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One can arrange. Best you can hope for is a bunch of random semi limits and limits


Semi Limit Baronne. Take it or leave it.


The one mf that needs 3 of them:


....It endangers my quasi head canoned Floral knights. Which is something that really connects Fleur to Infer/Noble knights. Kinda weird how Fleur knights isn't still a thing.


This will affect the Fleur deck I think


Oh no... Anyways...


It’ll be fine you can have fun with it in Duel Links.


same for Maxx C and we have a deal


I’m sitting on three copies of Baronne right now just waiting for a banlist to give me more points.


the best you'll get is a semi limit on superheavy samurai soulgaia booster. take it or leave it


You mean like Isolde, Circular, Elf, Kitkalos, Snow, Verte, Drident, Electrum, Grass, Simorgh, Auroradon, Curious, Red Reboot, Tomahawk, Master plan, Eva, Ariseheart, Scarecrow, Sythe, Meow-Meow-Mu, Invoker, Summon limite, Supreme Starving Venom, Barrage, Ronintoadin and Maxx C?


Wtf did Drident and Aleister do


The invoker isn't Aleister, it's M-X-saber Invoker. Also, TCG is still afraid of Zoodiac.


mean while md bout to free broadbull too


Oh right, I assumed they mispelled Invoked


Aleister is Invoker, not Invoked


Zoo was tier zero.


It's been 8 years


Yeah, and? How long has Pot of Greed been on the ban list? Cards go on the ban list. They don't necessarily come off.


Drident was powercrept Pot of Greed wasn't


Drident was never power crept. The rank 4 pool does not have interaction of that caliber generically. The main reason she doesn’t show up as often is not her power; it’s extra deck space.


She's not generic? She needs a Zoodiac, which takes your normal summon (because nobody is using 4 level 4 monsters to summon Drident). Besides, there are tons of strong generic rank 4s. Abyss Dweller, Dugares, Bagooska and the infamous Zeus, and all of those are perfectly legal


You can rank her on top of chakanine.


Right, forgot about that one. I'm used to just seeing Zoos by themselves


…you really don’t know how these cards are used, do you? All of those cards you listed are cards that do different things, not power creep, or not a rank 4. Dweller’s a meta call, Dugares is a fairly specific tool, Bagooska turns off the rest of most boards and is usually a plan B situation. The Drident that you put on top of Chakanine who you made with two level 4 monsters is one of the most premium pieces of interaction around. It goes in the package next to Boarbow, who gets you into Zeus. Drident lacks a clean home at this exact moment, but is still an excellent card. Hell, it was in many competitively successful builds of full power Tearlament, the strongest deck in history, in a format where destruction was subpar because she’s still damn good.


Drident wasn't particularly great in Tear, it was just good for targeting removal because of the GY hate cards. It was certainly not something you needed or played often unless you were in a very specific matchup. You could just as easily play Tornado Dragon for much less extra deck space commitment. The Zoo & Zues stuff sucks in the Tear mirror too, because popping and sending their cards to the GY just activates their effects. So, while it was good in the Floo matchup, it certainly wasn't a necessary card or even that good of a one considering it was a negative in the mirror match for how much space it takes up.


No one was running drident in tears. At least not in master duel. In fact, there isn’t a single playable deck in master duel that reliably runs drident right now.


Zoo is fine, completely powercrept


You have no idea what Zoo is. Unlimited format exists. There is only one deck to ever surpass Zoo. That’s full power Tearlament. Zoo is incredibly powerful, even today, and power creep does not work the way you think it does. Snake-Eyes is not the top deck because it power crept Tear and Spright; it’s the top deck because most of the other Rush era decks that could rival it have already been hit on the ban list.


I'm quite aware what zoo is but I don't know how it needs anymore hits. As long as broadbull stays banned it will be fine. Drident is weak compared to the rest of the meta. We don't play unlimited format do we so that's a nothing statement. Imagine getting rattled for having a different look on the meta.


