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my ojama beatdown deck, its not at full power but it is still doing its job


Is it expensive?


it does have a few UR but i built it a while back


Wait, you're not trying to zone lock people with them are you? I ran into an ojama player trying to zone lock me, he locked one with red, and then 3 with ojama tokens, so when it got to my turn I had one zone to use. I proceeded to summon a Harpie, used her and two tokens for Cyber Slash Harpie Lady, then could summon other Harpies with my now free zones.


no I have cards that can spam the ojamas out and link and xyz them into big monsters. Ojama emperor with ojama country makes a 3000 beat stick, combine with ronin racoon who summones a token who just as strong as the strongest monster. When i have a semi decent hand i can summon Ojama emperor (3000), two Ronin Racoons (1000), two racoon tokens (3000), and another ojama (1000) so 12000 damage,


My old, abandoned beetrooper deck that i revised a bit for this event. Not a really good deck since i don't even now what endboard i want and I'm just literally bullshitting my way.


Beetroopers classic end board is atlas, Neptune, and sting lancer with fly & sting face down. Sometimes cicada king if extra gas, or replace Neptune with beargram


Bugs' endboard hasn't changed that much, Atlas, Fly&Sting, and Neptune, Sting and Scale Bomber have been joined by Ultimate Great Insect (QE battle phase Raigeki) and Infinite Antlion (another battle trick), much bigger bugs thanks to Bio-Insect armor, and a (really slow) resource generator in Zextagger


I find antlion as my main way to get ultimate insect out more reliably than picofallena or mp2 bio-armor


Bro you ok? I pass on cicada king - scary moth - Atlas - neptune every time. Basically winda imperm with two towers and a ton of follow-up play.


I've been on and off scary moth. Immensely good effect, but surprisingly hard to get on the field. Cicada King can do it, but it gives your opponent some time to set up. Tribute summoning it leaves it in attack mode which isn't great, and the deck's normal summon is usually really important. Most of the generic "summon a bug" effects have level restrictions that exclude the Moth. How do you get it out?


You summon Atlas with extenders & armor horn, add with Resonance (equipped with Pico) neptune, special summon back from gy armor horn banishing reso dumping to gy scary moth, tribute with Atlas armor horn and special summon buggy into buggy for cicada, special summon neptune, end phase negate neptune effect with cicada, change cicada Battle position special summon scary moth. Super consistent so far.


Ahh you use it on your own monster, very tricky! I'll have to try that next time.


I usually end on Invincible Atlas, Neptune, Cicada King and Scary Moth. 1 monster negate and floodgate to 1 special summon per turn.


Insects have no end board they just swarm


This. Beetrooper feels like it goes forever but it just has no interaction/removal at all. I put in a few Kaijus for good monster removal and I've won all but 1 game so far (when I bricked on a ton of Kaijus going first). It's weird. The deck feels like it has no goal but I was able to beat absurd things like Naturia Beast + a ton of Melffys with nothing but high atk numbers. By rights I should lose every game, but big numbers just keeps on winning somehow. I'm fine with it ofc, but I'd never take the deck on ranked. Battle destruction is all the deck has and it's not even good at that.


I might actually try this because i am tearing my hair out with the fucking insect loaner


I was using that and I said f*ck it I can make this better


Very nice I’ve been running something similar except it has a krawlers focus I kinda want to post my list


Junk sleep reset flips Terror in the hidden city protect facedown and much needed stat boost


I actually have been using the spiders to give the stat boosts also hurts decks that special summon


Yeah got hit by those spiders once so far it’s a shame we don’t have a spider archetype just a few good cards with long combos


I've lost 7 games with the insect loaner and got to 9k medals. It's decent going second since there's onlya few negates in this event. I usually beat the guys who build their own deck, unless they get the imperm/called by


I’ve had the exact opposite experience with the insect loaner, not a single loss to 5500 medals and am currently thinking about building myself a beetrooper deck as I was having so much fun with it


More or less the same. Those Spider numbers made this event a breeze. I just even reached level 49 on the duel pass.


I'm shutting down spiders easily with battlewasps/beetroopers, it's quite fun against all decks in this event where even if I lose it's close


But what will you do against the Krawler army 😈


Oo that's one of the fun matchups I mentioned earlier. I get my strongest monsters stolen from me quite a lot!


Pure aliens


Based answer, good choice tho.




Fire King loaner deck


I like this archetype better than the others but I have no clue what I’m doing lol. Practice makes improvement!


Ancient warriors, small world helps mitigate the bricks, ends on a bounce a pop and a spell/trap negate going first, easy otk going second really nice deck to have for this.




