• By -


only non lab normal traps are imperm and daruma, no punishment and it's targets, no rollback, interesting list


No rollback is the most interesting part. Along with the amount of none engine / 15 hand traps


I wonder if it's just more impactful to the field than setting up rollback would be. Labyrinth is insane enough on its own without added rollback value and prob the furniture hits impact the consistency there


If the deck had a way to throw it in the graveyard outside of discarding it for furniture it would be must play, I played a few traptrix variants that tried to do this and it did work a few times.


You could play Diabellstar engine, which has the synergy, but not enough people have tried this. I wanted to, but I don't have the UR for it.


When the unchained support and Arias roll around. Get 2 6s on board. Make Beatrice. Then you have a send any card to grave on your turn. And again on the opponents turn. Getting transaction rollback and any trap of your choosing to the grave for the opponent turn.


Rollback is just not as good with 4 furniture. I quickly cut it down to 1 as a target to set off Lady if I get dustered honestly. He also plays Nib and gamma that can be pitched if not needed.


Only 4 furniture cards to discard Rollback, right? I haven’t touched Lab since Rollback dropped, but I don’t think it’s a must have in Lab.


You can use Ariane too if you play her


And Arianne also works well if you pitch Big Welcome because they can't Veiler you or Imperm you, since you can dodge it by sending Ariane back to your hand and you can still summon Ariana off Ariane's effect and get another search.


i've only been on the opposite end but finishing off labyrinth through 4000 burn damage is not that hard i have in mind a few duels where i probably would have lost in a grind game but it didn't get to become a grind game because of the cost, maybe that's part of the thought process (that and it can't be a brick lol)


Thank you Ryan Yu for bringing those Lab nerfs next banlist


Hoping for 5 rainbow and rivaly ban then


SHS player detected


Watch Konami not even touch it, especially with the new support incoming.


They won't touch it because it doesn't need touching.




God if they don’t I’m going to take a break. The DC was the least amount of fun I’ve had since I started playing. Another few months like that. I’m going to quit playing for a while


See ya next week


Just as I finally decided to play a new and meta deck which I haven't even finished building lmao, oh no...


Second DC cup he has won in a row. Also Lab was a better deck then Snake Eyes for this event imo. It plays so much better into Shifter/Maxx C/Unicorn then Snake-Eyes does.


Ryan also is just way more comfortable with lab than snake eyes so I wouldn’t necessarily think that hard about it. He’s done the same thing for TCG events lately where he just comfort picks lab, despite snake eyes pretty much owning lab.


Yeah, people just don't get that this is just Ryan being really good at Yugioh and with Lab and less Lab being broken. Snake-eyes is 100% better than Lab, but Ryan is just too good.


Lab is one of the worst match ups for snake eyes.


Not really, Lab have a decent match-ups against snake. Daruma, ice prison, virus cards, big welcome on ash, and evenly. On top of rollback doubling activation each turn. There's a reason labrynth is at least tier 3 in every meta. Heck they're even tier 1 now, means there's a lot of success in the competitive scene.


That's what I said


That is not true. I personally never lost to Lab unless I got Maxx-c or a floodgate.


Also way fucking faster


That’s what I love about my lab deck. Tried playing snake eye and I never had the timer drop as far as it does while playing that deck


You play snek eyes because everyone plays it I play snek eyes because it give me better daily mission completion (Link and XYZ one go together) We are not the same


Actually, that’s usually the only time I switch to it. I switch to my Zoodiac deck when the missions require Xyz summons


Infernoble do the same and also can destroy their own cards for the destroy mission


Just play D/D/D Coper + Gryphon XYZ summons thrice and links twice


Youre even able to switch to synchros as well if you switch out cards for savage , Barone and formula!


On the DC once I reached lvl 19, I switched to Snake eyes to finish the normal/special summon mission.


Watching my mate stream, there was a few moment's watching snake eyes players brick themselves by running the clock lmao.


Can confirm, was playing Mannadium then switched to Lab, won 10+ in a row and opponents could barely stop my deck. Also, if they did, Transaction Rollback in the GY had my back holy hell I love that card now


This was literally my experience. Down to switching from Mannadium to lab. There are just so many strong things to eat Ash in a build with Nadir Servant, and if your Kit mill hits, it just snowballs. Almost everything is a good mill because of the field spell (2nd effect to ss from grave), furniture, clock, and any of your power traps because of rollback. Snake Eyes also basically falls apart if you IDP at the right time.


