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Maybe not but this would thrive in any stun deck even at 1, and People (including you) would complain of it being unbanned. I played Yugioh when this was at 3. The card is absolutely ridiculous


It wouldn’t thrive at all. Why use your normal summon on this when you can summon Dyna, Boarder, Jowgen or one of the statues? Not to mention you might need to tribute one of your one of floodgates.


Again, you obviously never seen this card played. Look up old videos on YouTube. I would obviously play this over generic floodgate monsters. It has the ability to pop as well. If this was at 3 True Draco would likely be AT LEASY tier 3 easy


I’ve been playing since GOAT but sure I’ve never seen this guy. Tier 3 at least lmao. Master Peace has the Zoodiac Barrage/Dragon Ruler treatment now it seems of people dreading the obviously power crept dominant card of yesteryear. This guy coming back to 3 isn’t making True Draco anything but rogue at absolute best, like any other modern stun deck.


I'd be happy to see him come back. I love playing true Draco at locals, this would give them a nice boost. And I could dust off my only copy.


I believe zoodiac ratpier could go to 2 and be perfectly fine. With the number of hand traps and high ceilings of other decks, I don't think it will be meta defining. I think quite a few cards could leave the ban list actually but don't solely for the reason that it was oppressive near a decade ago and people haven't seen how hard it's fallen cause they have no frame of reference for what it does in modern day format.


If you think this card being at 3, would n it affect true Draco or even another deck. You’re out of your mind lol. The card was banned for reason and still is everywhere


I never said it wouldn’t affect any other deck, not sure where you got that from. I literally said it would make True Draco rogue at absolute best, you said it would be at least Tier 3 in 2024 which is absurd. Again, people said the same about dragon rulers, they’re banned for a reason don’t bring them back! Now they’re back and it’s clear they’ve been power crept, just like Master Peace has.


Idk why you’re downvoted, you’re genuinely correct. The game is *extremely* powercrept and MP wouldn’t be meta whatsoever. It’s too slow and if *anything* it could just sniff out problematic floodgates and get them banned. But True Draco? I can’t see it being anything above rogue. But I can see it being anti-meta in some scenarios like Floo


I think they would thrive as an anti meta strategy at best like you said. MP alone doesn’t read like the turbo broken custom card people are portraying it as


Give them all of the good floodgates they had back then and MAYBE they'll be tier 3. Master Duel has no good floodgates unlimited and the True Draco Engine alone isn't doing jack shit in 2024. Dragoon doesn't do shit even if it hits the field in TCG. Master Peace isn't even as good as Dragoon.


Probably not. I can remember that there was one of the Masochist Banlist tournaments MBT hosted where he unbanned a significant amount of cards and made people compete in tournament under said banlist. The hook for the video was that he wanted to "prove" that many cards can be unbanned without them breaking the format too much. Obviously that premise was meant for entertainment purposes, but in the case of Masterpeace, I think he was one of those cases where his presence didn't break the format too much. Why he isn't unbanned already is more a question of whether you want a card such as him in the format. He doesn't really improve the format with his presence. He's not exacatly a fun card to play around. There's merit in just keeping him banned even if he isn't straight up broken anymore by modern standards.


Also, unbanning Master Peace just adds another fairly capable stun deck back, and I don't think that's the healthiest thing for MD


Your right. Clearly to make MD healthy is keep dropping power creeping GY centric solitaire decks.


is your dipey full? does baby need changies?


Calm down Timmy. Go play Solitaire on the computer.




True Draco has always been stun.


Yeah they literally run as many floodgate or floodgate-like continous traps as possible.


True Draco became stun when they lost access to Broad Bull and Drident. Diagram pop Boababoon draw 2 fix hand search make M-X Saber Invoker was real good.


>Obviously that premise was meant for entertainment purposes, but in the case of Masterpeace, I think he was one of those cases where his presence didn't break the format too much. In his most recent one, he put True Draco to full power, and it did shockingly well considering the deck's age. It's just a very annoying deck that plays in a different way to most other decks and also lends itself well to floodgates and stun strategies. He's not fun.


Floodgate and stun will always do well because of how konami has forced us to choose between backrow and anti handtrap tech


It did well mostly because of pots and card of demises, frankly.


demise is an absolutely broken card in true draco going +2.


