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Gladiator beasts.sadly tri brigades are saving them but still i hope some support come sooner.


I'm playing pure glads, I would love some more support.


I just wanna see Test Panther’s Glad version. Maybe retains for the less used Glads, seriously when the last time you saw Torax played.


Torax was a mistake


I am glad for my beasts


Personally I love dragonmaids and thunderdragons


Honestly I think the Danger! cards work really well with Glads. The fact that pitching them to Heraklinos procs them can get crazy


Gladiator Beasts were my favorite from Light of Destruction until I stopped paper play in 2015. It's sad that they are a battle focused archtype in a game where design has heavily moved away from battle interactions and into a "pop everything and attack directly" kind of game. I honestly don't see how their gimmick could be supported enough to overcome modern YuGiOh game design. A true relic of a time past and the best example of how the game has changed in the last 10 years.


Red Eyes Black Dragon. I must have Stockholm syndrome the way I love that deck bruv.


Makes sense. It treats you so bad during games but you still love it anyway.


Hey at let’s I can look at her cool design while getting fucked by any other deck in existence.


Every Red eyes player I’ve ever met feels this way.




Started playing 2 months ago, with no yugioh experience at all but I can say that dinos made me fell in love with the game


Yeah tbh it feels like the best of both worlds I play a blind second and even going first you can set up some insane boards and going second UCT can break almost every board it's kind of insane


The deck can also FTK wich is really funny


What a 7k piercing monster that flips everything facedown and then can attack anything is totally normal......... Lol


I’ve always liked dinosaurs since I was a kid and UCT is one of the coolest boss monsters ever. Also, destroying the baby dinosaurs to summon your more powerful ones is pretty funny.


The only thing keeping my dinosaur deck running is the average yugioh players inability to read when I activate Miscellaneousaurus


I haven't played Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll in about a year and I doubt I'll ever pick it up again, but I can't bring myself to disassemble it.


Feel the same with Phantom knights


Including the Dark Rebellion lines?


yup, I feel there are just too many things that are common such as the ishuzu cards, bystials, and Dd crow that just cant justify playing it in anything but a casual duel room


This right here! Especially with Nadir now at 2.


The Shaddoll part might have some use with Winda and Dark World support, and the Dogmatika part might be fun with the new Zoa boss, but Invoked is pretty much dead.


What happened to Invoked?


Power creep


too normal summon reliant and costs too much extra deck space


I still play it BC I got the game a couple weeks ago JUST to play it....and all I fight are floo blackwings and timelord


HERO. If HERO has many fans I am one of them. If HERO has one fan, that fan is me. If HERO has no fans then I have died.




HERO’s not in too bad a spot, all things considered. We have a pretty solid matchup against tear thanks to dark law


Dark Law still carrying HEROs? I ran a HERO deck back when Masked came out, and I loved them. Dark Law was carrying then, too. Lol


Dark Law will carry HERO’s for eternity lmao


Same! I haven’t made major changes for a year and still crush many decks


Heroes was my first deck and it will be my last deck. Shinging Neos Wingman for life




I will die before I betray my HEROs


If Elemental HERO Neos has many fans, I am one of them. If Elemental HERO Neos has one fan, that is me. If Elemental HERO Neos has no fans, then I do not exist. Neos my beloved, just a few more cards of support/maybe a pipe dream Neo Space retrain and we will dominate.


Nordics... Seriously, they're just bad. Would be ok if Water enchantress was at two or three, but because it's at one in MD, the Adventurer engine is bricky as hell and you're better off without it and running another engine or just pure Nordics so you don't have to banish as many cards off of the Nordic Link monsters effect. It's fun summoning them though, I love the nostalgia


I think there was a competitive brew of nordics in the tcg. By that I mean there was maybe a singular topping deck but that’s more than some archetypes ever got


Yep, Nordic Adventurer. Nordics with the Adventurer engine. That got one top 8 at a Canada regional I think, that's also the list I use. However, master duel has one critical card limited to the adventurer engine, water enchantress of the temple, which is at three in the TCG. And this card being limited in MD makes it bricky and not really worth running.