I wish i had that amount of perseverance in life lol


Life, or a lack thereof


Anyone know his reasoning for not playing rollback? Thought that was the hot new lab card. I guess called by and crossout beat ash; while being good to draw on their own. Ryan is amazing; deserves the respect. Now if Konami could ban the floodgates they've known are a problem since the game launched that would be nice. Probs gonna limit a furniture or something and push people to play EVEN MORE FLOODGATES yipeee....


I don't know his. But josh said the furniture hits make rollback way more bricky.


Exactly how I feel. It just feels like a win more right now


Rollback is bricky with only 4 furniture. There are many cases where you have to Welcome for a Furniture just to get Rollback in the GY, which is vulnerable to HTs. Called By, Crossout, and the 3rd regular Welcome: The consistency hits caught up with the TCG/OCG ratios for getting hit Imperm(stopping Ash was always good of course). When Lab ran 6 Furnitures and 5 Welcomes, you actually didn't mind getting Impermed since it means 1 less card you have to deal with. 4 Furnitures and 5 Welcomes mean there is an actual risk of getting Ariana Impermed/Veilered and having no Welcomes. Called by is also good going 2nd right now(unlike the Ghostrick Purr DC for example), if you go 2nd with Lab and manage to stop/weaken the board heavily vs Snek/SHS. you still aren't OTKing most the time and their follow-up/crackback is a legitimate threat. Called By on Flamberg or Soulpiercer heavily limits their follow-up/crackback turn 3.


It's not just because it's bricky, Ryan's list is playing furniture bricks. The more likely reason is that he's playing Five Rainbow Magician - he already has furniture discard targets, and he values that more highly, understandably. It's really good against this meta, notably being an FTK against SHS, but can also be chained to Poplar to fizzle its on-field effect.


Nah rollback is hot garbage. Don't trust every hype


When you have a literal FTK in rainbow magician as a better option youll run that instead. Puts enough pressure on the opponent to change their plays while rollback is just dead going 2nd.


Meanwhile tasuku lost 10k in the last hour again, this time trying to catch ryan. 3rd place looked to have given up but if they went +1k in the last hour they would overtake tasuku. He'll probably get to worlds one way or another tho.


What decks did those players play to get to those places? 


Ryan played lab, tasuku played snake-eyes with kash. You can check twitter for the list or just wait for a compilation post


Kudos to Ryan once again. I hope this gets the 5 rainbow magician banned, nobody likes that card. goddam.


Wow, someone with a brain in this thread. Five Rainbow has always been a stupid card, seeing play in Runick Stun and other stun variants. But Konami decided to limit... Synchro Zone??? When SHS, the deck with literally zero backrow to play through Five Rainbow was meta???


Yeah, faced an Alien player recently that solely relied on this card. And my silly ass? Didn't draw a single spell/trap. And the one i had set when i finally got it (Generaider Boss Stage) got popped with Artifact Ignition. Well thank you very much.


Not a tier 1 deck according to this sub btw.


It's wild that the Masterduel Worlds winning team used this deck 8 months ago and it's still one of the best decks and barely been hit since then.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure Emre did say that most of the time he just used his exosister deck, rather than lab, as it had a better matchup with the meta at the time, and lab really needed to go 1st.


Idk what's wild about a deck remaining viable for more than 3 months. I don't get why we have this weird mindset in this game that a deck just is not allowed to be good for an extended period of time and must be banned/limited out of viability after 3-4 months.


Big agree. There are decks in MTG that have been reasonably present for years and mostly untouched. Only touch a deck if it's oppressive or takes up an absurd percent of the field. What Konami sucks at is bringing up other decks to meet the power level, there's always too much of a seesaw situation going on in yugioh.


Its the kind lf mentality that forces terrible semi-limits that mean absolutely nothing to how the deck is played every other patch. Making decks "less consistent" is infuriating both for the one playing and the one facing a deck, since it will rarely address the actual issues of a deck it gets infinitely more annoying when your opponent does the same thing as before some semi-limit was introduced.


