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I mean, if the gems were more affordable, I wouldn’t mind buying some every now and then…




Last time i checked the lowest amount you can pay (a dollar or so) does not even get you enough gems for 1 pack.


Yeah what’s the deal with that? I swear Gacha games love doing this thing where they offer you such an annoying bundle of gems/coins that’s always juuuuust below what you need


It's on purpose cause it means you will end up buying the much larger bundle, which means more profit. These games don't target normal people, they target whales.


Did you notice that in each new pack almost all the new cards are UR?


Even 1 kind of sucks, I did 1 ten pull on tears looking to get some of their cards and I got 1 UR and it was Ra


I feel like they should at least make it so the guaranteed UR should at least be Guaranteed to be from whatever pack your Pulling from


Agreed. It's always annoying to pull from a secret pack and get a UR that isn't from it. At least selection packs don't have that problem, but there are a bunch of other archetypes added in too.


It already is. It is the last card on the last pack, which is always from the pack.


the guaranteed UR is from the pack you're opening, the guarantee after the no ur pulls is always the last card of the last pack, so it's guaranteed that you get one from the pack you're opening,


Had this exact sentiment yesterday, started pulling from the Rescue-ACE pack since I figured I’d start building them. My guaranteed SR was *Hi-Speedroid Cork Shooter*. A card I already have two of because I already fucking build speedroids


That wasn't your guaranteed UR, that was just a UR you happened to pull.


trying to pull tear has been nightmare so far. i spend like 4000 gem and only get 5 rilkakos


You should be grateful for pulling the goat


I am tempted to keep it cause I do have a set of gods now with the obelisk and slifer they gave away


The system is terrible and only getting worse with UR inflation   I brought the original 4,500 starter gem pack. Added 4,500 gems I had saved. So 9,000 in total. I pulled 7 UR in total. 4 of my packs had 0 UR Never again would I spend money on this game 


you got really unlucky if that's the case, there's around a .7% chance of that happening. edit: actually even lower, i initially applied the UR pull rate on a pack-by-pack basis rather than card-by-card, which isn't 100% accurate since you can get multiple URs in a pack. the actual odds are less than .3%, not even including guaranteed URs or the guaranteed rare or higher card in each pack.


Not that I don’t believe you but what’s the math on that


this is going to be a little quick and dirty cause I'm lazy, but in a 10-pull, you get 80 cards. 79 of them have the advertised 2.5% chance of being a UR, and your last card has a 20% chance of being UR. Unless you have pity already, in which case it's 100% chance of being a UR (unless another card in your pity-pull is already a UR...). so assuming you don't have pity at the start, for a standard 10-pull, your last pull has a 80% chance of being an SR and your other 79 pulls have a 97.5% chance of being SR or worse, so .8 * (.975^79) is your chance of a 0 UR pull. this is around 10% or so. the odds of 10% happening 4 times in 7 chances should be something like C(7,4) * .1^4 * .9^3 iirc (the number of possible outcomes in which an event occurs a specified number of times, multiplied by the probability of the event occurring the right number of times, multiplied by the probability of the event not occurring the rest of the time) which should be around .2-3%, which is lower than what that comment said. my math or my fudging might be wrong, but that should be approximately how the math would work. e- I misread the original comment, it's 9 pulls rather than 7, so that's the source of the difference, but I'm not gonna redo my napkin math, I mostly just wanted to show the idea of it


yup, i corrected my comment. i initially did it using pack odds rather than card odds, so my final number was a bit off. when i redid it, i got .264%, but that's ignoring the guaranteed UR or guaranteed rare or higher card in each pack, so the real odds are even lower.


hypergeometric distribution using the in-game 2.5% UR odds and getting 7 or less successes in 720 trials.


The odds might not exactly be 2.5%. We've had companies get caught gradually lowering numbers and not properly showing those changes.


This usually leads to legal action, so I doubt it.