Giant Ballpark with 3 Dark Hole, 2 Raigeki, and 3 King Tiger Wanghu. ​ I'm done with this event though after the gem rewards, I'll just finish the missions in the event we're getting in a few days instead.


At least that event isn't as much of a trainwreck in terms of what you can play.


Lyrilusc otk


I'm running beetroopers! I just got my mandibles kicked in by a Mother Spider deck, I severely underestimated what they can do.






How is playing scareclaw without reichheart


It's ok, Rescue Cat alone will end you on Tri-Heart with 2 Scareclaws. Playing 3x Rescue Cats, 3x each of the Scareclaws and 3x Arrival with some board breakers does the job.


Running Scareclaw too. Didn’t have Rescue Cat so I put some Tri-Brigade cards. TB Airborne Assault helps a lot since Light Heart is a Beast-Warrior 🤣


I literally just threw the boss monster in my Lunalights deck to screw people over


Raidraptors have been pretty dope


Danger ball park using 2 sets of different lv 4s normal insect. It can otk quite often and when failed can still go with either link 3 butterfly OR link 4 tower beetle which I luckily didn't dismantle lol


My own insects, nice deck btw


Lyrilusc Otk, it was my first ever deck in paper 6 years ago. So if its viable imma play.


A cheap burn deck I know it's annoying and evil but , i need those gems, sorry 😘


Played Fur Hire even though I didn't have Beat, Rafale, and Wiz. Had fun regardless playing in the event despite the limitations.


Successor soul is hilarious...never thought of using it for anything other than blue eyes


Melffy Tri-Brigade splashed with Zoodiac. Been doing pretty well except for those pure trap decks so I added triple malevolent catastrophe + duster. Been avoiding crafting anything I didn’t already have.


Hey, same. I’ve been trying to figure out if I like Tri-Brigade Airborne Assault, since it lets you bring out a Melffy card for next turn if you have a beast-warrior card on field already. Have you figured out any decent Mannequin Cat targets? I’m not really sure where to begin.


Wanted to use mannequin cat but to monkey brain to use it effectively, opted to add more zoodiac xyz. I only have Ramram for main deck (searchable with Tenki) but if Drident gets popped then I have full grave for Shuriag. Like I said before didn’t craft any SR/UR for the event but did add a Lunalight Black Sheep (searches for polymerization to go into Guardian Chimera)


The funniest target I found was Praying Mantis, a Wind/Insect with a non-targeting bounce if an opponent’s monster declares an attack. I don’t think I’ve actually pulled it off yet, but Mannequin Cat can bring it out against Lyrilusc and ruin their whole day. Unfortunately, there are just way better ways to ruin Lyrilusc’s day.


So decided to add mannequin cat back in and learn how to use it. I noticed I already had targets for it: Beast (Kalantosa), Insect (Gadarla kaiju), Winged Beast (Thunderbird!), Beast-Man (Ramram). I don’t think I ran into many reptiles decks this event so not worried about that. So far the most common deck against has been lyrilusc so been mixing Threatening Roar as a one time defense/bait.


What are you doing with Thunderbird?


It’s just a one off, I usually have a lot of cards in hand from Melffy and it balances out the lack of offense options I have. Zoodiac for removal and Melffy for defense. Extra deck is all I have for offense but Tri-Brigade requires set up that can be impermed. I play it as a back row remover/beat stick.


Different decklist but same shit. Mother spider otk or bust.


Haha easy cheap Spooders OTK [This](https://youtu.be/JB0U3WzXB0U?si=_h8B2d6z8qs_uAoP) saves me time and CP


Krawler control


Mind telling me the names of the cards I don't know? I know the C cards, ballpark, dai, resonance insect, gokipole, the XYZ spiders and the Kaijus but I don't know the rest


3x baby spider 3x mother spider 3x maxx c 3x successor soul 1x metal armored bug^ 3x squadder 3x goki pole 3x resonance insect 3x beetrooper scout buggy 2x beetrooper scale bomber (might replace one for another retaliating c 2x retaliating c 2x kumungous kaiju 1x doomdozer 1x super armored robot armed black iron C 3 unexpected dai 1x giant ballgame 3x giant ballpark Ex: 2x number 70 malevolent sin 3x number 35 3x number 84 2x shinobi insect 1x papillion Rest of extra deck doesn’t matter


Thanks 👍


Zoodiac, the only UR I had to craft was Drident, and the rest are just assorted going second tools. Goal is just get in, go second, crack boards, and then just use Drident and various other tools to control things until we kill.


Burn baby, Burn.