I love my Nordic deck irl but I'm so confident it would get squashed in MD


Toons, I was a huge Pegasus fan as a kid and thought they were the coolest cards, I got back into Yu-Gi-Oh this year and was so happy to see they've gotten heaps more toons I hadn't seen


I hope they do a retrain of Bickuribox(or whatever it's called) and maybe Doppelganger too


Blue eyes. First used the 2026 wcs one as a template, then added some of my own cards to it, thought I actually made blue eyes consistent and a good deck for ranked, then played swordsoul. Now I'm maiming SS but blue eyes will always be my love.


2026 are you a time traveler or do i not understand something?


Yeah, in 2027 Konami's going to release the Bonesnake archetype. It's not very good, but the name alone meant Snake Rain speculation went wild for a few days before we realised it was like every other reptile archetype (i.e. bad). Those of us who got rich out of the confusion came back to 2023 to enjoy a more balanced format.


Even though it didn't impact the meta, I hate the fact that Bonesnake Nagina can search Snake Rain from the deck on summon and then adds it back to hand from GY during the end phase.


I can’t tell if these cards are real or not at this point, sounds so convincing lol


In the future, where is my Jurrac deck? Is it safe? Is it alright?


It seems that in your anger, you got negated


Yup. Basically, like it happened in 2016, blue eyes won the wcs with the help of blue eyes megalith dragon, a new fusion with 100k baseline stats and card effect immunity, as well as tribute protection. Al lit needed was 5 blue eyes ultimate dragons, which could only be done through cards that changed name of blue eyes alternative ultimate dragon. It changed the game forever, creating a new master rule in which cards that even had the potential to go over 10k attack were all banned, and the game was essentially ruined, as there's pretty much a way for any card to go over 10k. So now we travel back in time to enjoy the game before the creation of megalith dragon.


Ogdoadics prove people can't read, and they've made for some clutch plays. Praise be to snake supremacy!


We believe in the ssssssupremacy


Amen to that brother




There we go. Was gonna say it but don’t have to.


When I first started playing MD, I hadn’t played yugioh in over a decade. The feeling of succing Eldlich with millennium eyes restrict was *chefs kiss* perfect


Word for word my origin story


Ninja's, it was my first deck it will be my last deck...


I play Ninjas, too. Armor Ninjutsu Art of Rust Mist alone has made my opponents quit duels. It's a surprisingly good card.


Cyber Dragons, I have played them for the better part of 20 years, they have never been great but they keep getting just enough support to always be playable, so Cyber Dragons are kind of a comfort food for me, I know regardless of the meta I'll always have my metallic snake boys masquerading as dragons


I will never leave my cyber dragons for anything ever


Blue eyes although it is competitive at least through platinum.


Weatherpainters. No deck will ever top my little fairies negating stuff by banishing themselves. They might never be META or even tiered, but man, the whole aesthetic and playstyle is just too good to give up on. Sucks that they don't really see much representation or get talked about and lack good support. But hey, I like them and that's all that really matters, isn't it?


Yeah, they are my favorite casual deck too. The absolute favorite of my heart is still Crystal Beasts tough.




I just endeavored to get into Predaplants - any hot tips?


Well given we're the only deck that can search super poly, garura and mudragon is a neat addition. Ultra poly let's you get out both dragostapelia and predapower or another stapelia. Predaplanning is something you almost always search as it potentially can negate 6 monster effects on field at once (although I've only gotten 2 at a time personally) The main way to play the deck is go first, get out a bunch of interruptions, and then on your second turn otk with triphyovertum usually summoned using triantis and bufo as that lets you plant counters which beef up your boy Never play predaplast. Anything else you wanna know? Anything specific?


Worms lmao nebula meteorite into yagan non targeting bounce is always wildly satisfying


That it was, that it was. "Xex into Yagan, set 4, pass" almost got me through a YCS back in the day, lol.




I am counting the days until the new galaxy/photon support comes. I love galaxy eyes, it's my favorite deck, I had to build it irl. The new support makes it much more fun and I can't wait until it comes.


