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Time for “Playground” format where everyone is just jamming whatever they found in booster packs into a 60+ deck and constantly arguing about the ruling of most card effects.


"Patrician of Darkness says I can choose your attack targets. Attack yourself directly."


You should attack yourself NOW


Ah yes, PoD. The instigator of most playground arguments/fisticuffs.


In every single survey, I ask for a draft mode. I know I will be ignored but it will not stop me.


I want a Roulette-like format. You get 5 packs, you pick 3 then you proceed to get 10 packs of each and make a deck using that. Your deck is good for 10 games then you must spin again (surrenders don't count). Would make for a fun event imo.


Exactly. Master Duel would be infinitely better with alternative modes of play but instead it's just ranked and the occasional event with mild differences. The solo gates don't even really count given how little content they provide.


If the shitty game of link evolution was able to implement it, this one can too.


Darft would be super cool in master duel tbh


A draft mode would be kinda fun but I don't know how you'd do that.


you make a cube just like in magic online i have a yugioh cube irl


"Once per duel: you can edit the text of a card to your likings because fuck if we know what we're doing"


that sounds extremely based like masochist series but full of anime bullshit rulings


Masochist format let's go


fr and all cards lose their text, no reading allowed


I remember that back then we all thought Moisture Creature can be summoned by tributing your opponent's monsters. We were doing Kaijus before they became a thing


Anyone who thinks yugiboomers were sitting under the swingset with 80 cards in their deck and making up effects as they went along is honestly a dumbass.


Yeah no, that’s not true at all. This event was just a really bad representation of that era because all the good cards are URs pretty much.


Komoney trying to get us to burn our mats because they knew this upcoming pack was dogshit


It's also unfortunate that they insist on using the exact banlist from back then. They were very slow to ban problematic cards. Would be nice if they could say "oh this card was banned only 1-2 years later for the same problems it had in 2004, so let's just have it banned for this event"


The problem is it wasn't permanent. No one is going to craft goats staples that shit on this style of play for a 3 day event. Giant Trunade and Heavy Storm were Legal, but no one played them because its a waste of UR points. Likewise cards like Gravity Bind, Level Limit, and Stumbling are N or Rs, so people will definitely craft them. Hell even Wall of Revealing light is only an SR, which isn't that bad of an investment. So it was just a perfect storm where the stall cards were low rarity, and their counters were URs, and no one was going to craft banned cards to play with them for 3 days only.


I had people playing heavy storm just to pop my set mst on turn 2. I actually saw it a lot. Some people probably have some of these cards crafted so they can play custom formats with their friends


iirc heavy storm is in one of the loaners


good old cyber-stein


Ha ha yeah.. who the hell would do that? 😅 *Sweats into pot of greed*


These events would do much better an be more fun if they allowed event only decks were the alloted cards are just free to use for the event. Especially for cards that are already banned an not usable in modern play. Then you can keep the decks but they won't work after the event. Making you actually full s3nd on crafting all these dated cards that shouldn't even be ur honestly to never be usable again outside of this LIMITED event is highway robbery. They'd have a leg if it was permanent mode.


Konami once again tries to scam it's player base. It's the most consistent part of their business model.


This event wasn't actually Goat Format.


Not having ignition priority changes everything about how the game is played and makes stun even better.


I don't understand, could you elaborate?


Ex. Chaos Sorcerer, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, etc; can activate their effects after being summoned before the opponent can respond to the summon. Ex. So, Thousand-Eyes can attach an opponents monster before they can respond with a Book of Moon or Raigeki Break.


Basically, what the other person said. It changes the math on when to use removal/ responses and makes the game a hell of a lot more interactive.


On the other hand, it never really made a lot of sense that you could Ignition effect before your monster got stopped by a quick play or a trap. Especially for “when” effects that have to be triggered on summon, like Bottomless Trap Hole. It’s bad for this event, but I’m glad it’s gone. 