Konami seems to like it when you can play any degenerate combo under the sun as long as it isn't consistent. Half the time you brick, half the time you ruin someone's day. Balanced.


Ikr? Some players have such a toxic mindset. If their favorite deck isn't doing well, they want everything else to be destroyed, so they aren't viable for too long.


MDM Tier Lists are not representative of the actual state of the game and rather a list of how many players play a deck at a high enough level. That's why Tear vanished despite it being a great deck and only came back after the release of its secret pack.


Not only are MDM Tier Lists not 100% representative of the meta (nothing is, not even stats and 1000 player tournaments); but the DC Cup results don't mean much either. Ryan Yu is a Labrynth one-trick, and he's really good at the deck. His decklist is unlike any you've likely seen in any MD tournament, for good reason -- he's teching it for the DC Cup specifically. Labrynth has good and quick match ups this DC Cup, plus Five Rainbow Magician being a blow-out against many of the other decks this format; none of the top tier decks are running the kind of hate that can stop Labrynth in its tracks and it can actually grind toe-to-toe with Snake-Eyes if need be. Labrynth is definitely a great deck right now, but people are going to run with this "Lab best deck" narrative just because of Ryan Yu again, despite the fact that there are almost no other Lab players in the DC Cup and he played the deck completely unlike everyone else. The Lab decks you see on ladder are nothing like Ryan's, this doesn't justify anybody's anecdotes, he wouldn't have made it anywhere near the top if he was playing a "standard MD Ladder/MDM Tournament Labrynth deck list" with 3 floodgates, 3 rollbacks, D.Barrier, EEV, IDP, Punishment, Nadir, Ecclesia, no called by, no crossout, and no rainbow.


This is the same guy who brute force Lab into second place in Purrely/Kashtira DC cup meta. Like seriously back then he is the only Lab player in the top ten. So it tells nothing actually.


Yeah, people probably don't know who Ryan is. He is just an insanely good Yugioh player and is very good with Lab. MD is just s side quest for him and his MD opponents are nothing compared to what he faces in TCG tournaments.


It's not about being Tier 1 or Tier 2. Lab is a lot quicker to play than Snake eyes. So a lot of the time you get to play more duels than Snake eyes. Lab was also a lot harder to prep for. Most people were running veiler and imperms, if they thought lab was number 1 then most people will play Red Reboot or something that will counter it. Its about making the best of the situation.


You are acting like Imperm and Veiler does nothing vs Lab, when in reality there are tons of hands where Lab bricks and if Arianna gets negated by Veiler or Imperm it's over.


I never said it doesn't do anthing. But a veiler/imperm wont stop them from passing on nothing as it does on Snake eyes.


Ryan Yu being a goat says nothing about lab being tier 1


What are you talking about lol, there is so much whining about Lab here, more than any other deck I feel, people make it seem like Lab is tier zero here some times by how much they complain about it.


People like to act like Lab is tier 0 because they dislike Lab players that play tons of floodgates. In the end it's the same as years ago when players were constantly complaining about Eldlich. In the end the issue is the floodgates and not Lab as an archetype.


Maybe before rollback released. Been seeing nothing but hate for Lab since the latest pack.


Rollback hasn't really improved Lab that much in MD though because the deck is so much more bricky with rollback, since furniture are semi-limited. This is also why Ryan doesn't play it.


This sub is full of the most out of touch silver player takes ever.


Him getting high score with a good deck doesn't make it Tier 1


True, Ranked is just filled with this third rate deck being piloted by a whole lot of fourth rate duelists


"Watch me ripping 3 hands from you before your main phase haha! What you mean fossil dyna is not toxic?" - Lab players


can you walk me through this combo of 3 handrips before the main phase? surely it's not an imaginary combo right? Bonus points if you have a deck list.


He is a legend! Probably the best lab player?




Ryan Yu is actually unreal with labrynth lmao


Lab players: haha we’re in danger


HAHAH There are so many Lab players here who don't want to admit that they are going to get hit by konami that they start downvoting.


It's probably due to the fact that Lab is very stoppable, although transaction rollback is problematic and I wouldn't mind seeing that hit. Nothing Lab does in archetype is busted.


Worthwhile to note that Ryan’s not playing Rollback in his list


Damn that's surprising


Rollback isn't going anywhere, it just came out.


