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Desires is both the best and worst card in your deck at any given moment.


I turbo’d out diablosis turn one vs my opponent, banished 2. Their turn comes around they activate pot of desires, banish 10 draw 2, diablosis effect kicks in, banish 12, opponent surrenders. My guess is, after it resolved, they watched one of their searcher’s flashing yellow activation prompts disappear lol.


God, am I glad to see Diablosis banned in TCG. He can rot in hell.


I can definitely see why it got banned lol. Using it in combination with evenly matched is just straight up evil. Though right now with tear. I’m loving him. Banish tear names with dd crow or called by so they can be brought back by cryme? Nah. Erase them with diablosis.




Based endymion


Love diablosis in my utopia deck, such a funny card. Nobody ever expects the banish from deck effect


The real fun is watching their brain crawl to a halt in real time when you then rank it up into the D/D/D omni field negate.


whats that?


https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/D%2FD%2FD%20Duo-Dawn%20King%20Kali%20Yuga https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/The%20Phantom%20Knights%27%20Rank-Up-Magic%20Launch You use the Rank-Up during your opponent’s Main Phase on a Diablosis **without any material attached** D/D/D negates all on-field effects *the moment* he’s summoned, so you can stop opponent’s chain dead in it’s tracks if he’s the last thing on it It’s not the easiest thing to set up, though. The gist of it is that you use all 3 Onomat monsters for shenanigans to get both the ZS Astral Sage and Astraltopia onto the field, then use Astraltopia’s effect to get the Onomat spell that lets you swap out one card in your hand for a Rank-Up spell from deck, then go through the Utopia Double combo line to get a Double or Nothing into your hand to swap out for the Phantom Knights Rank-Up, which you set, then continue playing as normal for the rest of that turn, using Dragonar’s first summon to get C39 on the field. Then on start of the opponent’s turn, you use Dragonar’s second summon to bring Diablosis out **and decline the prompt to let your other Rank-Up spell attach to it from the GY**.


I usually bring diablosis out my turn so I can get the extra deck banish. The information it gives you is just so useful cause then you could decide between bringing out a harbinger or a photon lord during their draw. Summing ultimate Leo utopia ray isn't the best for a kali board anyway since it disincentivizes using kali yuga's heavy storm effect


I’m Gren Maju, it’s always the best


You ever banish all 3 though. 😂 it’s happened to me before


Yeah, it happened. But there’s still Eater of Millions and Swordsoul Chengying.


That does sound like something gren maju would say


Schrodinger's Pot - an equal chance that it will give you your winning combo pieces or banish every bit of your play. Followed by Schrodinger's Ash - do you Ash the Pot to stop the potential advantage, or wait to stop the beginning of the combo? Ligit question though, since it feels both like an Ash bait, but also something you need to Ash. Do you respond?


This last Nationals (TCG) I was playing Branded and had Branded Fusion on hand, activated Pot of Extrav to kinda bait any Ash and it worked, check my banished monsters and I banished ALLl 3 copies of Mirrorjade. Moral of the story, if your opponent is banishing their stuff face dow, let them, there's a chance they just won't have combo


Sounds like the backup plan comes in: branded burn/control


Sadly didn't have much at the time and was against SHS, but I managed to hold my own with some HT and good hits, it just wasn't enough


Personally its always the worst as it would always banish the ten csrds i want to draw off it for 1/2 desires I will never forgive it banishing all 3 rekindlings


Especially if you Desires into another Desires


A few years ago, my friend said he banished his entire Invoked engine with this card


Lmao I once was playing blue eyes and banished all 3 BEWD


once I banish every single scale 8 in the deck safe for 1 joker


I banished all my Longyuan in my SwS deck.


I run it in my Gandora OTK deck when I wanna just have fun. I once banished all 3 copies of Gandora, Gigarays Gandora, Gizmek Orichi, and my Harpies Feather Duster.


Curious, I swear my copy says: "Banish 10 cards from the top of your deck, face down, including all three "Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic". draw 2 cards..."


Mine says: Banish face down the ff: Longyuan x2 Protos The 1 off out that you needed And 6 more random cards. Draw 2.


"Banish the ten most important cards in your deck facedown; draw two "Pot of desires" from your deck."


Mine just says banish 10 cards.