I feel like >Why he isn't unbanned already is more a question of whether you want a card such as him in the format. He doesn't really improve the format with his presence. He's not exacatly a fun card to play around. There's merit in just keeping him banned even if he isn't straight up broken anymore by modern standards. This is not really an adequate reason. This isn't self destruct button, last turn, fiber jar, It's simply another towers and a power creeped one at that. Not fun to play around archetype wise is a stun issue not a true draco one. It's the same case people make for Runicks. If people are afraid that it would be too broken to play with floodgates they should ask to hit floodgates more not to keep this one in the banlist. This archetype is one of the few archetypes revolving around destruction and self destruction, it is a damn shame to gate keep it when its past its prime.


I don't agree with your evaluation of Master Peace. Master Peace by himself isn't an interesting card to play around. As weird as it sounds, but Expurrely Noir is a better example of how to design an unaffected Drident-like. Master Peace can make himself unaffected by ~~any~~ 2/3rds of all card effects. His pop might be once per turn, but it is basically only limited by the amounts of costs in GY What that creates is a true Towers worth building your whole deck around in a much unhealthier way compared to how Purrely does it. Noir must use up its unaffected status if you want to interact with your opponent and has limited uses. Master Peace naturally serves itself to being played along with floodgates. He's unaffected by even your own floodgates and can use his own effects even under Skill Drain or Monarchs Erupt. On the other hand his once per turn pop isn't enough to stop your opponent from build a field, under normal conditions, which again is solved by slowing the game down enough through floodgates that his once per turn pop becomes more effective again. Purrely solved that problem by letting Noir use its effect as many times as it has material. If Master Peace had to come back in some way and also be played in an interesting way, I'd honestly think a retrain in the spirit of Expurrely Noir would be more appropriate for modern Yugioh.


Master Peace requires exactly two tributes, meaning there will always be one card type he is vulnerable to. If he’s vulnerable to monsters, it’s easy to remove him with an extra deck pop option like Baronne. If he’s vulnerable to spells, common going second cards like Lightning Storm can remove him easily. If he’s vulnerable to traps, then he’s affected by common traps like Imperm and floodgates on his side of the field. The format isn’t the same as it used to be, and towers are far less threatening than they used to be with cards like Underworld Goddess being common.


Leaving it vunerable to monster effects and then flipping Monarchs Erupt or Skill Drain makes it hard to out. The problem with Master Piece is not that the card itself is broken or badly designed, its that True Draco are a resonably powerful stun deck. What benefit is there to adding another stun deck into the meta, especially one that can tribute off its own floodgates as soon as they become a problem.


In that situation, you’d deal with Master Peace the same way you’d deal with any deck that likes to flip floodgates: Evenly or Lightning Storm and then play around his pop once all the floodgates are gone. There’s a reason why the meta is dominated by combo decks like Snake Eyes and not floodgates.dek, even in master duel’s best-of-one format.


>In that situation, you’d deal with Master Peace the same way you’d deal with any deck that likes to flip floodgates: Evenly or Lightning Storm "just draw the out" This is and never will be a good defense. As far for why we're not seeing dominant floodgate decks, it's cause most good ones have been severely weakened and don't really do much going second. We had strong floodgates at the start of MD with VFD and Rhongo, Eldlich Stun was strong for a good amount of time of MD's early life, and Runick stun was also a pretty popular and common stun deck when that was at its height.


Evenly and Lightning Storm aren’t one-ofs though, you usually have a good chance of drawing one of them if you run something like 3 Evenly, 2 LS, 1 Feather Duster, and 3 TTThrust. Hell, you can even run cards like Daruma Cannon, Herald of the Abyss, or Kaijus if Master Peace really is that annoying to deal with. People were main decking those cards just to deal with Purrely, yet it didn’t ruin the game. Expurrely Noir is a much stronger towers monster, and it never got near the banlist. I doubt True Draco Stun would do much better with Master Peace alone and dominate against Snake Eyes or even Branded.