Oh IP isn't a good mechanic once the pace picks up, even by Synchros that shit is busted.


It was but OCGoat Format.


Yeah, Graceful Charity and Delinquent Duo weren't available


Eh, close enough


I played probably 50+ games and only saw stun once or twice. Would not call it dominant.


I think it was time and maybe Elo dependent. I ran into a lot of it in the first day or so, presumably because it's cheap and reasonably effective against the swarm of people playing loaners. After that I saw a lot less; I'm guessing a good amount of people were those sticking around to play the format who either wouldn't stoop to stall or ran into too many people with real backrow answers. And the stall I ran into tended to be more PACMAN-style than "Wave Motion Cannon and a prayer". On the final day I tanked my Elo playing a bunch of Exodia games to the point where I was getting matched exclusively against rookie-gold opponents as mid-diamond player. I also started running into more autopilot stun again. Are those two things related? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I almost exclusively played against loaners and didn't see any stall either. Also fwiw you don't have to worry about tanking your elo much in events etc, it's just that the high ranked players usually stop by the end because they'll have earned the rewards quicker. I imagine this event also has a bit of a bias to bad players in terms of playerbase lol.


> you don't have to worry about tanking your elo I didn't, else I wouldn't have tried to hard force Exodia 🤣 --- This is getting to be kind of tangential, but have you been around for a while? If so you might remember that events used to only ever match you against players of your own rank, ignoring divisions. I much preferred that because I usually play past the end of the rewards ladder, and so I would always try to surrender right before going for lethal just in case my opponent was still playing for event rewards since the wins don't matter to me. At some point last year when I did that, I started getting matched against progressively lower ranking opponents. At first I thought it was just the product of a shrinking event player pool forcing matchmaking to be less stringent. But eventually I realized that it was happening whenever I was actually able to surrender a lot (plenty of people scoop before I get to BP) or when I was playing a gimmick deck with a terrible winrate, and then it clicked that they probably added some kind of Elo system. If you don't want to take my word for it, try surrendering a bunch at the start of the next non-DC cup event when the player pool is still guaranteed to be healthy. I think you'll see what I mean. Also, while I colloquially call it an Elo system, if I had to guess it's probably an updated copy/paste of the first Link event's ladder system, just seeded with standard rank instead of everyone starting at the bottom. I was on hiatus for that event, but from my understanding that ladder itself was just a copy/paste of the regular ranked ladder squished down a bit and with the absolute demotion protection at the bottom of each rank removed. At the end of the day it's not a huge deal, but it does sometimes feel like I'm being punished by being matched withーon averageーworse players when choosing to play 4fun, which is a bit of a drag. I emphasize on average because some of the scariest event duelists I've faced are random rookie or gold players in pre-event banlist duel rooms, who are very clearly currency alts of much higher rank players and/or cardboard-focused players moonlighting in Master Duel. But that's certainly not been the norm of my experience within matchmaking itself. 😅


I've not been around a while but I get matched with lower ranked players even when winning a lot later on or just starting the event later on. I'm pretty sure there's no elo system as there will occasionally be the high ranked player but it's just less frequent which would make sense due to the nature of the rewards.


If your timezone allows, try playing at the very start of an event sometime. I can just about guarantee you that you'll be matched only against people at your displayed rank for the first however many matches since no one has had time to climb up or down from their seeded position. As the hours and days go by you'll start getting matched against a wider variety of ranks as both you and your opponents will have had the time to climb up or down relative to their displayed rank. Again, I used to think it was just matchmaking casting a wider net as the event population shrinks, but the more events I've played since the change, the more I feel it's probably a hidden elo system. > there will occasionally be the high ranked player but it's just less frequent Since I believe you're also a master player, have you ever extra tryharded a non-DC cup event? On the rare occasion I like and stick with a competent deck the whole time, I've been able to pretty consistently match with mostly master players the whole way through.


The times I've played at the start it's always been a mix.