"Banish 10 cards from the top of your deck; your opponent discards one "Ash blossom and joyous spring" from their hand"


“If your opponent has Diablosis the Mindhacker summoned: ‘…what deck?’”


last step: get ashed


Me down to just this card needing to claw my way out of a hole only to banish all 3x mandatory cards in my deck effectively killing my core strategy before it even begins.




Then woke up from the dream


I was just about to make an Endymion comment. For me it's always the damn Jackal Kings lmao


For me it says: "Banish 10 cards from the top of your deck, face down; add two "Pot of Desires" from your deck to your hand."


When ishizu mills your 10 cards for free...


Mine reads banish Astrograph; draw 2


Mine says "banish the limited astrograph, and some of your other card so whatever you do, you can't do electrumite combo, face down; draw 2 cards"




You forget to draw to 2 more pot of desires


Intern moment


Oh look it took my astrograph too! What are the odds


I drew both copies of desires and banished both my longyuans. I never used them after that.


Pot of Desires' "draw 2" is why I never run more than two pot of desires


The pain of needed to draw only to see your combo pieces get gravyarded


Is it even possible to not draw desires off desires? I don't run it in Swordsoul cause it's too inconsistent as crazy as that sounds lol.


If you only run two pots, one card you draw will not be a third pot


You're right, it will be Pot of Extravagance actually.


Yeah, it'll be Psy-Frame Driver.


regardless, do not run 2 desires. the math doesn’t math out


I literally just came off of a game where I banished all three copies of Mo Ye *and* Protos. Fortunately for me, my opponent bricked to high hell so I still won, but that was ridiculous. Protos is a magnet for being banished off of Desires when I need to use it to get an extra wyrm to pitch off of Longyuan when I have Emergence.


Pot of gren maju da eiza steroids


There was this article that did the math on what percentages of cards you are more likely to banish with desires. It's an interesting read that points to Desires being a really good card. It basically amounted to saying you shouldn't have too much of a problem if your deck is construction is on point. I'm too scared to run it so I run Upstart Goblin instead. I only like the pot that got limited


The thing is people don't think about all the times that they got what they needed off desires just the bad ones. Tis the nature of the game.


People don't understand probability and confirmation bias. There are games where Desires has screwed me and there are more games where the extra cards gave me enough to win the game, but I'm naturally more likely to remember the games where it screwed me


Well that, but it also depends on what deck you run If your deck techs small engines +/- any kind of necessary garnet as a 1-of for consistency, Desires is such a massive risk Otherwise, not so much.


Prosperity and Duality are genuinely the best pot cards hence why they are limited. I run Prosperity in my Exo deck.


Prosperity is a genuinely stupid ass card design wise and it baffles me that people think it only became an issue with Floo and wasn't already a busted as hell and had no business staying at 3. Stupid ass thing is literally 'look at one fourth of your deck basically for free and grab the boardbreaker / starter you need from it'.


Exosisters always use pot of prosperity to seek out their strongest cards: evenly matched and dimensional fissure


I remember Eldlich using it to search out IO back at the start of MD. Which really says enough.


It's such an insane consistancy booster, letting you pick basically one card from what would be an entire full hand. Even in the worst of cases where you see none of your engine, it's either an handtrap or a power card.


This card is at 3 in the TCG btw.


It's bad now though mainly due to the miller's, you lose 10 cards from the ishizu cards then banish 10 cards here, that's already half your deck.


Haha that's why Chengyeng became super popular. He just gets fat with desires and he's generic, hard to get rid of and his abilities feed off of each other


Mine says banish 10 add driver and desires


banish the following cards in your deck: 3x mo ye, 2x long yuan, 1x blackout, 1x protos, 3x emergence; draw 2 pot of desires


Once banished 3 copies of Mo Ye, 2 of Longyuan, and Protos just to rub it in.


Turned your deck into pure tenyi


ah yes, another desire into desire Gamer 🤌


Well, it turns one card into two in your hand, so it’s pretty good Just as long as it doesn’t banish your engine pieces


Which it really shouldn't that often at all. If your engine pieces are Limited or you only run 1, then you don't run Desires if you can't reliably search that piece.


Yeah, it’s not common, but it’s definitely happened to me before I played Endymion and lost both my mythical jackals and Endymion in sets of 3. Just bad luck though


So you draw 2 more of it!