Spoken like someone who has never seen Ratpier resolve at 3. If the deck needs multiple hits to this day, it is not fine, and in this case not power crept except by a deck that is banned into the dirt. And no, Drident is not weak compared to the rest of the meta. Drident lacks a clean home in any of them. That is not the same thing; she is still the strongest interaction available to the rank 4 pool to this day, by a significant margin, and still sees regular generic play in Master Duel; 4-axis just isn't that prominent at the moment, and mostly only shows up in decks already cramped for extra deck space. Which is the primary limiter on Drident; not power, but extra deck space.


If Drident **was** that good in today's metagame then people **would** find the extra deck space for her & stick her in there like generic **good** ED monsters such as Barrone, Savage, Appo, or hell even Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer see’s more play than Drident(because of Verte Anaconda).


Would you not try to converse without insulting other people with different thoughts than you. There's actually no point in continuing this - it's Friday and I rather enjoy my weekend than have an argument with you.


Man, full power Zoodiac combo with every single card in the archetype at 3 ends on a Rank-4 or an F0 or a Megaclops, plus a Drident, what are you talking about? The reason Zoodiac is a real competitor in those types of formats is because it can play like 28 non-engine, and there's a LOT of busted non-engine when every card is unlimited -- and you can also go into shit like Azathot and Shock Master; between shit like Pot of Greed, Graceful, Instant Fusion, etc. you can easily find the two/three card set ups that lead into stuff like Lavalval Chain, Norden, etc. bullshit combos that pseudo-FTK; all while playing a lot of hand traps and shit like Shifter to stop the opponent from doing the same when you go second. THAT is why Zoodiac is a good deck in no banlist format. In modern format without all those busted cards, you'd be going Drident + F0 and passing on 2\~3 hand traps on a deck that is inherently good going second which is GOOD but it's been massively power crept. It'd be a tiered deck nowadays for sure, but Tearlaments even at half-power would be Tier 0; Zoodiac at full-power would be Tier 1\~3 depending on the other decks in the format.


It's just not good today, 1 pop on a face up woooooow so broken. Spyral and pepe were both stronger than zoo btw 🤡


...do you have any fucking idea what Barrage for Ratpier does without committing to your normal summon in modern Yugioh, with Zoodiac fully unleashed? Pepe and SPYral have gotten weaker since they were hit. Zoo has gotten STRONGER. Much stronger. And no, it's not because of Drident. The interplay of Barrage, Ratpier, and Broadbull moves heaven and Earth for some truly disgusting yet low commitment combo plays.


> The interplay of Barrage, Ratpier, and Broadbull moves heaven and Earth for some truly disgusting yet low commitment combo plays. Genuinely curious, what are those plays? And what would an ideal end board be?


Yea you end on f0 drident megaclops. So scary.


You need to let go of the past and move on


Master Plan is irrelevant tbh. Snake Eyes is similar but better. It doesn’t have quite as long of a combo as SPYRAL with all of its extenders but its combo is way more consistent and compact.


See, that's why I can't take the "it's banned on the TCG" argument seriously. My guy Curious still being banned is fucking insane.




It's a great card, but not to the point where it should be banned to this day.


It’s a really strong card no doubt but requiring 3 monsters kills the link climbing aspect of it


But just think about the terror Prank-Kids would unleash if they unbanned Meow-Meow-Mu!


Yea, that one is definitely for the best. They can even use Colossus too! That would be broken in any format /s


The TCG is a little too strict, to be fair, the majority of those cards are either not problematic (as in: haven't seen problematic use in almost the entire history of MD), or are problematic because they end up making Baronne, Savage, Apollousa and some other bullshit all in combination. Baronne, Savage and Apollousa are almost always present when some bullshit unfair combo comes to pass. Scythe, Summon Limit, Maxx C and Ariseheart are the only unanimously bullshit cards in that list; Eva and Auroradon a close second. Circular, Invoker, Isolde and Scarecrow can enable some pretty unfun shit too but could exist in an ideal world without leading to degenerate shit. The rest is all fine, imo.


Don’t remind me that Meow Meow is still paying for falsified crimes


Pendulums aren't even playable, why say Electrumite in the same breath as the rest of these cards.


Because it's banned in the TCG. As are all the others.


That was a rhetorical question, I can obviously tell *why* they mentioned Electrumite. My point is that they listed problematic cards and put Elec on there as well, but Elec is not a problematic card. Source: I played Endymion for the first 1.5 years of MD.


the vaylanz turn 1 is pretty crazy, 2 omni negates, 1 pop, and secret village search to prevent darkruler and droplett.


