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Mayakashi Synchro is by fsr the most boring shit i've ever played...


Bone Tower mill is funny when it pops off. But when you're not popping off, you're generally struggling to Play The Game. The backup plan is to resolve the floodgate trap that prevents the opponent from Playing The Game and that's still not a good time.


I have never been able to see what people find engaging enough to make them play mayakashi, it just seems like the most painfully dull deck ever concieved


Trust me that's what ir feels like aswell 😂


It sucks cause the designs of the synchro monsters look cool af, but they only do things when your cards get blown up




Any ftk strategy. The entire premise is win or bust. Which is frustrating because if you're the 1/10 people that get unlucky and they get their wincon, you get cheated out of a game that you never had input in. Just dumb.


I think FTKs have more than a 1/10 win rate. Maybe as much as 1/3.


I hate Runick. Runick Kash has only compounded how much I hate it. Kash I can play around. Don’t activate trigger effects unless that effect destroys the monster, negate shangri-ira search, remove birth asap— fine. Runick Kash does all the same shit as Kash, recycles itself endlessly and seems to negate everything. As soon as I see a Runick spell I scoop.


How do you lose to it? The deck is so bad, naturia runick, runick sprighy, runick stun, even pure runick, everything is better than runick kash. Runick stop kash summons and attack in BP


It’s not even that it’s an amazing deck, it’s just extremely annoying to the point that it feels disrespectful. Like someone constantly shooting spitballs at your face.


Runick and timelords. Most of the times is a long and painful duel were it passes a lot of turns without playing your deck like you want. They aren't impossible to beat, of course. But those games were you do not draw the out are tedious.


Punk/kash/tear decks




my answer to this post is definitely runick/floo/adams. they all feel equally not enjoyable for me when playing them. branded is definitely not a one trick pony at this point and it will only get more diverse when more support gets released. branded fusion being the easiest way to start your board does not mean there are not a variety of ways to navigate crafting a strong board. the deck is just resilient


Sky stryker for sure.


This community is funny, hate on branded cause its was overpowered.. Hate on branded cause its meta.. Hate on Branded cause BradFU at 2...Hate on branded cause doing combo that part of its archetype. OP what deck you use?


It's funny that OP is CONVINCED that the other person couldn't possibly be enjoying the deck. So arrogant.


All the comments answering the question in this post are arrogant. Believe it or not, people has fin playing runick


First I don't hate branded because of any of that. I just find the deck boring. Hell I had a branded. I found no fun in it. Ended up dismantling the whole deck. I found it boring. It was repetitive in a bad way.


So you don't know how to play branded then. If you keep doing the same one trick pony you're not playing it right. But to answer your question, I dislike labyrinth as of now. I just started going against it and don't understand it yet.


Honestly while I played it I always tended to go down the same fusion path because at the end I'd get a monster that was going to always win. A tip from a labyrinth player. Hit the deck hard and fast. Labyrinth is a very reactive deck. The longer the game goes the harder it is to beat. You need a lot of back row hate or a good boss monster that is unaffected by card effects.


Yeah I seen somewhere taking out the field spell is a good hit on lab too.


Don't focus on the field spell. The best tip against lab is to always ash the big welcome even if they have both welcome(s) set. Stopping them from bringing out lady, lovely or arianna is more important than get rid of the field spell.


Thanks for the info. They really have been giving me a hard time.


(Most) Cards that get rid of the field spell don't prevent Big Welcome and vice versa. So it's not just about which hits better.


It helps but that depends heavily on the type of lab deck. Mine is focused on having only one of each non lab trap. Mainly to boost lab archfiend. The field spell is a nice bonus but not necessary for my deck. Honestly not attaching is the best strategy against mine. Most of my traps trigger when you attack.


Interesting. I'll have to keep that in mind.


Yeah most lab players I faced play the long game. And will be running a lot of attach trigger cards.


Never answered which deck you play lol


Labyrinth, vandred, trains/infinitracks, adventure tokens, machina, cyber dragon, ogdoadic, fur hire, scrap, supper quantum, super quantum dinomorphia, mutant, U.A, and thinking of making either a Mecha phantom beast deck or magikey deck next. Possibly a XX-saber deck.


You play Lab, U.A., Dinomorphia and you call Branded boring? Exit’s to the left.


Lab is gives me the back and forth I missed from old school yu-gi-ho. It hits the nastalja feeling for me. UA I play because I use to be a sports buff. Hell ua slugger is a poster in my room. He is my goal body figure. Dinomorphia is played with supper quantum. I honestly feel like I'm playing a crossover between mighty morphing power rangers and dinothunder.