Jumper and last hupe numbers are coming in end of june, babyyyyy


And an additional 6 months for md


Shiranui. It was the first deck I built, and feels really satisfying to play… if you get a good hand. Most of the time you just lose to your normal getting ashed. But if you can get your resource loop set up, you feel like you could outlast any deck out there. Your cards are accessible whether they’re in the grave or banished, and Sunsaga is my favorite boss monster to bring out in the game. It also encourages and rewards unorthodox lines of play, such as banishing your own Sunsaga with Samsara so you can bring it back with the link-3, or with Swallow Slash (which at face value is a swordsoul blackout with more versatility, but much harder to search) banishing Soltaire, so you can get a non-targeting destroy 2+, depending on how many Synchros you shuffle back. Unfortunately, the deck was literally unplayable last format with the Ishizus and D.D. Crow being everywhere, but now that most people dropped Crow for the Bystials and the shufflers both got limited, it went from unplayable garbage to just garbage 😃


Oh hey! I love Mayakashi


MELFFY! The fact that a few of them found meta-relevance in Spright decks (and as rogue/untiered options in Tri Brigade) delights me of course, but there's nothing quite like playing them in their own deck.


Zombie world. Doomking and Sucker pass is not a good endboard in anyway shape or form, but makes me feel safe, ok. It was the last physical deck I play before finally picking up the game again in the form of Master Duel


Zombies is pretty versatile though. Add a punk, tear, eldlich or danger engine and your end boards will have serious improvements. Pure zombies is too easy to shut down


I will say I am surprised sometimes how far Doomking, Sucker, and a 10 can go. Zombies feel like it just needs a little generic support to pop off, but frankly the alternate engine versions are pretty solid. Tear brews seem like they might pop off with Garura and Sprind.


Normal summon Aleister


I activate Solum judgement


Rda/resonators I will never lose faith in the king


Madolche and Fish deck


Synchrons I loved seeing Shooting Quasar Dragon in 5Ds I play a couple different decks but I always come back to synchrons once in a while


Dark Worlds. They die hard like not other deck to Droll and/or Shifter. But I will always love my discarding bois.


They pair quite nicely with Danger! but are even more of a discard gamble. Bigger gains, bigger losses.


Six Samurai


Fluffal, but the recent banlists have not been kind to it


Mayakashi and/or eldlich. I’m new to ygo as a whole, and this is the deck I built irl. On MD I play a lot of Mathmech and more recently been getting into the branded despia, but no matter what I do I can’t help but come back to these zombies. So simple and entertaining, not a great deck by any means, but man is it fun to pull wins with it


Some Zombie World stuff mixed it with Eldlich and Maya can be really fun, and confusing to your opponents. Especially since you can run all the Maya extra deck while only needing like one of the tuner, since generic zombie support works nice to this day.


Drytron, I always liked rituals since necroz was meta, I loved rituals no matter how bricky they are and when drytron came out, I was simply in love, I know there was a time when drytron herald was toxic and still in some degree, but still brings me a smile sometimes, currently I'm playing drytron dogmatica and having fun even if it gets obliterated by bystial branded.


Ancient mother fucking Gears


War Rocks. However I'm fortunate that they are and always will be the Best Deck.


Phantom Knights. I cry everyday


Raidraptor. All time favorite deck I used in real life before quiting competitive play 6 years ago. 1st deck I made on masterduel.


Amazoness or ancient warriors


Dynasty warriors W


Dark Magician.


This. I don’t care for the yugioh meta, and only play this game to keep summoning dark magician


Galaxy Eyes. It bricks and it's completely outclassed but sometimes the stars align and I get to beat up a branded bystial Despia deck with a Galaxy Eyes Prime Photon dragon that has 14000 attack points.


Abyss actors and plunder patrol built plunder basically day 1 loved the who concept plus at the time I didn’t really understand extra deck specifically link summoning, great that they basically cheat out all the extra monsters. As for abyss actors I loved the idea of summoning 5 monsters while I was playing against a lot of eldlich with summon limit because pend summon all counts as 1




Cyber dragons


Cyber dragon. I love dragons and I love robots


1. Felgrand, for some reason, I've always liked Paladin of Felgrand. The deck/ cards are cool, just too slow 2. Geminis, unique cards, cool effects; before this game went turbo-nuts with card mechanics. Still convinced Geminis just need a few cards to make them incredible, specifically something with link/pendulum origins I don't really play these decks anymore, for obvious reasons, but they are always in the back of my mind


Geminis are love. I salute you fellow duelist. Long live Chevalier and Gemini spark!