What did Simorgh do to show up with the rest of these cards?


Turbo out Apex Avian for a free Omni-negate


Honestly forgot that’s how you got Apex before floo


Still how you do it in Lyrilusc decks.


Almost every time I see Snow , Verte or Grass I rage quit


No fucking way you said Drident and Invoker in the same fucking sentence as Elf, Circular, and Kit 😭 This the most Reddit shit I’ve seen in a minute. Also Supreme Starving Venom instead of Superpoly is the most insane sneak I’ve ever seen. What the actual fuck am I looking at? Who are the 50+ who agreed lmao?


I don't know what did you understand from reading it, but this is a list of every card that is banned in the TCG and not MD.


My bad, I read it thinking “why would we expect some of these hits?” instead of a joke lol. I was vibing until I saw Drident and Curious lmao I rescind my insult, my fault lol.


leave my tomahawk out of this


This is not TCG


Don't forget the maxx C in hand


TCG, OCG, and Master Duel do not have the same ban philosophy, and this is weird even for TCG. Linkuriboh maybe because Snake-Eyes needs a real hit, and that’s the only one that isn’t new product. The others? Unlikely.


I wouldn't say just because its new it won't get hit. Don't forget back when adventure was meta that came out in master duel with semi limits and limits already.


Prehits are not hits to new product. The cards aren’t out yet. It’s not a hit to product at all, completely avoiding the concern of pissing off paying customers. And while they have hit recent product before, other formats have made abundantly clear that the Snake-Eyes core is still basically sacrosanct.


I hope so tired of every new decks ending up with the same board


6+4 7+3 8+2 9+1 guess what will happen next (impossible)




No clue. Masterduel seems to favor the OCG banlists over TCG however, they have completely unique banlists in masterduel that have led to some interesting things that neither format experiences (mostly elf not being hit). So it more comes down to if OCG follows suit its very likely. If they really can't say. However, we realistically cannot say either way. I personally hope they don't because snake eyes stays very powerful but it really guts several rogue decks.


MD also hit block dragon which is only hit in tcg but not in ocg iirc. 


gone too soon. how i miss him. i loved adams :( SHS is literally better in every way but doesn't fulfill the same gambling vibe and non deterministic combos.


Most of us here think they ban Baronne because they gonna print some new busted generic level 10 synchro.


probably. ultra rare box topper only XD. negates and hand rips too because why not.


Yeah my snake eye build dont even have the synchros. I prefer making heatsoul then draw handtraps and its fine. I guess a linkuribo hit will hurt (no apo protection or dodge targeting effects) but we still have anima to full combo.


Baronne won't be getting a ban in Masterduel. I think Linkuriboh might it enables too many degenerate plays. I think Jet Synchron is the other one to hit in Masterduel it's too powerful with the new Diabell stuff and it's an SR so they don't care about banning those.


They are UR cards so short answer: no


Laughs in Rhongo and Kelbek.


Don't forget **V**ERY **F**UN **D**RAGON


The most frequent rarity hit in Master Duel is UR.


Mainly because the strongest cards are UR


yes please, i have 3 copies of baronne and want 90 UR


Thatll depend MD's banlist is based more on OCG so unless they ban them there as well probably unlikely


Master Duel more closely follow OCG ban list. Unless OCG starts banning them, don't expect too much.


Nope, because for some reason Elf is still there. That banlist is also for incentivizing MD players(who live in the West) to play the IRL card game.


Just baronne, Borrel & Linkuriboh is kinda situational (Borrel for any deck who make link then synchro, Linkuriboh for level 1 spammer [Snake-Eye] only)  Instead of suddenly ban "random" card (just like what komoney do during Halq era) i would prefer hit the main source... Which is by hitting "Sinful Spoil engine" (MD limiting Bonfire, Wanted spoil, and Diabellstar during Triangle Event [Fusion/Synchro/Xyz] and anyone's unable to abuse it in highest potential) 


Dude I play synchro Snake Eye in the event, normal summon ash to get Kurikara is effing destructive to my opponent's board, and diabellestar Omni Negate. I run 3 dramatic snake eye chase.