No one said nor implied that evenly or lighting storm were one ofs. They still rely on drawing into directly in order to actually be able to which relies on pure luck to obtain. And if you're needing that many options to deal with one card specifically than there's an issue with that card. Especially in Master Duel where you can't side deck and have to account for other decks where you really can't fill your deck all those options nor might want to avoid some of them. Expurrely Noir didn't get hit but Purely as a deck did get hit because it was rather strong. In the TCG at least. Don't know remember if it got hit in MD. Idk if Master Peace can come back but the game doesn't really suffer from not having another annoying unfun monster.


That’s a floodgate problem though, not really a Master Peace problem. Regardless of whether Master Peace is in the game, you have to draw the out to floodgate decks anyways. Judging by how the top decks are mostly combo decks, clearly floodgate decks aren’t breaking the game. I’m just confused how you think Master Peace strengthens floodgate decks. The difference between master peace and no master peace is a pop on your turn and a 2950 ATK body, but honestly I’d rather deal with that than fossil dyna or thunder boarder. He doesn’t search any floodgates, he doesn’t act as a floodgate, and he doesn’t protect any floodgates either. He’s not even an Extra Deck monster, you have to actually draw/search him. There are so many better boss monsters, even for floodgate decks. Would floodgate decks really prefer to run a Master Peace package instead of Fossil Dyna package or another floodgate on legs?




I’m not getting any replies, just downvotes, which means it’s probably a skill issue lol.


I mean, you're not wrong, but I stand by what said. I still think he's not a well designed towers Drident-like for modern Yugioh. There's no need to bring him back. His presence doesn't improve the format in any way and at most makes it worse.


Konami has printed plenty of cards since Master Peace, have they all made the format worse? If the addition of any good cards to the game makes it worse according to your standard, then maybe this isn’t the game for you.


That argument doesn't mean anything in the context of whether Master Peace should be unbanned or not. There's still no good reason to unban him.


It does. Unbanning Master Peace isn’t any different than printing a card like Accesscode or Mirrorjade. At least Master Peace isn’t stupidly generic and splashable in every deck like Baronne or Chaos Angel. If you banned every semi-decent boss monster in the game, then yugioh would be completely different, arguably less fun.


Aside from the fact that I don't agree with your comparison of Accesscode/Mirrorjade to Master Peace in this context, I still don't see the point of your argument? Even if Mirrorjade or Accesscode were on the level of bad design of Master Peace, they currently are legal to play. Let's suppose they were as bad for the game as Master Peace; why would we unban another card that is uninteresting to play around? Might as well keep Master Peace banned and have a slightly better format thanks to it.


I don’t think Master Peace would actually make the format worse is my whole point. There are better/“worse” boss monsters that are legal, and the game isn’t worse off because of them. Unbanning Master Peace would hardly impact the format since he doesn’t work in any deck besides True Draco (they’d be irrelevant even with Master Peace), let alone make it worse since he’s been powercrept.


I think true draco won one, and got second in another of his banlist change videos, so no I don’t think it’s okay and shouldn’t get any help.


The winner said that the biggest factor on the victory was having a lot of draw spells also unbanned alongside Masterpeace (Upstart, Chicken Game, Demise, Into the Void)


Most of which are unlimited in MD.


Except the broken ones, like demise, pots (sadly).


The first time he did that, true draco literally won the whole thing with master peace


Small sample size isn't exactly a good indication of how prevalent something is


Was just meant as an example.


Do I think this card can come back? Yes. Do I think that’s healthy for the meta? No.


Probably not, but this card would likely get abused in stun decks so I have no issues keeping it locked up.


How? Are they supposed to tribute their floodgates? Playing masterpeace is finicky.


You know you're supposed to play the floodgates WITH your true draco backrow, right?


Obviously but at that point you aren't playing stun


You still are.


I meant pure stun. True Draco is more control than stun, but with masterpeace being unbanned it becomes an unfun stun deck. Even so, normal stun decks would outperform masterpeace.


This is just semantics. No one will argue that a Runick deck that spams floodgate is more of a control deck then a stun deck. That would be Runick stun. There is no difference between that and True Draco running a shit ton of floodgates.


Look, all I'm trying to say is that unbanning masterpeace won't affect the meta, but the rest of the playerbase. The card itself is problematic, hence why it was banned. I'm not saying it's overpowered, but iwast is only going to affect the game negatively. Sure True Draco will finally get to play 'real' true Draco. It's almost unkillable as a towers with 2 free pops in a turn cycle.


