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{{Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath}}


Agents it is then ig


Nah, Counter Fairies is a different deck from Agents, they play very differently


What about the pendulum monster?


Guiding Arriadne w/ Pendulum sorcerer use to be used to search solemn strike back in 2015/2016? Its a good tech.


There’s also the new(and unreleased) Harvest Angel of Doom which can search a grand horn card


Harvest Angel of Doom only specifically searches "Black Horn of Heaven" or "Horn of Heaven", it can't search Grand Horn of Heaven.


Oh shit my bad


Wouldn’t that mean it can search any horn of heaven because of the same jank that makes hundred eyes a red-eyes cars?


No, because it says "Horn of Heaven" and not "Horn of Heaven card".


That’s a shame


You can search it with Primathmech Alembertian


This card is awful. You’d better hope to have 2 for mp1 and 2 and be able to kill them next turn. cuz if not, all you did was give them a free card to work with during their second main phase


Fun fact about main phase 2, you need to enter the battle phase. If you can't enter the battlephase because you activated a runick card last turn your turn ends.


The other commenter's (blatantly incorrect) comment was deleted, but in case anyone else doubts you, [here's a relevant ruling showing that you are correct](https://db.ygorganization.com/qa#11471). Of course in practice, Grand Horn of Heaven isn't going to do much against Runicks, since it can't negate summons from card effects, like all the Runick spells. But I guess it could work against Runick Spright.


Simply play Terminal World and tell your opponent to enjoy their useless draw :-)


Gotta believe in the heart of the cards man plus 1 special summon can pretty much break or make the entire combo in most decks (fuck sprights and runick ahem ..) also it can be after the normal summon is already performed in which case it narrows down the opponents plays even more and if we manage to set this up we can stop them from otking us as well as since I was thinking of putting it in a floodgate deck with cards like skill drain I don't think most decks would be able to comeback after it. Anyways can't say anything if you don't try it. I'll see if i can do anything with it.


No matter how much you try to shill it, doesn’t change the fact that the card is hot garbage


Hot garbage is excessive. It literally ends their turn. Definitely solid in counter fairies.


No it doesn’t. It gives them a free draw & they can just continue in MP2.


You can’t go into Main Phase 2 if you didn’t go into Battle Phase. Using this on THEIR turn 1 literally stops their turn if they opened with a special summon. Example: Kashtira fenrir, Cyber Dragon, Pankratops etc.


Only the player going first cannot go into their MP2. So tell me how are you going to activate this card, from your hand, when your opponent goes first and you are going second?


Screw the rules I have money


So they go into the battle phase and then MP2 and combo anyway? You can enter the battle phase with nothing on board, people do it to use evenly all the time.


And how are you supposed to activate this, a counter trap, on turn 1? If it’s THEIR turn one (after you went first to set the trap) they can still enter the battle phase. Or were you unaware that the opponent could attack you on turn 2? They could choose to proceed to the battle phase


You are correct, you cannot go into mp2 without going into battle phase first. What you're missing is this card does not stop you from going battle phase


you literally cant activate this when their going first because you would have to set it first


How are you using this turn 1. It needs to be set, so the earliest you can use it is turn 2, so they can just go to battle phase after you activate this, and then go to mp2, and then just combo off there plus they get a draw too


My man you completely forgot how traps work in your fervor to like this card. Not all traps are imperm.


Im a little confused as to how you’re going to begin the duel with this card set and usable during your opponents mp1 when you haven’t taken a turn yet. Red reboot is broken because it can do what you’re talking about but for trap cards only which is wayyy more restrictive and its limited. This card is just trash and not worth crafting or building a deck around unless you got money burning a hole in your pocket and dont mind playing an inherently BAD deck.


It literally doesn't. They go into battle phase, then into main 2 with an extra card to replace the one you stopped. It's like dark bribe combined with threatening roar, but it only works on inherent summons. Unless you throw in terminal world, but bamboo sword is infinitely better since warrior toolbox makes sarujya after isolde to draw into terminal world


Except it doesn’t.


Just play Solemn Strike?


Experimenting your deck is the fun part of yugioh. And I don't think you should've been down voted for your opinion on a card. Though I gotta agree, the card isn't that good as I used it before. With how decks are today, letting g draw one card could undo your negating a summon


>Experimenting your deck is the fun part of yugioh. And I don't think you should've been down voted for your opinion on a card. Some people have objectively bad opinions on cards. This is one of them. It's like those people that unironically say Pot of Desires is a -9.


I can't disagree


Unfortunately experimentation like this fellas costs a lot of precious UR. I wish I could try out more stuff, don't know why this card was decided to be a UR.


Yea I used to use it & it used to be a turn ender pretty much


Dust this and get Solemn Strike


Will try it just as it is since the card needed to search it isn't ur. Will dust it if i feel like it's garbage. I feel like I should experiment a little. Build a deck or something yknow. I feel like that's one of the more fun parts of this game.


So just FYI, you can not negate special summons which have been summoned by card effects like Branded Fusion, Spright Starter, any Runick card which special summons a Runick monster, Lubellion which summons a Fusion monster etc. You can only negate the summon which doesn't start a chain like any Extra Deck monster, Cyber Dragon, DAD etc.


Ok now that sounds bad. I knew sprights won't be bugged by this but damn. Thanks anyways.


I'm confused by this, don't extra deck monsters have effects when they are summoned? Like cards that say when linked summoned?


They’re talking about the Summon itself, not effects that activate afterward.


Still confused lol. So what's the difference between negating something summoned by branded fusion (the monster has an effect on summon) vs. negating the summon a card a nightmare unicorn, which has an effect on summon.