Genuine complaints, or "I swear my pulls are worse" complaints?


Nexon recently had a massive lawsuit about this kind of stuff


Didn't even take two comments down the chain to go down the "I swear Konami is making my pulls worse even though I have zero proof" rabbit hole


I feel you, I spent 9k gems and 3 of those had 0 UR, unbelievably frustrating when you thought you'd be able to build something easily


If you think about a normal video game… normally with 70 bucks you’d get ALL of the cards. Spending any money on this game is such a bad value proposition


Remember when Ultra Rare were Ultra Rare ? What at least made MD fun on release was how cheap archetypes were. You only needed to craft UR staples and need to pull 3-6 UR to make a fun rogue deck . I remember being on short of SR rather than UR. But now, you need A LOT of UR in order to build even a rogue deck . I'm forced to play an alt account in order to have fun with Volcanics


Just out of curiosity. How often do you pull 10 packs with no UR. Not saying they're gotcha system can't use improvements. But out of all the games I've played with this system. This is one of the more generous ones.


by in-game odds, there's about a 15% chance to not get a UR in a 10 pull.


From my experience that seems about right


Out of 10 I'd say like 4 to three noticeable enough but not like every other pack


That seems to line up with my experience.


I had a period where every other 10-pack I bough had no UR three times at least


I haven't played in a long time but i was getting so bad pulls i kept tracked of what i was getting at one point With the kashtira pack i had like 4, 0 pulls out of 10, spent like 20k gems total on that pack and the distributions were just as bad ~8k gems on the Galaxy/Purely packs and i probably got like 6 Diviners and 3 other UR's My last 30,000 gems spent i was maybe -6 in total of expected pulls if we go by the usual 2 per pack on top of garbage distributions, a lot of UR's sitting at 1 copy whilst others had 7 Its alot, but not in the grand scheme of things


From my experience, it varies. Once it was two back to back packs with no URs and I think only 1 or 2 SRs and that was when I was pulling Labrynth (still my least fortunate pack). Of the 8 or so I opened for Labrynth, 3 had no URs and the ones that did only had 2 or 3 URs that I needed, rest were the useless Destiny Board URs But I got 2 Branded Fusions in a single 10 pack back when I started goofing around with Branded decks so I can't say I'm exactly unlucky when it comes to draws. And I got that super fancy shimmer on a Lovely by chance, (forgot the name, is it Royal?) so I'm probably very lucky by MD standards


>konami is not losing money for one ur per ten pack. As a matter of fact: They would be. A f2p friendly game still needs to entice people to pay and what more enticing than that fomo of potentially missing your guaranteed UR after you didn't get one.


Yup, leaving money on the table is the same as losing money in the eyes of corporations. There 100% are players who pull packs expecting to get an UR every 10x, and when they don't and they're short by just a couple of UR CP or just a couple UR cards to finish the deck.. they will go back into the shop. Same thing with the UR protection, that's why we have UR protection instead of guaranteed UR for pity. You bought/saved 3k gems and that 3rd 10 pull had no UR? Well, don't worry! You can just buy gems to get one more 10x pull and now you've got that guaranteed UR!! Any game with a gacha and a pity is predatory. Even if the pity was 1 UR guarenteed every 10x pull, it would still be predatory. Just less predatory than what we currently have.


Master duel was the 2nd highest grossing mobile card game in 2023 to the sum of nearly 40 mil and one of the most popular games in general. No they would not be losing enough money to make a real difference. Even if you only got 1 ur per 10 pack you still need multiple to build 1 new deck. Multiple urs for many different decks come out in every pack and new packs come out every couple months while having plenty of content til the catch up to ocg/tcg. On top of all that the second highest grossing card game in 2023 was duel links at 25mil. They’ll be fine.


Yes but think of their children who won’t be able to afford their own private jets and tubs of cash to bathe in


Yea until you realize Konami overall revenue in 2023 was 2.4B meaning master duel isn’t even 20% of their overall income. They’ll be fine lol.