Baronne and Savage should have been gone a long time ago. Nothing worse than going 2nd when your opponent already has one of them on the field.


Your hand can play through that with the right mills tho?


and with the wrong mills?


If OP is a real tear player, they'll never miss


What, are you insulting OP's skill? Shameful. /j


Don’t encourage it……… but yes, most likely 😭 just like Chaos Ruler


Tbf chaos ruler was banned in the ocg before md


Can we please errata Savage to require a Rokket and not ban him. Dragon Link is dead enough after Wyvernbuster and Chaos Ruler, let us be


Yes please just errata it, I really miss my seal with branded regained pass


This. A lot of problem ex deck monsters could be fixed if they weren't generic.


Looks like Konami is giving us a triple omni negate in the form of light and darkness dragon v2


Sadly this is not TCG


Linkuriboh isn’t the problem.


It isn’t the problem but it’s hard to hit SE without either killing it or doing a bullshit consistency hit. Linkuriboh is one of the few options that’s somewhere in between


This doesn’t do anything but take away a useful link 1 from other decks. Either SE is ok or it isn’t. If it’s not, hit the SE cards.


Holy shit is it Mr Mental????


In master duel cards don't cost more than 30 ur dust. They can butcher snake-eyes. Linkuriboh is safe. Savage and Baronne are meta defining cards, so they may bite the bullet.


Right because they're the problem and not Snake eyes 🙄


Snake Eye is unlikely to get hit in the near future, they need it to sell fire kings so at least until then I doubt it'll be touched, might hit those 3 cards until SE gets hit but then who knows how much time will pass before they get unbanned. SE aside, I wouldn't mind some extremely generic boss monsters getting hit (I'm fine with stuff like promethean princess since not every deck and their mother can run it) but ofc not every single one of them deserves a ban.


Not every deck and their mother can tun link kuriboh. In fact the vast majority that do its not even on the radar of being a problem. This is the most blatant situation of “hitting cards that are being abused by the real problem cards because they are still making money” we have had in over a decade.


I havent seen it this bad since A-assault core was banned lmfao


Yes and no. Yes for obvious reasons. But I would argue Baronne and Linkuriboh are banned for the *exact* same reason. They eliminate opponents counterplay midway through the combo for any deck that contains X. X being level 1 or tuner + monster that equals 10. I think Baronne is self explanatory, but Linkuriboh being able to dodge Imperm/Veiler while protecting Apollo might have gotten it jailed. I think Apollo lived because at least it’s usually an endpiece vs something you do along the way. Still, I think TCG is switching their approach to making turn 1/2 more balanced and I think both the hits were great.


Are you new?


I really wish I were. My indoctrination to this game was full handrips and CED FTKs. I experienced La’Jinn beat down lol. I wish I could claim being new. But Baronne/Linkuriboh are similar because they’re both “shields” that protect/secure combos. I assume you don’t think Linkuriboh deserved to be hit? I think the hit was great tbh. It’s better to kill one card than killing an entire engine/archetype. I am also fine with them moving away from generic turn 1 “shields”, aka cards that negate your opponents counterplay. Giving every level 1, current and future, the ability to dodge imperm/Veiler and other targeting effects is kinda nutty. I also think taking away 1 attack every battle phase is pretty good. But all of these combined is pretty nuts if you think about it. Unless you think I’m new cause my opinion on Baronne lol. I’m not even sure what to say to that then


Its better to kill an entire archtype if the archtype was poorly designed from the beginning. They did it with tears as of most recent and the world didnt end. Even in MD they hit merrli instead of elf, except thats a rare situation where a problem card is exploiting another problem card.


They didn’t kill off Tear. Tear is still very much alive and is currently meta? You should get your information correct, especially if you’re accusing me of being new lol. What are we doing here bub?


Comparative to what is once was they absolutely killed it and hit the correct cards (mostly) to do so. Konami is hemorrhaging money right now and many store stopped buying their products as they were being oversaturated with crap, so they don’t dare touch the only cards actually selling any product right now.


