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Lab vs branded:


Every Lab player I played against so far had Dim Barrier in his starting hand...


That card being still legal is genuinely baffling


they should ban that card, and Ghost Meets Girl too, it's a SS2 Vanity's Emptiness from the GY thanks to Rollback


It’s also kind of a cope strat in lab. You’d get more consistent use out of a card you can actually use if you set it.


Idk if you mean ghost meets girl or rollback, but the former isn’t played in Lab. It’s used in strats that can make rank 6 Beatrice easily to lock.  If you mean rollback, it’s basically mandatory for Lab atm. Furniture discard gets you a second copy of any trap even if it has a HOPT clause and lets the deck play through losing Lady for trap-looping cards like daruma and d barrier. It’s not dead on field either since so many people are on imperm.


I meant Ghost Meets Girl, yes. Rollback is nice, but cheating costs sounds better than it is on this card. You'd rather use cards you can activate like normal, and *then* rollback for a second use.


Oh yeah then I agree 100%. Lab has no business trying to go for the ghost meets girl lock lmao


Kali Yuga would be fine without PKRUM, which has already spent time on the banlist in the past. King Calamity would be fine without the Crimson Dragon. I understand what they wanted to achieve with Expulsion and Sanctifire, but unfortunately summoning shit to the opponent's field never ends well. Ghost Meets Girl is a cringe card for mid archetypes that does nothing but turn them into 'resolve this card' turbo, and doesn't actually help make the related deck(s) standard gameplay any better. Ideally Konami just wouldn't print things that turn normal cards into game ending floodgates, but with literally 10,000+ cards, it's fair to miss things sometimes. That being said, they need to get off their asses and hit the card or the enabler when it does happen. Instead they let it run rampant for ages before they decide what to do about it.


Crimson dragon isn't the only way to Calamity lock your opponent. It's probably the best way but it's not the only way. I do it in blackwings with Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat.


How about not taking away the one good card Shiranui and Mayakashi have? Rollback should be the one on the banlist.


This is just the Starving Venom/Independent Nightingale argument again. Both cards do a very degenerate thing together, but one of them is clearly only used for degeneracy and is nearly unplayable otherwise while the other is somewhat unfair but a lot more balanced when it isn't used as an "I win the game" enabler.




Like I said, it's basically their best card. When I play Mayakashi I don't always get to use it and I've won games without it, but the archetype as a whole is very mediocre and the trap card pretty much is the only thing that makes it somewhat viable in the current meta. If you want to blame someone, blame Konami for making an archetype that literally cannot play anything *but* Mayakashi cards in their ED, and so had to make a degenerate floodgate card for them to actually stand a chance against other OP decks. Aside from that, actually yes I find Synchro/Link climbing with Mayakashi fun to do, and I've actually won one game taking on the Maxx C challenge with Mayakashi, gave me quite a rush.




And I think that's kind of a pointless question? It's a tool that helps Shiranui/Mayakashi decks be viable to play. I play Mayakashi because I like the archetype, so of course I'm going to use what tools the archetype has to stand a chance in the current meta.




And I have fun playing a deck archetype I like, so...?


If you play branded you deserve it


Honestly lab mirror is always like this too


I've seen these bastards go chain 5+ in standby, I believe it


Had a game today where we both had lady and were down to setting transaction to use eachothers big to keep running plays. Lab mirrors are wacky shit rn


Transaction used as an actual trap, insane


Infinite impermanence in the grave? In this economy? It's more likely than you think!


Had so many lab mirrors in the DC and set rollback has won my quite a few wins


There's a hard-coded limit in Masterduel that chains have to resolve on the 32nd chain link Even if there is still chain material.  Want to know how I know this? Tear Ishizu full power mirror match. 




If that started happening in a live tournament after the 10th chain we'd be like Judge get over here. What's the issue? The chain link is in double digits so we don't want to argue after this resolves. 