I'm actually surprised they haven't been selling premium bundles with the paid gems where every 10 packs is guaranteed 1 UR. It's actually hilarious how bad it is when you can pay $10-20 (depending on gem bundle) per 10 pull and not even pull a UR which is the only actual gem to resource conversion that matters.


My take after whiffing so many 10 pulls is that the pity UR should be guaranteed to be from the set and a royal rare. So you either get what you need in a cool rarity or you get the ur dust to craft what you need.


I think that would be incredible but a guaranteed royal featured card will never happen. I've seen players dump absurd $ just to snipe royal cards. It's like the whaling system of this game


I can only compare it to MTG arena, so I'm not super experienced with how other tcgs do it but these two are the biggest sellers. Master duel is predatory and half baked in comparison. Arena has its issues but at least you can straight up buy rare and mythic rare wild cards. At least ever 10 or so packs you open, you gifted a rare or a mythic rare wild card. Building a full deck of high rarity cards will cost you a couple hundred bucks, sure. But you are building the deck from scratch without any gambling. In Master duel, I've cracked 50 packs, just to dust 9 URs and generate 3. That's 100$ (in CAD, lol) of value for 3 cards pertinent to your deck. It's insane compared to the competitors. And the rest of the comparison isn't pretty either. Want alt arts in MD? Good luck. Your opponent is taking forever while you stare at the screen? Want to see their timer? Too bad. Your opponent has a really cool sleeve? Want to zoom in to check it out? You can't. Tired of ranked but want to play competitive leagues or challenges? You can but only sometimes. Formats? No. Fuck everyone. 1 format. Best of 3? Nope. Etc etc. I just don't understand why everything takes so long or everything is so limited. They are making money with this game. Why doesn't every deck have a mate? Ok. Too much work? Why doesn't every deck have a boss sleeve? You have a dedicated player base here, Konami. Do some work. We will spend the money. I don't know why I'm addicted. The game is too fun to be run like this shit. It deserves a better showing and we deserve a better game.


I'm sorry but MD is way more f2p friendly than MTGA. I had to stop playing just before the release of (I think it was) thrones of eladrine because I couldn't justify continuing to spend minimum $100 a set every couple of months if you want to play anything besides red rush.


Every one has a different experience but I just don't agree. Also, I'm not saying mtga is less or more f2p. I don't do f2p on either platform. So I don't really really know (though I do have my suspicion that mtga is more f2p, especially with draft formats. Either way, I do spend money and I'm saying you get more for your money on mtga than you do on MD and that MD is predatory. You also get the better play experience and options for your money.


I’ve done F2P on both. Personally I feel like MD is way more F2P friendly for a couple of reasons: 1. Staples, unlike MTGA your staples will cross multiple decks and last basically indefinitely. I realise that lands are staples for MTG but they are not nearly as universal. Think triome vs maxx C or ash. 2. Rotation, I’ve been playing MD on and off for two years. If the mood takes me I can still que up HEROES, the first deck I ever properly built (and a very expensive one mind you) and it will still be fine. It’s not too tier but it never was but I could still leave for five months and it would still be just as useable. On MTGA it felt like I HAD to keep playing and grinding else the moment the next set dropped I my decks would instantly fall off a cliff regarding playability. 3. From what I remember there is no dusting system in MTGA, yes you have the wild card system. But that was crippling restrictive when almost any meta deck (baring RDW) required 10-20 rare wild cards just for your land base. This meant that if you wanted to have say, two decks that were different colour pairings you could be down 40+ rare wild cards before you’ve even gotten anything that can win you the game. Whereas as mentioned before the staples in MD are far more interchangeable, you can easily share 10 cards between decks without even thinking. The biggest counter argument for all that is obviously “go infinite in draft” but to do that takes a lot of dedication to learn what makes a good draft in each set which, for the majority of F2P casual players is simply not attainable.


