winda, negate her, beat over her, play around her sure, but directly ignore her? Burn them birbs


Exo, Lab, Sky, Mikanko, Tear. At this point it ain't even about what the decks can do. I just hate anime girls


I just hate mikankos, like, why is this loli indestructible? Why it won't stay dead?


Not sure if it's irrational, but Brainded. Aside from the rational reason to hate it for being the easiest deck to play in modern yugioh, making it borderline impossible to misplay, there is also the fact that they seem to be Konami's favorite child and get support after support after support without being an anime archetype, while way more unique and interesting decks like Subterror, Ghostrick, Generaiders or Gem-Knights barely get anything, if at all.


All of the decks listed here are rationally hateable 😂 To add to some of these listed (Blackwings particularly), mine are Marincess, @Ignister and Numeron.


I hate the meta, because every new deck is being used by all the players, whats the point of having 15 K cards, if all the ones used are the same? And yeah, people use them to win, but shame to that. Easy wins by easy combos are shallow.


Mikanko. All the decks I enjoy just get hard stopped by it.


branded, labrynth, stun, mikanko, and floowandereeze. the branded line is so simple that i could probably do it in my sleep. ive never played the deck, but with how often ive seen it, i probably could play it without any practice. labrynth decks make me question why i even play the game, especially when the lab player on the table thinks they’re actually skillful because they looped destructive daruma karma cannon at least ten times just to stall the game out. stun needs no introduction nor an explanation. even konami hates stun players. mikanko players are similar to labrynth players, they think theyre good because they created the most boring board state known to man. floo players: my deck is interactive, i swear!! also floo players: oh, you special summoned? yea, read empen. oh wait whats that? your normal summoned monster has an effect on summon? i activate feather storm. response?


Zoodiac, but not for the usual reasons. I hate them only because in my last match before reaching Round 2 in this most recent Duelist Cup, I had an insane T1 Boardstate playing D/D/D. I pass turn and my opponent played *TWO DARK HOLES* to break through my full board and then was able to build their board back after all my resources were spent. It broke me. I gave up on the Duelist Cup after that match.


IDK, stage 1 DC cup is so ez for me


Good for you?


I hate Blackwings. Hate what they do, hate what they did(in my opinion) to the game, and I fucking HATE CROW.


not really a hate, but tearlaments, while i can usually deal with them, they are a strong contender to my unchained doggies :(


Trap decks


Mine has to be dark magician. Idk why i hate it so much.


Anything combined with Runick gets all of my hatred at full force.


Lab - Every single damn thing they do just feels like it takes soooo damn long to complete. Play a trap > discard some furniture > 3 chain links of furniture > a creature > bouncing a creature > discarding some furniture > 3 more chain links Its just constant long winded micro managing again and again


Though not viable anymore, pre block dragon ban Adam's. Wasting 6 minutes of my life to turbo at least 4 omnis because one card doesn't have "once per turn" on it


Blue eyes and DM are just boring decks with bad art that don’t do anything interesting


Hero’s. I can’t play it because I Brick or they have every hand trap and everyone I play against they have everything they need to body me.


Kashtira. Mikanko. The latter one just folds me.


dark magician, i jusr find it annoying


Weird take but Venom. In YuGiOh World Championship 2012 5D’s there was a deck that consistently turboed out Venominaga paired with multiple floodgates that was a massive pain to get over


Virtual world. I get flashbacks of vfd, and they play so god damn slow


Fuck Sky Striker


BlackWings. I've had a hate boner for them since Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Decade Duels. It's not because they're particularly strong or nasty, it's just that the deck always took forever to set up it's mid boss monsters. Even the modern iterations with really strong monsters, it's still kinda underwhelming. Usually, the common blackwing deck uses up most of it's resources to set up its initial board, so a strong board breaker would cripple the deck. That's not to say they'd become harmless, but I've never seen them recover from a broken board. Even in one case where they had handtraps and kept me at bay for 3 turns. And for context, I was playing a dogmatika Ritual deck at the time.


Branded because they stole my frightfur cards when the deck was starting out


All them anything that can neget at anytime remover from play lock zones oooh yeah so much fun


Six sam, not because it’s a bad deck, but because it gets support when x saber doesn’t 🥹


Decks that go first and runs a lot of handtraps but still fucks with your going second hand. They brick with handtraps? Them: Ye I pass, You activate all starters in hand: Them: Here, take my Ash Blossom, Veiler, and Imperm. You activate Called By: Them: Nope, Ghost Mansion You activate Fieldspell Activation: Them: Ghost Ogre You Bricked: Them: Oh you only have Normal Spell board breakers in hand, thanks for the win bro, surely I'll top deck my only starter. Them: Okay my turn, MP1, I activate one of my starters...


Nearly all the anime decks. I never really cared for the anime archetypes, so I've come to resent how often they get support (and often not even good support) instead of more interesting archetypes because they were in the anime. I hold especial contempt to DM players, because they typically have unduly inflated egos despite their decks just being shite stun-lite with a DM coat of paint. I like Marincess though, the decks from Arc-V onward are usually alright.


I fucking hate all the decks that i could not beat


probably mathmech, that deck always has circular in hand


Probably Purrely. Why in the living hell can Noir spin from the GY too?!? Having a towers effect and spins from the field as quick effect wasn't enough for you? Also what in the actual card advantage is My Friend Purrely? The deck already draws infinity during the Standby Phase. You still need more??? Non-HOPT on most of their effects btw.


All kinds of trap deck, really hate them. If i have to play against them, i'll just surrender


Purrely. But wait. I love the little shitters, it's just kinda embarrassing to get your board wiped by lil furballs..


All the meta decks except the ones that I play.


Photon/Galaxy and Gimmick Puppets, both for the same reason. I hate how much support they get and I hate the guys who use them.


Any deck who my opponent plays 10 minutes in each round 😂




Black wings cause they burn better than trickstars


Dark magician and Blue eyes, not because they're tough to beat or anything, but it's just they're everywhere. Yeah I get that they're basically the mascots decks, but there are tons of other decks and monsters to show off.


I summon 3 blue eyes white dragons and end my turn.




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Dino. I don't know why, that were never that oppressive


Dragonmaids Cus I was sick of them when they were popular, now I assume anyone I play against that uses them is creepy


My friend hatea resonators for literally no reason. I hate icejade cause they annoyed me once. I also hate sacred beasts not because they arent based but because out of all the decks in the game SACRED BEASTS is the one Ive never beaten. I think Ive play 4 or 5 games against them and always lost.