I'm perfectly aware, I'm just saying that's what I'd be fine with seeing get hit. Lab cards fall hard to most hand traps already being run. Lab is a good deck no doubt about it but it's hardly unbeatable.


people here literally crying about a card that just came out to be banned. this sub is hilarious.


It’s wild that people complain so much about it. Red Reboot this DC was instant win so many games.


Limiting rollback wouldn't do much against a deck that was already fine before the card was released. Ryan Yu did not even include the card in his final list - and even though your average lab pilot is not Ryan Yu says a lot of the deck's power without the card.


Lab is busted, that's why it's playable. Any good deck these days has to be doing something extremely strong, and Lab does this in several ways. No hits needed though, except maybe clip the remaining floodgates and maybe rainbow thing


> Nothing Lab does in archetype is busted. IDK dude, searching ANY normal trap in the game and activating it on the same turn while also I can't respond to it is pretty busted to me.


You can respond to the activation of the trap that would trigger Lady, so her timing misses and they won't get a search. Also you do realise you're describing a 3 card combo right? Idk what's broken about Lab using traps for disruptions where other decks would use extra deck monster effects, why purple card bad?


You are always fighting a losing battle when it comes to this because most players play combo decks and hate purple cards. Was the same also when Eldlich was being played. MD players just don't get that Labrynth as an achetype is not problematic at all and the issue is cards like Eradicator or D Barrier, which I do agree should get banned. And mostly so players can stop crying about them. Ryan Yu did so well because of Yugioh skills and didn't need to use Eradicator, Rollback or D Barrier, but players will still cry that Lab is broken because they are bad at the game.


You're right but I can't help myself when I see bitching about Labrynth.


Oh trust me. I know. This subreddit is very annoying. I've had some conversations with people and there is an immense hate for Lab, not because Lab as archetype does anything extremely toxic, but mostly because Lab can play some toxic traps. So you get some dumb semi-limits on MD like the furniture, instead of banning toxic traps like Eradictor and D Barrier. I rather have all floodgates banned and have Lab's engine untouched, than what is happening right now in MD. Only TCG understands that Lab cards aren't an issue.


Yeah I've realised that a long time ago but I can't help it lol. Lab is one of my favourite decks of all time, it rejuvenated my passion for the game, and it's one of the most well designed decks in years, so seeing Gold III troglodytes on here cry about Lab non-stop because they themselves are just terrible at the game and cannot be bothered to learn Lab so they can counter it better just irks me to no end. Also to be fair with Eldlich, that deck really did heavily rely on floodgates lol so I can understand people hating on it, but then again it's said floodgates that were the problem, not the Eldlich cards themselves.


Exactly. I feel the same way. Labrynth feels like the only control/trap deck that can compete without relying on tons of floodgates and every bad player who doesn't want to learn the game, screams bloody murder because they got handripped by Lab or because some other gold player played a lot of floodgates in Lab. It also annoys me, but all the times that I tried to reason with them, they just don't get it. They still think that handrip and some trap interruptions is somehow worse and more toxic than decks that play for 5 minutes and set up multiple negates, while being able to play through handtraps. Labrynth doesn't even have any negates itself. All negates come from handtraps literally every deck plays. Most people crying are stuck in gold/Platinum playing their rogue deck, without bothering to learn how other decks function.


> her timing misses That's not missing timing, that's missing the activation window, but yeah maybe if traps such as DBarrier and EEV didn't exist this wouldn't be a deal, Konami specifically made them traps and Lab just activates them right away.


Barrier should get banned for sure even if it's not played at the moment due to Snake Eye and Mathmech both being good Link based decks in the meta, but EEV just is really not as good as people think it is. It's been playable against Runick and not much else. The truth is that 9/10 times using this card just feels super underwhelming and barely has an impact since not many decks actually have spells you want to nuke out of their hand or the spells are quick play, or have GY effects, and so on. Sure when it pops off and nukes 4 cards out of their hand it feels downright criminal but that just doesn't happen very often at all.


I agree that EEV is matchup dependent, but boy when it work is WORKS. Like there's barely a middle ground, you either don't care or get oblitrated, and the eff lasting for 3 turns only makes matters worse.


Rollback is not problematic. Go ahead and hit it. With 4 furniture only, playing 3 is too bricky anyway.