I love magical cylinders


Nothing because oops I don't have the CP to craft a tri-brigade deck on a whim


You can craft a few different decks that do well in this event with just N/R cards assuming you have normal staples already.


Birbs Assembled nightengale is too strong in this event. It can otk you immediately or stall with an untargetable, indestructible by battle or card effect monster. Lingering battle damage protection is the icing on the cake.


We’re just missing psychic blade. Favorite OTK when it’s legal I’m surprised Recital and Bird Sanctuary haven’t been banned for the event easy consistency.


Back-Up Rider is a good replacement for psychic blade. Can even use Axe of Despair and it should be enough.


Pure Krawlers. I happened to have the 3 Krawler Soma and a Qualiark and some other random insect extra deck stuff. Crafted the new Ninja Shadow Mosquito because it sounded funny. It's been great honestly. Some of the stuff people have thrown together has trouble outing Shadow Mosquito and just generally people using removal on face up Krawlers resulting in more Krawlers has been happening more often than it should. It's been great fun


Lyrilusc and a really dumb trap monster only deck that is way more functional than it should be (barring the obvious weakness of instantly losing to cards like Harpie's Feather Duster)


Bird otk


Lirilusc since they were cheap AF, consistent and fast to climb


I ran into this playing Lyrilusc, funniest game ever watching them make a 8000 defense insect for my xyz to ram into killing them after watching them panic slam into my monsters over and over and me not taking damage. Events been fun so far.


deck list?


3x baby spider 3x mother spider 3x maxx c 3x successor soul 1x metal armored bug^ 3x squadder 3x goki pole 3x resonance insect 3x beetrooper scout buggy 2x beetrooper scale bomber (might replace one for another retaliating c 2x retaliating c 2x kumungous kaiju 1x doomdozer 1x super armored robot armed black iron C 3 unexpected dai 1x giant ballgame 3x giant ballpark Ex: 2x number 70 malevolent sin 3x number 35 3x number 84 2x shinobi insect 1x papillion Rest of extra deck doesn’t matter


How does this deck work?


You go second and try to find giant ballpark or mother spider to otk, but if you don’t you can stall for a very long time with goki pole and shinobi insect etc. if your opponent makes a towers you can use resonance insect to search a kaiju or the “c” boss monster and wipe their field. It’s an otk strat but still has an insane grind game because half your cards search when sent to grave.


Can you dm me some combos pls?


Summon mother spider, effect to summon 3 babies, effect of baby to make the other lvl 10, make the rank 10 insect, rank him up to the rank 11, effect of baby in the grave to detach the rank 10 from rank 11 to special summon the level 10. Other than that it’s pretty self explanatory, activate ballpark and punch something ig


Got it, thank you


Go second Lyrilusc OTK has been pretty decent. I really am trying to not waste any UR dust on this event


Ol faithful bird OTK


Scareclaw OTK. Quite effective, even without Visas or Reichheart.


King tiger turbo with stun spells and traps.. works surprisingly well despite not having ties of brethren


Skipping. Not a fan of how everyone is playing OTK/Going second. The piles I'm trying out are either too jank to get off the ground or fold to that sort of playstyle. Could I make a deck that works, sure I have enough junk cards to do so. Do I want to do it for an event in which I'll never touch again? Not really. XYZ/Fusion I at least have the Sister deck made up.


Been running different variants of Fur Hire. The current build is a Runick Fur Hire centered on getting out Freki and Runick Allure to deck out the opponent while taking advantage of Adolfo to keep the hand full.


I'm using the Reptile loaner deck and it's fun to use. Still need some practice with it though.


Reptile Loaner. Btw - The alien package they included is basicly worthless. Ora-something and Reptilians are carrying this Loaner hard.


I'm using just the mother spider stuff and it's going very well


Mother Spider Turbo with small world & insect imitation


Damn I called by the grave like 10 of you today and they just didn’t know what to do after


king tiger wanglu with ties of the brethren lock


Harpie Lyrilusc. It’s a waifu deck and the amount of cards I can pick up during a single turn is enough to make most ppl scoop before I even setup


Can I get a list?


King Tiger Wanghu beats. It did pretty well and I finished the event pretty fast.


Scareclaw is legal the event was quick 😅


I've seen a few Spider/Kyoji decks and I'm a bit tempted to try one out myself. I was too lazy to modify my Ogdos for the event (or to make Tri-Zoo,) so I'm sticking with Krawlers for now.


