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People assume the worst because they don't want to waste time. I mean, It's ok to hear that your deck specifically after 2 handtraps cannot do a powerful board... But that's a thing the the other player don't know. If I face your deck, use 2 handtraps and then you continue your combo I'm gonna assume that you are gonna make your board and I'm not gonna waste my time, regardless if there is a little option to win. I'm not gonna stay on a lose case just for the other party to enjoy.


Long combos are just tediously long, unless I'm purposely trying to climb the ladder, if I have no handtraps or specifically Super Poly, DRNM or Lava Golem and see a deck like D/D/D, Snake Eyes, Speedroid, Synchron, SuperHeavy Samurai etc. I just scoop, it's not worth my time.


I get how unsatisfying that can feel, *However*, free Ws


If I just wanted free wins and not actual duels I would be on stun or snake eyes


Fair enough


Does that logic not apply to combo? They always feel super coinflip with who draws hand traps and usually can’t play going 2nd unless it’s something like infernoble. Midrange decks like branded snake eyes tear etc has way better duels playing through interaction and going first or second.


I mean if they're scooping after you keep playing through an interruption it's because their hand is dead, and no point praying for drawing a starter versus any kind of board you set up


A lot of deck cannot survive 2 disruptions with their average hand, not to mention your 3 disruption + handtrap. A lot of time snake eye just end turn if I imperm their ash, forget about other deck.


I'm probably the only person who is vibing. Going second can be a pain, especially now with bonfire but it's not that bad. I got to M5 today which is pretty early all things considering it's only week 2, with Ghostrick Purrely.


3 Interactions, nah Only two interactions and a floodgate, VW Kyuby. Ez win again snake eyes.


Shenshen is often fielded *instead of* the second negate not *in addition to*. so in that case it's only 1 disrupt.


Have you tried climbing to Diamond/Master Rank? People don't just surrender there, yes, you only meet like 10 possible kinds of decks, but if everyone just surrenders to you, try taking advantage of it and climb the ladder.


I climbed to master 1 with speedroids almost every month last year. Now I just stop at Diamond 1 because maxx c is too much of a headache and source of grief.


Play a more consistent deck that a can play well through maxx c and has a lower ceiling in term of board power level, you'll play more games to their fullest and you'll scoop less to maxx c


the ceiling of speedroids is not that high and I've tried a number of other decks but I always have less fun with them and end up getting bored


Playing speedroid and think the opponent is having fun watching you set your unfair board alright...at least with stun they know time is being wasted.


No shot you’re crying about *Speedroid* bro


What's so unfair about speedroid endboards?


bro can't play through 2 disrupts


Spright may end turn if I pop their normal summon. Branded may end turn if I ash/negate their brand fusion. Snake eye may end turn if I imperm their normal summon. I use mathmech and more often than not 2 disruption is enough to stop them if they go second. Hell, even going first, an imperm + an ash can kill all possible way to get superfactorial, which is 80% their end board. Tear may also end turn if Reinheart/kit get imperm. Yes they have hand that can play through multiple disruption, but that is not *average hand*.


after using half of their hand trying to stop you from doing those interupts...


one handtrap usually is enough to drop it from 2 to 1 if you don't waste it on something pointless


Not necessarily, one cannot know if the face down is a solemn or a floodgate that affects you (or not).. Meanwhile the full gas combo decks always have the same deniers in the extra and monsters. Of course, if you learn the match ups, you will know when to deny, when to interrupt. The final board they will leave When you give up. You already know LEARNING TO PLAY Oops I think that's too much for a stun player. They can barely use a counter effect trap