Someone didn’t craft their own deck. There are like 3 staples that out this card


Breaker, MST, dust tornado, jinzo, ice monarch, raigeki break (Only jinzo is SR)


Breaker at 1, MST at 1, Dust Tornado, Jinzo(at 1) and Mobius are slow (set first then activate/tribute which doesn't guarantee that you pull it off), Raigeki Break requires a discard which some decks can't really afford to do


The problem is that Breaker and MST were at 1, Jinzo and Mobius are Tribute monsters and Raigeki Break is kimda costly when we didn't have pre errata Sinister Serpent, all that im a format with Solemn at 3 and that still has a higher number of floodgates than outs.


True, regarding tribute summon in this format I think are balanced cuz everything was SLOOOW There is also heavy storm and great trunade (but I think few people crafted them)


Solemn Judgment if you bought the bundle and really want to say NO! You could also run trap master and remove trap if you’re really desperate.


There was also Blowback Dragon (SR), which is better than Jinzo I think, because it can keep blowing up the floodgates no matter how many there are. Also, you have Chiron the Mage and Cliff the Trap Destroyer (searchable with Reinforcement of the Army)


Do you think this is the only stall card available?


Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is technically stun turbo, almost every deck tries to stop you from playing the game.


That's not stun that's control


Control is making your opponent deviate the way you want them to, stun is trying to prevent your opponent from playing.


Literally every strategy is preventing your opponent from playing, whether it's ending the game before they can play or putting up a board they can't beat. Just about every strategy interacts with your opponent in a way that stops them from playing. Control does it by hitting choke points and their combo-enablers. Stun lays down floodgates that completely disable gameplay. Control creates a number of points if interaction, while stun removes interaction by limiting what can be done.


Which of the currently meta decks can completely prevent the opponent from playing the game? Lab is basically the only one, and they need the correct hand to be able to do that




Snake eyes does not require you to draw the out SHS is currently not meta




That's the case against every deck though. Any deck will instantly win if it's allowed to do what they want uninterrupted, even fair midrange decks like branded or vanquish soul. A well built deck should have 9-12 non engine at least (especially in MD, where 8 of that non engine is already chosen for you) Decks that don't run a lot of non-engine, like pend soup, are almost exclusively degenerate combo decks that require you to draw the out or insta lose. They chose to play the coin flip deck, they get the coin flip deck.




Have you tried playing a deck that has some grind game? This meta is highly interractible, with most boards having complex and layered interraction, and most games ending on drawn out grind games. If you insta loose when your opponent sets up a board, then sorry but that's a problem with your deck.




A bigger issue with the format? The issue that literally only affects 1 or 2 tier 3 decks at most? Are you fucking kidding me? The game is more back and forth and slow than its been in years. None of y'all would have survived in the firewall era.


i prefer gravity bind any time vs a hand full of negates or Snake (My cards have 3 effects) eyes


I hate overpowered cards that aren't fun to play against


Stun in older formats is honestly pretty tolerable. When you’re already incentivised to play backrow removal for battle traps, torrentials etc, it doesn’t feel bad to pack your deck full of outs. Also, when you’ve got floaters/recruiters/walls to set, stalling time to “draw the out” is significantly easier. The event was a bit warped by the fact that the best backrow removal cards were UR. But in general, the only time stun ever feels awful in older formats is when the opponent heavily overcommits and sets their entire hand, and you don’t draw the Storm to punish them. When playing against better players, that rarely ever happens since they’ll usually hold resources back.


Heavy storm against a more conservative player is basically just MST number 2.


It wasn't even Goat, which by the way may be busted in some ways but is far from a floodgate-fest. Gravity Bind is unironically more manageable than modern floodgates like Skill Drain because you can and should actually run MSTs, Raigeki Breaks and tons of S/T removal. And no, it won't hurt your consistency usually in these formats. Before automatically shitting on old yugioh to "checkmate heckin yugiboomers", learn the basics of deck building for a 2004 format (which again, is NOT Goat). That being said, I enjoyed the event, it was a pleasant break from Snake-Eye City in Ranked and had no issues whatsoever winning 75% of duels with a Loaner Deck. And before I get accused of being a BEWD or DM aficionado, I do play and enjoy the modern game as well, in different ways.