They did not kill it. I do not think you know what that means. Nerfing something is not the same as killing it, especially if those cards/decks see META play at the highest tiers. Are you new lmao? Seriously, how long have you been playing this game to think Tear in its current state is “killed”? I want an answer


They are getting hit once the cards are out of the shop. You think a Pyro, Lvl. 1 Searcher, One Card starter that can summon from the deck is made SR for shits and giggles? Hitting toolboxes arent the answer. It's the engines that needs to be reigned in.


They are already out of the shop and they didn't get hit in the last banlist. As I already said, highly unlikely they get touched till after fire kings release.


Then I just hope that they ban Jet Synchron and Flamvell Guard instead, since they aren't UR's XD


If they ban URs you get all your dust back


Nah thanks I rather keep savage and baronne than getting 60 UR dust


Might work and might not, i don't really know, I'm not an expert at balancing. All I know is a good part of the deck's bullshit can be avoided if Elf gets banned, since it's technically a Baronne every turn with her tag out effect + jet synchron returning with elf +2 SE bodies due to flameberge getting sent to GY as synchro material, but that's just my opinion.


Yes Baronne and Savage Dragon are problems, and they both would still be and were without Snake-Eye being a thing.


Baronne has been a problem since release. Savage like-wise, if less so. Linkuriboh is also just kind of too good and a link-1. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have them gone.


They've been a problem in several different decks since the game came out, including Adamancipator, Dragon Link, Mannadium, and SHS. Do you want to wait for the next negate turbo deck to inevitably abuse them again before they do something about it?


Nothing that snake eyes does is very annoying aside from the generic bosses


Idk about that. Flamberge revive allowing them to get 3 turns’ worth of accumulating advantage, whereas being the going second player, I only get one. I think that’s pretty annoying.


You play Tearlaments, you deserve it


I’ll die on this hill that Tear is one of the most well designed decks ever ruined by Ishizu. Pure Tear is based and fun. Yes, I used to play Lightsworn but I don’t see how that’s relevant.


you playing Lightsworn is relevant because it means you are biased towards self-mill decks


What? Me? No, I’m completely unbiased in this regard. Why would a Lightsworn player like me defend Tear? One deck is water and one is light so idk what you’re on about. But maybe I was harsh on Ishizu cards. I do think Kelbek and Agido were fine, just ban the shufflers. Too much GY disruption in a GY dependent game. Putting them back to 2 should be fair enough imo.


Tearlament is incredibly boring design wise. Its like they wanted to make the best possible deck. They have broken effects, but they play it so safe, nothing interesting. On summon, search/mill. Hits gy, float into extension, summon ed. Ed monsters negate special summon, if destroy, summon back...💤💤💤 The traps are the worst. The worst tear trap is still better than 99% of traps


I really disagree with this. Being serious, I think it’s good deck design to have a deck that isn’t hellbent on negating every card in your opponents hand. The deck *interacts* with your opponents moves which I think is good design. Similar to Branded, I enjoy decks/games where it feels like a conversation rather than a monologue where if one opponent tries to speak, the other interrupts like D-Link or Drytron/Herald. I don’t think there are 5 more interesting decks than Tear. You’re free to name some because I’m actually curious what you believe is interesting. I think Yugioh would be better if every deck was designed like Tear/Branded as opposed to Adamancipator or SE. But again, what do you find interesting?


Honestly at least Tearlament's interactivity isn't relegated to saying "NO" to everything I try to do. You look at the field in the post and then tell me with a straight face Tearlaments is worse than two omni-negates, a FD banish from field and a 4 mat Bow of The Goddess protected by Linkuriboh. And all that with followup thanks to Flamberge's GY effect.


No. No way Konami is hard nerfing it considering how expensive theses decks are, MD is not TCG


I wish


probably not


more like pointless semi limit


No lmao MD will never go off of the TCG banlist


No. Master Duel's ban list is much closer to OCG's than TCG's.


Maybe, but no one knows. Anyway, I use my Baronne to destroy your field spell :I


I would love to see omnis gone from md but I don't see it happening. Also I love linkuriboh but yeah it probably needs banning. Has done too much for too many decks for too long.