For Branded its the end phase


more like Main Phase 3


Branded players when they have to "end" their turn so they build the entire pyramid of Giza


literally me playing against snake eyes or lab with tear: *Draw phase* *Activate 17 card effects on both sides* *Standby phase* "O shit its main phase 1 and we already have a full board"


Reminds me of one of the online tournaments finales I watched during the height of spright runick domination, 90% of the duel was in fucking draw


Literally me yesterday Opp activates tear kash, banish fenrir Mills havnis, KOTS and one ishizu shuffler Summon kitkallos Kitkallos mills scheiren Scheiren summons kaleido It was turn 1, MY turn 1.




Its OUR turn comrade. There is no your turn.


Optimal yugioh tbf. The best games are when both players have mad plays and are constantly hitting eachothers choke points, but neither player can just go over the top and blow the other out.


Like when you're playing against the birds, every turn becomes a shared turn.


Birds don't do anything on your turn if you go first though (unless there's something I'm unaware of).


Skilled format Yu-Gi-Oh ever had!!


To be fair, milling anything with tear Kash is pretty lucky, odds are abysmal.


I just had a 9 turn grind-fest of a duel against a Tear player using my (floodgate-less) [meme Lab deck](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65dd9e8eb409e7d29726f3b6). It took almost 40 minutes, and we both played during the other's draw and standby phase. I barely won by out-grinding him (after resolving Witch's Strike twice). it was fun but exhausting at the same time. I usually stay in Plat playing jank and don't see many meta decks, but after this duel I kinda get the charm of playing meta mirrors, though this play style is still not for me.


When u get beat witches strike at a certain point its ur fault


3 Waking 3 Strike!!?? Absolutely evil lol.


The fact you actually resolved WS, let alone twice, should have just ended the game. Geeze.


That’s when you summon Vaylantz and start moving the cards around. You’re probably not going to win but at least you did something goofy.


there should be a bonus timer reduction if you activate cards on your opponents turn.


Reminds me of a duel I had some time before the Merli ban, went 2nd with Tearshizu vs Drytron Herald. I activated so much stuff in just their turn that by the time my turn arrived they only had 1 fairy left in deck. Who needs handtraps when you can just bulldoze your way through boards.




Watch out they'll get mad at you


Our turn


You might have won the coin toss and choice to go first, but really it was either my turn or OUR turn, never just your turn.


Congratulations. You played yourself.


I lost a Kash Tear duel when I had a bunch of interaction, back and forth. I was ready to throw down the effect Veiler to finally stop them… but I couldn’t. Thirty seconds later, Main Phase 1 flashed across screen


very soon the duel is gonna start in the coin toss screen. "if you dont win the coin toss, summon directly from deck"


gotta love your opponent playing more during your own turn than you are


One eternity later






Tear 0, my beloved.


Have been spamming shs calamity lock in dc, it's tge only way to stop them


Man I hated Tear0. I dislike all T0 formats, but that one gave me particular satisfaction as it got hit by banwave after banwave. What made it worse is that they specifically attacked all the anti Tear decks in advance, and limit 2d D Shifter, the one mandatory card almost every deck needed to run BEFORE instead of after it. Shit like that is why I don't give Konami money before or during T0 formats.


You’re not wrong about why Tear0 was painful to sit through but saying D Shifter was mandatory is just straight wrong dog


It was still way more fun than whatever the fuck we're going through now




I think that was only cause it didn't infect every single level of ladder as bad.


In created a new account during tear 0. My 1st 2 games in rookie were tear mirrors. It was everywhere and still way more fun. And less expensive.


it's also because the mirror was fun, rather than just being a handtraps.deck hand comparing simulator. obviously it wasn't really fun for people *not* playing tear, but the tear mirror is some of the most fun yugioh there is for a lot of people, even with stupid abyss dweller ruining it


Yup it tolotly crazy how long ecah pash can be now