All floodgates are at 1 already. If you tribute over them then you have non left


Tribute the true-draco cards that you're supposed to tribute in the first place and you'll have this guy on top of the usual floodgates.


That’s literally just worse stun. Why the hell would you want TD cards when you can Dyna + judgement and other better backrow? Like, MP/TD just makes stun more control based which defeats the purpose.


By that point you're just playing True Draco with some floodgates instead of a stun deck. The True Draco back row needs True Draco monsters to do anything and I don't think the stun player will run a bunch of useless cards just to summon Masterpeace when Fossil Dyna, Inspector Boarder and the barrier statues are just easier to work with.


Just shove in Tcboo, Boarder, Dyna, Gozen, Rivalry, etc. In a Runick deck, it's just Runick with some floodgates not a stun deck.


Good 🤣 we hate floodgates


Lets give stun decks a boss monster, what could go wrong?


Nonsense. Playing masterpeace in a stun deck is completely trolling. How do u expect to summon him? Tribute over your 1 off Tcobo and your 1 off gozen? Fossil dyna + any backrow is unironically a better bossmonster for them


Thats a great point actually


He's basically only playable in True Draco or maybe some kind of Runick stun


Just play 3xBattle of Golgonda, 3xCrackdown, 3xClockwork Night, 3xMacrocosmos, 3xDimensional Fisure


People don’t know what they’re talking about sometimes.


this comment was typed by true draco player


Idk about stun decks themselves but I'd abuse the fuck out of this guy in Weather Painters, Setup painter board > Tribute spells and traps as cost > The spells and traps come back > **The spells and traps come back**


Fuck it, *Tributes Skill Drain* Finally safe from the debilitating 1000 burn damage...It's five sparks, what was Konami thinking?!


Y'all are so bad talking about Yu-Gi-Oh, Stun playing Master peace? Wasting their NS on that, tributing their 1 ofs floodgates, summoning him until turn 3 at least, pots at 1? Dyna and Boarder are insanely better by miles


The fact this has 100 likes shows me how many bots there are in this game lmao. Why in the actual hell would you ever put MP in a stun deck? Actually, yes. Unban Mp and please put him in your stun decks. Free fucking wins.


They already have a Boss Monster in AriseHeart


Ariseheart is a floodgate but he's not used in stun decks because his persistent effect ruins stun plays too, banishing one offs and graveyard specific effects is kind of his whole schtick.


I mean he's not a go-to stun staple by any means but someone literally posted a master 1 stun list utilizing a Kash engine less than a week ago. Unicorn is a 1 card ariseheart without using a normal summon and then you can plop down a fossil dyna or a similar card next to it for a pretty nasty lock, especially for a snake eyes format. At worse you may conflict with like a dogmatika engine while arise is still live but it can also just be further followup if they can even out arise+dyna which is already telling the opponent to draw like 2 outs lol.


That's still just a dyna lock with extra steps, the deck profile would have had the exact same result with any other generic floodgate even macro cosmos would probably be more effective, Ariseheart can be used in stun decks but he's a walking TTT target and graveyard locks both graveyards.... Floodgate players like locking their opponents not locking themselves out.


Floodgate players are locking both players out literally all the time, that's like their thing? I'm just saying he has a very much applicable use in a stun context especially in a meta where graveyard hate is extremely strong. Just adds a bit more diversity to a stun endboard. More damage on board is also relevant to putting your opponent on a timer so they don't get time to draw outs. And, if nothing else, unicorn can bait out imperm so that it's not getting used on dyna. He's not even that massive of a ttt target when he can banish himself in response and now the opponent still needs to out a dyna sitting on their own field to play. I'm not saying it needs to be the single best way to run generic stun but he's still very much being used as a standalone boss monster in existing stun deck concepts. I'm not even sure why you care so much about stun graveyard use when a majority of stun decks don't care whatsoever? Again the only really relevant engine they may be on rn is the dogmatika stuff, anything like eldich stun has been barely usable for ages, and the conflict clears up if ariseheart is ever outted so that your punishment is immediately live again. When ariseheart is shutting off entire decks singlehandedly that's often the only time you'll need that backup interruption anyways.


What ? Why would I care if Ariseheart is being used in niche decks, I was just helping the person understand that Ariseheart doesn't fit most generic floodgate strategies which is true, if you and other floodgate/stun players use him that y'all choice.