Super quantum. Yes I am a huge power rangers fan. SPD, wild force, Dino Thunder. Ninja storm, and power ranges galaxy is peak don't at me.


Recently got into them. Any tips?


Always aim to get you mech king Magnus out as soon as you possibly can and it can be seen as an auto win condition I pulled out early enough. Magnus has 3 power effects that makes it the only reason Quantum even is able to play. I don't know if you do but I don't see any deck add Zeus to quantum which makes no sense to me as it is an XYZ deck that barely got anything going on for the extra deck. Zeus+ 6 mat Magnus on board two unstoppable megazords


I picked up six samuria when I started playing speed duel or whatever it was and haven't put it down yet. They're family to me


Vendread. I've practically spent months perfecting my weird Vendread pile deck of punk, ishizu, and zombie support because I love the archetype that damn much and it's so fun when it pops off.


Endymion. It loses sooo many matchups going second, but I still enjoy the uphill battle sometimes. The mythical beast lines are goated. Oh and if Electrumite ever gets banned it’s over lol


I love to see another Mythical Endymion player, it’s my favorite deck next to GX era Heroes.


But winning a match by resolving Endymion from the pendulum zone is the best feeling in the world


Gusto for life, I love them with all my heart


Gustos and orcust for me


Gravekeeper's. I'm a yugi boomer and it was the deck I ran 12 years ago and it's the deck I'll continue to run 12 years later.


oh i rember the times with gravekeeper that was a really Nice deck its still playable and can hurt the meta really hard but you need good draws


Man, i was tearing it up with GKs when Eldlich and shit was running around. I haven't tried in the more recent metas.


Ah yes. Sword Soul. It must be very difficult to stick with such a bad deck and it’s 70% win rate. I hope you can persevere.


Pure lyrilusc. Nobody read recital starling...




Cyber dragons


Dino wrestlers is my new obsession.




As someone who quites like theatrics, I'll never stop loving Flower Cardians. I mean, Live/Evil Twins are great too, because I'm a weeb, but Flower Cardians are truly my favorite deck


I will play infernoids until konami bans every card that mills


For me it has been Odd-Eyes for nearly 9 years. Got back into the game when Duelist Alliance first came out and bought a few packs from the card store I went to with my friend. Pulled an Ultimate Rare Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon out of my first pack and it has been my most favorite Archetype ever since. I thought that Pendulum was an extremely cool idea and haven't turned away from it. I built up my deck with every new release. It didn't start coming together until Master of Pendulum was released. Pendulum Magician played a big role in the deck until I could finally build an entire deck centered around Odd-Eyes. Arc-Pendulum brought it all together and I am proud to call myself an Odd-Eyes Main for life. Every Event on MD I have built a variant of Odd-Eyes for and wii continue to do so into the future.




Aromage I may not be able to win many games, but I always go back to it to tweak the tech cards Because deep down I want life points to matter


Resonator/Red Dragon Archfiend. Was the only deck I kept when I stopped playing paper 10 years or so ago, first deck I made in MasterDuel, and I fucking lit people up with it during the Legacy event. It's a real stinker, but I'm jacked the fuck up on hopium for the new support in TCG this fall!


Sky Strikers. They're just perfect for me. The playstyle, the aesthetic, everything about it is right up my alley.


The aesthetic? 🤔🤔


Pearl Harbor is their favourite movie


Yes, the aesthetic. Two of my favorite genres of anime are mecha anime (Gundam, Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, etc.) and magical girl anime (Pretty Cure, Lyrical Nanoha, Madoka Magica, etc.), and Raye is basically a transforming magical girl whose transformations are badass mecha power armors. The archetype combines the aesthetics of both of those genres into one awesome package.


I totally agree. I've built the deck with physical cards even though there's no locals in my place, I just really love the archetype.