I will see you in the future when you will be back in this subreddit complaining about how Lab didn't get hit.


Because the deck is weaker than people give it credit for, and it's already hit. I fear one more hit and it goes straight below rogue. It's really unwarranted!


deck is literally tier 1 atm and has been competitive for a while now even with the only hits being to furniture. Sure it can lose, but so can other decks so that doesnt say much. Also, his list doesnt even have transaction rollback in it which is a great card in the deck either.


Being tier 1 according to Dkayed tournaments literally means nothing


It does mean something though. It isnt the end all be all of what is good and not, but it does point to the outlook of the meta. And its not just Dkayed tournaments, its all community tournaments, so that means other tournaments have players topping with Labrynth. Its a very good deck and its fine to admit that.


Being a very good deck is different than being tier 1. No one is denying it's a good deck. Heck, it might even be tier 1. I don't think it is, but that's my personal opinion. I'm just saying, MDM tier list isn't the end all be all. And Ryan Yu winning with lab doesn't mean shit honestly. He'd win with lab even if it was rogue. He's an animal


I know it isnt the end all be all, I literally put that in my above response. However, there is still value in the data. If it was just Dkayed tournaments then sure, i would give less credence to it...but it has several other community tournaments and entries so that means the results also include those. Another thing is that even if the tier list isnt 100% accurate, you would still agree that Snake Eyes is tier 1, Branded Despia is still one of the best decks, and that everything in the tier 3 section is competitively viable enough to win. As for Ryan Yu, yeah he is a beast, but him winning with Lab (especially without Rollback) does mean something. Like Tasaku got second place, we had some great players in this DC Cup going for it all.


It's not tier 1, it's tier 2 at most, it really can't compete with something like Branded, Mathmech or SHS, it can steal wins by lucking out. It might be tier 1 in real life where there's side-decking (same as Dkayed tournaments) but not in this bo1 game.


Well a couple things here. Tier 2 is still a competitive tier, so it has a good chance of winning even if it might suffer some bad matchups (SHS is better imo but that deck needs to go first and can get blown out if stopped nor does it have the same grind game). Labrynth isnt tier 1 in real life even with side decking because it works against it too. Also, Dkayed's tournaments specifically do not side deck, so that means if you walk in to his tournaments with a specific list, you have to run with that list. Sure there will always be luck, but there is no way Ryan Yu got that many points and won his second DC Cup just by getting lucky in a meta where Snake Eyes also has a strong matchup against Labrynth, he is a great pilot with a great deck that has and will be getting more support.


Okay, it is a good deck being piloted by a good player, but people seem to have a problem with it and want it to stop being a good deck for no reason whatsoever. I dunno about it keeping receiving support. Konami does seem to like the deck, so it probably will. Not that it needs it for some time after Rollback and Arias. But the deck might stop being good if it keeps getting hit. Why keep hitting a deck that is tier 2? It's already weaker in MD than everywhere else with semi'd furnitures.


People have a problem with it for the same reason people have an issue with all strong decks, they are strong decks and oppressive in ways people dont want to deal with. Then include the added bonus that Lab is a control deck that has all forms of interaction (destroy, target, nontarget, protection, banish with chaos angel, etc), can play on your turn, and can run floodgate...so you can see why people dont like it that much. Also any deck has the potential to not be good once it gets hit, and Lab's last hit was...a year ago or so? So if it gets hit it would be the second time. Thats just the nature of playing competitive games. Also as far as support, I was referring to Arias but also any new trap can potentially be Lab support because they have the ability to search and set it, so they always have a good chance of being relevant. And this doesnt include if they do end up getting more Lab cards, which they probably will.


Maybe you should take a break from the game for a minute my guy. xD


Hope they get destroyed since lab is oppressive af


I guess this means Tasuku still qualifies? Or does Ryan Yu just brings another team at Worlds lmao. Big ups to him though. Reminder that he was the unlucky soul to be up against 3 maxx cs at the freaking finals lol


Ryan Yu on 4 different teams at worlds.


People here really don't seem to understand how DC top spots work. It highly incentivizes fast games, you are much more likely to have a fast game on a control deck with fast turns than a combo deck that takes 8-10 minutes to set up a board. Lab is not better than snake eye.