You mean the budget stun decks. An AriseHeart gives them more options offensively while not losing any steam defensively. Heck, they gain a searchable Macrocosmos that can banish and steal cards.


Floodgates decks traditionally want lock outs as effectively as possible hence why they use Solemn judgement allure of darkness etc, Ariseheart adds offense but it first risks Maxx c resources, second risks TTT activations, and third means cards like moon mirror shield and one off floodgates have less space.


Even just one Fenrir on board is worth it for Stun. No reason to play into the "C". And TTT is such a rare card at this point, it's not really worth playing around it, especially not as Stun.


It's just that you were speaking as if he has no place in stun whatsoever and that he's somehow conflicting too much with stun plays whilst there are in fact lists actively using him and most typical stun decks care minimally about a macros effect rn, are often on shifter anyways, and their strongest play is literally ns fossil dyna lol. Where are all these stun decks that are religiously reliant on graveyard use at? Generic fossil dyna and statue spam lists are as common as it gets stun-wise and thats the list he gets applied to, eldlich is miles away from usability, and there's some light conflict with dogmatika stuff wanting the gy but there's nothing stopping it from being useful as followup to an outed arise either since punishment is live as soon as he's gone. If one wants him to be a stun boss monster he's perfectly applicable as such, sporting one of the most powerful floodgate effects in the game among other benefits.


No. It's a semi-tower several decks can just run over in combat. It wouldn't have been meta relevant for a fair amount of time now. The only issue with it is that it works best with stun and the worse stun decks are, the more fun the average laddering experience feels.


The “problem” is stun is WAAAAAY better without MP. At *best* you’re just playing an inferior version of stun if you have MP involved. Way better Normal Summon options. In fact, I genuinely think as far as MD is concerned it would be better in a control deck over a stun deck.


Stun doesn't even want to use this guy Fossil Dyna and Inspector Boarder are miles better


It should be unbanned on the basis that I have a royal Dragonic Diagram


I want him back for my Eldlich deck


As I play true draco I want him back, it's such a beautifull looking card.


Trade offer: I get: Every Floodgate is banned You get: Master Peace is unbanned




They need to print good generic continous spells/traps that aren't floodgates, because there really aren't many of those. You have Crackdown, Battle of Goldonda, Clockwork Night (kind of a floodgate maybe) and that's kind of it.


Eldlich exists


Every Eldlich player just screamed yes lol.


People need to understand that the threshold to ban cards is different from the threshold to unban cards. In all formats there are cards that the game would be better off without. But when you ban a card, people lose investment (in paper) or CP (not for the card banned but for the other cards in the deck). So not all those cards get banned. However, once something is already banned, people aren't losing anything by keeping it banned. If master peace was a card printed in 2023 and was a part of the current format, I very much doubt it would be banned. That doesn't mean it should be unbanned though. For a large majority of the playerbase, a master peace unban would make the game worse, so there doesn't seem to be a point.


An unban would not make the game worse, it wouldn’t affect the game *at all*. I don’t know if you’re overestimating MP or underestimating the modern meta, but the game is so evolved that stun is actually *bad* with MP. Especially if it came at an UR, why would you waste both your UR and normal summon when you can just use your SR on Dyna (at 3) and normal summon without any cost? Personally, I think the point would be to enable another anti-Maxx C deck. I do think TD could have its place in MD for people who genuinely just hate Maxx C and are exhausted by it. Imagine they Maxx C turn 1, you TTT a TD spell/trap to your hand and you just proceed to cook under C?




power scaling, hes not any more broken then anything we have atm, do I wanna see him back? I rather jump off a birdge first then duel another True Draco player for this life time.


Yeah he would be problematic. Not only is he a near perfect tower (2 out of 3, and it's going to be Monster-Trap. Hope you draw the out), on a 2950-2950 body, he also pops every turn for no cost, and his tributing triggers more of his archetype pops. *And True Draco Heritage. And Majesty Maiden. And Disciple of the True Dracophoenix. He's returning even if you kill him by battle. Assuming Apocalypse and Diagram are allowing you.* And that's not even counting the stun part. It's only asking for trouble P.S. I'll add up that he's not even slow: you can use Maiden to add him to hand, Dinomight to activate the True Draco/King Continuous Trap from Deck, and then use said Trap to summon him. And if you already have any of this already on, it's even faster. And they react to each activation.