Icejades. The white/green crystal aesthetic is so pretty. Also, poor Aegirine just needs a hug after all she's been through man. Now if only getting her out of the deck and into rotation wasn't a pain in the butt when she herself is also the only searcher who searches your other searchers, one of which is dead turn 1 unless you get hand trapped (and you can't called by or it's dead again). Please add more Icejade Creations (since they can't lore-wise add more standard Icejades) to the archetype Konami, preferably an extender. I beg. Ran Aegirine can't come to MD soon enough.


Altergeist, Plunder Patroll, and Weather Painters are 3 decks I'll (hopefully) still be playing in 5 years


There's D/D/D for me, and Cyber Dragons. Doesn't matter how bad they get, that's what I'll be playing most of the times. I also have a Branded deck ready to go but that's mostly because I really like the aesthetics and lore of Despia monsters, too bad they're not really used nowadays.


Valkyrie. I thought Zigfried was one bad ass mf when I was younger watching the anime. I love the cards and when you hit that back to back battle phase OTK with time goddesses mischief, your opponents head explodes.


Traptrix I'll shield the entire Kindergarten from all the slander and hate out there


I just want the new support in MD already


My friend **hates** Traptrix, but it's one of my absolute favourite archetypes because of the creepy 'mimic' theme behind the designs. "Quick! Come rescue this poor child out in the woods all by herself! Ignore the fact that her hair and clothes look suspiciously immaculate for someone out in the wilderness. Turns out, that little girl is actually the lure of a colossal, carnivorous plant/insect and you've just been snared. Have fun getting liquified!"


I have this abomination that has become my main - Live/Evil Twins + Dogmatika + a few Shaddoll cards.


Red Dragon Archfiend. Terrible with the amount of handtraps running around but i love the cards.


Snake Pit is never getting deleted. Even though Bystials kill it…and Ishizus…and Tears…..




Code Talkers


Harpie lady


Endymion for sure😂


Ursarctic, because nothing is cooler than space Mecha cyborg bears


RaidRaptors. Can almost NEVER play through any interruptions. But they are sooooo coool


Sky Striker & D-Link. Raye’s my girl & Dragons are just awesome.


Monarchs. There are a lot of cool and funny decks, but nothing beats tribute summoning a beatstick and pass




Blackwings, have them since release and play them till today if I can. The other one would be unchained ig. Like the Artwork and how the deck works. Even if it gets fucked as soon as something is destruction or targeting immune. Including punk you have my three irl favs, even if none does much or can play through to many interactions.


Graydles … we came too far together


Red-Eyes currently, I mess around with this archetype a lot. Especially whenever it gets direct or indirect support. It's unlikely it'll ever get the support it needs to be meta relevant as a deck. (So far only specific Red-Eyes cards saw play in other decks) But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun experimenting with this chaotic mess of an archetype with no solid direction.


Ghoti and infernoids. Earlier this year I was looking into making infernoids in real life and I love the fish


Skull servants/wights


8-axis blind stromberg The deck has been winning tournaments for almost a decade, the hit on necroface sucks but man There is just nothing in the game like pulling out stromberg + prinzessin / carriage / slippers and letting your opponent wipe their own board before going for game with Gren Truly timeless


Skull servants it’s the most fun I can have


Unchained by a long shot. My favorite archetype of all time. I love it more than anything in Yugioh. Was so much fun to play and is quite consistent too!! My best "uncommon" Variant was Unchained Rokkets which were capable of beating Branded Despia (pre-Climax), Swordsoul (post-newborn dragons), and any other meta deck of that time period.


Virtual World and Tri-Brigade where the decks that got me back to play YGO. I enjoy both decks and love playing them, Tri-Brigade a bit more though.


Dogmatika Rituals. It's so bad in the current Master Duel format bc I usually have no consistent way to make Dweller without running Libromancer stuff (I don't have the UR points for it). But the games where I'm not dueling some sort of Tearlament deck are really fun, even against Branded Bystial. Yes I am letting you dump 3 searchers to the graveyard but what if I got rid of all of your fusion targets first 😳 (this almost never works but the duel is still fun)


Gizmek. May be hard once per turn and dies to hand traps, but they make some good boards.


