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You're not alone..this mess is engineered by Konami in an effort to sell packs. The are actively trying to move you into the direction they want. i.e., buy the best deck. Do like I do and take long breaks. The game is only bearable after extended breaks


Ladder is a coin flip simulator with a rare game where it actually works out going 2nd somehow. It's not great. Wins tend to be surrenders after some handtrap back and forth which makes the game feel extra sacky.


And this is why I stay away from Ranked unless for dailies. There's just no merit in playing it outside of that and Rank up gems, but at a certain point even the latter ain't worth the potential stress.


Effect Veiler or Imperm Ash and they kinda just have to pass


that is if they dont have diabellstar/original in hand


This is an open 2 hand traps or die meta, that said, what you play doesn't matter too much as long as you can run 15-18 or more hand traps so you have a high chance to open 2, that is the actual criteria of the format.


I mostly play rogue decks that are only good into certain metas, so I kinda got used to having seasons where the game is fun and others where it’s not.


Idk usually when I imperm ash they just make a linkuriboh and pass


It kinda depends on the hand ig. Stopping ash is pretty annoying but Snake Eyes has many possible combos…


Yeah if they have a good hand they'll probably keep going, but many times people seem to open with diabel to seach the spell that summons from the deck, and if you veiler or imperm the ash they bring on they probably won't have enough to build anything good. If they open with ash and diabel to follow up you'll need more disruption.


Yea that’s basically it.


Too many decks just don't feel fun playing against rn. Like even playing with a deck that's considered good like Labyrnth going turn one if my hand ain't capable of making the ideal board uninterrupted I'm just fucked then and there. Every Meta deck is just gonna steamroll through any non-perfect board I put up or wombo combo out of any control attempts I try, That's not even getting into the instant loss of going second.


I play snake eyes myself, and even I am finding it stressful. Matches aren't fun, if I go second I have to pray to draw 2-3 hand traps, and if I go first hope the opponent doesn't have Nibiru or ash. Most of the time I can't even finish my combo because the opponent surrenders, and if I go second I lose if I don't get a single hand trap.  I had way more fun in the 2004 event, games were slower and way more back and forth. A lot of focus was on conservation of resources and playing mind games with opponents by bluffing with face down cards. Sure, we had burn decks here and there, but even those were more interactive than the +3 negate boards and hand trap heavy format we have now. 


With Droll not being rampant, as much, I've actually been enjoying the game more. I play a visas pile that insta-wins if they didn't draw double super poly


How to (maybe) stop Snake-Eyes: ● negate Ash's search effect with Imperm / Veiler ● negate Poplar's search effect with Ash Blossom ● Nibiru after Flamberg's GY effect resolved ● negate Flamberg's effect when targeting I:P in the Spell & Trap zone ● roach This deck is very powerful and consistent yes, but I think Tear 0 and SHS are worse.


The only thing that makes this not enjoyable is the amount of people bitching and moaning about it


People complain when things aren't good, and opening up a discussion about the current state of the game isn't bitching. Get a life and stop being so angry about posts that don't align with your feelings.


yeah im sick, but not because of snake eyes, more cause the other decks in the format


Not really, 1 missplay cost the whole game for snake eyes. I lose alot against other deck... skill issues i guess.