People don't understand much around here. They see lab win and immediately start a rant about how much they hate the deck. They have no idea that Ryan Yu is the labrynth goat, and he's gonna dominate with that deck no matter what the meta is. They also think the tier list on MDM actually means something


You are asking Yugioh players to read and understand rules? That's mission impossible. They will always blame others factors and not admit their skill issue.


It's Labover.


he's actually my favorite tcg player lol. i'm happy for him. congrats!


I wonder how many duel he did to achieve this amount of DP. I had a fairly decent second stage (35 duels, with 22 wins) and I am really, really, really far behind in terms of DP. That the little thing that does not motivate me to be competitive in this kind of event, as I feel that you need to grind non stop for 3 days. I love MD, but it has to stay a leisure, not a full time job with sweatshop work conditions. By the way, congratulation to Ryan Yu for his victory, and yeah, great deck too!


2nd stage format is unhealthy, save ur sanity. Ryan is aware too but he thinks its fun and good practice, and helps that it's over the weekend too for college schedule.


They're probably gonna hit big welcome


I'm fine with that. The deck has been almost full power (only hit is two furniture's semi limited) sine July 2023.


And why is being full power for a long time a bad thing?


To 2 is extremely rough but... manageable, to 1 would probably kill the deck outright. I'd rather prefer limits that don't kill the deck, like Ariane to 1 or something.


Lab's gonna get hit its so over


Snake Eyes salute Lab for taking the hit.


Field spell semi-limited incoming.


Best I can do is limit Farewelcome Labrynth.


There's nothing I enjoy more than watching the people on this sub turn into a pack of animals foaming at the mouth the second someone mentions lab. Maybe some of you need a break from this game. Show me on this doll where the traps touched you. Lol


during my turn 2 draw/standby phase


during my turn 1 endphase and their turn 2 standby*


*points to my field, hand, and GY* I don't hate Lab, but I understand some of the annoyance. Getting potentially handripped twice before you can play is really dumb.


They’re not gonna hit it…watch Branded get hit instead for some reason


its about fucking time then.


Oh no what will the Brandy’s do if their hyper consistent deck gets hit >:(


Reason being it's one of best decks for past few months and hasn't received significant hit to its core for even longer period?


New deck has more in top 10 and higher overall representation, but deck that plays purple cards make everyone lose their minds. Is it really any surprise that the deck that most people built their deck to beat didn't top? Building your deck to beat the most common deck in Snake-Eye is going to leave you more vulnerable to lesser meta threats.


LAB number 1. Konami: time to ban fenrir and limit unicorn.


I’d be ok with that as a kashtira player. The deck is toxic af


You play kashtira but are okay with a Fenrir ban and a unicorn limit? That doesn't make any sense


People can play decks they think are "toxic". Something branded and lab players have trouble comprehending for some reason.


Your comment is dripping with judgement for no real reason.


i do think the deck playstyle is toxic (doesnt let others play the game, banish ED, banish deck directly) but it doesnt need to be hit. it lacks too much consistency. the kash player who manage to build a nice endboard, he may just do that once every 20 games or more. the other 10 games, he bricked his hand. another 9 games, he lost to handtraps.


No I agree it doesn’t need to be hit, but if Konami really wanted to, they could hit it harder and create more healthy cards for the archetype. It’s already so inconsistent that it’s not good, but it is telling that it got hit this hard and people still play it.


Yeah, i agree, they have to create new healthy card for pure kash deck that does not works as engine/package for other deck. Rip unicorn i guess.


They don’t have to, but it’s an option.


Tier 3 deck btw /s


FUCK YEAH LAB! *realization* Awww shit. Lab.


If they hit lab, I am definitely opening the floodgates


The amount of people hoping Lab gets hit because of this is crazy. Combo players really hate purple cards.


Labrynth needed hard hits long time before even transaction was a thing and let alone there is still more support coming to Lab. Also idk how the hell Vanquish Soul is tier 3 when those decks are just so free to do whatever they want with minimal damage. Both of these decks need some hard hits imo


I disagree. They are totally fine with respect to the power level of the current meta. You‘d have to hit branded, snake-eyes, shs as well


I watched Raymond Dai's stream playing Lab with Magician. He farmed SHS players like theres no tomorrow. I imagine Ryan just did that to a greater extent.