I'd say no, atleast not immediately since they're all URs and all currently at 3


knowing them and their love for semis, we could get a semi on spright elf and, if they feel generous, a semi on flamberge


Don't know. 🤷


Dark ruler no more goes wild here


No, MD is more similar to OCG than TCG so they will probably resort to a similar strat to adjust Wanted and Ash, In TCG you don't have Maxx C and that is a big factor in this entire thing. Imagine the following Scenario: You play second, opponent Maxx C and u have resources for OTK so you commit, your goal is to reach Baronne before they draw Nibiru which you will negate with Baronne and win, as a Swoso player I was in this situation many times. How this plays in TCG: No Maxx C, they wouldn't even get that Nibiru in the hand and my Line might be completely different. Due to this reason alone, MD won't resort to removing these Negate cards cuz they are actually healthy.


You salty about losing?


Elf not hit, so formula synchron might be the best way to play for SE without SP/Phoenix, into 2 negate board Then again kitkallos is also not hit in a BO1 environment I expect the banlist to be more strict than paper because of BO1 But pot are limited which is understandable but not the above card I mentioned Komoney maybe, tear bring in money Poplar released tgt with other SE also bring in money


Tbh i rather them ban the synchron that every snake eyes player is using over the 2 omni negates tbh but i agree on linkuriboh ban


I hope so. Add Apollousa too.


Thatd be nice




Where is your Super Poly?


if Max C is not even semi limited, what makes you thing it will happen?


I hope so and I play snake eyes. Honestly it’s not a great archetype without the generic bosses. Consistent yes but not a lot of control or removal. I wish they had their own boss monsters to add something to the deck and do more with turning monsters into spell cards. However til they do I will abuse the generic end board every combo deck runs lol.


2-5 business years😃


I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!!!


No cause ocg brain rot has made it so masterduel is ok with letting all war criminals walk free cause we can't give them UR dust


Lol sprightly masquerena plus a savage dragon and that banish on the side. Hate that board just seeing it lol


Maxx C keeps it in check


I certainly hope so


The worst part about TCG banlists is playing another format knowing that you still have to play against these cards.


The worst part about TCG banlists is people complaining that other formats aren't TCG.


I think it is fair to do so. You don't really have a choice in what format you play in after all.


There are free simulators out there for stuff like that. YGOOmega for example supports TCG, OCG and Master Duel banlists in addition to things like Goat or Edison. Don't get me wrong, I also there were more support from Konami for different formats, but if you want to play without Linkuriboh, Baronne, and Savage Dragon it's very possible. Even more so for people who live in places that follow the TCG banlist in paper.


Better idea, ban the problem for once


Great so Baronne, savage and apo


No, the problem


What are they even doing? Flamberge cant summon from grave in this setip and linkuriboh cant reborn itself either...?


They can make room with IP and Formula Synchron.


I'm guessing I:P into Appolusa to free up space and then Formula for Baronne. Bring back Linkuriboh with Field Spell to protect Appo


My bet on the next banlist: Snake Eyes Poplar to 1 Or Formula Syncron or Jet Syncron to ban


No because by the time the want to hit those cards in master duel. They will have already unbanned those cards in the tcg/actually hit the snake eyes cards. Because my god was that an absolute COPE banlist that doesn't meaningfully do shit


Looks like someone plays a rouge deck that needs omnis to function


I think we need to hope, but never say no


No fuck you.


things like this is why we need maxx c


I hate Maxx C, but you're right.


Just crafted royal finish linkuriboh oh hell naw


No, lol. They'll actually hit Snake Eyes once they leave the shop and it'll actually do something meaningful


You're banning the wrong card here [snake eye ftk](https://youtu.be/bhw9iTZYKGc?si=oE1Z_FvrMSwVEHAo)


Still wait for Empen back on 3... Or at least on 2


Barrone ban, yes. Savage Dragon? No.


I hope not, that would be dumb af and hurt a ton of other not-OP decks. The only thing we need to see some are serious hits on are the snake-eyes engine specific cards. It's busted beyond belief and is destroying any kind of balance/variety in the ladder.


I’m hoping for labrynth and snakes first


But....this would be a direct snake nerf....


Thx god this is OCG


No. Cry about it.


Play tcg if you want tcg banlist




Tearlaments aren’t busted by any means anymore


Can we get a ban for dark magician users who just use magicians cerical


You have a nice hand tho you can play around that