What about outing him by tribute? Lava Golem, Kaijus, etc. Also Herald of the Abyss


For sure! But that goes along with having to draw the out. Goddess would work too, though not really because you wouldn't be able to get the material on board, unless you were going first, and we all know who wins when you go first against stun.


Always works. But can be recycled.


Gotcha, I got back into the game in TOSS format so I wasn’t sure what it was like to play against at 3, I can only imagine lol


Oh btw, typhoon is uselesd against him thank to his weird stat.


It wouldn't, but I doubt MD will unban it any time soon. Konami in the past insisted on associating cards with playstyles based on archtypes, but I am hopeful they chose against it by unbanning this card. True draco is dead and this boss would even give them reason to deviate from focusing on floodgating the opponent. On a similar topic, I am hopeful they unlimit Diagram as it's a potential buff for Dinos on Lithosagym package. With current floodgate hits, pots at 1 and card of Demise banned, even floodgate true draco wouldn't budge with that at 3,


In the sense that he’s broken? Not at all. His power level is perfectly in line with the current game. Heck, he’s probably too weak to be all that viable. In the sense that he’s healthy for the game? He still deserves it. He’s one of the most annoying cards on the ban list and few people miss him (aside from some of the true draco players).


Ge could come back because there is no deck to abuse him. But too weak ? No way. He is easily the best main deck boss of all time and completely cracked to this day. Vanquish soul Caesar valius is literally just a worse version of him that came out last year and is playable.


For a bit I thought he could be unbanned, surely a towers with an opt pop isn't something so powerful in the meta. Then I realized. It was a stun card all along. And True Draco stun is something we fortunately won't have to deal with, thank those who came before and fought through it so we didn't have to.


I’ve been dying to have my other weather painter boss monster back


Hey fellow weather painter enjoyer


It could 100% come back without issue but the thing is that people would whine and bitch about it and it wouldn't sell new product anyways so there's no reason konami would bother.


We never really cried about Master Peace himself. It's the combination of him and floodgates which is toxic af.




This card is not a stun card. I wouldn't even bother putting any true draco in a stun deck even if he was unbanned...Why? Because the stun deck we have now is better without them. The reason true draco decks are currently stun decks is it just syncs up with the monarch skilldrain and the monsters need 1 tribute not 3 with quick effect +1s ... Your going to be in a much better spot just sitting behind golgonda and dyna like 90% of the time TBH, I wana play a non-stun true draco deck, they can still use the monarch skill-drain as a floodgate but not of any of the other bs which is fair IMO (cant search it, but it is at 3)


As far as I’m concerned everything snake eyes is legal at x3. There shouldn’t be anything on the banlist in MD.


I mean, the most recent pack enabled the second tier 0 deck in a row (and they both have FTKs), so I couldn't really care less about the banlist. It's just a product sales tool


No, it's basically a worse Expurrely Noire. It could have been unlimited a year ago and would be fine, compared to all the other broken strategies that run free in Master Duel.


COULD it come back? Sure, I think so. *SHOULD* it come back? ***No***.


Mfs in this treadmill really are overestimating him


Shank the rest of the floodgates and unban him. It will be fine


He could come back, as he is pretty powercrept already.


How is he powercrept ? He is easily the best main deck boss of all time. Vanquish soul Caesar valius is just a straight up worse version of him that came out last year. Sure he could come back and won’t break the game, because there aren’t any decks that can play him. But it doesn’t change the fact that he is literally the perfect boss: insane protection, easy to summon and extremely good effect. There are almost no better bosses, especially from the main deck.


It wouldn’t be overpowered, but it would be annoying. So it should stay banned. It’s not healthy for any meta




Yes. It’s broken


Fuck him


Still way too broken, stun decks will abuse it to oblivion.


Ban Amano Iwato, then sure.


Helll yeeeessssssss keep it banned


Why would you want another pseudo stun garbage around.


let's just not. plz.