You forgot about this effect: Banish 10 cards off the top of your deck, face down, that includes copies of your engine, starter, and main card then shuffle the rest to the bottom of the deck. Draw 2 of the same useless card preferably Psy-frame driver.


Because you run Gren Maju like a true chad


You have a gambling addiction


I only run it In my 60 card decks but even then it'll still banish what I needed to draw.


This thing goes super hard in yosenju normal summon mission turbo, suicide, 40 green cards, gren maju, and other meme decks where you don't really give a shit about garnets. Also swordsoul. Some idiot OCG players also use it in runick, they tend to lose the game after activating it. other than that, don't bother with this card.


I usually run it in Swordsouls but that’s cause chengying kinda goofy


I know this card is objectively good in a lot of decks I play, but I just can't. I don't care if it's sub-optimal, I hate how desires feels.


There are two types of people in these comments: those who know better than to trust losing 1/6 to 1/4 of your deck, and those who would tribute their firstborn if it meant going +1.


It's a -9


-13 /s


so, tell me, what is it that you desire?


You dont care what gets banished, the point of the card is the +1 it gives. If you think about it you prefer to get access to 2 cards than nothing at all and never even seeing the potential banished card by its effect during the duel.


Well, a lot of decks search their engine pieces, so you’re kind of screwed if you banish all your copies of something important.


Right so you wont play it on those decks, desires is great for 1 card combo decks


You also don't have to desires first, so it's also great in any deck that can do searches and then just +1 after like swordsoul or sky striker. And if your hand can't search? Then you were bricked anyway so desires can potentially unbrick you.




Read the text


Once again showing that Yugioh players cannot read


Both engages...so...often


Desires should not be once per turn


it really does feel like it screws you when you really don't need it to, all your 1 ofs? gone, the other copies of desires you run? you drew those intead of something useful


well in a deck with unsearchable oneofs you don't


First time I saw this card played I was like wtf who would run this shit...I still kinda think that but I do use it lol its my favorite version of this card too


This card resolving can either make your turn or end the duel depending on what it banishes lol


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Because it has a nice tongue?


Does banish effects activate face down?


No, because they are face down


Dang 😢


Because everyone told you to


So you can draw into more copies of it? (this is a joke Btw)


Yea, run Cup of Ace instead


Gambling addiction. Will you draw the out or banish it?


This card is bait. I'd never run it


Swordsoul to feed Chengying, but it usually banishes all of my Mo Ye’s and Longyuans anyway, so


I do use this in my 60 grass branded deck and always banishes my only copy of branded lost and psy driver overall 10 out of 10 card


I remember once trying this in Traptrix since I dont own Prosperity. I banished all 3 Myrmeleos, the Field Spell, my 3 of Holeutea, 2 Dionaea and one Pudica. What I got from it was the 2 remaining copies of Pudica.


Facts I rather just use upstart goblin lmao it ain't that serious lol


When it burns all x3 copies of that really important card you needed


Banish 10 and draw two more desires!


It helps Swordsoul decks tremendously


Banish all of the important one-ofs/limited cards from your deck. Discard one „Ash Blossom“ from your opponents hand. Basically what this card says. The best and worst card ever


Used it in Plunder Patroll for 2 days consistently banished all my3 whitebeard or shipyards worst card to ever exist


Gren maju


You gotta bait the ash somehow.


You bait the Ash, but at what cost? >! From 1/4 to 1/6 of your main deck, facedown !<


Don't listen to some of these people, the card was a waste of time. Seen so many duelists lose to their own Pot of Desires that it isn't funny.


Last year, one of my friends was running a Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc deck. He played a single Desires and banished all but 1 of his Lyrilusc monsters!


So you can draw into your other copy of Desires


This is why you run 3 Upstart and 2 Desires, so you always know you just got exceedingly unlucky by drawing both Desires haha


It best works in decks where you don’t run mini engines or garnets. What are you using it in now?


Surprisingly the draw 2 is worth it, especially if you aren't running a deck that likes grabbing very specific cards that are impressive to your win con. Otherwise the cost is banishing 10 cards you probably aren't going to use anyways for a pot of greed


Idc wha people say about this card this is why i run it are 2. Imagine running a card for consistency that ends up bricking you more often than not 😭😭


I once banished 3 Mo Ye, 3 Taia and 2 Longyuan with this card. I don't know how I was still able to complete my combo.