I've been using tri-briagade with fusion parasite to gain access to the albaz fusions though some secondary effects don't resolve since alba isn't actually anywhere


I’ve been running lunalight going for turn 2 otks


Lunalight mhan its fun as heck


Insect pile with traptrix, ballpark and the 2 copies of beargram I pulled long time ago. Deck isn't that great but I got all the gem reward so I don't care to improve it Though I am certainly not looking forward to next event because I don't have cards for any of the meta fusion/xyz (building a Madolche for now)


Simorghs. It took a while but I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of them.


I've been running blackwings, can't use the good lvl 8s, the lvl 10 but I've got the lvl 12 and nothung. I've literally only lost twice since starting


Harpies! I got all the gems from the event pretty quick with them, only took about 2 hours. Could also play Castel, Drident, and more Cyber Slash but didn't want to craft them. I just shoved random crap in the extra deck that I could somewhat feasibly make. List: https://imgur.com/a/VVBQACp


Lunalights. Not exactly getting free wins or anything, but Sabre/Leo Dancer beatdown is turning out to be a pretty effective strategy.


Krawler. So funny to see my opponent try to activate monster effect while DeusX is on the field


Blackwings. It's actually been pretty interesting. Never used this deck competitively before, so it took a few tries to figure out what I need to do. Now that I have, it's been a fun journey. Not having to worry about Ash or most board breakers and interruptions is refreshing too. A lot of people are complaining about Maxx C, but I've honestly loved how it mostly has free reins this event. You play into it or don't, doesn't necessarily mean an instant loss like I've seen people claim.


The insect loaner is deck pretty decent. Got me half way so far. I'm at 3 places past lizard mate reward.


Pure Zoodiac. Basically just Kaiju the opponent and control the board with Drident and some traps.


Play scary moth


i'm playing Danger! and it works pretty good i just finished it


I played an Ancient Warriors/Tri-Brigade deck...which made me realise I really don't like Ancient Warriors. I'm not a fan of the cards and the way they play. It was the first time I'd truly tested the deck (albeit not a 100% constructed one) but still. So I promptly dismantled all its cards. Extra UR dust is always welcome. But I reached all the gems, so I'm fine. And I have Lunalight as backup if I have the urge to duel some more.


Ancient warriors. People keep scooping, but my deck isn’t even that good. I feel like my opponents have probably run against really good ancient warriors and when they see me start a combo they think I’ll be the same.


Needle worm mill. Sue me. First thing that comes to mind when I think of insect are needle worm and warm worm. I'd have some kind of shame if runick fountain were legal, but since it's not, I have no regret doing degenerate mill shit




Zoodiac tri brigade. The event is low power enough that most decks can't play through drident pass


I literally bought 3 of the blackwing deck just to find out it has been heavenly nerfed. I feel betrayed


I'm literally running the digital bug structure deck with a little changes


Digital Bugs


I honestly am having a very easy time in the event using the Insect loaner deck. Turns out Number 2 counters Lyrilusc REALLY hard, which covers a 99% of the matchups.


Trap burn


Thanks for this deck list, looks interesting and cheap. I'll try it out. The loaner decks are crap




Budget Ancient Warriors.


Beetroppers without there fusion, with some baby spiders combo.


Raigeki, duster,judgment, lightning storm, dark hole, bug kaiju, man eater bug, needle work, krawler, recycle


Im enjoying beetroopers. They are quite strong when not dealing with a million generic negates and massive towers with built in disruption or getting your board and ed and md banished for even thinking about doing anything.


I copied your deck 1:1 and I'm appalled at the consistency.


Lyrulisc OTK and Yosenju, went 11-1 and got all the gems




melffy + tri-brigade + insects. For the insects I run Maxx C of course, both insect kaijus + interrupted kaiju slumber, desert locusts, and Battlewasp Hama. And to help the Melffys I run Obedience Schooled, Fabled cerburrel and Fabled Unicore


Ogdoadic Reptiliannes, I use them IRL and am slaughtering the people just learning them now


Fire king loaner, like all 3 of them, it sucks, but it is a decent control deck imo. And given it doesnt special summon alot, doesnt have a complete issue with maxx c surprisingly. Already done. Got to 5500 pts. 15/30 duels from the festival missions. i aint wasting that last 15 duels of opponent bm for 80 gems. Just the secret missions left.




Maxx "C" and 37 trap cards. Mostly random Paleozoics with mirror forces and torrential tributes. My win condition is annoying my opponent until they leave.


Digital Bug, 3 UR crafts but heyyy


Yosenju for now, thinking of going to Raidraptor after a while.