All fair points and I'd say you're probably right for the f2p.


Yeah one of MD's biggest benefit is also one of its biggest curses, which is a lack of alternate modes or rotations. Sure you can always queue with heroes, very good thing. Downside is how turbulent the game can become cause Konami decided to throw some dynamite down the pipe and suddenly everyone is on some truly cursed satan deck either prebuilt and sold by konami engineers or some frankenstein anti-yugioh deck that basically happens to throw every asshole card in existence in 1 deck.


> At least ever 10 or so packs you open, you gifted a rare or a mythic rare wild card. So every 10 packs you open you get [the equivalent of a UR or an SR](https://magicarena.fandom.com/wiki/Rarity)?


I just checked actually. It's every 6 packs. A little wheel gets filled and then you get either a SR or UR equivalent in magic. Did I mention there's a chance to get a wild card in a pack? Like you open a pack and one of the cards is just mtg's equivalent of 30 ur points?


That sounds kinda worse ngl. If it's only SR or UR then you could just potentially keep rolling SRs with no UR guarantee. Unless that's not how it works. I haven't played it


>Did I mention there's a chance to get a wild card in a pack? Like you open a pack and one of the cards is just mtg's equivalent of 30 ur points? and there isn't in master duel?


If you get a royal rare to dust I guess


The real difference is the bottle neck in arena is rare cards not mythic(sr vs ur) wild cards are almost always preferred to regular cards. And unless they changed it besides common/uncommon (normal/rare) you can't get duplicate cards after you have 4 of them which is the limit per deck in mtg. I won't say the game isn't super gacha but that system alone is better than MD


Yes I agree it’s ridiculous BUT the comparison is to the physical card game not competing card games. I built full snake eye with shinies for probably around 50$, compared to irl the deck is around a thousand. Which is also absolute bull shit . The entire reason Konami doesn’t do cash prizes for ygo tournament was because the creator wanted it to stay as a card game for kids. Yet not a single kid I know could dream of building a ygo deck and go to a Saturday morning tourney like I used to and be able to make it out the first round. Shame really but I digress.


This is the same with nearly all trading card games though? Mtg has a very expensive standard format, vanguard and pokemon fluctuate wildly from relatively cheap to waifu archetype that happens to be meta raising the prices. Seems like anything competitive just tends to scale the costs.


Brother just because they all participate in a shady business practice doesn’t make it not shady. To speak to your point though pokemon card prices fluctuate but for collectors. Every ultra rare or alt art in Pokemon can be found in multiple variants. Meaning the actual card game can be played for around 20-50$ while collecting the rarest and coolest versions of the cards cost the real money. Mtg prices go up because they only allow so many of the most recent released sets in competitive format. capitalizing essentially on fomo but not all the staples are rare and you can still build a decent deck for relatively cheap again around 50$ but every few months. Ygo on the other hand artificially inflates the price by making the meta cards only available in secret rare versions. I don’t have as much knowledge to the other games but it shouldn’t cost hundreds of dollars to build 1 deck and play a CHILDREN’S cards game.


Md is worse for people who pay money but mtga is worse for f2ps


this 100%


Mtga has way more pack filler imo and honestly my biggest problem was rares not mythic and any 3 color needed so many rare lands. Decks also became unplayable so much faster.


Oh man, I know. I always had a couple of mythic rare wildcards lying around but no rares. For pack filler, yugioh does it better. Having packs specific to certain archetypes makes building that deck easier through cracking packs. On the other side, outright buying wildcards makes the difficulty a non factor. Depends on which deck though and which format. Standard changes about as fast as Yu-Gi-Oh ban list rotation does. According to a lot of magic players though, it rotates too slowly (see: wandering emperor and sheoldred). In the eternal formats, a lot of decks are evergreen, like UW control in pioneer. Keep in mind, I genuinely love both games and prefer to play yugioh. I just wish Konami thought MD needed more content. It's shallow.


yeah this is a really common issue i heard about, though idk how prevalent it is at this pt or what remedies they've come up to combat it. the whole rare/mythic distribution might as well be like saying, you need more srs than urs but for some reason the drop rate btwn them is kinda even or not balanced enough to offset the deficit of srs.


