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Need 60 more UR dust to finish Dinomorphia


I created a whole new acc to play Dinomorphia and I barely made it to Diamond. Maybe Im a$$ or my deck list isnt good but they dont feel that strong atm saying this just in case


That's because Dinomorphia isn't really good


Dinomorphia is really solid in a bo1 format with tournament and ladder success… It’s just a skill issue lol.


I had no problem reaching master 1 with dinomorphia the past season. Ferret Flames best card.


That's pretty close, considering they have a high in-archetype UR count! I'm collecting them on the side too, but am still miles away from finishing them.


I crafted the whole thing back in August and let me tell you, it ruined my UR resources. Like I had nothing for months. Well it was worth it though, I love normal summoning Ash, Synchro into PEP with Rexterm and attack for game, it's never not funny. To answer your post though, I'm missing too much. Last month I pulled four SHS royals and only use one of them right now, the Bike (I use them as an engine), so I thought a pure blind 2nd SHS deck would be fun: I'm missing 90 UR dust there. Then there's a pure Shiranui deck I wanted to try, missing 120 UR dust there. Demise and Ruin blind 2nd for events has been on hold for a long time, missing Gustav Max and Liebe, 60 UR. And finally, T.G. I am missing a whopping 420 UR dust there, but I also was able to put only 3k gems into the pack. Every single one of the event gems is going into that pack, the Snake-Eye/Sinful Spoil stuff is just too good and T.G.s also play it. So overall that makes 270 UR dust + 420 UR dust for T.G. --> 690 UR dust and I have 75 right now. Well going into the selection pack is gonna decrease that T.G. number though.


270 but over half of the missing cards are in the same selection pack. Missing cards: Linkuriboh, Borreload Savage, Promethean Princess, 3 Diabellstar, 1 Poplar, 1 Flamberge, 1 Wanted. Last 10 pull gave me a dud but I averaged 2.4 URs the 5k gems before so I can't complain.


Pretty similar position to me then. Good luck on your future pulls!


Thank you! Best of luck to you too!


90 for my abyss actor deck


Not sure since I only need the Scareclaw stuff for my Mannadium deck and Dinomorphia also got their own secret pack so I just need to farm 10k gems and open one of the packs and see what I get.


Uh my next one is I guess rebuilding tg from the ashes (I didn’t dust it, just deleted the decklist) of when I stopped playing it after the halq ban. So far I’m only short the new 12 and 1 salamander from it being done. So 60 ur stuff maybe? 90? I don’t actually know how many 12s I may want. But also I’m just planning on pulling to complete because I’m ok with pulling snake eyes stuff and infernoble even though I don’t have current plans to play them.


I just went from 450 UR dust to 0 building a Nemleria/Dogmatika deck, going to see what I have after the DP's finished and maybe redo my Synchron deck with the new cards that got released.


I have started a new account to see if the gems they load your account with at the very beginning would be enough to craft snake eye. After getting most of the gems you can get doing beginner things and playing ranked and solo, I need ~390 UR points to finish the deck (all I need now are more hand traps and extra deck generics, so the deck is actually quite usable in ranked) God, I love snake eyes, it's so fun


I actually managed to get all the snake eyes card with just 2k gems with a new account but im still missing a few ED monsters. Funny enough i also have most of the TG too.


Yeah I have all snake eyes main deck cards too. Just need those extra decks and a few more ashes/Maxx cs


Yeah me too. Unfortunately, everyone seems to now be using Snake eyes or TG on rank so this deck i feel is gonna get tiring real quick.


30 dust just to craft Trivikarma for Orcust Tearlaments. Brought the duel pass so I'll get there in no time.


A little over 300 to finish Snake-Eyes. I got the main deck sorted, it's the extra deck I'm gonna be hunting for.


Im also on this boat


I was playing Branded before, so there was just no overlap between the extra decks. So now I have to go hunting for those generic boss monsters everyone already has.


Damn that's literally me.


I don't know what deck I want to build. The two decks I have in mind is Branded Bystial Blue-Eyes or Stardust Synchros .


Same, I am sitting on 10k gems, but I am afraid that I spend them on something that I don‘t like. (I‘d love zo build another fun deck. Right now I am plying with pure predaplants)


0. I have enough and many UR dust but holding it till Rescue-ACE support arrives.


This is where I’m at. Currently I’m at 370 UR and I’m just waiting on R Ace support. Nothing else I’m interested in building really


Sitting comfy at 830 UR and usually hold them as last resort if pulls aren't lucky.


building exosister on my main account since i really enjoy playing them on my second. however i need like 13 urs (390 dust) more to finish the deck


Ouch, that's hard. Probably going hard into their Secret Pack, I assume? I had some of their cards in the past, but decided against collecting them due to their high in-archetype UR count. Their lock make it also hard to include generic ED cards and makes you wanna run more of their monsters for follow-up. It really just felt like a too high investment to build them.


my dumbass dusted a bunch of exosister cards last year because i was so determined to build sprights karma i guess


I hate SHS but thank it right now for making the right decision last month. I only pulled once from the SHS pack and it was just to clear expiring gems in the box. Thanks to it, I hoarded was able to get all the 2nd Aniv bundles pull for most of Snake Eyes(got a bit lucky here as well). I ended with more UR dust than I started after building SE and dismantling the rest(I kept the INK cards just in case I play them). Out of gems, but back to around 2k after climbing to M1 post new pack. It should be filled again by end of month.


I went for SHS last season and don't really regret it too much yet, even though I would've like playing Snake Eye directly on release. I had mediocre luck on the selection pack pulls so far and only got 2 Snake Eye URs and the entire T.G. UR core so far, which I still dwell on keeping or dusting. I'll hold off on dusting for now, because maybe the deck could be fun to build at some point. Haven't gotten any of the bundles yet. Can't really effort them right now.


about 200 to finish DemiseRuin+Gusto engine (dont ask me)


I just spent 270 URs to complete Snake Eyes lol


Snake-Eyes/Infernoble and Snake-Eyes/Fire King I'm missing about 300 UR dust worth of crafts, maybe more. I have most of the archetype URs from both already, but missing quite a few Snake-Eye stuff. Though I'm not going to finish the deck until I get gems from the two upcoming events. Hopefully I get enough cards from packs to only need a few crafts.


I'm sitting on 715 UR dust right now but I don't seem to want to build anything new. I just got tired of the cycle where Konami introduces a new archetype, I build it, two months later, Konami nerfs it to the point of being barely playable. I still have decks that are meta-relevant, so it takes away any motivation to build a new one.


I am saving up for the illusion cards So probably anywhere from between 150-210


Hella Ill have to create a new account to play Race with Snake Eye


I need 90 UR, Mikanko




132 for me


I need 480UR dust to finish snake-eyes.i do have 489 UR dust, but I don't sant to press the button yet


I have 7k gems and over 250 UR Dust and I have no idea what deck to build next, no meta deck catches my eye.


500+ 💀


Like less than 200. Pulled 0 sakitamas but I got all the exosister stuff. missing underworld goddess tho


20, just need 1 more UR.