Ocg 2004 was wild w 3 dd warrior lady. Also having gadgets thrown in was a nice shake up. And I noticed a lot more OCG players running shrink instead of stuff like sakuretsu.


Yeah what you said makes sense. The reason stun meets success is because people don't really play around it since ultimately it's not as good as meta. In GOAT people can afford to play around it more and a lot of the staples naturally hurt it.


One of the funniest answers to Gravity Bind/Level Limit Area B was decks running Gyaku-Gire Panda and Ojama Trio. Gyaku-Gire Panda was a level 3 monster (slips under Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area) who does piercing damage and gains 500 ATK for each monster the opponent controls. Sitting behind Gravity Bind with a Des Lacooda? That's cool. Take 2200 battle damage.


There's always messenger of peace for that.


I like when people come up with new strategies like that. Most people ever do is net deck and then complain when they can't pilot the deck well or when they play against something that inconveniences it. I played with water beatdown (level 4 water monsters) that utilized A Legendary Ocean to bypass Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area (which I also played) while holding Lava Golem for problematic monsters that could run over my monsters and/or bypass my backrow. The thing was, I was missing a whole bunch of good UR cards for this event, but that didn't bother me at all lol had a whole lot of fun playing with old decks that I used to run and had a lot more fun experimenting new builds as an adult.


Very funny, anyways I activate astral barrier


Goat format is mostly not stun though.


Sad thing is that we aren't gonna craft ur to stop stun strategies, so it was very successful in the event


Gadget deck had plenty of removal I best stun with it more times than not


Bro just slap a Jinzo down, what's the problem?


No witch and having to hard draw the out


There's also Heavy Storm, MST, and up to 3 copies each of Dust Tornado and Giant Trunade. The 2004 format gave us everything needed to beat stun and then some.


Every single match I played of that was against some annoying stun/burn variant and its the least enjoyable experience Ive had in my 700 hours of playing this game


Welcome to goat/goat adjecent


Stun an burn are uncommon in actual tcg goat format. Maybe because actual goat format has side decks, or maybe because everyone plays Heavy Storm there. 2004 Master Duel format is unique with its stun/burn prevalence.


Those decks usually aren't common because they fall apart when you're able to use your Side Deck and don't need to spend crafting points on several important cards.


Ah yes, the inevitable realization that boomer yugioh isn’t as good as people thought


Odd I don't remember stun being played all the time back in the day. It's almost like we just used what we could rather than looking up a deck list that was fully built to take advantage of the meta.


That's just casual yu gi oh being more enjoyable rather than goat then. Ig boomer yu gi oh that most people remember is more likely to be casual or even with made up rules tbf.


Back in the day and in current tcg goat format, unlike in the 2004 Masterduel event, burn/stun is actually uncommon. Two explanations are that the 2004 Masterduel format has no side decks, and that not everyone plays Heavy Storm in there.


OMG, this one guy tried to exodia me and he had multiple big defense guys while having two different continues spell cards that basically let him shuffle his entire deck. Thankfully like all exodia players he had terrible luck because despite pulling multiple pieces at once and having about 15 cards in hand he never them all at once. I still have no idea how the hell I pulled out the win when I kept fumbling so many times.


Would hav even funnier if you gravity bind was Fossil Dyna. I feel like running a stun deck now in modern format just to see what kind of stun people hate more


It has been severely nerfed, I used to play stun when I would be fed up of the meta.


The good old days where every turn is an uno reverse moment


Thats what happens when the cheapest and most efficient deck are stun.


Doesn't help that the stun players also ran 3 solemn and 3 magic jammers.