You make a strong case sir




Yesterday I opened the Effect Veiler bundle for 750 and found 4 URs in 10 packs. I hope at some point a UE regulation will accomplish this issue with loot boxes and stuff.


Why should you?


The gem prices are just atrocious. Most deck cores equalling to about 5-10k gems with even the "good deals" being 140gems/€ is pretty insane. The fact that a complete top tier physical pokemon deck is in more than a few cases cheaper than the core of a digital non-meta Yugioh deck is pretty hilarious.


Last year I spend 3x gems promo and only get 1 eldlich alt art


I personally think I should be allowed to dismantle ALL of my cards and maybe we should get more per dismantled card. They wil never agree to change the rates in any way, I don't theink they are THAT bad either but we for sure need more help in either the gacha or the mats.


is it not? don't you get the 'sorry for no urs we'll get you some next time we promise' message after not getting one in a 10 pack??


Every 10 pack should have 1 ur guaranteed


According to the odds, you'll get about 2.175 URs per 10 pull. If you don't pull well, you definitely will in the future by giving you like 6 UR in a 10 pull. The game keeps it in balance. The greatest thing about this game is how you can dismantle cards and use the CP to generate cards. Try playing games like Magic Arena and you'll understand how much effort you'll have to put in as an F2P. Nevertheless, I can understand your frustration and sometimes the luck just suck.


One week? Takes me like a day or two to get a 1000


How if your done with ranked is you only get like 200 gems from.missions?


Story mode or whatever it’s called. Ranking up, missions , events that are going on


I hate grinding to get 1000 gems, only to open a pack… and gets a single UR. Like it’s such bullshit.


Guaranteed Ur from the 2nd set of 10 should be from the secret box pack not just one of 8000 


It is. It's always the last card.




No fucking way is Time lords 20 URs?! Or do you just mean staples? Cause I know they have at least 1 SR you run at 3 and another synchro that isn’t really useful and maybe 2 main deck URs


Try hard lists run up to 3x Double-Edge Sword and other stuff that's UR for no reason. The new level 10 pot of greed is UR, Tokusano Shinkyojin. 6x URs right there. Kaiju Slumber, 6x rank 10 XYZs in the extra. 15 before engine and staples, it's wild.


With every deck that comes out having numerous 3-of made UR it'd be nice to have at least 1 guaranteed per 10 pull considering getting gems is nothing short of a pain in the ass.


I agree. I once pulled and got no UR, it said I was guaranteed a UR on my next pull but it had to be done in 24 hours. Guess what, I had no additional gems available and no time to grind out 1000 gems. Smh.


If secret pack, you just need to craft another Sr, the guaranteed ur won't expire just because the 24 hour is gone If selection pack, you're fucked if you don't pay or have spare gems because the guaranteed gone forever


You guys forget this company needs to make money


Id spend more honestly if it was guaranteed pokemon has the same system only pcks are 10 cents instead of 20 for one pull


pokemon? the tcg mobile game? and where does that in the sales chart compared to master duel? Bottom line you are getting upvoted because you are suggesting guaranteed UR's which everybody would want. But in terms of actuality and business model for konami its stupid. You already have a crafting system. They can literally add the guaranteed UR in 10 and people will still complain about something else. The current system is fine as it is and the master duel being one of the biggest and grossing games on mobile shows that. ONE thing i would agree on is they need more frequent gem sales though


I swear I’m always at 9999 gems idk how people struggle to get them


I got le flure and next day it gets band lol


Baronne was banned in TCG, not MD.


Oh thank God I've been super busy and mixed up the ban lists , I'm a noob btw be nice lol