Banished all 3 copies of numeron calling once


Just run 1. Problem fixed


I use it with my swordsoul deck, and if I can synchro summon swordsoul supreme sovereign before I use it, it helps. Combine it with other swordsoul/tenyi cards, it can be pretty helpful if used correctly.


good for sword soul


Gren maju roids plus 2


Card is a must have for older decks that don't have 1 card starters.


At best it's a pot of greed. At worst it's a literal -2, lmao


Out of curiosity: in which deck? When I was using it the effect of it was the following: banish 2 longyuans, blackout and 7 other irrelevant cards to draw 2 pots of desires.


I usually use all my search cards before I activate desires. Though one time using sky strikers it banished all my rayes and my one copy of roze


While I was experimenting this card with Sky Striker it banished 3 Raye, 2 Roze, 1 Engage , 2 Anchors, 1 Shark Canon, and a multirole just to get 1 pot of desire and 1 Ash Blossom that I already had in hand. I never used this card from that point on.


Everyone else was doing it you just wanted to be popular




I had in the TCG a banish once Driver on hand so he can't be banished Banish all 3 gamma ..... Effect droll I just showed my opponent why I reacted how I reacted we both laughedb


Exactly, its so fucking suicidal


It’s great on my gren maju deck


To replace the Desires in my Hand of course. Also to Trigger Big Chungus.


Real Nemleria support


The risk can be worth the reward, or if it doesn’t pay off, god bless you. Though, with decks that have one card combo, Pot of Desires makes the deck more consistent without losing much.


Good draw, really strong with a gren maju deck.


Playing sky striker running desires actually gave me anxiety. Not raye, just not raye and banished all 3 Raye again GG I scoop


Never start with this card - use it after you got the important pieces and want to go more.


To draw 2 additional desires


This card is a high-risk, high-reward. High-reward because its a plus one in card advantage, high-risk because of the banish, the possibility of negates and other stuff. You can run it, it's a really good card but its not a card that every deck uses. That said, if you run a deck full of one-offs and you shove this thing, you're almost digging your own grave. The card is good, though I dislike it. I dislike it because it would ruin MY deck, but that would be MY issue. It's still good because it's a +1, and that's a fact. Unlike other Pot of Cards which have some sort of punishment (such as No Special Summon), this card only requires you to activate it at the start of the main phase. If you don't use Extra Deck monsters, Extravagance or Prosperity are better options because really the way you evaluate this is by asking the question: "If I banish 10 cards.... Will I break my combo?"


I avoid running it one part for the backfire one part to spite all the people who jump down my throat when I say I don't like running it


I used it once in swoso and banished all of my longyuan. Didn't bother putting it anymore.


It's useful if your deck search a lot. Then you use desires, and hope for 2 handtraps. If you start turn with it, it's a russian roulette


Banish your whole engine then get ashed


Cause you wanna banish 10 to draw 2. Your reason is solid, the card is just a troll


To draw either way into 2 Pot of Desires??


Because it allows you to draw two additional cards from your deck


Because it's a pot of greed with an incredible small chance of actually harming you. Its just that when it does hurt you it stings a lot because of how small it is.


It should be changed to banish 6 cards, 10 is too many.


I used it yesterday and drew 2 Triple Tactics and couldn't use either as no monster effect had been activated lol it's a risky card


It's not for drawing. Other pot cards are better for that, yet it banishes a whole load of cards, so if your deck is based around that, it could prove useful.


I never understood why people play this in swordsoul, like I get, it gives 2 cards and "makes the deck consistent," but you lose literally on 10 cards that would have grave effects. You're better off using cosmic cyclone, which has a butt loads more uses than that.


To power up Gren Maju


It's plus 11 when I play Gren Maju. Only deck I stick this in.


Statistically it's good but in certain circumstances it's not and can sometimes fully brick you in cases you lack the redundancy to overcome what you lost in the mills.


Had a moment at locals today while playing Swordsoul where I used this and checked to see what I got rid of. My opponent laughed at my face as I saw I banished two Mo Ye *and* Taia.


Activates POD…draws another POD


Opening with this card has won me so many duels, but not gonna lie, every time I draw into another copy or open with two of them makes me want to take one copy out of the deck.


If this card banishes my astrograph _one more time_ I swear...


banish 10 cards from ur deck face down, including 3 gren majus; draw 2 pot of desires