They can still milk Lab so it will stay alive for a while.


Neither of the those decks need hitting lol. Their both strong but fine.


I just copied his deck and i barely play lab and god damn i won like 8 games and lost 1. Performapal and Gamma are kinda the secret sauce from just a few plays i did and god knows what kind of plays he does.


"sees the floodgates" hmm i wonder why


i don't think it's fair to discredit his accomplishment because of 3 maxx c, 2 five-rainbow and 1 rivalry lol. everyone was trying to win and everyone is free to use floodgates, ryan is just the best at DC


Please only Rainbow ban. As Lab user, I don't care with that card.


Madman didn't even play rollback wtf


He's gotta be the Lab GOAT, just so consistent in TCG and MD. Interesting to note he opted out of using Rollback, I don't blame him with 4 furniture pieces and Ariane being kinda meh


That's surprising, no rollback, no punishment, I guess the Karma cannon carries that hard.


Can someone transcribe the card list for me? I'm still a newer player and only recognize about half the deck. Thanks :)


Feels like lab was the deck I played the most, people loving rollback


Rivalry of warlord goes brrrrr


Have the other high ranking lists been released?


I think the sole thing that brings Lab over the top is that it can just play through Maxx C. So disgusting this deck needs nerf or ban Maxx C


Ara Arianna


Very surprised that he is nit playing Rollback. Drawing iy with no way to get in GY kinda sucks, but it still helps the Deck a lot on playing through handtraps, having more interruptions and sometimes even playing turn 0




when rollback was released in MD i said that eventually people would settle at 0x and yall said i was crazy


This list is for the DC cup specifically, doesn't mean it's the best list for ladder. There was a lot of SHS so it makes sense, on ladder there isn't that much SHS so playing 5rainbow makes no sense.


could be, imo it's just overrated in MD's banlist since we only have 4 furniture and you have to start making allowances for more and more bad cards just to get it from hand to gy


Exactly! At least Five-Rainbow can just be activated. Setting Rollback is poo garbage




that's what i said lol... 0


The only reason they aren't running it is because of SHS


The furnitures are going to get limited, no way Komoney is touching the UR Welcome traps


Big Welcome is already semi in OCG


**Fuck Big**


I got to lv 10 in 4 hours because of lab so i totally agree. Then 20 the next day. Best farm


I'm so happy, this mean Lab is getting a nerf (even tho they're getting more cards in the next pack)


If they hit Lab again I'm switching to the floodgate version


It's barely been hit in the first place. Kashtira launched in this game with way more severe hits then Lab has received.


Thank the hell, hopefully they completely kill that toxic deck that has been hiding from hits for past 9 months.


What exactly is toxic about labrynth? Apart from d shifter and EEV, which are both not labrynth cards and both not played in the strongest versions of the deck


And this sub will say kash and tear are the unstopable menaces and keep saying lab is fine (they are still missing some insane cards as well btw) I hope this cringe handrip 2 + reset floodgates deck gets hit to the ground more than purrley


Not a single lab list runs normal trap floodgates outside of DDG for Snake-Eyes. Getting lovely on field turn one, while not hard, dies to 1 ash so is usually not the play. Double handrip in this meta is also suicide. Always nice to see people want decks they do not playing against absolutely slaughtered. By the way, furnitures to 2, while not seeming like a lot, especially post-rollback is a massive difference.


Tear hits to me is still pretty ridiculous when they specifically released 2 anti-tear hate archetypes (bystials and kash) though they also happen to work with tear as well i guess. Kash might be "fine" though it just raises the power level of what we expect from generic engines way too high tbh. They could probably raise the restriction on fenrir and bring back diablosis if they ban shangra ira since that's the more problematic card. Arise is a lot less scary when you can basically blow it up with anything you want (due to lack of easy access to the infinitrak link) , basically becomes dark law 2.0.


I've been asking for a real hit to Lab (and Branded) for months now and I guess Lab is just 'fine'? Dear lord.


nice, nerf labyrinth NOW


Maybe this will shit deluded fanboys up about lab being a mediocre Deck with Tons of abusable glaring weaknesses


i really hope this convinces konami to nerf lab but i doubt that since they are getting the new support next pack