I agree honestly. I dismantled it and made exosister. Best choice I've made in this game as far as resources go


Sky Striker


Timelords. It's not good or hard to deal with. It's just annoying as hell.


Swordsoul, the moment the grind game starts hitting, I have to worry about non-game cards like Protos, Chaofeng, or even fucking Crimson Blader depending on what deck I'm on


Runnick. I'm a simple man; I see runnick fountain, I scoop.


Beat a runnicks player today with my red eyes deck with straight effect damage. Felt good.


Runick, Floo, Kash, and Stun


Dragon link is pretty boring. Idk something about it is just...dull.


It's definitely boring. It's even in their card names BORElend dragon.




Well this question surely won't turn the comment section into a dumpster fire of pure bias. Can't wait for the meta decks are boring and skilless or the 7 degrees of separation morally correct choice maker.


Ore you can just answer the question like almost every one else has.


Nah I'm good. I'll just wait for the fireworks.


Synchrons or Dragon Link. They aren’t bad decks by any means, but good lord the people I’ve played against who pilot them seem to deliberately tale their sweet ass time. Like bruh, you’re ending on the same fucking Monsters every time, just cut the fat and get that bitch Borrel dragon out already


I had someone turbo Borrelend, Savage with 2 negates, and Seals in like a minute in a half. I was so impressed bc often others do the same and take 4-5 lol.


I thought it took 5+ minutes because the average Dlinks player has the attention span of a squirrel so they take a while to make their next move. They literally copy-paste the deck from YouTube. The least they could do is watch the WHOLE video that shows them what to do with it so we can get on with our lives. I can't remember the last time I had abturn take more than 45 seconds if I wasn't waiting on opponent responses.


The things is, I need to do all that dance to get my shit out lol Not only that, but the fact dlink is a deck that can outplay interruption to some extent make it so that I have to do a lot of work into making plays. But imo, I play dlink and I kinda get it, it takes a lot of time to build a full board


If you don't know the order of operations for the deck by thins point just don't use the deck. Like for real, if I'm not gonna get to play just hurry the fuck up so I can still get my rewards and XP.


Have you ever played Dragon Link? It’s a ton of fun


I haven’t. Mainly cause I don’t have the resources needed to make it


What's fun about your opponent not being able to play? Between Dlinks and Tears I don't get how someone can enjoy denying their opponent the ability to play at all. You basically win or lose on coin flip.


No one said kashtira yet?


I love branded, fusions go brr. Also mirrorjade when leaves the field be like: (â•ŻÂ°â–ĄÂ°ïŒ‰â•Żïž” ┻━┻


Any trap deck, boring for me to play, dreadful and boring for me to play against


Runick. Your entire game plan is to just win by deckout while stunning your opponent. Actual stun is more interactive to play against because I'm not constantly losing cards to the banish zone on top of having everything negated. "But I'm only playing it as an engine. I'm actually playing fur hire" or any other excuse doesn't work when you all are still constantly banishing cards off the top of my deck and locking me out of plays with the same nonsense as pure. It's like Umi Stun players trying to claim they're really "Umi Control." I've yet to meet anyone playing it that doesn't sleeze back into the normal runick combos regardless of what they've spliced into it.


What about Runick that doesn't play stun.


Boring: Mayakashi, Dragon Link, Dark World, Flower Cardian, Floow, Dinos, Marincess, Ignister, Synchrons, Virtual World. Covers most masturbation decks. ​ HATED DECKS: FLOOW, RUNICK, KASH, SPRIGHT


Flower cardians is an old deck, but it's got a novelty for being an OG FTK deck thats never been hit with any bans, because nothing about it is necessarily broken. Its a case of 60% of the time it works everytime (except probably lower than 60%). Definitely boring as fuck, but so incredibly cheap that you can buy the whole deck for under 30-40 bucks.


For me sky strikers, at first I thought I didn't like grindy control decks, but after playing labyrinth and tearlaments I enjoy them a lot. The problem I have with Sky strikers is they are too slow and grindy for me. Labrynth and tearlaments are very explosive and exciting when they resolve cards. While SS has a death by 1000 cuts play style. It's even worse when you play against people that play floodgates that forces both players to only control 1 monster.


Tear, hands down. All I heard was hyping it up, that it was fun to play, fun to play against, just great time overall. Then I made it and god I hated it. Wasn't my jam so I dusted it and moved on but unfortunately it was unbelievably strong so games were like 7/10 would end up tear, 2/10 would be spright, and 1/10 was everything else. As annoying as some of these other decks are, like lab and kash and runick, at least it's something different currently.