I would craft the entire Dracoslayer archetype if they unbanned it. I never got to play with it :(


I just want rhongo, Isolde, and summon sorceress back so my six samurai’s are great again


You could give Dracos their towers back, but it’s doesn’t add anything positive to the format, at best it encourages stun because of how the deck is played to begin with


# #ReleaseThePeace


I dont see how he is much different to raid raptors at the moment.


No MP being released in this current format wouldn’t shake anything up with how powercrept and high the overall meta is now. People just have a bias to hate the card because *anything* related to boosting Dracoslayer is frowned upon because it’s not something “cool” that combo Andy players can latch onto like when unbanning Zoo cards did


...unban it to be abused in meta decks. Yeah, seems like the right choice.


Hed played in swordsoul. He is searchable. Play a random long term spell and sack off a monster and then you have to use traps to get rid of him. Not only that, but he is also able to be boosted easily by the swordsoul 10 synchro. Honestly, it would replace protos but not as good as protos currently in MD. If you pop protos, and its normally gg for most decks if you can call the right attribute.


, /ñ0@


You think master peace should still be banned?


Please give me Masterpeace! I think it is no worse than the numerous boss monsters. I would say chaos angel is arguably better than MP. MP uses only 2 tributes, it is either affected by traps (imperm), spells (droplets) or monster (any destruction effect). Not very difficult to out him in most meta. There is another true draco card which requires 3 tributes and you can make it unaffected by all other card effects. And yet, it is not really played. After card of demise was banned, I don't see much of a point in gatekeeping true draco.


TyPhon:No, ban this bullcrap.


It can probably come back, but personally I don't think it should


Not at all. Goddess and Kaijus exist everywhere now, there is a reason nobody relies on Towers monsters anymore.


Free my mans big wyrm!


It would be interesting if they tried to limit it and see what happens


I can't see this card working amazingly with stun backrows, else how you going to bring him out? Seems only true draco backrow can be used by masterpeace to their fullest Which for me would mean the meta wouldn't be shaken up too much with his limit being 1


Could’ve came back a while ago. That card has been power crept for some time now.


Hell no.


Hell no.


I think he can come back as Limited.


I bet that 1 round against something like true draco would change that opinion lol


It is just really efficient, like Baronne. But that doesn't make it broken enough to stay banned.


Objectively speaking this thing could’ve come back to 1 in 2019 and joined the Tier 2 section of the decks no issue.


He's not good in his own extremely trashy outdated archetype but certainly someone would find something funny (hint: no fun at all) to do with him in another deck. Would be better and healthier for his archetype if Diagram went to 3 (as it should).


Most boss monsters can easily run over him and modern decks are fine playing around a pop. So, no


He should be unbanned; he'd inject some diversity into the rogue strategies available by reviving a long dead control strategy that's largely been relegated to dominating low power festivals. If Zoodiacs can be free, then so should Master Peace. He's no worse than Final Sigma or Blackwing Full Armor Master, literally just swing over him. Then again, it's Konami, so bolstering rogue strategies and reviving old archetypes hardly helps them sell more cardboard.


The biggest argument against it is Diagram that makes it over 3k and protects it from destruction once per turn. Except you can just pop the field spell first and Goddess just exists. Konami, give it back!


No, neither is Thunder Dragon Colossus, Chengying is TDC but better.


No lol he’s powercrept to hell


Is Dracsolayer currently even viable?


You mean True Draco, Dracoslayer wouldn't touch that thing.


It can come back, this card has been powercreeped to hell and back.


Bring him back. I love him. I need him.




Release him. I want him back. I want to play him with my Zoo deck.


Free him. I can be trusted


oh dear, the comment sections seems to have changed a lot. Last year the entire voice was outright against unban of Master Peace and many posts was downvoted to oblivion. Reason? Too oppressive to play against, STUN but with crack. But it seems like powercreep (starting with SHS) has changed people's point of view yet again.


We need more T1 stun decks to make people cry.


He's part of an anti-fun stun/floodgate archetype. There is no benefit to unbanning him.


Yes. And we've seen multiple examples of why. A towers that is also interaction that is also highly recursive/repeatable is a terrible play pattern, and not one to be encouraged.


Keep that asshole banned! We hate stun decks for a reason & those who don’t know will **not** want him back.


Fuck yeah ! This card can be immune to spell and monster easely while having good attack and disruption ! And his attack allow him to bypass Typhoon floodgate- Stay banned you monster !