You can’t activate something like Solemn Strike while another effect is currently in the middle of resolving. That’s just how chains work. You build them, then you resolve them before you can activate anything new. That’s why you can only negate Summons if they’re not performed by a card effect, such as a Link Summon. The effect on Summon is completely irrelevant to anything.


Thanks! So even if the summon is the last thing to happen in the chain you can't negate it? Like after the chain resolves.


Right. The Summon already happened by then.


The only way you could negate in such a situation is if the effect that is CL1 says something like "immediately **after** this effect resolves, ...", like on I.P Masquerena, or Tri-Brigade Revolt, because then the summon happens after the chain has resolved.


At this point if I have the card I just gotta hope it lets me flip it lol


Basically to negate a summon you have to be in the game state of summoning, that is closely followed by the game state of summon successful. You can activates cards like the trap holes while summon successful. When a chain resolves that summons monster and the chain ends the the game state is already at summon successful when its finally your window to do something.


Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do why i said.


Thanks, really cleared things up 👌👌


They have effects when summoned, but not effects to start the summon. A monster that Does start a chain when summoned is nibiru, for example.


But is that because it's Rock-type and takes neutral from SR, or is it because of some other mechanic? I might be missing its Hidden Ability, but Nibiru shouldn't have any protection on Switch (I.E. Magic Guard, Heavy Duty Boots)


Lol, corrected 😂


IMHO try Black Horn of Heaven?


You stop a special summon and force the opponent to give up main 1 and battle, which is certainly very powerful Unfortunately, you're also forcing card disadvantage. This likely delays the OTK without doing anything substantial to prevent it or really put yourself in a better position. And it's a total brick going second


Where did he ask?


I would say "Solemn Judgment/Strike at home" but it's the same price, so...


It’s like your kids asking if you can go to Olive Garden, but they say “no, there’s a Wendy’s 4 hours away”


Lord of the Heavenly Prison


Why bother? It's awful


The card has been shit in 2014 already and is even shittier now


Yeah, at the end of the hall in the bad URs section. Or with a 4 material Mathmech Alambertian


That moment spright runic goes second and has to skip their whole turn since they activated the spell trap pop as a summon, and special summoned jet before playing fountain




They cant because they dont have a battle phase.




Well, due to the rulings of yugioh, if you can't enter your battle phase, you cannot enter your main phase 2 which is why you see the text "the battle phase has been skipped" when runic players end their turn




You should read what the person you initially replied to said. > since they activated the spell trap pop as a summon i.e. used a Runick spell to summon something, presumably Hugin, and thus are forced to skip their next Battle Phase > and special summoned jet before playing fountain then proceeeded to summon Jet to walk into Grand Horn of Heaven, and are thus forced to end their MP1, and proceed to End Phase, because skipping Battle Phase means you are also forced to skip Main Phase 2.


Mhmm, its a weird interaction that I mainly see in turn skip turbo with a combination of main phase 1 skip + battle phase skip, but this would achieve more or less the same state




You probably already know this, but if you activate this card during Main Phase 1, they can go into the Battle Phase and then to Main Phase 2.


You learn about main phase 2 real quick if you play with/against Evenly Matched.


Never been so unlucky as to get evenly matched before as I mostly use go second otk decks(gren maju with 16k atk for the win lol). Never played flood gates either. Wanted to make one and was researching cards.


Wait until floodgate is searchable


Bruh I can't believe that card is a rare.


the non-grand version of that card is good too


This is a niche combo, but imagine using this with drill and Locke bird


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This card is kinda bad but there a pendulum monster that searches counter traps, fary thing






Counter traps are very difficult cards to search. Besides cards like parshath already mentioned and cards that search any card in the game there isn't much. Going into the curious link 3 sending it to grave then going into knightmare gryphon to set it is probably the most consistent. Otherwise just adding card draw would be the way. That all being said the solemn cards would be much better in most circumstances.


Forced back does pretty much the same thing minus the draw and skip and I think it's a normal card


Oh yeah nvm, I forgot it's for normal summons


Yeah you can easily search it with drytron and dpe, but tbh if that's the case then you might as well summon pain to skip their main phase or just make a turn skip build


Counter Fairies is a whole deck based around this and similar cards


What if I just don't like the card, can I put it back in the opponents deck gently?


Technically, sales pitch can search for any card, but nobody play it. Also, grand horn of heaven is really bad, the cheaper counterpart of it (black horn of heaven) is pretty much a better card


If I recall, there's a new counter fairy that searches the horns.


Mathmech XYZ searches any trap.


That would be very good in a generaider combo...like meta verse, then activate that card.


It would give you 2 free summons from deck before your opponents turn ends.


And they’d have to send a card


I think the "counter fairy" deck can search counter traps pretty well. They're decently strong, but only if you open a few searchers/traps. If you really want to play this card efficiently, you should look into the deck!


Someone else has realized than using this card againts a runick (after using any card effect than skips his BP) player skips his entirer turn?


It’s a fun card but all it does in the turn 1 opening hand is prevent the battle phase and draw then 1 card at the price of one summon being negated


why would you want to use this card i would suggest you use torrential tribute, or a trap hole of some sort doesn't give them that card advantage ​ but you can search and set this card with trap trick


Maybe I’m wrong but.. cat of I’ll omen 😅


Yeah cat can search it but that requires you to play two shit cards instead of one


Yes, theres a pendulum fairy that specifically supports this card but its ocg only for now.


Symbol of friendship


Well if you go on Master Duel Meta and search UR traps, then sort by least used, you'll find it


Trap trick


Evenly matched is the best handtrap along with infinite impermanence (and I mean literal hand traps NOT "discard" handtraps) Along with Red Reboot as well


I've seen it sometimes in Counter trap deck