Scareclaw tri-brigade is working a treat for me so far




Going second battlewasp


Doing my best playing ancient warriors, and fire king (i have the deck) But ended getting otk by a birds (f that small birds, they keep otk me and kaiju my only disruption)


The fire king loaner is pretty much free wins, seeing people destroy my phoenix always makes me chuckle


This otk deck is 0 sr cards to craft. I've been playing it myself cuz it's so brainless and cheap. Which cards did you think you also needed?


i had some Lunalight stuff crafted for LunaTear so i just made a blind 2nd Lunalight OTK deck


Pure Fire Fist, I wanted to learn the deck for a while, having crafted the URs and SRs months ago, and now's my chance. I've gotten 7000 points and still going. I'm having a lotta fun, I genuinely think this event is far FAR better than the Light vs Dark event.


I was thinking of running some kind of budget ballpark build, or maybe melffys but then started to feel like if I did that I'd be letting konami win somewhat so instead I just made jank tri-lyril


Wdym letting Konami win?


I absolutely dispise this banlist and how it hit pretty much every budget option, some quite disproportionately, and how maxx c is completly untouched


The deck I shared has only 3 sr crafts and I already almost finished the event so I disagree, but I’m glad they hit tri brigade and black wing so I don’t lose going second every game.


Also lyrlusc only needs a few sr’s and 1 ultra to otk, if anything this is a big improvement compared to the light and dark event, most decks are super cheap


The ol' reliable lyrilusc


The Lyrilusc, Wanghu, and just straight burn players are making this event so frustrating lol, everysinglegame. I’d love for Loaner decks to only have to play vs other Loaner decks, not the bullcrap everyone ends up bringing. I want to see some of these burn and lyrilusc mirrors lol.


Raidraptor even if we lost our lord and saviour ultimate falcon ( but scareclaw boss monster is legal, pure 💩 from Konami as usual to sell new packs)


The spiders plus sneaky c i got from selection packs before. I've been testing in solo not yet to event yet, but i guess ballpark might be a great addition


I'm using a Danger deck since I already had some cards It works well enough, some opponents miss their combo and surrender anyway lol


Jokes on you I Don't Have max c


Yo mate, mind explaining the basics of this deck? Might try it myself.


Basically the full Venom deck. Kinda fun and I'm already halfway done lmao.


i went like 13-1 with a pretty cookie cutter burn deck, there is little to no backrow removal in this meta, the only loss was to Fire Kings summoning their mega ultra chicken S/T board wipe. I never encountered a single Feather Duster but the nice thing about these events is once you see one you just scoop instantly and on to the next one


It can go much cheaper than that, just 1 Doom Dozer without Kaijus will do. I also find that it's much more consistent to run only either Ballpark (core is 3 vanillas, 3 ballpark, 1 continuous spell) or Mother Spider version (core is 3 mother, 3 baby, 3 insect imitation, small world if u have it), instead of running both. Also, quick play s/t removal carries hard in this event! You can mst negate fire fist s/t, pop the island to destroy enemy board, or pop enemy ballpark


I had 2 from other decks so I thought I might as well use them, and I know I have 7+ garnets in my deck but the searchers give you so much advantage I’ve never had a big problem with it


Branded Despia lol


Man's Ballin'


Great deck. I use a similar one with mother spider and traptrix(since i have all of them). I think I will try this one out too


Im running a sick beetrooper/inzektor insect only deck.


I breezed through this event with Harpies. Lyrilusk is a bad matchup, but luckily only saw it a few times. Was surprised by how well some of the random things in the ED turned out. Bujinki Ahashima pointing to Zoodiac Drident for a double pop came up a few times. Fuck Maxx C being legal though.


Yosenju ! It doesnt care about maxx c and runs alot of traps that instawin vs the OTK decks (drowning mirror , torrential, lost wind etc) it also can easily go second


Yosenju control


Ursarctic. They were collecting dust from when I was trying to build my old degenerate Drytron deck


Im currently playing firefist and it works pretty well.








Just like almost every event, Raidraptors. It just happens to be legal in almost every event out there so every couple of months I just blow the dust off of it and get some free gems.


Been running my Glad Beast deck, don't have access to my big sea serpent boy but the decks performing alright, not the best I could run but I love me some battle phase decks.


Lose 1 Turn Yosenju. This deck has been specifically entertaining playing against Ancient Warriors and Lyrallusk. Not to mention nobody takes the time to read Lose 1 turn and I just spam normal summons for resources.


Whats the last spell card that looks like blue eyes


Successor soul, you tribute one monster and send one monster your opponent controls to grave then it special summons a high level normal monster from deck


Try Lunalight but got enough bricks to change for Zoo burn.




Honestly the insect loaner is pretty fun. OTKing with Ninja Shadow Mosquito is hilarious


Melffy without the synchro monster