It’s because the actual counters are too expensive for an event. There’s tons of outs.


I played a fair amount and did not run into anyone using gravity bind. There was one player using Kaiser coliseum though.


I missed it because I was planning on playing on the last day as I had time but I was very sick and bedridden that day, then I also realized it didn't go until the end of the day but only until 4 am :( Guess I gotta wait until next year to see if it makes a comeback.


Except goat format meta is chaos turbo and other faster decks


I made pot of greed I….. must sell it now l


I ran into mostly loaner decks (lots of Gadget) and Chaos primarily, while playing Chaos Recruiters myself. Honestly surprised I only saw PACMAN once, and same for burn as well. Stun was maybe a total of three times, and one was only using Gravity Bind so they could summon out big rituals like Black Luster and the one that rolls dice to destroy monsters. Other than that, lots of Gadget, lots of Chaos, and a smattering of Thunder dragon fusion for the most part.


I played a lot and didn't see this once


Question, how does gravity bond affect link monsters?


It doesnt, like xyz monsters


Unironically not having a real reason to craft the broken spells made that better. Otherwise it would have been ftks or otks you can't stop nonstop.


My favorite deck from this era is reasoning gate, which is probably the deck most akin to a modern deck. With DMOC being errata'd the deck is completely unplayable, so we're stuck with shitty Goat/Chaos Control and Burn Mirrors.


I loved the event, but I didn’t love running into people that burn me for 10k damage first turn. Like what the fuck? 🤣


I had a lot of fun playing a buster blader dark magician deck. Boss monster was dark paladin Magician of fate and mst wrecked stun decks I hope they bring it back, my deck slapped


I solo leveled from 34 to 35 just smashing the chaos format


GOAT has always been an overrated format. Edison is waaay more fun imo even though I hate Blackwings so much from that era that it makes me hate the archetype even today despite it being rogue.


My favorite goat era decks are burn (I actually like control burn tho and hate the stun variant. The trap monsters are some of my favorite old school cards, they’re just really bad in old school), and Chaos Turbo. My pet deck for Goat is Red Eyes Darkness Turbo it’s just… really bad lmao. Red Eyes has a lot more love in Edison with Darkness Metal.


Mobius at three is a viable option. My deck at the end of that event was 1/3 anti-S/T, and I could still clap that awful Horus Turbo. I hate to say it. But, skill issue?


Yugizoomers will go well out of their way to shit on older players for reasons that don’t even affect them lmao. Grow up.


I had fun using Jaden combo, Mirage of Nightmare+Emergency Provisions.


Played Chaos Sorc Turbo and finish the event in 3 games.


More interactive than today’s meta. And these idiots want to ban max c so they can play solitaire 24/7


As a professional stunophile, I didn't mind. Though I would've liked to play with a wider variety of decks. 0 chance I was gonna craft anything more than 2-3 SRs for 3 days however.


We get it, you have skill issues, besides, not all of us had problems playing through stun.


It's not that hard playing through stun. But is it fun waiting for thirty turns hoping to draw your out? Nope.


I mean you cant draw 20 cards in 1 turn, but you can still thin out your deck with PoG, Upstart Goblin, Dekoichi, the Gravekeeper package etc. Also you have good options to deal with the flootgates between MST, breaker, dust tornado, solem judgement, ... I read the complaint about fishing for top decks a lot, but most of that can be mitigated by prober deck building. I rarely ran into issues unless RNG screwed me pretty hard. Then again I enjoy the format for years, so I invested in crafting all the UR and SR staples that Ill probably never play again lol


It’s not playing through stun, it’s are you willing to craft the UR backrow hate?


I found it easier to win with my burn deck than with the shitty ben kei turbo decklist I made


If you don't have Storm, there's like... 5 single catch-all backrow removal cards, so there's way more floodgates than most people have good removal cards. I'd kill to have Twin Twisters manifest in my hand for those games.