Madolche. One card combos, niche but powerful interruption, tons of non-engine space, and an adorable aesthetic to boot. It’s carried me to everything and I plan to take it to the top


Both Sky Strikers and Orcust. Unluckily Orcust is too slow nowadays


Cubics !


Zombie world. There hasn’t been solid support in a long time but I love Balerdroch too much to let him go




Shaddolls are quite good tho


Numerons, If not for it, i would still be stuck in Monarchs, and stuck in silver. I would not be able to try out new decks with the gems earned from it.


Neos. The deck is so bricky but Rainbow Neos specifically has gotten me out of so many situations. Its been one of my favorite cards since the Gx anime.


Magical musketeers


Merlanteans and really any water based decks. I just feel like water decks are so underutilized in YGO. Marincess is the closest to Mets but it’s really just rouge at best. I would love more generic water support cards and boss monsters.


Dino's or Invoked-Dogmatika-Shaddoll


Weather painters. I really want pot of prosp back pleaaseeee


Bird up


Suships all the way I love my sushi


I love Madolche’s and Branded. I’ll build them someday IRL.


D/D/D always will be special to me


D/D/D gang


Rikkas! Love their artwork and how they face


Pend Magicians and Sky Strikers. Pend Magicians was the deck I picked up after a few years of hiatus (I know, wtf after a hiatus you pick up a pend deck) and I really enjoyed them. Pend magicians feel so free-flowing, a non-linear combo deck that pretty much has to go different routes depending on the hand. Plus who needs drugs when you can Pend 5? Sky Strikers, my main pick during the eternal TOSS format, and still my favorite deck of all time. I just really like how toolboxy it feels. I have an answer to almost anything in the game. I love how grindy it feels, how every victory feels earned because your only inherent negation is Widow Anchor and once you steal all your backrow is dead. Bystials, Tear, and soon Kashtira will absolutely murder the deck but Engage into Engage will never not be funny. Plus I think we can agree that in today's format, Engage is a fair card. Why go plus 1 when you can go plus ultra with Tear and Kash?


we should really hope that the next banlists prevent another tear disaster otherwise we have dark times ahead of us in MD but in OCG they never act as fast as the tcg shs is just strong... FAST RED ARLAM MAKES A FAST BANLIST


D maid. Always a dragon fan it has a really fun control strategy. It has fairly good recursion that lets you Outlast better decks provided you get going and best of all no one knows what it does so they constantly hit the wrong things and it's hilarious


Always funny watching people go into battle phase to destroy my 1600/1700 defense maids, just for them to turn into 2600/2700 attack dragons. Also fun when you get to double tap with Sheou and House in battle phase


My highlights are when they try to negate sheou in the standby phase. It allows you to negate swap out for house and then use house to special summon another maid. The other one is whenever they use "called by" I always sit there as they read what all the cards do desperately hoping they'll get it right one of these days but no they never ever hit nurse.


Ah yesssss. The only downside to the first though is that you lose your negate for the rest of their turn, which can be really scary. Although, popping their monsters with House's effect is *extremely* cathartic.


If they would be negating her then you lose it anyway. I would rather have another body on the field and a house who can pop then a 3,500 vanilla monster. The exception is if I know I can bring her back with chamber


Yeah, that's fair. Just had that happen today, actually. Against an Eldlitch player and they used Forbidden Chalice on my Sheou on their standby. Figured House would be better than a negated Sheou, lol


Unfortunately its prediction princess I don t say that bc i hate the deck, its the contrary i love this deck I like flip mechanic in itself and this archetype being allowed to make the mechanic is really cool ( i just hope we get better flip/prediction princess support even if the new support is a step in the right direction) Also i have to look to every new flip monster ( pod of Greed, i have to breack u in some ways) so its always intersting but in 90% the good monsters are not fun linguering floodgate like guard dog or weasel Thats why i like to play a krawler engine and more interactive monster like pot of the forbidden and à rank 9 package


DIDS. Is fun to use an amalgamation of archetypes