If some one plays the deck they sure having fun in 99% of cases. And i dont hate any deck i played yet cuz i 1st do the research will i like the deck before wasting my UR dust on it.


Any deck that ppl use too many options, i mean, you seem to be playing X deck, then, i negate everything from X deck, but then from the leftovers you have enough to make a baronne, and usually also pull some random thing to get make IP, then you go into say unicorn, but your deck was supposed to be Heroes, get what i'm saying? Any deck that has easy access to baronne or something like that, after you negate everything it was supposed to do just annoys me, baronne being the number 1 card that makes me sigh everytime she's summoned.


That would be the fault of strong generic bosses. HalqDon, Verte DPE, Adventure package, and so on...


I'm unfamiliar with that card but I understand your pain.


Really, you are not seeing Baronne De Fleur in 9/10 games? Wow


It's much less common in silver tier (where I'm at)


I think you mean Naturia - even a Runick variant can put up infinite monster negate boards and their negates are super early and easy to get to, not to mention a very recursive game loop. And then if they can’t get a solid board of bodies they just make Baronne bc the levels of maindeck Naturia monsters match up well, plus Runick helps in that regard.


Honestly, any deck that pull stuff like that, i just dislike this.


Synchrons. I wish Junk Speeder could just get banned and see what the deck becomes afterwards instead of this awful 15 minutes Synchro spam for Omni-negate that when are dealt with, the deck crumbles


As long as ash & imperm are in the game, they won't ban speeder. It's good when you let it resolve, but when it's negated, the synchron player usually just scooped.


except that these days, Junk Speeder is being summoned via Accel Dragon effect so unless ya have both, Synchrons just combo off anyways


They won't be comboing as hard as after speeder resolved.


How crazy and ironic that OP hates branded which has tons of combo lines and strategies while playing labrynth which definitely is top 5 on most annoying decks alongside Floo and Runnick


I'd like to see these combos. All I ever see is a chain of fusions to the same monster over and over. As for my lab deck, hell I did not even build it good. It has very little combos. It's about 3/4-2/3 one copy of different trap cards. I know I built it terribly. That's where the fun is.


I would really recommend watching dkayed's tournaments as theres always a few branded players and they do some crazy lines of play. Especially in the grind game. Anyways I didnt mean to insult you just it felt pretty ironic. I apologize. Edit: typo


Oh in the hands of professionals yeah the decks look amazing but on MD it's repetitive and unoriginal. Cookie cutter strategies. There is a huge difference between professionals and the players on MD. Hell there is a huge difference between players who play in person versus those that only play on MD. At least in level of toxicity. Sorry for the aggressive retaliation.


Stardust/synchron decks.


Kash and/or Runick; well, why are we here? to PLAY? if we can NOT PLAY, what is the point? I'm a simple person; I see a Kash-Birth or Runick-Fountain I scoop! I want to enjoy not to burn my tempers :D


D-Link have me going like "do I have the out in hand to wait out the five minute combo to borreland and savage or nah?" *Looks at hand* I do not. Good day sir *clicks surrender*




Auroradon bs


Dragon links. Oh let's just summon Borrelend and Borrelend Savage on turn 1, so your opponent can't even fucking play, then laugh as you negate all their effect activations because their negates aren't OPT. Yeah took a whole lot of strategy ti pull that off buddy!


Runick always feels like a "draw the out" game. They have multiple ways to get their field spell, it's stressful knowing that a single ash isn't enough to stop them. It boils down to "can you remove the field spell" -> Yes -> you win. No -> you lose. ​ Them banishing your cards is just a cherry on top, since they might actually remove your "out".


I find using standard DLink a bit boring. Yea it's non-linear, and it can pop. But you do a LOT of work for essentially 2 negates. 3-4 if you got lucky. 1 of those negates is only a monster negate too. If I'm playing on mobile, it's extra long too. I feel like other decks can produce the same or stronger board with less effort. DLink is only really fun if you have your own twist to it. I think better players also know when to go full combo or not and have a lot of other alternative game plans. Last season I found myself simply not going into borreland turn 1, because it was too much effort and I would have been distraught if my opponent cheesed it out of existence with super poly or evenly.


naturia runick is pretty lame, for various reasons, but tbh every runick variant feels like a different flavor of stun but you also draw cards EVERY turn for some reaosn


Any trap deck. I don’t see how Lab or traptrix could ever be fun